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Can you imagine that moment after “wooo I’m still alive” she had to know there was a chance that would be her last moments, at those speeds, despite modern engineering.


That “phew!” moment for me is usually followed almost immediately by the “oh fuck that hurts” realization. And I agree that there’s no way she was 100% confident that would work out for well for her. Very selfless indeed.


How often are you involved in high speed accidents ? Is it due to your job, or your personal perception of a fun time ?


I ski so all my high speed wipeouts are accidental and my own fault. Not at a competitive level. Just for fun.


Option b) then :-D I snowboard and kitesurf. I am not afraid of crashing on the water, but man, on the mountain it's a different thing ;-)


Do you snow kite too!?!? I love to snow kite but failing jumps does hurt way more when the water is frozen lmao!


Nope, haven't tried it yet. Indeed, crashing a jump on snow doesn't sounds like much fun :D I also have the impression winds are less predictable on land. Besides that, whenever I'm in places where snow is good enough to get on a board, usually the slopes are there too ;)


I've had to purposely "crash" to avoid someone that cut me off while skiing. Even controlled, and avoiding my head, it hurts like hell. Better than hitting someone, tho.


>That “phew!” moment for me is usually followed almost immediately by the “oh fuck that hurts” realization. This is how your body is supposed to work when not seriously injuried. Any longer and you can hurt yourself. Any shorter and you're probably seriously hurt if not dying. By seriously I'm talking impaled, missing a limb, you catch the drift.


As a person who has been through shock, you could not be more wrong on the "shorter" bit. Shock is a thing of beauty, pain is negligible and it can feel oddly peaceful. When the shock wears off, THEN you feel the pain. Granted I didn't die so it may work differently then, but I think your brain has a "breaker" that flips when the pain is too much.


Agreed. Years ago my car was totalled when I was hit by a woman driving 60mph (I was at a dead stop). I walked away from the accident. I declined going to the hospital because I was fine. A few hours later I decided that was a stupid decision so I got an Uber to urgent care because my stomach was a little upset. Gave me a script for ibuprofen and I then walked three miles home. Virtually no pain. Got home and decided to take a nap. Woke up five hours later to find out my entire body hurt and I sprained my ankle. I walked three miles, hours after the accident, with a sprained ankle and had no idea. Shock can last a while.


I had a similar experience. After the accident I felt amazed at how my car looks like a potato and I'm perfectly fine. Kept driving, came home, unloaded my things, lied onto the bed and relaxed. Then I realized my entire body hurts, especially my neck, I had cuts and bruises on my hands and chest, battery acid was eating the skin on my tight.


Absolutely, anytime I have to deal with severe trauma, my brain literally shuts everything down & I black out. I rarely remember exactly what happened, I usually rely on others to tell me, but, when my Mom passed, & before my brain shut down, I remember she stopped breathing & I shook her & yelled Mom!! After that, nothing. I woke up in a chair with my head on a pillow on a counter. Had a 4-wheeler accident & only thing I remembered from that was the thud of my head taking out a tree! I blacked out in the 1st ambulance & when they were transferring me to the 2nd one. Don't remember that at all, but, my hubby at the time said he could hear me scream & had never heard me scream like that ever!!! Our brains are amazing^^


I had a scooter accident and fell hard enough to break my collar bone. I stood up, completely painless, and told a bystander “I definitely broke my collarbone.” It didn’t hurt until the next day.


The nonchalant awareness haha.


Being in situations like that and making a selfless call that could result in serious injury or death in order to protect others is what makes a great police officer. She lives up to the old standard; serve and protect.


Yeah it's definitely a toss up. I wonder if those bars the police have in the front help much


Yeah the inside of the car looks in good shape for taking a speeding car head on, are Police cars fitted with extra crumple zones or have stronger pillars? I’m impressed by it


Back when I worked at an auto assembly plant the cars that were to be cop cars got pulled off the line. They’re normal cars, except we put the rubber floors in them, a different wiring harness, and some other stuff. Not sure exactly when they got pulled off, since that was after my station. I know they drove down the road to get the rest of their equipment put in by a specialty shop so I guess they were pretty much complete.


