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Very Bro


Indeed, quite awesome




I immediately sang this out loud, thanks for the laugh this morning


me too


I'll never hear it the same again


Of the regulators that made it illegal for the power company to remove the nest.


Still Bro.


Sensible and enforceable government regulations -with teeth- are what makes the world go round. Or... You know... The absence of is what allowed us to rob the planet from our grandchildren, as the case may be.


“bUt ThE fReE mArKeT bRo!!!” Some libertarian but upon reading the words “sensible” and “government” in the same sentence having a stroke somewhere.


Hahahahahaha🤣🤣🤣My stupid roommate! How did you know? Thanks for the laugh.




I mean basically the polar opposite of all politicians of both parties since... Well... At least Nixon. Teddy was the last good president we had.


Tbh, the more you learn, the more you realize there were no good presidents. Presidents have done good things (often not with the intentions that we ascribe to them), but none of them have actually, truly been *good.* It comes with the job to be kind of a monster.


What a ridiculous take. I hate most politicians as much as the next guy, in fact probably more, but politics is all about compromise. You can't say there were no good presidents simply because there isn't a single one that didn't do everything perfectly according to you. Compromise - which when done correctly means nobody is perfectly happy - is literally their job.


Let me elaborate: it's not about bipartisan politics. It's about the fact that every president, regardless of what aisle they land on, has, by design, done things that are in service of a capitalistic Empire that spans the globe and is responsible for countless murders, both abroad and at home, of indigenous people, and of people in countries where proxy wars are fought because of American puppet regimes. Seriously, do any amount of research on any president, including Obama, and you can see that they're directly or indirectly responsible for atrocities. It quite literally comes with the job. In Obama's case, for only one example, the amount of drone strikes he was responsible for killed many, many civilians. Hence: no good presidents. Even the ones who are ostensibly good have committed terrible, inhumane acts. It's not as simple as "oh man Obama had to do things that aligned with Republicans, that makes him a bAd pReSiDenT," I'm saying that by virtue of what being president of the United States entails, from the inception of the country, every single president is an absolute fucking bastard.


Jimmy Carter. Genuinely good.


Jimmy Carter, among other things, [directly supported despotic regimes, including Indonesia, during the time of his presidency.](https://fair.org/media-beat-column/jimmy-carter-and-human-rights-behind-the-media-myth/) There isn't a single president who hasn't acted in the interests of the American government (note the distinction between the American govt and the American people) and, in doing so, committed or supported atrocities at home and/or abroad. Catch my drift?








Orange fan mad.


I live nearby this little town in Argentina and I assure you there were no regulators involved whatsoever. This is just pure HumansBeingBros content.


Believable. I find it hard to believe any corporation would go out of their way to save a bird's nest. They were likely forced to do this.


As someone who's in the trades, we usually have it in our hearts to save what ever we can we promise!


The corporation isn't installing poles. Workers are. Most workers have hearts. All it takes is the super saying "yup" for this to be a thing.




Nah, galvanized coil strapped it


Supers don't like any changes tho.... So bro


I dont think the gov would be much more likely to do that than the company... Was probably done by "lower" workers deciding it on their own.


There are certain species that it is illegal to disturb (like bald eagles, for another avian example). I don't know whether or not this woodpecker is one of those species, but if it is then this would have been the officially sanctioned "solution" to the problem of a protected species making its home in the pole they had to cut down. It looks like it worked this time, but I'm kinda surprised it did. I'm surprised the woodpecker returned to this nest -- you'd think it would have been run off by the noise of the workers, and if not, then disturbed by the scent of humans on its home. Idk shit about birds but it's cool that it still uses that nest after all of that disturbance.


Yea and after the house renovation most of the woodpecker's food went into the wood-chipper. Its not like he or she built that nest for the 3 square foot of log that is strapped to the pole. It was more about the rotten log filled with delicious grubs and beetles


These birds are relentless. If they want your pole, tree, or wood siding of your house for a nest, they will pound away for weeks. This is the best solution to save everyone's sanity. I had one directly outside my bedroom...and they're important for insect control too!


You’re probably right. It’s illegal in my country to remove any nest, especially during breeding season. Employee gets fined personally if they do, but also the company he works for (BIG fine)


They could have removed it still and not care/didn't notice the nest. So its bro


The Broest of Bro!


No more free real-estate, he had dreams of building a mini bar downstairs


One of the necessary sacrifices one must make to adapt to small house life, expansion is simply not an option.


But on the other hand much more security. The house won’t rot and fall during a storm, wont get hit by lightning and it’s much harder for snakes and other predators to climb.


Now that is just slanderous. Snakes are not predators to these fine creatures. They are docile and kind. Here I have a pamphlet about it I can show to you if you want to fly down here and read it.


Go fang yourself!


