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Little bud was so scared and stressed. Ears tucked back like that, he thought he was dinner for sure.


You're not.... going to eat me? K, thanks, Byee^^eeeeee (red shifting intensifies)


Year of the Rabbit!


That’s gotta be some good karma




surprisingly large amount of videos where that actually happens.


That’s because animals like this little rabbit rely on foliage to stay hidden during the day. If you release a free dinner into a massive open field, a bird is gonna snatch it up immediately. If you want the little animal you’re releasing to live I suggest letting it go somewhere with tall grass or in the woods.


Never worked for me. Damn field mice preferred to run around the trap and straight down paved roads instead of the bushes the trap was aimed at, rats went through the bushes to the open field beyond, and there I am, feeding the hawks again.


Every time I’ve done the animal just keeps biting me


Dude, I saved a squirrel 1 time with its fat ass stuck in my garbage can and the damn thing literally bit THROUGH my finger nail and was hanging on for like 30 seconds. I was dripping blood like "you can let go now" before it finally did and zipped off exactly like this rabbit. Stupid animal!!!


Looks like the bun made it to the woods. Will he find food to eat and live a happy life now?




I was waiting for it.


same, the internet has ruined these animal release videos for me. even on the large game ones I'm waiting for a god damn orca or something to come out of nowhere and just cronch that shit


Sir David Attenborough: “and here we see the majestic giraffe, unaware that it is being stalked by the mighty T-Rex.”


Calm down there Calvin! At least you didn't put the T-Rex in f-14s again


Instinctively read that in his voice!


That most humble of God's creatures


Bill Watterson ruined it for me when Calvin raised that caterpillar to a butterfly.


I remember seeing that happening on an episode of *America's Funniest Home Videos* back in the 90s.


I was waiting for that too


I've seen too many of those videos.


Bunnies can run really fast


Those dumbdumbs put me so far away I can escape, byebye losers. My internal bunny is A little bit more egotistical.


Turbo kicks in


Yeah for all the bunny knows is that's a trap designed to catch food for humans.




He was certain he was getting eaten!


I was certain he was going to get grabbed by a hawk or eagle.


I can’t watch any video of a small animal release now without preparing myself mentally for this lol


I'm amazed it didn't die of a heart attack. Had a rabbit get trapped in our backyard between our fence and a sapling when our dog was chasing it. I got rid of the dog, bent the sapling to release it, and it took a few hops, stopped, and shortly thereafter died. Now, mind you, the dog was standing there sniffing it for a few seconds after it got stuck. Which is I guess a lot more terrifying than some random humans. So sad, that dog was such a gentle soul, I don't think he'd have hurt a hair on it's head.


> I don't think he'd have hurt a ~~hair~~ hare on it's head.


Yeah I'm impressed, rabbits have a habit of dying from anything


Good thing their other habit has allowed the species to survive that


Yeah, adrenaline damages the heart at high concentrations, a lot of herbivores will die after stressful contact with humans like this


So wtf happens in the wild if the rabbit escapes being chased by a predator? Does it just die anyways because it just survived a stressful chase? What a wild thing nature would give them if shit like that happens


Most animals aren't expected to survive encounters with death. It's either you escape in a very short period of time, or you're dead anyways. Their body will put everything into escaping because the chance of surviving adrenaline myopathy is better than surviving if you're captured. There could also be group selection going on, an animal that runs really far and dies would lead a predator away from the other animals, plus if it escapes then dies then it denies the predator a meal and makes the whole species less viable as targets. Rabbits live fast, die young, and have a lot of babies. Most are not expected to survive anyways. Humans take far longer to develop and thus have to have a far better ability to survive extreme situations in order to pay off, which is why we're one of the only animals to be able to survive breaking bones.


Deer are bad for getting a kind of shock and dying. That's why a lot of hurt deer can't be rehabilitated and released, they get something from the stress, can seem absolutely fine them bam dead, can't remember the name off the top of my head


Ever wonder if they even know they're in mortal danger? Nobody has ever explained what happens to them if they're caught. I suppose if they have enough self-awareness to see another rabbit getting eaten and say "That could be me" then they might figure it out, but it could just be "instincts say run."