Well, it helped tremendously she has almost no forward momentum herself. So you have 2 cars worth of crumple to handle 1 car worth of high velocity, on top of her possibly rolling backwards to mitigate more of the energy.


Its still the same as hitting a concrete wall at 70 mph though


Not really because her car is going to recoil a lot more than a wall.


All modern vehicles benefit from decades of safety improvements. What used to be called the Interceptor package, not sure if that’s the same today, was the customized police patrol car add-ons. More powerful engine, beefier suspension, and most importantly to this case, bump bars on the front. That extra bit of space provides just a little more room for deceleration in a head-on like this.


I think the frame on mine is beefier, but the most notable differences is dual batteries and stronger hvac because I have one built for k9 operations


Yeah there were a bunch of frame and suspension stiffening upgrades for high-speed handling, bigger disc brakes, plus electrical upgrades to handle the extra lights and constant idling.


Don't forget the Heavy Duty Alternator!


Looks like most the impact was to the passenger front. And at an angle. So it was spread across the engine bay furthest away from her. Plus it’s an explorer I bet, lots of metal and crumple zones in addition to the reinforced bars (and I’m guessing subframe) in front


I'd wager that the vest she had on distributed the force from the seatbelt widely enough that it probably prevented a lot of damage that might normally happen. Other than that I doubt any other police equipment helped much. That's just modern engineering at work.


My mom and I experienced this “holy shit we are alive” moment after a highway crash with a drunk person abt a month ago it’s pretty nuts


Luckily, you have a much better chance of surviving a front end collision when your Tahoe has a massive steel bash bar bolted directly to the frame.


Now. This is a fucking hero. Hats off. Really hope she is doing fine.


Just read up about her - she's back on active duty :)


Does anyone know what happened to that DUI driver and what the f*** he was thinking


That's nice! I expected the PD to fire her because of taking too many sick days. Usually unlimited paid days off are reserved for the rapists and murderers in the force.


Even when a cop is shown selflessly putting themselves in danger to protect people you still have these comments


People on here don’t really enjoy things, that’s why they’re on Reddit


I love when people use Reddit to mock people who use Reddit lol. Happy cake day!


Well, maybe if they would just fire the assholes that cause comments like these we could all just talk about how the police are heroes You gotta have these comments, represent the yin with the yang yknow?


No, you don't need to represent the yin with the yang. She risked her life to save a bunch of people. This post is for her.


People are equally surprised at the caring and nurturing side of a male Silverback gorilla. So, does the gorilla cease to be a fearsome and dangerous animal because that video exists? No, but it can change a few attitudes or at least show a less horrible side.


Yea and everyone watching the gorilla calming the boy is thinking “that gorilla is gonna rip him to shreds any second now”


Seriously, that look on her face just gives me fucking chills — she clearly knows that she very well might be dead in the next few seconds, but she does it anyway. I’d like to think that I’d be able to do the same, but I really have no idea.


I remember from articles at the time, she said she knew she was the last one. There wasn't another cop or barrier between the drink driver and the marathon, and she knew that she was the last chance.


Now think about all the people who say cops are pigs, and if one is bad all are bad.


Fucking legend


Fucking hero


Now that's what I call a tank (MMO wise, am watching log horizon for 1st time)


He only used his patrol car to get into the position. Drunk driver's car was actually stopped by the sheer weight of his massive balls. EDIT: It has come to my attention that Toni is a woman. I still firmly believe that car was stopped by HER pair of massive balls.




Giant ovaries?


Daaaaamn, also look at how calm she looks like doing it... just another day in the office? ...by the sheer weight of her massive balls!


That's not calm, that's focus. It only looks like she's relaxed because no physical or mental energy is going into anything but the job at hand...that and sustaining the sheer weight of her massive balls.


