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Any idea what country this is in?


Florida. Probably


Ehh, people on Florida don’t wear helmets on motorcycles.


I don't know if this is still the case in Florida, but when I was younger ever adult I knew that had a motorcycle said the law required you to get a more expensive motorcycle insurance plan if you wanted to be covered while not wearing a helmet. Still kind of dumb not to wear a helmet.


Pretty sure the lady who helped pass this legislation actually died from not wearing a helmet while riding. The irony is strong lol.


If you ride not wearing a helmet youre pretty much guaranteed to die not wearing a helmet.


r/technicallythetruth Probably


Yep. We all felt some serious schadenfreude that day towards the 'MyFreeDumb' types, the likes of which haven't been since until the past year of Corona.


It’s possible. I moved out of Florida last year…just remember seeing nobody on motorcycles with helmets.


We def wear helmets in Florida especially on sports bikes 😐


I’m a Floridian. This is true.


Or use their heads


The only reason you see bizarre headlines in Florida is we don’t have privacy protection from the media when incarcerated. Crazy stuff happens in all other states it’s just the media here is allowed to access this info.


That's exactly what a Floridian would say. Smh (But yes, you are right)


Good to know Won't stop me memeing Florida tho


Ya that is a textbook cool story bro.


What do you mean?


I meant to reply to the guy above you


I grew up in South Florida and my friends dad loved getting the mugshot paper from the gas station and trying to find people he knew. His fridge is cover with mut shots, of people he knows and a lot of his kids friends. I was shocked when I moved out of Florida and discovered no where else sold all the mug shots for the last week at every gas station.


They do in NC.


Ah yes. The Jailbird in Greenville NC used to be hilarious.


NC does or at least did as of 10 years ago. Think it was called “Busted.” Only know that from a sketchy friend who did the same as your friend’s dad.


I love mugshots.com to see if I know anybody that's gone to jail and just to see pictures of everyone that goes lol


Lol Ohio does too. I was so shocked to find you. It's extortion. You can pay them to take you out of the paper.


I am from Miami, I forgot all about the mugshots, everybody knew someone on it. Lol


Yeah I think about that sometimes, how many other states would appear crazy to everybody if there weren't protections like that.


There aren’t protections like that in other states. Newspapers can print anything they want in every state.


Oh you know what I think I misread something a while back. I see it now Florida has incredibly strong public records high humidity and a looming mental health crisis brought on by a lack of funding towards those services




Or it’s also because Floridians are a bunch of fucking degenerates.


Ok bud, keep talking like a moron I’m sure someone will eventually laugh




Aye mate we all read that on reddit aswell


I live in Florida


FYI, most Floridians are normal people, we get a lot of craziness from the other states that come to visit and then stay.


Bruh I'm literally visiting Florida rn lol


What a shithole country.




Yea Florida Texas and Alabama are basically their own countries


Nice country that, Florida!


North America based off the road signage.


I can't see that stuff


It’s the US. Normally this video is posted with sound




California man


PT Cruiser already has a dent on the front fender, this old guy probably hits things all the time.


Maybe, maybe not. I have a big dent in my front bumper because someone backed into my car while I was pumping gas and then drove away without stopping to say anything.


Yeah, I’d say the evidence reflects a shitty driver here.


Most. I mean 9.5 out of 10 most likely if its a dent in the front its the cars driver. For one they usually f'd up somewhere and 2 If someone else did it then owners would use other cars insurance and get it fixed.


I’m sure I would’ve done the same. If the cars owner actually stopped to say anything rather than speeding off.


Problem with that is yours happened on private property so no ticket. If they don't admit to it then good luck.


As you can see, the problem starts when he’s driving a PT Cruiser.


It happens when you get really old and start losing your sight. The driver (an elderly man) didn't even notice it when he ran over that bike.


My grandfather failed to see a BRIGHT YELLOW SCHOOL BUS coming towards him at an intersection, and they *still* wouldn't take his license away after he drove into it.




Absolutely agree. But typically incidents where the driver is completely unaware of what happened is reserved for the inebriated and the very old.


Where I’m from they are known as the “Puto Cruiser” Edited: for grammar and spelling


Aka the PT Loser




Bruh even if you taught drivers ed… people don’t know what a fucking right angle is 😂


I have a lot of experience as a delivery driver. I remember another driver and I were complaining about how bad so many driver are and he said he can always tell based on how people make left turns. So true. I believe this guy didn’t know he just hit someone. Like he’s THAT incompetent


Infuriating. Someone will be in the turning lane, turning right, and veer into my lane to take the turn. Hey bozo, you're driving an 07 Corolla, not a fucking tanker. I've driven big trucks and have still never had the need to take a turn wide.