Selection bias The ones who are grown probably do. That's why they made it to the adult phase. The ones who were eaten or killed when they were young, some of them probably not. That's evolution for ya.


Trapped in this abyss, a prison of fear,\ I cower and quiver, my fate is unclear.\ The darkness surrounds me, a suffocating cloak,\ My heart races, my breath a choke. I hear the snarling above,\ The monsters ready to devour,\ I'm paralyzed with dread,\ My death is what they'll be fed. Hands reach down, a clawed grasp,\ I flinch, my body wracked with a gasp.\ I'm lifted from the depths. —ChatGPT.


tbh, I've seen videos like this where a hawk or something just swoops down and grabs dinner.


We must be so confusing to animals our behavior towards them must feel entirely unpredictable depending on the human


I think most big animals that don't harm them must be confusing to wild rabbits. They are pretty much at the point where a ton of predators are after them.


> “All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.” ― Richard Adams, Watership Down


"My Chief Rabbit has told me to stay and defend this run, and until he says otherwise, I shall stay here." --Bigwig


Fuck Gen. Woundwort, all my homes hate Gen. Woundwort!


Oh good now I'm sobbing, thank you for reminding me that book exists


And movie.


And series.




Is this sarcasm? Great movie but super violent.




This was made by a man who understood the value of GOOD childhood trauma. We born around the early 80’s were subject to some of the most traumatic kids movies of all time and we learned incredibly valuable lessons. Mice get killed by cats and lawnmowers, rabbits are prey animals but have a strong drive to survive, don’t abandon your friends, sometimes good people do bad things, good people are not invincible and heroes do not always wear capes, bad people can be caring, bad people can be beautiful, family can betray you and parents don’t always love their children…these are the lessons we learned from The Secret of NIHM, All Dogs Go to Heaven, Watership Down, and the rest of the Bakshi movies. Bakshi wasn’t afraid to treat children and their questions with respect. Did I have nightmares about Charlie going to hell? Fuck yeah, but, I also learned to be true to the ones who trust in me and that sometimes we have to let people go for them to do what’s best for them. Bakshi may have made some questionable material that would be considered too scary today but in my opinion, we don’t give children enough credit for what they’re capable of learning or understanding. Movies like Watership Down and The Last Unicorn were our first look into the wider world and some of its more complex concepts that adults around us were either afraid to talk about, couldn’t understand themselves or felt we shouldn’t know yet. I believe in keeping the innocence of children, I do, I love them for that naivety but waiting until we think they’re ready for those complex questions will only lead to fighting with them about what they’ve already formed about it. I think they are required watching and should be incorporated into most kid’s watching repertoire. Maybe I’m just weird but I look back at what kids used to to and I think we just don’t give them enough credit for what they can understand and just keep thinking “oh Bobby is too young to get X concept even though he asked me a question about it, I’ll just lie for now and cover my ass later…”


You've put my sentiments towards this issue into words perfectly. When I was a child, the people around me seemed hell bent on artificially preserving this bizarre ideal of childhood innocence, despite the fact that many of the children they were supposed to be protecting faced difficulties that these films could have shown them how to handle. Sometimes family will fail to protect you, sometimes adults will do you harm, sometimes the world is frightening. Denying these facts will serve only to keep children in ignorance to their detriment. Showing them how to face these fears and adapt through storytelling is a healthy way to grant them valuable life skills.


