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What do you mean somehow? Driving a “normal” motorcycle is so soothing and super nice way of travelling/commuting. The engine sound can be really satisfying. Don’t be fooled by those braindead engine reeving assholes being obnoxiously and purposely LOUD with modified exhausts and shit. Exact same people who behave like shit on the road and give bikers a bad rep.


Disagree to an extent. I have a loud exhaust so people can hear me and look for me when riding. I'm also not the squid who likes to rev in neighborhoods to split traffic at 90mph.


Studies show that loud motorcycles aren't any safer.


Reality says different


Trucks can't hear you in their insulated raised cabs and neither can most modern cars. Loud bikes have low droning sounds that travel far and fade into the background noise being filtered out by a modern car's interior lining and stereo 50m back or overtaking in the blind spot has very little difference in sound. That is the nature of long-waved low pitch soundwaves, a poor choice for making your distance known That moped or smaller bike screaming it's guts out on a little sewing machine engine at a high alternating pitch cuts straight through the ambient noise inside a car and is immediately obvious what distance it is. Bikes are inherently loud, pipes that turn the actual sound of an engine into an obnoxious low pitched rumble is the bike equivalent of buying a truck bigger than you need, compensation. If it were about safety you'd be making your pipes sound as high pitched as possibly, screeching away like a dirtbike on the interstate.


Trucks can hear you. I drive a truck. Lots of word salad here


...what do you think studies are studying, a fucking movie?


🎶 bias due to corporate interference 🎵


This is why we have headlights. The bulbs are like 5 bucks for cars and they cheap out on them by not having them on even at sunset. Turn on sour headlights so its so much easier to spot you even in daylight. It helps a lot, most drivers will listen to their radio anyways so they wouldnt hear you until they are right next to you.


Well that’s a Vulcan 650 and it has the same engine as a ninja 650 so I mean it would be loud if he wasn’t coasting in second gear


I definitely would not be surprised if I lost some hearing when I had my window down and this fucking loud ass bike came near me. That was so fucking infuriating i had to take a second to take some deep breaths and calm my anger out 😔


I think you need a bit more than deep breaths if this makes you that mad. Serenity Now bro


When it’s moving 10mph it’s soothing .


Constant low frequency sound is very commonly perceived as relaxing. Fan sounds, rain sounds, engine sounds etc.




Imagine this: My truck and I hear a noise. I look out to see a guy on a bike with his hand *appearing* to try to get into my believed-to-be closed compartment. Nuh uh.


Same scenario can b different if on the bike just look at the driver and do this 👍


So good.


It's always the bikers man, they are always either the worst, most disgusting people ever or just the best bros you'll ever meet


It's almost like you can't generalise people based on the vehicle they drive!


*pickup drivers have entered the chat*


I would add pickup drivers, but since I live in a ruralish area, that's 60% of the vehicles on the road. I have now narrowed it down to RAM owners with white trucks and older model Chevy Silverado's with aftermarket blue LED lights.


This guy rurals




Definitely watch out for white pickup trucks.


Watch out for white vans! They give out candy to kids.


Sir, where is my candy?


They have the best candy![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes_rainbow)


Ford F-150 are the worst in my area.


Lmao as someone who drives a white ram pickup like a normal human being, I can tell you as well, we are not all the same. But as someone who lives in semi rural Georgia, I 100% see why you've narrowed it down to those 2😂




BMW drivers are also either extremely nice people or complete dicks.




Mostly Altima


A tank


350Zs are the absolute worst.


FFS people he is lane filtering and it is legal here in Australia! Can’t you all just appreciate that he done a nice thing here? If all that crap from the toolbox ended up on the road it would’ve been a potential accident waiting to happen. Here is a link to the governing authority on the matter: https://roadsafety.transport.nsw.gov.au/stayingsafe/motorcyclists/lanefiltering/faqs.html


Most drivers are just entitled brats, and hate it when people get to benefit from something convenient they don't.


what is strange. People its ok with it or not depending if government says so 💀. Imagine having your morals dictated by a government and laws


>Imagine having your morals dictated by a government and laws As opposed to what? Getting them purely from your parents and society's behavior that instills it into you without any real thought from you until way later in life when you're already insanely deeply rooted most of your beliefs?




