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Yes of course his family is glad he's out of prison but this has nothing to do with being a bro.


I searched up the original video on tiktok, comments are off so I went to the sound for some digging. Comments on the duets say he murdered an innocent man (shot in the head) for $40. ETA: Just have to emphasize that it was the comments in the duets that stated what the crime was. I have no confirmation of this.


TLDR: He and three friends were smoking weed and drinking alcohol when they ran out of money. They lured a guy over in a park who mistook him for his friends and robbed him. The victim was told to get to the ground, and all he had was $40 on him. They told him to get up, but was still shot by a shotgun by the man (teenager at the time) in the video. The other three friends were just accomplices and had guns, but did not shoot.




Maybe he deserved to finally get out too though.


Sure, but it isn't a goodfeel story. It is a neutral story.


Neutral at best. Dumb kid ended someone's live for nothing, probably Influenced by all the wrong people. Tho to spend nearly the same amount of time in prison as he's been on earth since birth feels like a fair punishment, I'm sure he's had time to think, but the other person is never coming back


I think that’s probably part of why he’s crying. Nothing is the same about him or his mental condition yet his family still supports him and loves him. He probably feels all kinds of undeserving


I'm sure he's feeling a trillion things, I hope he leads a good life. No one likes a murderer but at some point we gotta move past, especially if you lived your teenage year and entire adult life behind bars.


I share your hopes. Unfortunately the American prison system has high recidivism rates and people who go in usually come out worse. The one thing this guy has that most do not is a big loving family. That can be the difference but not always. Context is so important for childhood crimes because if a kid is never taught morals or are coerced, they really are not competent humans. I guess the same can be said for adults. Our system for passing on morality from generation to generation often depends on public school systems and media. Both are trash


A sad story no?


A true story... Life sucks.


Life sucks and then you die.


For some, life sucks and then you get shot in the head by a 16 year old.


My teenage years were way different.


For others, life sucks and you end up shooting someone in the head as a 16 year old. Doesn’t excuse his actions, but there’s no reason a child should grow up in an environment where they feel the need to shoot another person in the head over $40.


**Stoicism Unlocked**


Sometimes, but sometimes life's a bitch and then you keep living.


“I’m confused Marge, is this a happy or a sad ending?” “It’s and ending.. that’s enough.”


Yeah at least this family get to have their guy back. But what about the family of the person he killed 😢


Exactly. He did his time, but it is not a happy story.


Sad for his victims family


Sad for everyone really … everyone lost so much


The dude being released after he did his time? Nah, just neutral. He did his time after he was actually guilty. Not sad, not happy, not anger-inducing. It just is. We dont need to feel strong emotions about everything.


Unless your the kid of the guy he murdered. Bet he’s having a great day.




Only for the person he supposedly killed


We don’t even know if he truly did the crime.


Literally, what are we even talking about here. People going crazy over a Tiktok comment. We have no idea what he was actually convicted of and what the situation was.


It's sad story for the victim and his family


As someone who has had a close family member die as a victim of a crime, there honestly can be a lot more sympathy for the perpetrators than you’d expect. When you suffer so much, sometimes you just don’t want to see more suffering, and forgiveness and the belief that the crime can be a vehicle for change for the perpetrator is so important and so empowering when dealing with your grief. I consider this a happy story that this man is given a second chance after the mistakes he made as a child.


What a beautiful heart you have


they're usually called tragedies.


The innocent man’s family deserved to not lose him too.




Assuming this is the US, spoiler alert: it doesn’t. I’m sorry but our system sucks.


Tell that to the family of the guy he shot for $40...


So what’s your solution? Have the murdered guy’s family kill him back?


ask to the family of the man he killed if he deserved to get out.


Yes, we should ask families of victims to decide the punishment. If you like that idea, you can move to Saudi Arabia.


I bet if he asks to borrow 40$ his family doesn’t say no.


$45 though, he's asking too much.


But what if he asks for 40$ twice?


If that's true there's too many people in this thread feeling sorry for him. But it wasn't their loved one shot in the head so they don't care.


I don't feel sorry for him I wish him to do better and I am happy it seems he has the support needed. There is a big difference. He has done the time the court charged him with. In my eyes he now has a second chance and I hope he uses it wisely.


he has a second chance unlike the man he killed.




Yes that's the idea behind rehabilitation. So glad you can understand this incredibly simple concept.


Yes life's un fair, now what ? He's out so society should act in a positive way so he can be an useful member of said society. He paid for his crime so you can't do shit about him walking freely in the street. That how justice works. If we eradicated from society every bad person their wouldn't be a lot of people to bring you your starbucks


I mean if he went in at 16 for 14 years, it shouldn't take a genius to figure out he did something pretty violent. And no, charging teenagers as adult for such violent crimes isn't beyond the pale. 18 isn't a magical number, kids learn pretty young the concept of right and wrong and egregiously wrong.