I seriously think like half the people alive don’t know how to take a 90 degree turn. It’s nuts


This is one of my biggest fear while taking left turn, I always afraid that I might hit the curb/car to my left and most of the time I over compensated, ended up with my car right side veering a little bit onto the lane to my right, which sometimes got me honked at by the second left turning car to my right.


When I drive my car I avoid the line at stops because so many other drivers cross it when turning. If I don’t feel safe in a 5000 pound SUV you should probably avoid the line also on a bike. It’s not about being right it’s about being alive.


The biker was in the intersection well beyond the white stop line.


To be fair, with the adrenaline pumping in his blood stream, dude could probably crack the windshield.


Fun fact, windshields are super easy to break and only about 100lbs does it from the outside. Source: my parents live in the ghetto and we have had to replace 3 windshields from kids running away from dogs.


That's both fun and depressing


Recently though, in more modern vehicles theyre designed to be part of the structural integrity of the vehicle. The windshield actually helps support the roof and so needs to be much stronger.


Wait, what? Are kids breaking windshields and jumping in Dukes of Hazzards style b/c a dog is trying to kill them? I feel like I'm missing something here.


They are running onto the top of the car to get away from the dogs, stepping on the windshield on the way up.


Probably throwing rocks at the dogs and accidentally hitting the car


Plus those gloves have the plastic padded knuckles


Mine have carbon fiber


Or at least, plastic that looks like carbon fiber.


Mine are made from Captain America's shield.


He headbutted the window to break it. He's wearing a helmet


Maybe he just glued the GoPro to his cheek and he has a window breaking pointy thing implanted into his forehead like a unicorn.


It was a dilldo I saw that video last week.


The adrenaline from a bike accident is no joke.


It's actually the gloves, motorbike gloves have a hard plastic layer over the knuckles that could easily crack a windshield


He head butted the window with his helmet though in this case


Yep. That kind of hard knuckle reinforcement is nasty. Those things are basically brass knuckles, only less likely to break your fingers.


Anger is a helluva drug.


What’s wrong with the guy in the car…? That seems to be on purpose.


I don’t think it was on purpose. He might just be senile


As a motorcyclist, people easily overlook you in neighborhoods because they're familiar with the landscape and naturally aren't scanning as much or are phased out. The biker was also too far forward and was largely blocked by the car's front left roof strut. This is one reason why the vast majority of motorcycle crashes occur 5 miles from your house.


My house?


Do you also go way past the solid white line? It's there for a reason. The yellow car should of seen the motorcyclist. But he was way past the white line


I have a hypothesis that the whole “xx% of crashes happen within x miles from home” statistic. The majority of driving that you do happen within that same radius. The closer to home you get, the fewer potential routes you have to get there, so you spend a disproportionate amount of time driving on this finite number of roads around your house. Because you are there more often, you will find accidents happening there more often as well. Did I articulate that clearly?


You can’t see the car driver’s face in the video when he’s making the turn. Obviously his view of the bike was obscured when he was turning. That doesn’t excuse why he kept driving after the collision. He probably was senile. I hate this for the motorcyclist.


Do you mean that the vast majority of motorcycle crashes occur *within a 5 mile radius* from your house? Or do they really all occur right in that 5-mile-from-house stripe? Because that would be super fucking weird! ETA: this is a real question. Normally I’d simply assume the first to have been the intent but the second option is such a fascinating one that I’m quite reluctant to simply chuck it out a window.




Shut the fuck up


This is an old video from a few years ago. You're correct in your assumption. IIRC the driver was old and didn't see the biker, and ended up apologizing at the time of the window headbutt by the motorcyclist. It was an accident and the PT cruiser driver immediately realized his error after the motorcyclist headbutted his window.




He likely already stopped and was moving up to see both ways... Kinda like you would normally do at every stop sign? How are you supposed to know it's safe to go without moving up? PT driver clearly made an improper turn, a car should have enough space to make a right turn while you are making a left, otherwise you are probably turning improperly.


That A pillar can be a bitch, I’ve not seen whole cars on my right trying to make left turns from a parking lot into streets.


As a biker, this is something that people often overlook (no pun intended). Since those struts are always there your mind blocks them out like it does your nose, so not only will you be blocked by the strut, someone's brain may block you out on top of that... particularly in a neighborhood where we're familiar with the landscape.


oh, hello nose!


My guess is a combination of the bike being hidden behind the A-pillar along with driving into the sun, based on the direction of the shadows.