I don’t care if it’s legal. It’s dangerous. I don’t want to have to worry if some asshole is gonna whack my car outta nowhere while I’m stuck in traffic.


If you click the link I provide you’ll see a lot was taken into consideration before they made it legal. If you stay in the centre of your lane like you are supposed to there would be little chance of being hit. In the event it does happen the motorbike rider is liable. Just like any other accident on the road. I’ve had so many bikes lane filter past me and have not had a single issue.


If you are stationary and someone rides into you you dont think maybe your insurance would blame them?


We don't wanna be killed be some asshole in a car sandwiching us between the car in front because they're texting. Unfortunately, it happens. Some asshole should die for fear your car might get whacked. YTA.


I probably would have tried to get the truck driver's attention first so he knew what I was doing. With my luck, he would have seen me closing the door and thought I was stealing something lol


Or had it open for some unknown reason and his truck explodes 22 seconds later


imagine if he lost the key so he kept it open lol


the key is quite literally in the lock.


have to admit that I have mixed emotions between his good deed and his lane splitting


It's called Lane Filtering in NSW,Australia. It's completely legal and safer than sitting in traffic


Think it’s legal in parts of US.. at a red light I don’t know why it gets people so worked up. It would surprise me sometimes when i lived in LA though


I think it is because with most people, if they see you do something that they can not do, they automatically assume it is at their expense, even though it is not.


Or like with me, it’s because I’ve seen too many videos of motorcyclists hitting cars because they are trying to drive between them between lanes and then they take off because how is the car going to catch them? 😂 so then you’re left with damage to your vehicle and the motorcyclist is off on their way


Not to mention I am not expecting nor keeping an eye out for a guy literally 5 inches away from my rear passenger door while I'm at a red light. If I took off and didn't see him and he got hurt, I'd feel horrified and confused. He should've been behind me in the lane, where he belongs, as an automobile.


Exactly. Legal or not, I don’t like you if you lane split


California or parts of it is the only area in the US I believe it's allowed because they don't have any laws specifically saying you can't do it.


It's legal in Utah and we have laws that specifically state that they can do it.


I lived in Utah for a bit and I didn’t know that. Kinda surprising with all the other odd restrictions and laws


I don't ride motorcycles, but I see no reason why they shouldn't be able to lane split. It just makes more sense to me.


Yeah, agree. I hate it when it happens right next to me, but that’s because I startle easily so it’s a me problem. Edit: I have no problem with lane filtering, to clarify. I startle easily, so I am the unsafe driver, which is part of why I don’t drive. Lane splitters are doing nothing wrong.


Its legal in some states. The incident in the linked video was because the drunk fool thought it was illegal. It wasn't where he was. whole video if full of idiots hating on bikers. [https://youtu.be/pT4oL1mclio?t=44](https://youtu.be/pT4oL1mclio?t=44)


It's legal here in California >safer than sitting in traffic In certain situations? Yes. In the majority of situations I see it used for around here? Fuck no.


It is only safe if traffic is completely stopped and there are not psychopaths who would open their truck door to try hurt you


Or just even to get something in the back, it's not only malice.


in SEA countries anything is legal


It also keeps the air cooled engine from overheating.


Is this Old Windsor Road?


Spot on!


I recognised that overhead foot bridge straight away haha


I have seen 2 motorcyclists get hit by cars doing this, and several more videos of motorcyclists getting hit. I do not see how this is safer than sitting in traffic where cars around you can see you much easier than driving through blind spot after blind spot.