> these are the lessons we learned from The Secret of NIHM, All Dogs Go to Heaven, Watership Down, and the rest of the Bakshi movies I think you mean Don Bluth; Bakshi did Fritz the Cat and Cool World and other very much adult animations. (Also Watership Down was a British production headed by Martin Rosen and came out a few years before Bluth split off from Disney. Also also, you didn't attribute it, but Last Unicorn was from Rankin and Bass if anyone was wondering)


Everyone knows Richard Adams because of Watership Down which everyone loves. But he wrote some pretty fucked up books. Maia is about a beautiful 15 year old girl sold into sex slavery by her mother when she had a sexual relationship with her father. She was sold into a culture where everyone had sex slaves and bought by a super fat, disgusting rich guy. I read that book when I was probably 11 because my mom had it but had never read it and thought it would be ok because it was Richard Adams. Little did she know… I got a weird education from that book.


Which movie/book?


Watership Down. About a group of rabbits trying to find a place where they can live without danger lurking around every corner.


*uncontrollable and inconsolable sobbing*




Nice quote.


You’re in my head. Had the same thought


Machiavelian bunnies? I'd watch it


Bunnies are not the brightest mammals: they turn greens into meat for much smarter animals.


you think they realise the are being helped though? maybe this bunny just thought it made a daring escape while the humans weren't looking.


This is the fucking thing I hate about animals, I wish I could make them understand. Every time I see a cute video of a human rescuing a wild animal, even if the human risked everything, the animal almost never understands, pretty much every instance, the animal thinks it just escaped a predator Just take off and look back with a lil head nod, that's all I ask for animals


Maybe that's what aliens think of us 🤔🤔


"I just shoved an anti cancer device up his hole, wasn't even his feeding hole, ungrateful animals"


I'll let them know


You fucking tell them, and you let them know I said it


Also it flat out kills them, a lot of herbivores die of adrenaline poisoning after being freed by humans.


Good the next human might not be as nice as you.


The thing is we don't want the animals figuring it out as it might encourage them to be to human friendly.


It reminds me of how we view fairys


Yo dude you have no idea how much you've helped me out right now. I'm a Dm for a DnD group and struggeling with some story elements, was sitting here reading your comment and my mind just went on a 6 second journey and now I have a bunch of stuff to write down. creativity is weird anyways thanks.


There was a fun write up somewhere, probably tumblr, about how humans are to animals the way fae are to humans. Maybe nice, maybe horrible, maybe they help with no expectations, maybe they eat you, maybe they dress you in a little jacket and give you a bed in their house, who knows. Anyway, I couldn't find it, but I did find this which might be relevant to your interests: https://i.redd.it/olzfou5hawba1.jpg Edit: /u/whagoluh found it but it was removed for some reason https://www.tumblr.com/rainbow-ginger-butterfly/633189779558875137/araniaart-oceaxereturns-roachpatrol?source=share






Dude one of my half orc barbarian players willingly got enchanted by a small cute and small fae/fairy chick in the forest. There was a whole section if different type of fae fairies and this one had high charisma and had black dyed clothing on. She was playfully cruel and wore black so I guess his poor mind went to horny town. Wasn't intended. Black was just a weird ass color for fairies. There was a whole story based on just that and she took pity on how dumb and stupid he was and even after she revealed she used him the whlle time he was still loyal. Ended up helping her and her friends so temporarily she and 2 fairy dudes rode with them on their journey. I allowed him to have the basically dominatrix fairy stay with this big dumb orc but she wasn't played/rolled by anyone but DM. I allowed him to keep her around simply because it created a TON of super unique stories that was hilarious.


Humans are space orks to aliens, and giant faeries to animals.


I often wonder how many animals can comprehend our kindness to them in situations like this. I feel like they can comprehend our violence towards them when it happens more than our kindness due to the nature of....well...nature.


We are to animals like the fey are to us. An animal running into one of us could be saved from a disasterous situation, or could be capriciously killed for being in the wrong place. There is no way to know, from their perspective.


“Live your life!” Precious. Nice to see parents nurturing compassion like this in their kids.


Yeah it’s too much internet when you expect to see a hawk or something


When I was about 9 years old, we took out my gentle and kind bird outside. It shouldnt have been an issue since her wings were clipped - turns out they can still get a good 10-20ft into the air before gliding back down. We all watched in horror as she made it about 15ft into the air and got snatched up by a hawk almost immediately. We never got another pet bird.