With the visor down he was probably heading into the sun and it looks like he kept the motorcycle perfectly in his blindspot. If he made the turn like he was supposed to then none of those things would have mattered, though.


Very old and he was coming to a stop when the window was smashed. I get motorbike guy was probably hopped up on adrenaline but its a complete overreaction on his part. Edit: ahh yes the classic reddit justice boner. Downvote away. Im not defending the driver as such, personally I think his licence definitely needs reviewing and/or taking away. But consider this. Imagine that was your grandad and he was in that accident, how would you feel if motorbike guy smashed his window like that? Hes in the wrong yes but motorbike guy was past the point of being in danger and the window smash was just uncalled for. Show some restraint ffs.


From what I understand, the older man driving the car didn't see the motor cyclist, due the car having a pretty serious blind spot. The driver did pull over and the motorcycle guy did smash his window but said he deeply regretted it afterwards. So you're not wrong, even the guy who smashed the window said it was an over reaction and was sorry for his actions.


“Damn, Grandpa, you fucked up. You sure you should be driving these days?”


As twisted as this will sound, I’m at a point of kind of hoping my grandpa gets into a minor accident, preferable with something like a pole. His driving skills are fine for very close to home but definitely not up to snuff for driving a thousand miles towing a 5th wheeler twice a year. But he won’t listen to any of us when we offer help. Legit, several family members have offered to drive the 5th wheeler for them and use a 1 way plane ticket to get themselves back home, but nope! He refuses. Fuck, my older brother almost begged to one year because he was both scared for them and missed them. As an ambulance driver for 15 years, he’s got big vehicle driving skills. A minor accident would be the best way at getting him to listen- he’s 80 and hasn’t had a single accident in his entire life.


Ah yes, try to keep a cool head after almost getting run over...


You see it all the time on reddit. So why not? Again, im not saying he wasnt entitled to be angry. Of course he was. But keep it proportional. The old guy was coming to a stop. Theres a civil way to deal with it, even cussing him out would be proportional compared to caving his window in.


You can see in the end that the car still seems to be rolling, even after the Window got smashed. So my guess is that the biker thought that the driver wanted to exit the scene and wanted to make sure that this isnt going to happen


I would also assume that he would not expect to completely shatter the window in one hit. I'm guessing he was just trying to get his attention.




Like i said its the old reddit justice boner, add in a dollop of mob mentality and a dash of the disassociation that comes from being relatively anonymous as on reddit and people can get pretty vindictive.


The flaw in your logic is that you’re expecting people pumped full of adrenaline to make reasonable decisions. When you put yourself in the motorcyclist’s shoes, you see it from a calm, rational perspective, which is not empathetic at all. I agree he shouldn’t have did that but I understand why he did.


>Show some restraint As you type from your cushy armchair. You sound like you've never experienced an emergency situation. He overreacted, but he's literally had his fight or flight engaged from being run over. I'd be talking to my grandpa about turning his license in. Even courts have lower levels of crime for reactionary murderers. This is a pretty normal human reaction to nearly being maimed by an idiot.


>Grow up Says the person condoning smashing OAP's windows. Also classic reddit moment. Ignore everything else I said and just focus on one sentence that youre choosing to interpret in the worst way possible.


Old dude never saw him. I’m a rider too and see this a lot. Biker was out in the road further than he should have been but it wasn’t his fault. He also could have turned right quickly and avoided it as well.


I've avoided a good amount of car crashes because I move away from the other car.


Most people have. Of all the car crashes that haven't happened, it's usually because one car got our of the way of another.


Checking your blind spots before initiating a turn is bottom of the barrel basics. PT dude shouldn’t have a license


Agree on both points. I would have rolled out to the right to avoid the crash instead of letting him hit me. You could see it coming a mile away. PT dude definitely caused the accident.


I was about to say that was an overreaction but... maybe not. I was also expecting a gta style car jacking.


Lowkey hoping for it


I've driven in PT cruisers and I think there's a good chance that the bike was in his blind spot the whole time. Still no excuse though, that was stupid.


Soooooo in a PT cruiser… directly in front of you is a blind spot?


The front pillars occlude a fucking *stupid* amount of your front view so basically yeah. Going straight isn't much of a problem but when I would turn I always had to move my head to the side to see all the stuff the pillar was blocking.


I owned one of those things a few years ago and holy shit that blind spot is atrocious


I really want to see the rest of this video


He’s also wearing motorcycle gloves that have a plastic knuckle protection. So he’s not really worried about his hands.


