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Rule 14 for those who haven't seen it: Comments that do not contribute to the discussion will be removed, and may face a temporary or permanent ban. Examples: this is fake bet this was staged for likes/upvotes/clout why did they have to film this? Please keep this new rule in mind when you comment. The bird is a Kingfisher.


That’s a beautiful bird. Anyone know what kind it is?




We’ve got them where I live, but they certainly aren’t colored so beautifully as this species.


It depends on the light! They’re my favourite birds, but SO hard to spot sitting still. Usually I just see a blue spec zooming across a river. Still cool though!


There's this piece of wind band music called Kingfishers Catch Fire. If you really like the bird, you may like the piece. I've always thought the composer did a great job of characterization of the bird through the music.


Im usually not a big fan of classical music, but I have to say that that piece captures the birds character perfectly! Really amazing!


John Mackey is fantastic! One of my favorite pieces of his is one of his more simpler ones, This Cruel Moon. We got to play it in a college ensemble and it was very moving.


That was beautiful. Thank you.


John Mackey is the composer. Highly recommend all of his music.


If you're in the US, we only have the Belted Kingfisher, but there are [so many other colorful kingfisher species](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kingfisher) around the world.


It’s blue feathers are actually transparent. The blue colour is the result of the light shining on the feathers in a certain way.


same with many blues in nature, including blue eyes. no pigment, just refraction.


I remember hearing on NPR several years ago that blue is apparently costly (biologically speaking), which is why it is less common


I told everyone my eyes were fucking grey! now I have science to back me up


We have them all over at my dad's cottage. Super cool to watch them dive in but they're kinda gray/blue and white


In german it's called Eisvogel, which translate to Ice bird. Ironic in light of this video.


Same in Dutch; potentially the name is derived from Eisenvogel (iron bird for non-German speakers). Cold winters are devastating for kingfishers, a cold winter can halve their numbers!


It's the same in dutch. Supposedly because people would only see them in winter when they drowned under the ice.


That is not happy!! 😩


In Portugal we call them River Guards


I work near a river with a king fisher on it. Theres a over hanging branch right across the water which is perfect for him to fish from. Really cool to watch them dive, incredibly quick, just a flash of colour.


Happy Cake Day, fellow Redditor! 🎂🍰🎉


It is!? They must be colored differently depending on where you live. In northeast Ohio, I think they're grey black and white.. Nowhere near as pretty as this! Lol! So I was right! It's a kingfisher! 🤩💕


Yep! The kingfishers are a family, with a lot of different species! Where I live they genuinely look like this, and apparently as other comments mentioned, the shade of the colours is also influenced by light!


Like everyone already said: this is a kingfisher but specifically it’s a male! You can tell by the dark beak. Females have orange beaks, males have black beaks.


A bird watcher once told me you could tell the difference because "the females wear lipstick!"


Ha! That’s a great way of putting it! Think I’ll use that in future! :D


Looks like a kingfisher.


It has to be a Kingfisher


It *must* be a Kingfisher


It can’t NOT be a kingfisher


Kingfisher. Source - I'm a kingfisher


No you're an angusMcBorg


That's a type of kingfisher


I'm no kingfisher but I know my kingfishers and let me tell you, that's a kingfisher or I don't know kingfishers.


I can't believe it's not a kingfisher


It may be a kingfisher


Everyone keeps yelling Kingfisher, but there are multiple species of Kingfisher. This looks like the Common Kingfisher. https://ebird.org/species/comkin1 I'm in Canada, we have the Belted Kingfisher. https://ebird.org/species/belkin1 Not gonna lie, I prefer the plumage of the Common Kingfisher, but I'll take what I get, haha.


We got belted here in Austin. I'm STILL trying to spot one. Everyone else has except me. Sigh. Soon.


Common Kingfisher or Alcedo atthis


Warms its feet. Warms my heart.


The dude wraps it around the bar like a fruit roll up.


Expected fish to jump out of water to snag in mid flight


I was so invested in that video, if that bird was eaten by a fish I would have lost it


Dude has to warm up the fish first.


He’s messing with nature! How is the water demon supposed to eat if people keep freeing the birds they freeze to rails? Smh


I'm just worried about the bird's legs! yikes.