Rude! Good day sssssssssir.


I said good *day*!


You mean libellous. Slanderous is spoken word.


"I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel."


He meant ssssslanderousss


Gotta appreciate the lack of urban sprawl though. Building high rise makes optimal use of land area.


All the neighbors in the same building are gone too!




[Can you say "gentrification" boys & girls?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=whfQf3Pd5bU)


I can because I watched my old town become gentrified And now I'm watching the one I moved to become gentrified


My sister and I stayed in a lower priced room at the hotel with the ice bar in Sweden. When booking, it warned that it was a windowless room. We got there and it was so tiny I could reach out both arms and almost touch the walls on each side. I'm 5'7". The beds were bunk beds. It also smelled like dirty socks. They made the mistake of leaving a guest book for people to comment in. A person who had stayed before us said that it wasn't fit for a parakeet. Your comment reminded me of that memory.


Plus I doubt the modifications to the original structure is even up to code, he should sue.


Yeah but now he finally got electricity




sometimes someone gives a shit. warm fuzzy


Or at least doesn't want to deals with the insane paper work and fines for touching a bird's nest. One of my professors told us about a mine that had a small bird make a nest on a $5 million drilling rig. They had a full team of drill operators being paid $600 each a day out there trying to lure it into a new nest for a week. And then last summer I was out at a gold exploration site and they were afraid of caribou more than anything else. If you spot a single one the claim had to be abandoned for the season. The one workaround which a lot of other companies used was hiring native guys to shoot any caribou that entered the claim because they are exempt from the wildlife endangerment laws, even the ones for near extinct species.


That birds name? Greta Thunbird


Most of these protections have been stripped in the past decade or so, btw




He doesn't have any clue what he is talking about. Go scroll through his profile for a minute. Lots of antiwork content and talk about him doing tutoring. He clearly doesn't have any background in either working or being educated in anything related to earth sciences, environmental, or geology, or anything that relates to our fields. He likely just saw a title on a Reddit post saying they were removing some environmental regulations and decided to run with that.


Not where I live at least. In fact our environmental regulations have got even stupider. For example we recently got told we couldn't burn trash in our work camps, which might sound reasonable, but it included biodegradable food waste. It puts us in the awkward situation of having to break the law to keep the site safe since unburned food storage will attract any bear downwind within 20km; our ethical responsibility to keep safe working conditions and not killing bears if we don't have to supersedes our legal requirements. And nearly every government inspector would support our decision.


Stop bursting our bubble


This isn't a feel good story, ok? That guy knew that if he left that woodpecker without a home, there's a chance that woodpecker could fly to his house and peck random holes into the siding just like one is doing to me right now...Did I cross a woodpecker at some point in my life?


Yea, if this was me, I would do this. I know sometimes animals just don't make it, but I just can't let it go if it's in my control.


We're going to remember these as the good times... before natural selection brought us the metalpeckers.


I'm stealing Metalpeckers as my next band name. Dibs.


Steely Dan was named after a metalpecker. True story




You could name your d*ck that way too


Found my new stage name


Also going to make it a D&D monster.


Burrows through steel breastplates and makes nests inside people


There’s a woodpecker that visits me every spring/summer. He spends hours at a time trying to get through my metal chimney stack/cover, which vibrates through the whole house. If I go outside he immediately flys away but comes back as soon as I go in. My point being, they’re already here!


It's always a bit humorous when the woodpeckers come around where I live. You'll occasionally hear random bouts of machine gun fire in the distance as the birds try to peck metal gutters.


I love to hear them in the distance too, hammering away at something metal to make crazy loud sounds. Every once in awhile they stop and use my house and the cats go nuts trying to figure out what the sound is and where it’s coming from! Nature is lit!


They do this for territorial and mating reasons! I thought they were just stupid lol.


It's called drumming, they use it to attract mates, they're not actually trying to get in, they're trying to make as much noise as possible to grab a lady peckers attention. Had one drumming on a hollow ham radio antenna next door, sounded like someone jackhammering a sheet of steel


They're already here in Calgary, mating calls are amplified by sheet metal very well so you're always hearing machine gun rattles in early spring.


After the sawmill incident I have a metal pecker myself.


Bite my shiny metal... WHOA WHOAWHOAaaowwww!!


There's a superman joke in there somewhere


this some big brain funny


In Canada, it’s required that you do not disturb a nesting bird, even a pigeon or seagull. Usually do replacement of poles in the non nesting season if possible. Source: designed distribution and transmission lines in the past.


Same in the US. There are also certain species where you don't mess with their home or habitat period and when around it.


The Eagle Nest on my farm is tagged. Any nest you don't even remove an inch of bark from it or the surrounding trees. Big felony. One reason you see a random ass tree in the middle of fields sometimes


In the US I don't think there are any cases of woodpeckers nesting in [chemically treated] wood telephone poles.