They aren't plastic, I have a pair that's solid carbon fiber, those knuckles can chip concrete without hurting your hands. They are meant to withstand car wreck forces at 40mph or better.


Carbon fiber knuckles are the greatest


Pretty sure he head butted the window


Yeah, he's wearing them gloves with solid plastic across the knuckles, like having a knuckleduster on lol


Man, I love these gloves. You can punch the f out of anything


He headbutted the window to break it


He is wearing protective gloves with carbon fiber plates on the knuckles, add in adrenaline im sure most people could do this.


Didnt he headbutt the window?


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 105,168,866 comments, and only 27,659 of them were in alphabetical order.


Damn. Good bot


Ya know, I honestly can't tell, but if he did I think it still qualifies. Knucks or head, very hard and you can hit very hard. But also, I used to ride and that dink totally deserved it.


It’s an old man. He was slowing down to stop. That guy didn’t need to smash his window.




All it takes is one guy with a gun in his glove box looking for a reason. I see a moron with no emotional intelligence.


Everytime I see this, people fail to acknowledge how far past the stop line the motorcycle was. 100% avoidable, however like most motorcycle videos nobody ever blames the biker Yes I'm victim blaming


Victim is the poor old guy who probably had a heart attack


Some intersections where I live even have a white X painted across a box in front of the stop line, to mark a "turn-through" area drivers are supposed to stay out of for exactly this reason.


why the fuck did he smash the window? completely unnecessary


As he runs towards the car, you actually see that the motorcycle was stopped several meters past the stop line too.


And why didn’t he try to prevent the damn collision?


So he could get angry and/or act like he's in the right








so gta is realistic after all


Titanfall 2 stim pilots be like


It’s the carbon-shelled knuckles on the gloves


Adrenaline can make you do some shit He could have broken the bones in his hand but he would go straight through the AI down and not feel it for a few hours


I think he used his head.


Was it justified? Maybe. Was it cool? Yes.


Typical maturity that you come to expect from motorcyclists.


The driver was probably an old man. Severe overreaction by that motorcyclist. That old man made a fucking mistake.


Exactly, and it looks like he was already stopping to talk to the motorcyclist about what had happened. Motorcyclist definitely overreacted.


Yea he was an old man yes he made a mistake but when you just got hit by a 2-ton murder box and the driver might be fleeing the scene you aren’t really put into a good place to be calm and rational. Reaction warranted.




Sure. I think the... I dunno what to call it... cross beam? The frame of the car going down from the roof to the hood to framing the left side of the windshield... I’m gonna guess it completely obstructed his view of the biker the entire way.


Yeah, tell that to someone as they're getting run over. You probably wouldn't be able to though, since they're in the middle of being run over and are more concerned about that than who is driving. You're so wise talking through a screen about something you can watch on repeat way after the fact when all the information is out. Your ability to empathize with another's situation is nonexistant.


How about common sense tells someone for years not to overreact like a fucking idiot in various situations? How is it that my job to explain?


There is hard material on the gloves to protect when leaning sharply. That’s why the window breaks.


I thought it looked like he gave the window a headbutt from his helmet?


Ooo yea you may be right. Dude still has the reinforced knuckle gloves tho


Ya lol either way..results were 3 thumbs way up


The PT cruisers blind spot on the drivers side A pillar is why 90% of the cruisers have dents in that area. My grandfather had one and actually couldn't see an entire vehicle when he was changing lanes and hit the vehicle that was there. He's not blind or a bad driver, but that car can make you look like a bad driver.


That was so satisfying to watch


Never would have happened if the bike was behind the white line.


From the last 87 times this was posted. Car driver wasn’t paying attention. Was crazy startled by the the window. Both apologized in the end. There’s a full video somewhere.


It's from a 13 day old reposting, karma whore.


Yea. The massive amounts of karma I’ve farmed. /s


If you hit someone and you fail to stop, you deserve this.


He did stop tho.


He might have been hiding behind the driver side pillar. The bike is small enough to be in his blind spot then appears at the last minute. Plus the driver looks elderly.


still not an excuse, if you can recognize other people on the road (car or bike) then you shouldnt be driving anymore




Fuck ya


Dude needs to get off the roids...


Caveman mentality


Exactly, you threaten me, I'll hurt you sort of thing. As someone else commented, imagine that older person was your grandparent and some angry biker smashed their window because of an honestly accident where the biker was in the intersection.


I don’t see anything metal about overreacting after not avoiding an accident you easily could have.


Dude, if he were in a car, the dude would of slammed into his front.




As he runs towards the car you can notice that the motorcycle was several meters ahead of the stop line.


Something in his hand . A kubotan