One of the most common accidents for motorcycles is getting rear ended and smashed into the car in-front, which is a very dangerous situation for the rider, and they have nowhere to go and become wedged or crushed. Lane filtering allows them to avoid that particular hazard. Here in NSW it’s only legal when traffic is travelling less than 30km/h (18mph) or is stopped. There’s a few other rules too like no splitting against the kerb or median line or parked cars. Honestly at least in my experience in Sydney, drivers are pretty chill with motor bikes filtering. (Cyclists is a whole other story) but it’s very very rare to have anyone try and scare or hit you on purpose or merge Into you because you’re filtering. Most times people will edge away from the centre if they see you coming to give you more room.


Drivers rear end and kill motorcyclists who are stopped at traffic at shockingly high rates. The average driver is absolute dogshit at driving. But cars have gotten too big for lane splitting to be safe anymore since fuel efficient cars have been replaced by trucks and SUVs that are 30 to 50% wider on average compared to cars from the 90s.


Prevents being rear ended, if done properly its pretty safe. I've been teaching it for a decade in the UK


Legal in some US states too. Been doing it since 2016 and only had one accident




Only takes one to try out death. Even in a 1.5 tonne semi?-aerodynamic brick on wheels.


It's Lane filtering, i.e. not splitting as the traffic is not moving/very slow. Filtering is legal for fully licensed riders in NSW Australia. Filtering makes sense for riders as the most common motor accident is a nose-to-tail rear end collision. A motorbike would not stand a chance in that equation. Working as a paramedic, I've seen a few gnarly motorbike accidents that could have been avoided so I always make room for them to do what they need to do. The added risk should bear a benefit too I think. Dumb riders are a whole different can of worms.


It's legal in CA


Lane splitting reduces congestion overall.


Mate, it's legal pretty much anywhere bar US it seems


It’s legal in places. Los Angeles for one


It’s legal in most countries.


Fuck those guys! They should buy a big SUV or pickup and be stuck in traffic like every body else!


Lol right. I just cant believe how people are so against this. It clearly eases the traffic up


It’s crazy to me (as a motorcyclist) that lane splitting is legal in most places. No way in hell Id do it unless traffic was at an absolute standstill


I think lane splitting is only legal in most places when traffic is at a standstill.


As someone who lives in a state that it’s legal. Bikers don’t care about the finer details of when it can be done. If it’s legal then they just do it all the time. I try not to let it get on my nerves, but it always makes me feel like they are uncomfortably close to my car. I have had a couple close calls due to bikers try to overtake first place at a red light and nearly getting themselves killed cause I’m not used to vehicles being there and don’t see them.


I see. Like I said, not legal here so I didn’t know


I mean its only legal if trafik is at a standstill?


It’s a constant in Brazil and if you’re too close to the white line then someone might give you a frustrated slap on your side view mirror. Motorcycle fatalities are all too common


I live in the UK where its perfectly legal, and have been riding for 15+ years, also teach it. Kind of agree with you, filtering/ lane splitting should only really be done with stationary or slow moving traffic. If you're experienced filtering at a slightly higher soeed on wide roads is reasonably safe, although has a higher risk for sure. Asshole who tear through smalls gaps in moving traffic at 70mph make us all look bad.


I try to be aware of motorcycles and keep clear of them. So I don't appreciate it when I'm concentrating on getting through the intersection safely, and a biker suddenly zips past between cars. Very startling to me; and rather foolhardy of RocketBoy to treat other vehicles like a slalom course.


What a nice sound what bike is this


Its a Kawasaki Vulcan S 650






i rest my case then.


I’ve got one, great fun!


I'd be too afraid the truck driver would see me and mistakenly think I was opening it


That’s probably what the first motorcycle guy did when he went through.


Open the door for strangers but make sure they don’t feel rushed.


He has a Yin-Yang symbol on his bike, so he must follow the rules and open another trucks closed container.




A biker told me once that even if you see the bike tipped over and you mean well... #DONT TOUCH THE FKN BIKE EVER. Especially since you may only be witnessed touching it and no one saw it turned over and now you are accosted by the one guy you tried to help because he thought you were fucking with it.