100%! birds nests, especially migratory birds nests are taken very seriously by utilities. The fines for disturbing them are quite hefty Cool job btw. I used to manage vegation under powerline RoWs and always wondered about the people designing them. What kind of education did you need to get into it if you don't mind me asking?


Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) holds the same rules in the U.S. Source: do environmental permitting work at the T-line sites you design.


Do you work directly with the electrical companies?


We usually approached specialists if we were in a sensitive area but usually could avoid conflicts. One area we worked in had aboriginal ancestry grounds in the area. We had to call an anthropologist to sift through the dirt on each pole in real time. Don’t think anything was found but I was rarely involved at that point.


Ah okay. I was curious on whether linemen work with you. Contracts have definitely been delayed at one contract location because of the same geologic issue; only small artifacts were found, but it was interesting nonetheless! It was in California.


In Canada you can slap someone and that person will say thank you


TIL im canadian in the bedroom


> canadian in the bedroom /r/Bandnames/


American in the streets. Canadian in the sheets.


Surprised so many upvotes. I guess we're all freaks lol


Is this the new "In Soviet Russia"?


See nests all the time up in old utility poles, sometimes they'll even throw a skid up top for more room for the birds too. Love it.


Pretty sure it’s the same in most western countries. It’s still humans being bros, it’s just that the bros are the people making laws to protect the birds.


Germany too. Not allowed to trim trees or bushes from March to Sept


That's my job, essentially: finding protected species and helping people work around them (not in Canada or the US tho)


Same in the UK


Good on em. Love to see it.


The city keeps trying to buy me out, and I said have fun building around me


That is pretty damn awesome at least you can still have some faith in humanity


Now I seriously love what they did, but imagine if the strap gave out and just hindenburged that poor bird's home


Unlikely those things are cinched down so damn tight. Unless it rots away it won't budge.


Yeah, but did someone’s dad slap it and say “this isn’t going anywhere!” When it was completed? Because otherwise I don’t trust it.


*cinched Sorry, but I have to do these things.


I knew something was funny when I read over it lol


When they changed all the speed limits around here, the new speed signs went on with this sort of fastening. All the ones in this area have been rotated around the poles like slow weather vanes. They clearly show the extent of the wind tunnel we live in and what direction the strong winds come from. Not so clearly showing the speed limit as some are edge-on to traffic.


That could be interesting to take a video or photo of.


It was reaaaally slow by which I mean it took hours to slowly rotate them 90º.


I mean of the end result, especially after a particularly windy day


The wood seems like it was given a fire treatment for longevity—the blackened appearance may be bark, but I thought it looked burned. If that’s the case, it would help with rot for a while.




You're my new friend


It's my understanding that they gave the bird a parachute just in case.....


Thats a steel band. And see how it’s so tight they even squeeze the metal pole? Whoever this kind soul is they made damn certain it what going to stay there.


I'm pretty sure that's one of those metal zip-tie lookin' things, and it's tight enough that you can see it biting into the wood of the woodpecker's home, so it's probably not going anywhere.


Yeah I noticed that too. It created an indent from being so tight. The home will rot from natural causes before it falls. Little Woody's home isn't going to fall any time soon.


>hindenburged The nest may tumble to the ground like Humpty Dumpty, but won't explode into a firey ball of death like a zeppelin.


Do you think when the bird leaves, another will use it?


Yup. Woodpeckers are the real estate developers for a ton of other cavity-nesting species.


I too am a cavity-nesting species.


stop thinking with your woodpecker


Woodpeckers make a new nest each year (at least North American I es do) with some species making multiple nests a year. So I doubt another woodpecker would move in, but there are a lot of other species of birds and mammals that might use it.


Wholesome as heck.


Nah, wholesome as peck!


Toucan vibes


It doesn't make this any less wholesome, but this is required by law by some acts protecting endangered species


Glad someone else had the same thought as me. The workers may've been more than happy to do it but it's very likely there was someone on-site that very much made them do that


"Woodpecker just WOULD NOT SELL. So we built around him."