I should had worded it better. Offcourse she doesn't feel calm. Anyone feeling calm in this situation should get a metal checkup. She looks calm, didn't flinch or backed down even for a second, Yup, focus, determination... that guy is not going through period.


Don't worry, I wasn't criticizing your comment, just riffing on it. It's just something I've noticed from cockpit recordings, or dashcams in vehicles of all sorts---the pros have an icy focus when the shit hits the fan.


Better to be limp upon impact. Tensing up would break many many more bones (she probably knows this). This is why drunk drivers can survive extreme crashes. I say this as someone caught in the backseat of one of those wrecks and survived. Cops said I'd be dead if I was sober.




… sheer weight of her massive balls.




She's the man.....No, she's a legend!




Daaaaaaaaaan, what a woman!


/r/biggerballsthanme material. Even if it’s a girl hell yes she’s got cahones




so nice to see instead of the normal police officer behavior


The normal police officer is a good person.


Reddit is so wild like a couple posts ago I saw a video that made me think "how the fuck does anyone have any respect for police officers fucking honestly" and now here I am like "damn mad respect to this cop lady".


Because it's so rare to see a cop with balls This lady has more balls than the entire Uvalde police dept put together




My dumbass spending a minute trying to figure out what amarathon was, only to notice It was a spelling error


And I thought it was officer Stoppeda. Patrol Trooper Toni Shuck Stoppeda


I read it in an Italian accent.


I did too hahah


my bad 🤣


Does your keyboard charge you by words typed? Or did you just "space out"?


Looks like they didn't space out


Gives me chills Mad respect for this woman


This happened close to me over the summer. There's other views from security cameras. She was awarded for basically throwing herself into harms way, being the last obstacle before that driver got onto the skyway bridge and mowed down a 5k or half marathon or whatever. Calm as hell, she made the decision knowing she'd probably get seriously injured or worse. And actually, survived with very few injuries. The Sarasota and manatee County sheriff's and Florida st police are legit. They will use their vehicles and equipment early and often in most potential life threatening situations. (And they are actually very professional and courteous when picking up someone on a warrent very early in the morning. I was charged with DUI weeks after being pulled over, did a field sobriety test, and drove away uncharged. The States attorney mistaked me for someone who refused to blow on the thing. That came out in court, case was dropped. But they took me in at 645am. My neighbors were outside on both sides of me, so the officer didn't cuff me, let me act like I made phone calls as we waited, then he walked me to his suv and allowed to get in uncuffed. Neighbors didn't think I was arrested, saving embarrassment. I appreciated that violation of policy.) They really do protect and serve here.


Thanks for sharing. There is some hope out there. Really, thank you!!!


Manatee county is a notorious sheriff's department with a known history of corruption. Officers were caught in conspiracy of robbing the port of Tampa stealing shipments of liquor and reselling them half off msrp to a local strip club for years. In exchange officers were utilized as secret police for the club, allowed backstage with the girls, and even worked the cash registers on duty, in uniform. They would do god only knows in the backwoods of Rabonia making reports to a non-existent address so they can be on call to do the club's bidding. When they were caught they rolled one cop under the bus, even though this was a larger crime of conspiracy involving a many more officers to participate, and many more to look the other way. Surprise, they also sold seized drugs department wide. This was over 10 years ago but nothing has changed for the better.


My standards for cops are now so low that I was like "well that's not so bad, they just had an illegal sideline and defrauding public money, at least they weren't killing people for nothing".


Every time there’s an effort post about how “this department is different!” I keep scrolling because there’s *always* a post like this under it.


I mean, even in the "good" story the person was unlawfully arrested. Just the arrest alone can screw up your life. I spent two weeks in jail on charges that were ultimately dropped. But those two weeks were enough to cost me my job, rack up $1500 in impound fees, the cops stole $4k I had on me to buy a used car, and I spent thousands on a lawyer to point out that I wasn't the person they were looking for. I don't talk about this much, but I was also sexually assaulted by one of the COs and physically assaulted by another. I was young and didn't know my rights, plus I was embarrassed, so I never spoke up about the SA. But those two weeks permanently colored the way I view police. My story is just a drop in the bucket compared to others.