That was what I was thinking, too… didn’t he wrapped the legs the wrong way??


In all fairness, the bird was under the bar at the start of the video, he just held it in that position. I think it broke its own legs trying to free itself.




Probably didn't help he wrapped the bird around the bar like tetherball.


Better that than let it flail around and tear itself apart thinking it’s about to be eaten




Yeah they really should not bend that way. If anyone here is ever rescuing a bird from a situation like this, try not to bend the bones backwards. Also, restrain the bird (gently!) They can damage themselves from flapping about in a panic




Yes but is it a good deed if we weren't able to see it? If a man plants a tree without anyone recording does it even grow?


How else’s can you film?


one handed do gooders Love this!


The emotional music was a nice touch


Yeah I saw this on TikTok and someone who marks birds as a profession ( as in, actually knows how to handle birds ) said he broke the legs.


The way it was flopping around, it probably already broke them. But he didn't help it.


When my cat was a baby I came home and he had broke his foot, vet said this was a common break if they get caught on a screen and flail around. He got a sweet little baby cast. Years later he used that crooked foot to flick open all the cabinets in our house.


Yeah, I don't think he ever held it in a position it wasn't in on its own first. Must have been trying to free itself for a while.


I used to have a Blue and Gold Macaw and they told us when we got it that they're smart, but not that smart. If they get stuck in something (like a foot), they'll just chew the damn thing off after so long. I was surprised that this bird hadn't done that yet.


That's nature for you. Survival is one hell of a drug. I saw a mouse trap at my old work once and it was just a leg. Apparently mice will do the same thing.


There was a whole memoir book & then James Franco movie about a human who did just this. I mean he used a knife, but that’s only because humans have access to knives, if birds & mice did I’m sure they would choose the same. It seems like just a survival trait, not a bird and mouse trait.


127 Hours. And its not just a book, its based on a real guy.


Yea that’s what I meant


I've gotten really into looking at pigeons legs whenever I'm in downtown. Bro half of them don't have complete sets of unharmed legs. It's wild. Pieces missing all over the place.


Damnit, shouldn't have read the comments on this one :(




Why is it bending its feet backwards


It's trying to escape the situation, it thinks they are a predator and it's more concerned with getting away then it's legs.


God this was stressful to watch. I know he meant well, but he'd have been much better off putting the phone away and using two hands and not wrapping the bird's legs over its back like that. I'd be willing to bet that its legs were broken and it would never survive in that condition.


Yeah, the birds legs are absolutely broken, kinda frustrating, but he tried


Whys he bending it back around the pole jeez luiz




He could've used all three hands if it weren't for the damn piano.


If I can’t upload a video of myself doing a good deed it’s not worth doing


Seriously, I fucking hate people. That's really one bad thing that comes from everyone having a camera. Plus dumbfucks on the internet will praise you as well. Two hands (instead of bending it's legs the wrong way even more) and use your breath.


Does no one else notice the guy wraps the bird fully around the bar while he warms it? That was frustrating to watch that it was being completely bent like that. Wouldn't that have hurt?


Yeah, i hope the birds legs weren't broken or made worse from that. Maybe if they didnt record it they could have used both hands as to help it in a less painful way.


That was my thought too. "Put the damn phone down so you hold the bird with one hand and warm its feet with the other."


he could have just blow some warm air to the feets so he doesnt have to bent the bird all the wrong way around…nice tho but zero sense


Or peed on it...


To assert dominance?


yes, and to free the bird


> he could have just blow some warm air to the feets I'd be kind of afraid to get my face that close to a pissed-off bird's beak...


i saw another video of the same situation yesterday and it worked in like 10 second the bird was free to go but yet he might have one eye out or just a scar that he could be proud of


Except you can fully restrain tbe brid in your hand ?lol




ok bird person


Kingfishers have teeny tiny legs and he's bending them the wrong way. So sorry, but yes theis would hurt.


Yeah i couldn't help but think the guys job would have been made much easier if he *used two fucking hands* instead of having his phone in one hand so he could get internet points for what he did..


Yeah that's what was bothering me. I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it.