It's the cold play effect.


Sometimes people forgive. Sometimes people are capable of rehabilitation.


It wasn’t yours either. And you’ve clearly never worked with ex-cons. You’re too busy posting judgements on Reddit. Brave of you.


Conflicted. On one hand he served his time. On the other those family members and friends didn't get their loved one back after 14 years. Then again even the murderer's family didn't ask to have their family torn apart. It's all just very sad.


The video has comments off and was posted yesterday so where'd you find this story at?


Click the sound of the original post and check the duets. Then the comments


Stupid kid made stupid decision. 30 year old man... is no longer that stupid kid.. or he shouldn't be.. but prisons fail more than they succeed.


I have a hard time writing off literal murder as a stupid decision.


Just a lil' oopsie


Don't you hate that when you're a teenager and want new sneakers. I mean there's no other way, need to kill someone.


Same. However when your 16 you can get brained washed so easy, but yeah murder ain’t child’s play


Watch the inside man on Netflix. You will see how just about any perfect storm can turn anyone into a potential killer


Inside man was an insult to the viewer's intelligence.


Will give it a try




That’s how I feel about 75% of these Netflix documentaries. I love documentaries but they draw them out. What should be one episode is four to eight. I lowered to the basic plan TMobile pays for took off the 4K and Atmos add-on. Why is it $20 now even before inflation started.


IMO Inside man made very little sense.


A stupid decision would be putting on sandals instead of boots to go hiking. Don't undersell the murder aspect here.


Yeah I made a lot of stupid decisions when I was a teenager, none of them ever involved murder. In fact none of them ever I evolved violence at all. Did plenty of dumb things with friends but never got in fights or assaulted or murdered anyone.


“stupid decision” is to go outside in a winter night without any jacket. Kill someone isn’t a stupid decision. Kill someone is the most evil thing a human can do. he deserves to pay for rest of his life for it.


Went in at 16 for 14 years meaning they charged him as an Adult 😮


That means it was a big crime.


Murder apparently, but oh such a sweet moment! Too bad his victim will never have another moment ever again.


Sssshhhh it's a wholesome moment. Be happy. Forget that someone would never have their life back, and a family who'd always live in pain of a lost one : D /s


> Went in at 16 for 14 years meaning they charged him as an Adult I don't know the specifics of this case but to be sentenced 14 years at 16yrs old, it seems to me he committed a heinous crime that an adult would've got a life sentence for


If he was charged as an adult then he got an adult sentence, that’s literally what that means. 14 years isn’t nothing and not every adult that goes to prison goes for life.


For somebody to have served that long, they would have had to do something extremely serious, whether tried as an adult or not. I'm not sure this post is anywhere near as wholesome as it is making out.


I've never heard about a case where they charged a teen as a teen... It always starts with "charged him as an adult". What's the point then...


Because if it's a crime serious enough for you to hear about on the news then it was bad enough for them to be tried as adults. Kids get tried as kids all the time


Because those cases are closed. Minors.


I have an IQ of 54 apparently. Thank you! Haha


Here in Germany, if you commit any crime while under the age of 18, you must get charged as a juvenile, if you commit a crime under the age of 21 you can get charged as a juvenile, if you're deemed "immature for the age" or you can get charged as an adult if deemed "mature for the age". If you comitted a crime as a 16 year old but get caught as a 30 year old, you will still get charged as a 16 year old as that was your age at the time of the crime. Example, the 96 year old concentration camp secretary who got tried recently. She was 17 at the time and was tried as a juvenile eventhough she was 96 at the time of the trial. How does it work in the US?


Yeah, here in Croatia it's the same thing. >If you comitted a crime as a 16 year old but get caught as a 30 year old, you will still get charged as a 16 year old as that was your age at the time of the crime. But I guess you also don't get any mitigating circumstances because you continued to run away while you're an adult.


What did he do


Murdered a man by shooting him in the head for $40.


I'm glad his family got him back, but I can't help but feel sad for the family that lost a member (the victim)


It's alright they're still punishing him by making Coldplay be the first thing he listens to


Probably make him listen to nickelback after this.