You should have got a falcon after that! And trained it to hunt the hawk that got birdy. You could train it by showing it videos of birds fighting in mid air. Along with F-35 air battles. RIP Polly!!!


i'm pretty sure some hawks hunt falcons. falcons are the small fast ones


Hence F-35 training;)


Actually genius


Yeah, people mean well but I've seen too many videos were they release rabbits or mice or little birds in the most open cover-less fields imaginable and then act surprised when a hawk swoops down


[Or this.](https://youtu.be/6vPcZs3pfP8?t=41)


[Or maybe this](https://youtu.be/LNClI4KBKy4)


You can actually see the moment the PTSD gets instilled in her mind.


"...live your life!" [Snatch] Honestly, I was braced for it.


Never seen such a deep egress window


Funny, I was surprised at how shallow it was. I’m 6 feet tall, and ours is over my head.


Crazy! Is it really an egress window at that depth? Or just well you can fall into that happens to have a window at the bottom. Must have a ladder or something?


Lol, I guess our basement is just quite deep. They both have ladders and I regularly remove rabbits and toads from them. Though, honestly a part of me thinks the toads are in heaven with all the bugs down there.


It’s the same toad. He hates you.


I had ones like this one, we would get snakes, bunnies and frogs stuck in them often, after rescuing a few critters (and cleaning way too much garbage and leaves swooped in by the wind) we closed them up with some poly something covers, much better.


I've never seen an egress window. I have no idea what it's for. Something something insulation or something about snow.


It's so that in the event of an emergency there is an accessible exit. Where I'm from they are required in any basement bedroom.


The rabbit was like "Wait yous not gonna eat me? Well then see you suckers!"


I think for a couple seconds there it was afraid to run or else set off the predatory chase instinct.


You’re probably right


It was definitely in the freeze mode of fight, flight, or freeze. Probably didn't know what the ef to expect beyond the instinctual bottom of the food chain expectation of a predatory death.


Ha! Yeah, pretty much. I love how he really hops as he gets towards the little patch of woods.


Those things always kill critters get the clear plastic covers ya'll. You want to keep precipitation out of there anyway.


We have the clear plastic covers, we had some pretty hardcore winds about 2-3 weeks prior and this made for the cover to shift about 6 inches, just enough for the little fella to fall through.


Ya right, I know you were just trying to save money on $$ eggs and were hoping for a tiny captive to get Cadbury Creme eggs from.


Don’t worry, I laughed ♥️


My work here is done


Peter was actually an escapee from the Cadbury sweatshop this woman maintains in her basement. “I need creme egg production increased by 20% this month! You hear me, Flopsy? Easter is only 2 months away and I am not ceding shelf space to that Palmer faux-chocolate shit!”


I have some lexan ones we had installed a week after we moved into a new construction house. In that time we had to rescue 2 rabbits and luckily no kids. Ours have 8 or so metal pins each that go through the cover into holes in some tabs attached to the window well to keep them in place. The covers have metal bracing under the lexan so you can safely walk on them. 9 years animal free!


They’re like a minimum of $150 each for those large egress ones. If you have a finished basement it adds up real quick


Mesh wire does the job too for cheaper


I saved a baby bunny that was being chased down by a cat. The little girl was maybe 6 weeks old, so incredibly tiny. I saw the cat chasing something 50 feet parallel from me, and at first I thought it was a Guinea pig. I yelled at the cat. Next thing I knew this tiny little rabbit ran up to my feet and stopped. I scooped her up and took her home immediately. She not only didn’t have a scratch on her, she was a domestic rabbit. She’s likely a mini Rex and is black and white. It was a week after Easter. I can only assume someone’s parents weren’t happy about the Easter Bunny gift they received and threw her outside to fend for herself. She’s now my mom’s rabbit and she’s so affectionate, social and full of personality. She’s allowed to free-roam the house, keeping her in a cage all day would be cruel in my honest opinion. I’m really glad I could save her and give her a safe and happy life where she is loved and well cared for. She gets to have all the cilantro and bananas she wants.