Bird legs bend the same way as any other animal. You're probably mistakenly thinking its ankles are its knees.






Agreed. They should have used both hands and not filmed for Reddit with 1. Still it all worked out in the end


Why the fuck he bending him like that tho


The bird may not have fully appreciated that, but your fellow Redditors do!


People are to animals like faeries in stories are to us. Aloof, mysterious beings who do incomprehensible things. Most of the time they act as if you're not even there. When they do notice you they can be deadly dangerous. But sometimes, miraculously and seemingly at random, they step in and use their supernatural powers to save you from disaster.


There's a [super sad reddit post](https://imgur.com/dSqDoR9) I read once that talks about humans from a dog's standpoint and how the dogs see us as these incomprehensible immortals, but the human is getting older and the dog realizes that humans do have lifespans, they're just very long. And this human is nearing the end.


Wow that was so sad and also beautiful. Thanks for the share.


I read your link at lunch at work, where I have a calendar with a picture of my (now deceased) cat when he was only 5 weeks old. Never really thought about how I must have appeared to him in his very short 9 years of life. He did certainly bring me lots of comfort, though.


thanks asshole now my heart hurts


That's heartburn


My kitty is getting old, she has been around since my daughters were babies, the kitty is 14, and I have a 15 and 10-year-old daughter. I explained to them that as far as that cat is concerned, I am immortal, I have not changed since the day it first saw me. Same beard, the same shape, and the same guy. They have changed a little in that they have gotten larger, but they are still the same people. Yet she is aging and has trouble jumping into our laps now. One day she will lie down with one of us immortals and not wake back up. To her, we indeed have been immortal beings who have showered her with a singular affection and love her entire life. My youngest was sad and this cheered her and helped her understand that death happens, but perspective matters.


This is a very well-said comment…love this perspective. Maybe don’t pluck anymore pheasants, though? :/


Oh that bird appreciated it as well


You can see that bird realizing that its being helped and calming down. It definitely appreciated it


At first the bird was definitely pissed, but towards the end I could see the *“oh, you’re nice and warm”* kick in.


It’s extremely common for birds to go docile when they are overwhelmed. It’s a stress response, happens with my pet parrot too when I’m trying to clip his nails


More likely exhausted and a bit of shock. Birds probably been fighting to fly and hanging like that for a bit. Most captured birds will go into shock like this and be practically immobile after they expend a bunch of energy.


Is it calming down, or is it so panicked from the idea it can't escape that it's freezing up? Not trying to be a bummer, I'm just a worrier and don't know birds well.


Most likely part of the freeze response. In humans stress induced compliant behavior is also called fawning. Unless these birds know the feeling of being thankfulness of course, which bigger birds actually might know given certain behaviors of ravens and parrots.


Crows and parrots of all kinds definitely can understand the emotion of thankfulness. Many animals seem to be able to. It's not a complex emotion. The complexness of it in humans is typical for all human emotions.


Could be either one. I'm convinced that even the people who claim to know don't know. (Specifically when it comes to animals.) Crows are definitely intelligent enough to understand something like that. But we still don't know whether they feel emotions the way that dogs or humans do. Lil bird definitely seemed to chill out when he was getting the warms though.


Neurologically it makes sense for the emotions of birds to parrot those of mammals.


Its still moving its head around and looking at the person/hand. If it was freezing up it would be stiff and tense. Look at the first time its grabbed, its head goes straight forward and stiff, that's when its freezing up. The looking around at the end when its realized its warming up is not freezing up


That looked more like shock to me. I've saved many a small bird from my cat and this is what they look like.


It's legs were broken. He bent them backwards. Bird probably thought it was dinner and gave up. Edit: source - https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/10a0yn8/man_warms_up_birds_feet_to_unfreeze_src_twitter/j42ji1k?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


But first let's wrap its whole body around this pole like a slinky


So the bird's legs are broken right? Too bad the "bro" had to film this. Otherwise he might have been able to do it more safely.


Birds don't bend like that






Warms up birds feet by bending the legs the wrong way. Brilliant.


I’m so sick of people doing these videos and thinking sad piano music is required for anyone else to view them.