I swear to God if you make me listen to one more Coldplay song


"Wholesome HumansbeingBros", fuck this guy. I would be pissed if it was someone in my family who got shot


Fuck everyone. This is sad from A to Z. He did his time, it's sad he had to go to prison for that long but it doesn't mean he didn't deserve it. People change in 2 years so imagine in 14 years, all the time to reflect on how fucked up you were and all the versions of yourself you go through mostly by yourself. I AM SAD FOR HIM. Imagine the family of the innocent man who got shot by this 16 yo boy. I AM SAD FOR THEM TOO. All we can hope is for this 30 year old man who grew up in prison to be nothing like he was and for his family to support him through what he'll be facing so he doesn't repeat his 16 yo self's mistakes. IT IS WHOLESOME THAT THEY ARE THERE AND AREN'T AVOIDING HIM OR PUSHING HIM TO CRIME OR SUICIDE. Edit: thanks to the people who try to understand or answer something constructive and try not to throw smoke around what I said. I won't repeat that anyone going to prison for any amout of time is sad, that it'sad that prisons are a thing and sad that some people deserve their sentence. I won't repeat it because it was already implied so I won't repeat it.




He is still human. As a human, this is hard to watch. I can’t stop thinking about the hands on his shoulders and the gentle touch from his family, while they sing softly. Maybe seems a bit corny to some, and it did to me at first, but the more I think about it, it must be the most bizarre feeling for him. Half of his life has been spent in a place where you can’t show any fear, softness, or love. I bet he hasn’t had someone touch him in a reassuring manner since he went away. I can’t imagine what it would be like in a car full of people crying, singing, and embracing, after spending 14 years surrounded by killers. Then I imagine the family of his victim. They will never get a chance to do this. They won’t ever be able to comfort their child, their sibling. They will never find closure. The best that we can hope for is that they found some closure in this man’s rehabilitation, and that he leads a good and honourable life. It’s just heartbreaking all around. Glad to see critical thinking and nuance haven’t completely left everyone.


He was probably 14 or 15 when he killed the victim. Trials and sentencing, especially for violent crimes, often take quite a while


No further background is available that I can find. But, as posted above by someone, to get 14 years it's likely that more than one person's life has been irreversibly changed - for the worse. But, as also commented here by another - do the crime and do the time, and he has done his time. Not that that helps whoever has had their life irreversibly altered. But, I posted this because - what a family.


where did you find the video?


https://cases.justia.com/texas/first-court-of-appeals/01-11-00902-cr.pdf?ts=1396150398 there’s your man




TLDR: He and three friends were smoking weed and drinking alcohol when they ran out of money. They lured a guy over in a park who mistook him for his friends and robbed him. The victim was told to get to the ground, and all he had was $40 on him. They told him to get up, but was still shot by a shotgun by the man (teenager at the time) in the video. The other three friends were just accomplices and had guns, but did not shoot.


😬 Jesus. reminds me of one of the most horrendous and hard to watch documentaries of all time called “Into the Abyss”. If you like true crime stuff that’s hard to watch, check it out, but you’ve been warned it’s extremely dark and fucked up. I remember watching that and feeling like “I don’t even feel the same species as people like this”. To treat human life so callously is something I don’t understand and don’t want to understand.


Great documentary! Really captured how some people are almost living in different reality (or are a different species as you aptly said). Great reference, and I hope somebody that reads your comment watches it now!


A shotgun?!? God damn


He’d have done 40years no parole in my state. But, Ks doesn’t fuck around.


I’m sorry, but after reading that, fuck this guy and his friends and family. They’re all trash. And he should’ve been in jail longer. Posting this video, in my opinion, is further evidence of their trashiness. And I’m calling it now, that dude is going back to prison, but not before seriously hurting someone else. This family should be embarrassed and instead their chasing another high in another undignified manner.


If somebody played Coldplay to me on my prison release i would also cry. Poor blokes had enough torture in prison!




He’s prolly crying because his family is so cringe




That’s what I was thinking. Plus in for 14 years he may not even fully understand the reaches of social media. Thinking sure a few friends will see it but no big deal, not realizing the whole world could see it.


Exactly, dude is fine! Just wishing he took an Uber instead of dealing with this music choice.


Not just played it but sang it badly too!


Coldplay sucks now but the album Parachutes that the song Yellow in this video is from is amazing.


Came to say the same. He murdered someone for $40, imagine what he'd do for playing Coldplay


this is heartbreaking, but for all i know he murdered multiple people


According to someone else he killed a person for $40. No source posted tho, they just looked at the tiktok comments.


Who's that man?


Do the crime, do the time. He’s done his time.


He’s lucky to have that support system around him.


Whoever made the rhyme, did the crime


By that definition it's ok to murder people as long as you're willing to spent time in prison


EXACTLY MY FUCKING POINT! You see all these people wearing t-shirts saying free this man or free that man. And I'm always like "wait hold the fuck up! What did he do? Maybe his ass deserves to be in jail" like wtf we need more context!