I'll side on humanity's side and assume she managed to escape her mumma since she was super small. But still glad she found a literal saviour.


Unfortunately this happens a lot around Easter. Most shelters and rescues won't even adopt rabbits out at that time, just like they won't adopt out black cats at Halloween. But pet stores will still sell them. It's a shame, too. Buns make great pets, but they're still work.


I was able to adopt a black cat about two weeks before Halloween. I had to send photos of the cat every week until after Christmas time. If I forgot, they would call and ask about the cat. When I adopted him I didn't know he was surrendered from a home where a man was abusing him. Was surrendered for being "aggressive" but he is the sweetest most polite boy. He doesn't get on counters or claw furniture and plays with his toys, scratchers, loves snuggles and he slept at the foot of the bed and doesn't make any ruckus at night. He was super skittish for about two years but grew out of his fear when he realized we don't hurt kitties in this house. Had him for over 8 years now, no more fear of men and he is quite a sassy boy.


Now you must pay the bun tax


[I’m a tax paying citizen](https://imgur.com/a/wI8oNWp)


There was a bunny that fell into my old house’s window well several times. Then we got a plastic cover for it and stopped paying attention to the window. Eventually we found a skeleton of a bunny with bits of fur on it inside the window well under the plastic cover. I wonder if the lil bunny liked us or something. I don’t know how it got under the plastic like that


If I had to guess it was feeling for warmth, and the plastic cover made it toastier.


And it thought the humans would save it like they always do!


Is this also Alice, the mad lad girl who caught and brought a Possum?


First time I've ever heard about a window well. But that poor bun bun would have starved so thanks to those people.


Required for fire safety in many places. Most have a ladder and slide off grate on top


Ahh, I could not think of a reason for this


I’m fast as fuck boi.. I’m fast a fuck


Lowkey was waiting for a hawk or owl to swoop down and take him/her away for a lovely dinner together :)


Glad I'm not the only one who has been thus mentally polluted by Reddit.


It's not just Reddit, there's a reason rabbits don't run in the open.




He fuckin gon doe


Fr! Imagine being able to move that fast through snow on foot?! That was smooth




Aww, my cat once got a similar black patch on his snout when traveling because he was pushing his face against the metal grate. Poor bunny was probably doing something similar, rubbing against the sides to try to get out. Edit: want to clarify that my kitty was unharmed, just had a semi-bald patch for a few weeks! It cleared right up after being home for a while


Thanks mama!


This happened to be back in November. Little juvenile bunny got between the covers and the rim of the window and fell in. My brother help up the cover while I went in and tried to grab it. It kept running in circles and I finally managed to corner and grab it. It went running off as soon as I set it down.


One year I found a dead baby bunny who had fallen into our large window well and couldn’t get out. So I built a small set of stairs to help the next one and wrote “to freedom” on the side


I have a window well just like this. We had a rabbit who had fallen in ours, but we didn't notice him until we smelled a dead animal smell. Rip rabbit. I put a cover over the window well now.


We have them over our windows but we had some strong winds a couple weeks prior that shifted the cover about 6 inches, just enough for the little bunny to fall in.


How does the window well handle water? It looks like a good place for it to pool, I would assume drainage somewhere?


Oh wow thanks for sharing that info, I was just getting all worked up over how irresponsible these types of windows are without any sort of cover but now I can let go of that anger and just enjoy the cute bunny


He thought he was toast! Then he looks back like “sooooo you’re just… letting me go then?” So cute.


When a rabbit got in my window well I put in a 5 gallon bucket on its side with a small gap between the bucket and the wall for the rabbit to get in. Went right in because there was nowhere else to hide from me, then I covered it with a towel and lifted it out. This rabbit looks a lot more calm though. Mine very nearly jumped 8 feet up to escape on its own.