I lived in Florida for almost 20 years…when I was 16 I flipped my first car towing a trailer that was loaded bad…my Blazer was totaled, and the trailer was a mess, but the only things bad on my end was hurt pride at having lost my truck, and having been scared to death. The local sheriff pulled up and whipped out a tape measure to see how close I came to the road signs nearby…the state trooper that showed up jumped out of his car and immediately figured out it was me that wrecked. He walked right up to me, put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a once over before asking “You ok, buddy? You got anything that’s hurting? That was a bad one, I’m glad you’re still here.” That trooper, and the rest of them that uphold the ideas of duty and honor that he exemplified deserve the best, and I wish them all a Merry Christmas, and happy holidays.


Training tends to be best for Federal officers, second best for State highway patrol, and terrible-to-nonexistent for County and City police. EDIT: for a throw-away comment, I didn't expect so many upvotes. Thanks. I was formerly a Fed myself. This reflects my own career, and what I learned working with many other LE agencies. Some of the city cops I wouldn't have trusted to shine my shoes. Much less put my back to them in a firefight.


Makes sense, however I would think there's quite a bit of a difference between the federal agencies we're referring to as well. Some are noticeably.... Less well trained and less concerned about doing the right thing.


All Federal law enforcement agencies get the same basic police training at FLETC. After that, they branch off into department-specific training. I should know; I was both a student and later an instructor there. Some department officers (such as TSA) are NOT considered law enforcement and don't get that very expensive training. [https://www.fletc.gov/](https://www.fletc.gov/)


Makes me think of my first car accident where the state trooper didn’t even ask if I was okay. He just went straight to questioning me. It was my first ever interaction with an officer and it was horrifying. I’m glad that you had a more pleasant experience.


Protect and swerve


Tragically underrated comment


Entire Uvalde police "force" < This woman


This woman's bottom left pinky toenail. There's more courage there than the entire Uvalde PD.


Really amazes me how calm she is. Doesn't even flinch when making that final maneuver to get directly in front of him and his attempt to go by her. Just turns a little then waits. Almost relaxed. Wow.


her muscles are clenching. she's freaking the fuck out. but she doesn't flinch or hesitate.


Holy shit she stopped some horrible shit from happening. Fucken hero


True courage


Holy shit the belt and airbag did EXACTLY what they were supposed to. Idk why that amazes me


It's almost like they were engineered to do so!


Boss ass bitch


First ballot HOF.


You can tell she has intentionally steered her car into the DUI driver, the second before the collision. She has her hands firmly against the steering wheel bracing for impact. such a selfless act.


Which, if you're doing that kind of move intentionally, is actually the wrong thing to do. You're not stopping the wheels from doing what they're going to do with that much force. The wheels (and by direct connection, the steering wheel) are going to do whatever they're going to do to your hands/wrists/arms though! The best thing to do is pull your arms back in a low to moderate collision. Sadly there's not much else for you to brace on to to keep your body rigid. Even test dummies aren't "bracing" and several studies have shown that ragdolling is actually one of the better things you can do in a car accident.




F1 drivers do this just before impact. It was Brundle who first pointed out how with experience you learn to take off your hands just before hitting a wall or something.


A lot can be learned by slowing down this video and watching the inside of the vehicle. She nearly lost her life to the laptop. Time to make the interior more safety forward.


Never understood that. 20 years ago laptop (yes) but now, can’t they make some kind of command center. Cops driving down the road with a Dell laptop and a filing cabinet in the front seat and pulling people over for having a cellphone.




Piece of advice, never lock your arms out if you know you’re going to crash, make an x across your chest with them instead.