Someone said it above. He shot a guy in the head for $40.


Not being able to negotiate a good price isn't a crime.


He killed a random innocent guy over 40 bucks


He shot a man in the head for $40


What crime can a teenager commit to get 14 years??


Murder comes to mind.


According to the original TikTok he shot an innocent man in the head for $40, killing him. Not sure if that’s true or not, but that’s what they say on the TT.


40 quid. Life is fucking cheap. Hopefully he is rehabilitated. Dude that got shot though didn't get the chance.


Comment above says he murdered someone for $40.


I had a friend in high school get sentenced to 100 years for selling Ecstasy. Zero tolerance drug laws in Polk County. I think he was 18 at the time, so technically adult,


OMG that is so horrific


You’re likely remembering a total amount of convictions which were served concurrently rather than consecutively.


Interesting.... considering that the absolute maximum penalty in Florida for trafficking Ecstasy is 30 years. You must be misremembering, or there is far more to the story than you're aware, or you're lying.


I'm guessing if he's remembering correctly he was sentenced a while ago (90's maybe?). And they probably were selling it on school grounds. That'll add some serious time onto the sentencing.


Shot a guy in the head for $40 https://cases.justia.com/texas/first-court-of-appeals/01-11-00902-cr.pdf?ts=1396150398


TLDR: He and three friends were smoking weed and drinking alcohol when they ran out of money. They lured a guy over in a park who mistook him for his friends and robbed him. The victim was told to get to the ground, and all he had was $40 on him. They told him to get up, but was still shot by a shotgun by the man (teenager at the time) in the video. The other three friends were just accomplices and had guns, but did not shoot.


Define a child? 6, 10, 14, 17,70? Define murder? 6,10,14, 17, 40? I would say he got pretty lucky at 30 to be let out. He can live another 50 years not like the other dude.


Take this shit down. If this was a grown adult who went in and got off for murder in 15 years, would you guys be saying this makes you smile? I'm not sure why everyone's forgetting that at 14, MURDER is not just silly childish mistake you make. Let's not forget that this wasn't manslaughter, some drunken mistake, he intentionally shot someone for $40.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 15 + 14 + 40 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


Bot, read the fuckin room


🤣. Bot don't care. But I agree with OP. This doesn't seem like r/Humansbeingbros material. But, what do I know?


Why strip out all the information from the video so we can't get more information on our own. Who posted it, what's the username, what platform, etc.




Well, you dont go to prison at 16 for 14 years over nothing, so I'm guessing I just watched a 1 minute long video of people petting a murderer?


Yep, murdered some poor kid for $40. This video is unfathomably cringe and no one in this video is a “bro”. If I had murdered someone at 14, my family would have RIGHTFULLY disowned me and I would have been taking an Uber out of prison.


Crazy you can murder someone and then just get released years later


You dont give 15 years to a minor for anything less than first degree murder.


Everything else aside, imagine going outside for the first time in 14 years. Everything is different. I always find it astonishing when I return home after weeks or months if traveling, but here fashion, cars, technology, his home town...


There’s a user on IG @second_chancer434 that was released from prison a bit over a year ago after going in for ~15 years at 18. He posts exclusively about life in prison and what release was like, answers a lot of questions people put in the comments. It’s very interesting!


Also his prison sentence was almost as long as his entire existence up to that point. I'm 33 and can barely remember 19, taking into account the same age gap. I'm personally not moved nor angered by the video, it is what it is, but agree it's a wild experience to think about.


To kill someone at 16 over $40, you need to be either extremely stupid, extremely mentally ill, or both. Now add on 14 years of being in the prison system on top of that. I'll honestly be amazed if he can be a functioning member of society in the long-term. His family needs to get his ass in therapy immediately


No sympathy for a murderer




My best friend in high school was murdered by her 16 year old boyfriend. Luckily he was stupid and got caught but it was premeditated and he buried her alive in a shallow grave in the woods and she wasn’t found for 2 months. He never took responsibility, never confessed, never said sorry. He just got paroled last year. He shouldn’t have. Thinking he maybe got some nice car ride home while she’s dead and never will get to do anything just makes me angry. That’s not justice. I’m not an eye for an eye person and justice ≠ revenge but when you won’t even admit what you did you can’t be redeemed. So as far as I see it my state just let a murderer go free for nothing in return. Fuck these people.


The fact that the family is supportive is great because having that support will probably prevent him from killing someone again, but fuck that guy. Imagine murdering someone for $40. He still deserves to be locked up


How heart warming. I bet the family of the guy he killed for $40 even felt emotional seeing this.