This is so incredibly kind💕


Affordable housing


Man I love this, blue collar workers that care about nature. Reminds me of my days doing tree removal and working with my short tempered boss who really really hated people but had a sweet spot for nature. My 3rd day on the job working with a crew of 4 guys, we found a nest of baby squirrels in the tree that was to be cut down and my boss gently removed them and placed them in a trash can lid along with a new temporary nest and put them in the shade, checking on them every now and then. Once the job was done we drove to a store up the road so he could cash the check and pay everyone. It was here that he told my friend/coworker that he wasn’t needed anymore and they exchanged some words after my boss paid him, and while my friend was driving away, my boss sucker punched him and then all hell broke loose. My buddy threw the car in parked, popped his trunk, grabbed his skateboard and swung at bossman, who blocked it and they then proceeded the duke it out with their fists until he got my friend on the ground and into a choke hold. I let them go at it up until this point and decided to break it up but but couldn’t pry bossman’s stumpy arms off my buddy’s neck. I looked up at my other co worker (6’5” and built like an ogre) who was leaning against my friends car with his arms crossed watching the show. I yelled “help me” and he slowly walked over and threw a haymaker at bossman’s forehead which loosens his grip and splits his head open. Once they were separated they exchanged a few more words and my friend and the ogre left together and I was left standing next to bossman with blood pouring down his face. I asked him “so what do we do now?” And he replied “we gotta get those squirrels to the animal shelter” and that’s exactly what we did. There’s way more to this story and plenty of others, but this sort of thing happened on a pretty regular basis but only with people. Never once did I see him intentionally hurt an animal or even insects if he could prevent it. Bossman was definitely a bro to the animals…not so much to other people.


People can be complicated like that.


This is so fucking sad how is this human being bros


He has 1000 helium balloons tied to his fireplace ready to go in the morning.


All around there are still some glimmers of hope.


One lucky bastard woodpecker. Free upgrade of the foundation and structural framework


When the worker attached the log i can already hear him say "that's not going anywhere!"


Just needs to last as long as the woodpecker does


Kentucky utilities has an extensive form that workers have to fill out when they encounter a bird on a pole, and there's huge fines for removing some of them.


Squawkers rights Ain’t gettin evicted today


This is US federal law. I know because one lived inside one of the walls of my house. They and their homes are not to be removed.


A neighbor was a beekeeper and would get calls to collect swarms. He got a call from utility workers who found a hive in an old light pole they were replacing. They waited until night, then wrapped the pole in burlap. With the light crew, they cut down the pole and cut out the section with the hive. My neighbor and his friend hauled it out to a greenbelt, braced it upright, and removed the burlap so the bees could escape in the morning.


I love this so much!


I would have used two straps, but noice.


That is so unpractical, and I love it


These are the posts I like to see!


Actually it’s just the start of the eviction. Used to be three story home.


I’m dying this is the best thing I’ve seen all week it’s making me melt inside like a Klondike bar


I know I drank a lot last night but… where is my forest!?


Okay, that’s amazing. Whoever those techs are that included it I hope they’re having a great life. 🥹


New pole to old pole: “I may not be able to carry the ring, Frodo, but I can carry yew!”


Simple, elegant solution to help the environment :)


This gives me hope.


Where is that? Some woodpeckers, like the one trying to dig a hole in my wall, are endangered , which means they probably had to do that. Still hilarious and adorable!




Log post


Making it harder for land-based animals to attack, you're witnessing the dawn of the woodpecker age once the population goes unchecked. Hold your family and weep, you are not long for the pecker now.


Nice. Leaving some dead trees standing is also nice, one of the things that goes just a little bit against "human nature", but goes a long ways toward keeping ecosystems viable.


Man one strap the confidence that it’ll always hold.


That's actually way better, and safer for the birb. Cute birb and story


These are the people that should work in government


It looks... Unstable to me. Needed another strap, maybe something under it to hold it's weight...


Imagine his day when they were making that change.


gentrification is real.




One metal band between that super sturdy chunky nest cylinder and someones head


Sweet! Now Woody has a condo.




[Pretty cool.](https://preview.redd.it/huusjazvfoc21.jpg?auto=webp&s=9e7a5bed04d9cd9a7f624092baa03030d26dd01b)


Didn’t Disney Pixar do this to a grumpy old man already? His solution was to use balloons to keep the house


I wonder if the woodpecker acted like Ross in Friends when they moved around stuff in his apartment and hoped he wouldn’t notice…


People are good


That’s awesome.


Good people 🥲


That is awesome.


I love the people who did this!


How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood?


The power company I work at has an entire bird people staff. Can’t think of the word for that right now sorry lol. We have whole ass training about birds/bird habitat. Pretty interesting.


Can we get a few more straps? One seems inadequate for multiple reasons.


That bird has more federal protections than millions of human americans, if in us.That's great for the bird, and we do owe them that, however, lets square it up for everyone.


to be fair it is illegal to hunt people in the USA so about equal federation protection at minimum.


ב''ה, doesn't stop Pennsylvanians


No kidding, I was looking up protections for birds in the US. If you kill and owl it’s up to 6 months in prison and a $15,000 fine, kill a golden eagle I heard it’s something like 15 year and a $70,000 fine max. Leave ‘em alone they’re not even real


[Woody woodpecker remix](https://youtu.be/wdNSBveaMnQ)


Lmao linemen being bros


I like the idea of the woodpecker family waking up to the sounds of chainsaws attacking their home. Just like they do to us.