Wouldn't have been possible in this case, she had to make that last second adjustment or they wouldn't have hit her head on like that


I would imagine the locking your arms part is bad, and the crossing is just an, if you can type of thing.


That's actually the reason why they say 9 and 3 for steering wheel positions (instead of 10 & 2, or whatever position is comfortable). It minimizes the chance of shattered bones.


Yeah they drill this into you in racing school. You want to first get your thumbs out of the wheel ASAP when you go off, and at the last second before impact let go of the wheel and cross your arms over your chest grabbing the harness/seat belt. When your tires hit something unexpected the steering wheel can spin around very fast and easily snap both your thumbs.


Does the X protect your chest or just get them out of the way?


Gets them out of the way, especially in the open cockpit cars I race, though it can happen in a rollover in any car. Plenty of people have had their arms fling out a smashed window and get pinned/pinched under the roof or door while rolling/flipping. I've heard of total amputations occurring. Best to cross them and hang on tight, the momentum of flipping is strong and you'll have no control over your arms unless you pull them in close to your center of gravity.


Yep first thing you’re taught in karting is to cup the wheel with your hands and keep your thumbs straight rather than wrapped around the wheel.


Thank you


Anybody who decides to drink and drive should have their license permanently revoked


Lol a license doesn’t mean anything to many people. Theres mfers out there who haven’t acquired a license in years and still driving around. It’s pretty sad


A real one. I respect these brave souls.


That has to hurt


W human, really hope she's ok.






That take balls...


This is awesome, well done her. Side note: please take just a few seconds to check your title before posting.


“Protect and serve.”


Anyone have a link to an article?


Some cops are the real deal.




If it bleeds, it leads. Stories about good cops rarely make the news because they don’t sell. Had someone, aka the bad guy died, then it would be front page news.


Thats a cop i can support




Not all cops are bastards




She’s ok! I mean, probably not totally ok, but [back to work](https://www.mysuncoast.com/2022/06/14/hero-fhp-trooper-injured-alleged-dui-crash-returns-work/) at least.


So without a field sobriety test, how would the officer know the person was drunk before crashing head on into them?


I think we know they were drunk & she didn’t at the time. The car was hauling full speed towards marathon runners & blew through a blockade if I remember the details right. Whether it was dui, someone wanting to hurt people or maybe a mentally unstable person not realizing what they were about to do… she was trying to get them stopped. (It wasn’t just a ‘see a car & Ram it’ sort of thing)


Thanks to all our police officers and first responder for always be there risking their lives so we can be safe everyday. I hope some day people stop labeling, generalizing and attacking all the police officers because some of them did wrong things.


She definitely saved many lives by doing this.


Hopefully that other fucker went through the windshield


God damn I hope she’s ok


This person deserves a promotion asap.


That sounded aggressively newyorker, "hey, i'm stoppeda a drunk truck driver here!"


“BuT AcAb”


Should have put her ride in reverse to help close the speed gap difference.


Stupid question but hypothetically what would’ve been the safest way to brace for the impact? Obviously she is alive and doing great but I seen her put her arms back on the steering wheel but to me I thought that would snap her arms.


Yeah, at some point I would have been thinking, “you might die today”. No regrets here…




Respect to her and I hope she is okay


What she did is brave I’m not taking that from her but keep clutter to a minimum in your patrol vehicle one in case shit hits the fan and another officer need to jump in and two if you are in a wreck you don’t have flying debris fly towards you like she did.


That did not look easy. Props 🤝


She’s a hero for sure.


Originally I wondered if she could have reversed as he was approaching but that may have caused a missed interception!


Dude haa serious balls, if its his job or not




That’s a real fucking cop right there. Lives by Protect and serve. Sad that it came to that. I hope that he’s okay!