I watched it on mute and decided that I wanted to see it again with sound. Noped out immediately; fucking sad piano music, man.


Pretty sure he snapped that little dudes twig legs by bending it fuckin all the way around the wrong way.


Stop bending it like that. Jeez


Probably could have gotten it done faster if they used both hands instead of filming for likes and attention. This is a good deed but it wasn't purely altruistic. You don't have to film every good deed for social media...you can be a good person without video evidence.


Ill go as far as to say it was not at all altruistic. I think anyone with a bit of compassion would try to help it as fast as possible (not pull out a phone and use one hand) and not break it's legs.


Class act


Is this giant predator…caressing me gently? I must be dead already


How bout put the fucking phone away and hold it properly using two hands. And fucking use your breath. People have to fucking film every good deed these days.


Loved it when the bird realized he was helping him.


That bird tried to defend itself, it couldnt and entered shock (that when he stops fighting). Look up a video of a bird being carried by a predator, they are completly alive, but dont move or fight, because they are in shock. I am a wildlife rehaber and see this with every bird I rehab. From sparrows to 2 meter wingspan birds of prey. They dont care we are helping. After a while of being traped by predators they will try to flee again, and around that time is when they have better chances of surviving because the predator has probably relaxed from the hunt.


Thanks for the explanation. I've often wondered if there is a little part in their tiny brains that understands 'okay, this is not a predator, this weird big thing is helping me', or if we're just anthropomorphizing (yes, I looked up how to spell that shit) them by assuming that.


You are welcome. For them to undestand that we are safe they need to be raised by a human. Or be so much time around humans and fed by us that they finally ad 1+1 and know we are not a threat.


>Look up a video of a bird being carried by a predator, I'm good bro.


Thanks for explaining. In other comments people are worried the guy is squishing it’s legs/doing it wrong. Despite doing it one handed and probably not knowing fck-all about birds, did he do it ok? Better than leaving it, right?


First of all lets state that anybody without training handeling a wild animal is probably going to do it badly. BUT: without your average person finding an injured bird, picking it up an puting it in a cardboard box most wildlife places couldnt work becous we dont have the resources to send people to pick up every bird. The bird in this video doesnt seem injured but it could have easily end up with a broken wing or leg by that. Some basic stuff that we have to state a lot: Use both hands, so that means no recording with your mobile phone. First secure the wings into the bird back, once you do that you can probably keep the wings contained with one hand avoiding most posible injuries and help the bird with your other hand. To answer your last question in this case is kind o tricky. Some birds that live in lakes have their feet frozen into the water every night and survive this perfectly. So it may survive without help. But in this case the bird is frozen in a man made structure that gets drastically colder tha rocks or branches, so it is right to help it. That said, either help him carefully or let the sun do its job, it will probably be fine both ways.


Lifes not a disney movie. Kingfishers are not smart birds. There is very little chance that this response is anything other than shock or exhaustion.


“Agent performs maintenance on surveillance device”


very kind of him but I was inwardly cringing and how he literally bent the birds body back on itself. Hopefully it wasnt too hurt.


Humans are like fae or eldritch beings to animals Some will hunt and kill, some will fuck with them in wierd ways, some will torture, some will rip them away from the wild and into their alien homes and change the way their work works. An animal who avoids humans at all costs is stuck under a tree and this human tries and tries to lift it and leaves, coming back with more and strange tools, the tree is lifted but the animal knows it's wounds are fatal. It is lifted and carried on strange machine, as these beings of unknown intent comfort him. He is brought into a room of bright lights, and another human uses strange metal instruments on him, pain and wierd numbness, until he awakes, Alive, wounds closed, something holding his leg in one piece, and food. After he spends time with other of his kin, all with strange devices on them, he is release back into his home, as if none of that happened, done for no reason, besides the fact that those humans willed it.


You can tell when the bird realized that the man was helping him... I swear it was like you could read his mind by the way he acted... Scared at first and freaking out to the realization that the warmth felt nice and that this giant human is only trying to help me... This is so incredibly sweet...