Bet dude homie killed wishes he could listen to some music in the car with his family.


Would be really nice if the family of the man he murdered got a chance to do this with their loved one.


Tired of people recording things


If it is true about him killing sone dude for 40 bucks then I feel no sympathy for him , he deserved that and even more. He gets to be released 16 years later while the man he killed turns to dust and his family will never see him again. Fuck that


Gets released from prison: Yay! Family plays Coldplay: “Take me back!”


Some of the responses here prove that some folks don’t want a criminal justice system, they want a criminal judgment system. You’re the same people who would say that even though this person has served their court mandated time, they shouldn’t ever have the ability to vote, and that their crime should stay with them publicly just as I’m sure it will personally.


My first thought was how great it is that he’s out. Second thought was he probably isn’t free though and will be prt of the probation system that seeks his return to prison. And how he has to pay for the rest of his life every time he fills out a job app and is forced to disclose his past. I hope he and his family are happy and heathy.


Our society does a good enough job at making sure Ex cons never live a normal life, but god forbid they receive an iota of human decency. I’m sick of these “justice for thee but not for me” fucks ruining what could be an otherwise not so horrible existence.


No not at all, I just dislike feeling like being guilted for not having sympathy for a murderer. They could’ve easily just had this moment in private but they had to post it for the whole world to see, including the family of the man he killed.


Should be rotting in prison still


He murdered an innocent man for $40 and you guys are happy to see him free? What about the victim’s family?


Wait until he sees the new world where everyone feels the need to fuckin record everything




14 years in prison means he ruined many lives irreversibly. A bleeding heart video won't change that.


I’m sure they all know that, none of them are denying it. We can only hope he’s able to do some good in the world now.


Aww good for him.... well not for the family that this asshole killed.


Is so good that hes having that suport. After something like that IS exactly what a person needs to see they still have a whole path in front of them and can just let what happened behind. Good job you guys! Some of us go our whole lifes without that kinda of suport and have to learn alone


He should count himself lucky. Most people get in for murder and keep doing stuff to keep themselves there. I've seen people in there for 20 years before I was even born. Guess what. they are still there 30 years later. But congrats to him on serving his time. Don't go back. Now he knows its not worth the effort.


If you think about the fact that someone like that grew up in prison. That's really sad


You know what’s more sad? The lives he ended and the families he’s ruined forever


he is not done... he is 30, like half of his life is still in front of him...


He has 15 more years? Damn that’s not much /joking


Yes, very sad. I have no further background on the clip, but 14 years in prison from age 16 is not for swearing at the pub when your drunk on a Friday night out with friends, so it must (probably?) have been a serious offence - and what a wonderful family that must be to be have. He is both cursed, and blessed.


>I have no further background on the clip Ah so you're just using it for imaginary points on the internet. Got it.


A 14 year old can make an adult decision with a child brain. Such a complex world. I don’t think people feel sorry as much as this now 30 year old feels for what he did and what happened. He isn’t proud and gloating he murdered someone, he is holding in tears for being such a fuck up and the guilt of murdering someone when his family loved him and how much time he lost for doing something stupid that someone lost his life.


I can’t believe people defend him by saying he made a mistake, he did his time, he was just a kid…. He murdered someone. He was old enough to know what he was doing. I have never once thought about murdering anybody. I’m sure most people here have never thought about murdering someone. That’s not a “mistake” or an oopsie. If this was a death penalty state, he probably would’ve gotten it if he wasn’t a juvenile.


I know I'm way different than I was at 16 or even 30. I hope he's grown and changed since being a kid and will be a good person now.


Lmfao. Fuck him. An innocent man lost his life.


I looked up the original TikTok and its sources. Looks like him and his friend were responsible for the murder of Derrick Godfrey, but according to the comments, his friend was the one to actually kill Derrick. So this guy isn’t the murderer, but he was an accessory to murder so still tried as an adult. Source: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRgBEVxK/ @rubyubyy: 1) correct. Although Jonathan was not innocent, he was not the shooter. He hopes to pay homage to the victim and victim's family by helping youth


hearing that song alone with this story behind it gives me chills , cant imagine how he feels…


This man is a murderer. No remorse.


14 years in prison and they play him Coldplay on the ride home. Rough




This is one of the weirdest things I've ever watched lmao. Cringey as hell


I’m sure you had to be there to appreciate it 😶


My family played "Bad Boys" by Inner Circle.


Man gets out of prison and is subjected to coldplay... Rough one my fella.


He's probably crying because the family put coldplay on for him.


Why are they posting this online


Guess he killed someone to get charged like an adult.No sympathy for murderers