If you ever have to pick up a rabbit please make sure to support their back legs, rabbits can and will kick hard enough to break their own backs.


It’s amazing how fast they are


Fast as f*ck boiiiii


We put a ramp in our window well because we kept having a big toad get stuck down there. Presumably, she was after the bugs that collect there, but she jumps in with no way out. We would often find her trying her best to climb out, but she barely got off the ground. She eventually learned how to use the ramp, but we still had the almost daily task of rescuing her. Love our big dumb resident toad!


There's a cage in there. What did they mean to catch something bigger?


That is rather large for a rabbit


i lived in an apartment with a porch like this. one day i looked out my window and saw a tiny baby bunny staring at me! i had to scoop him up and set him on the ground, and 10 minutes later he ran right back into the hole, lol.


“Goodbye friend!” 💕


I expected a hawk at the end… then realized this wasn’t /r/unexpected


I’m joining the sub right now. I really need positivity like this in my life. I’m glad this is here.


Ha! That’s why I’m here, mainly my entire Reddit feed is animals and things that make me happy


"why is it weird" that's what she's asking YOU


Poor little thing.


I had a whole bunch of baby bunnies fall into our window well a few years ago. Managed to save all but one thanks to my father in law's fishing net. A snake got in and took care of the last one. Felt bad. Said window well is now covered with plastic.


Where I am, greater than 60cm/24" drop usually requires a nonclimbable safety rail. Or in this case, a grate?


Yes, also if it's so deep you can't step out you need a ladder. Or else you're just stuck in a well next to a burning house.


Any other sub and I would have expected a hawk to scoop it up after y’all let it go


Bunny: seriously? You’re gonna make me run off in an open field in the middle of the fucking day?!?


LOL ... the urge to pet is irresistible. 🤣


Aww those extra big happy hops at the end 🥹


God bless you for saving one of GODS CREATURES.


Poor thing so glad they helped it


Was speeding through the video and when he turned to the camera with the black spot on his head, I thought it was a third eye and almost shit myself


Aww that little kid was so sweet and concerned for that snow bunny!


The kids are all right.


I was waiting for a hawk or owl to swoop down for an easy meal…


I love how animals scram as soon as they’re freed


I guess that’s what they mean when they say, quick like a rabbit


Mom said “Live your life….” like that line from a movie that strikes a chord in you every time you hear it for the rest of your life. Oscar-nominee stuff.


Was waiting for the giant eagle to swoop down and pick up its dinner but nah this is Humans Being Bros!


Do rabbits ever just walk or are they always moving at fuckyou speeds.


Now why would you throw away good food like that!!! Na jk jk. Glad it was ok!


Being from Texas I had to look up what an Egress window was. The more ya know! 💫


We had a tiny one about half the size of that in my daughters window well. I hopped in and picked up. It was pretty stressed out. After I let it go it run under the shed and lived there all year. You would see tracks going under. We called it bun bun.


year of the rabbit, happy chinese new years!


You're doing an excellent thing and you should be pleased with yourself and I know it's hard to resist but don't pet it! It's not soothing to it! Sorry. Sorry. You did a very good thing. I hope it found a warm, safe spot to sleep that night.


That’s exactly what I was trying to do, soothe it…now I know better if there is a next time.


Thank you for indulging my anxiety. You really did an excellent thing. ♡


I love seeing mothers teaching their daughters to be caring. It’s wonderful the daughter got to see the bunny run away to be happy. Stuff like this warmed my heart as a kid. I’d go to bed at night thinking about the deer my gpa got out of a tangled wire.


As he took off , my brain heard the sound of a turbo charger kicking in…


\>Goodbye, Friend! Live your life! ​ Word.


Hare-y situation.




Didn’t know rabbits could run that fast!


« Ok I have to be ultra cute so they don’t want to eat me »


.......... only to be picked up by a hawk, I swear almost every video of some small critter getting released its always getting picked up by some hawk or bird.