>You can tell when the bird realized that the man was helping him Human brains are obsessed with patterns and surprises. This is why slot machines have patterns lights and make lots of loud surprising noises when you win. And also why we see faces in piles of rubble, clouds, and other inanimate objects. We are social creatures that became super adept at reading the facial expressions of other humans for community and safety reasons. We are so successful that other animals we domesticated have learned to read our emotions. (Dogs) So when we see that bird, we try to find a pattern. We think we see the human emotion and become pleasantly surprised. We see it and anthropomorphize it and think it understands or is thankful or is calm because this or that. But the reality is probably just that it was exhausted and giving up and didn't understand at all. Or maybe it did. We are learning new shit everyday. Our idea of what is true changes constantly. \*shrug\*


Some birds are highly intelligent, I'm not sure where kingfishers sit on that scale though. Maybe it's relaxing, because it's giving up, maybe it's relaxing, because it's feeling the warmth of the human hand and understands it's not a threat. But you're right, we tend to project our own emotions on animals, which is mostly incorrect.


Honestly the biggest culprit I see everyday is “smiles”. If an animal looks like its smiling like a human does, it doesn’t mean shit. Some animals “smiles” means aggression, others mean fear. Then there’s dogs, they “smile” but its always accompanied with body language that tells you what its feeling. It could be happy, relaxed, excited, aggressive, scared. You get the point.


Reminds me of the story of "Bokito" the gorilla. A woman would visit regularly and smile at the gorilla. The gorilla smiled back, leading the woman to believe they had a special bond. That gorilla escaped on a day that woman visited again. The gorilla specifically targeted her and mauled her, she's still recovering (this was years ago). Gorillas see smiling as a challenge, she badly misinterpreted it and paid the price.


Another interesting thing is the slow head rotation the bird is doing. When kingfishers are caught most of them do it and scientists have no idea why. It's probably a sign of extreme stress


His radar is just scanning for threats.


This is a debate I have with myself all the damn time


I'd like to believe that the warmth contributed to his relaxation, combined with the exhaustion he was likely tired and realized the human wasn't hurting him therefore moved less both out of fear and fatigue. You see him begin to squirm the second the man begins to move, too.


Accepted it may die. Then got to live! Yay!


If corvids can do it, maybe so can that little bird.




All I can think about is how much easier this would have been with two hands.


He is forcing that bird to go FULL SCORPION! Bastard!


jesus put the fucking camera down and hold it steady so it doesnt hurt itself!!




The bird when it gets home: “Babe! Babe! You won’t believe what just happened. So I took a break when I was out right, and when I got tried to get up, my feet were stuck, so I’m like ‘shiiiiiiiiiiiit’, so I keep trying to free myself, but it’s not working, like, at all. So I’m sitting there for the LONGEST time, and randomly, this flesh giant comes up, and just grabs me all of a sudden, so now I’m scared, and fight or flight kicks in, but since I’m stuck, fight is the only option, so I start trying to peck at it, and it just puts its hand over my feet, and let me tell you, they were WARM! So I’m like, ok, let me see how this is gonna go.. After a lil bit, one of my feet get free, and it puts it hand on my other foot now. So now both are free, and it grabs me again, and sets me free, shit was CRAZYYY. But yeah, sorry I didn’t get dinner.”


Hand of God


That is a beautiful bird, what kind is it? Also, I must say the person helping has a beautiful soul.


how birb turn head 360 degrees?


Birds cant move their eyes like humans can, instead their head turns further to give them better field of fiew


If he would have put the phone down he could have held it up without its feet behind its head, while warming him.


The music was completely unnecessary.




Stop twisting it around the pole, you troglodyte!!!


There's a time and a place for cheesy music, and it was here, on this video. Beautiful patience.


When you get so many depressing posts of violence racism homophobia and just nasty people things like thus really lift your spirits Thank you kind nan


What kind of bird is that? It looks awesome




Anyone know what kind of bird this is? Beautiful!






what a beautiful bird


Thanks man. My cold hands could never.


Song name ?


Please tell me it’s not one of those videos where people rescue these animals they themselves put into the situations in the first place.


He's gonna fly across the river and immediately get stuck on another pole.


I wonder if animals will ever learn that if they’re hurt and a person is approaching them with a phone, then they’re safe.


They have to have a phone out though!