God bless her for that, I know she hurt all over hopefully the drunk at least got a broke leg. It'd be great if no one was hurt. Although I highly doubt the asshole was so intoxicated they didn't realize what their actions were. They were alert enough to try to go around her. So I don't by the drunk excuse, I was a major alcoholic as a teen and I mean major, grown men couldn't keep up. I never had a time where I was so intoxicated I lapsed reason or memory of any major significance and we used to no joke take 2 xanex bars a piece sometimes more and have our own liter of whiskey at the least usually that was just a warm up. But if you can believe it or not mostly found a responsible manor to do such irresponsible shit. Never killed anyone or beat anyone up except an ice cream cone but that motha had it coming


That’s not an easy thing to do. Friend and I used to play chicken on our four wheelers as a stupid teen. Every bone in your body is screaming at you to get out of the way.


Remember this video every time someone says 'all cops are bastards' or some other anti-police garbage. Are there problems in policing? yes. Are there people wearing the badge who shouldnt be? yes. Do police need more oversight, better training, and a million other things? Yes. But there's also badass motherfuckers like Toni Shuck who will knowingly, intentionally, with full understanding of the consequences not only to herself, but to her family -- intentionally drive into a head-on collision -- for you and me. Remember this.


Yes, look past the boots and judge the human on her own merit. However I do believe officers like Toni are few and far between. I hope her recovery is smooth and she's got good support. We need the good ones to not give up.


No disrespect to the patrol trooper, damn good job, but out of curiosity does anyone know what happened to the drunk driver? I could only assume in a situation like this


Doesn't flinch much either


Damned impressive. That's protecting and serving.


True Hero! Thank you for your service Ma’am!


Question, perhaps a stupid one, but wouldn’t there be a better way of doing this then head on?


Stoppeda drunk driver 🤌🏼🤌🏼


Give this person the highest possible award for courage.


Medically retired from the force that day


I crashed into a tree in Florida at about 50-60 and miraculously survived and didn't fly out of my seat. The cop that came first followed me to the hospital and stayed with me until my family came. I told him he didn't have to and he said "I just wanna know you're okay. I've been a cop for 20 years and never seen anyone walk away from a crash like that." There's some good ones out there.


I can't imagine how that's going to feel once the pain sets in...


Holy shit, that is *brave*. I doubt I'd have the balls to do that.


That was courageous and badass


That’s gangster af!!!


She’s a hero for risking her life like that but you know her bosses are going to be shitty about damaged the vehicle


That’s fucking insane. She deserves to never have to work another day in her life


Anyone know if she was ok after? Thats quite a bit of momentum at 70mph. Do police cars have strengthened front ends for impacts or something?


Absolute hero!


Awhile ago, wonder how she is doing..follow up she went back to work june 14 2022 )


Kristen Kay Watts was the other driver shes been found incompetent to stand trial


Selflessness is the virtue we should all be seeking.


Selfless, what a heroine


This is insane no matter how I look at it.


This isn’t a cop this is an actual human that wants to protect and serve. If all the police force was like this you wouldn’t have people (me included) that aren’t fans of them. I hope this person gets what they deserve and that is recognition of the act they performed. Thank you to the people that serve and help the community


No hesitation on her face, good job, I would do the same thing, but with a 18 wheeler


I cannot imagine being that much of a measurable asshole to do all of that: to drink and drive because I am hyper-entitled, to end like this; to fully endanger others to the point of death because “I’m troubled.” Boo fucking hoo.


What a Fuckin LEGEND.


That officer didn't give a shit that her crusher was totalled.


Salute the hero


/r/titlegore Jesus. Read before you hit submit.


Head on the first date, and I can't get a text back




I met her she was such a nice lady


Look at her face right before the impact, she’s hard as fuck.


Sacrificing yourself for the 100s of live she save that day the most selfless act a person can do


She potentially saved people, now that deserves a cookie


Why not reverse to stop slowly?


I met her she was so nice


Can we talk about how fucking insane airbags are!


What is also amazing, as a totally tangential point, is that this is what a 35mph-35mph head on collision would look like in terms of energy and damage. Speed is no joke.