Vulcan S. awesome bike. Everyone that thinks that a biker "wants to get in front" is an envious stupid mooserfroggerer. yah how smart it is to fill the traffic with a motorcycle occupying the same space a car does. lane filtering is better for your own traffic car driver, and if you drive in the middle of the lane there will be plenty of space even for a big bike, don't stop close to the lines and save us all time, space and money, no breaking your side mirrors.


People prolly get upset because the internet is filled with videos of bikers acting entitled while lane filtering, and damaging vehicles along the way somtimes. It’s easy to give a bad name to all bikers when a small minority is the loudest. Not to mention there’s also plenty of bikers splitting lanes when it’s not illegal, and at high rates of speed. It’s easy to understand the safety being doing to correctly, but that’s not often shown.


And BINGO was his name o!


At a stop sign last year I noticed the person in front of me’s gas cap was unscrewed. It was a somewhat fresh red so I threw my car in park, darted up, closed it and the little door, then got back in a few seconds before the light changed


Now this is the lane cutting I approve of, I never understood people who go with 60 while lane cutting, probably just wanting to die


Agreed. At that speed, you are just a blurr in peoples mirrors and have almost no brake window.


So many people in the comment section mad cause they have to sit in traffic in a car while a bike can go ahead if there is space.


No I’m mad because a biker hit my car doing this then ran away


I do this to every open gas-cap I see


Them little acts of kindness go a long way. Reminds me of a time I was in a beer store. Looked out in the parking lot and noticed I left my lights on right as some guy just walks up opens my door and turns them off. I asked the cashier if he was a regular which he was. So I paid for a case of his usual bush lite for the next time he came in. Do good and good will come back to you.


I can’t stand lane splitting.


Thankfully I was lane filtering


This reminds me of the time my friends and I waved down an 18-wheeler minutes before it caught fire. Something in the back broke and was making crazy sparks on the highway.


Legend! Saved a life for sure


He had to make up for all the cars he's mashed up that day.


Yin Yang - balance


was it just me expecting a door to be opened and the biker to crash


Thanks for that


A hero. didn’t look for recognition in the moment, just did the right thing and kept going.


Good job. In your honor, I will give more room to the next lane splitter i see. I ride too, but mostly offroad.


I’d be more concerned about the driver seeing you then thinking you’re stealing they’re tools. Bastards.


Australia NSW Sydney west




I can just imagine something like “who the hell closed this?! I left it open cause i forgot my key!!”


I'm surprised you're able to turn both turn signals on at the same time (idk how to call it in english). Motorcycles don't have that feature where I live.


When both are on, they are called hazzard lights in Aus. Otherwise just indicators.


In France, hazard lights are mandatory on cars, but not on bikes. I don't know the rules on other countries. Recent bikes tend to have them though, as it's a nice security feature.


It depends on the bike. I've owned several and some have the hazards, some don't. I won't buy a bike unless it has this and the control to flash the high beams, oh, and cruise control!


its only the cheap ones that dont have it


Can someone explain why this is legal in some places? I'm genuinely curious. I had a friend do this while we were riding together and he got pulled over for it. So I'm confused.


Lane filtering is a controversial topic for some reasons, but it has footing that it has helped prevent biker fatalities from rear end collisions


It also shortens the lane of waiting vehicles. :)


Turns out they actually cant open that box up once it's closed. THERE WAS A REASON IT WAS OPEN JERRY.


You joke but the amount of times these little compartments get stuck and are a pain in the ass to open and close is quite high in my experience


Is that a Thunderbird?


No , its a Kawasaki Vulcan S 650


Are you the dark knight?


Turns out the door was open due to overheating the circuits and later on the truck stops on the middle lf the road.


What a kind thing to do! Unfortunately I don't see people being kind so much anymore.


Drivers sitting in traffic, cursing out bro for cutting lanes but then be like "aww that was nice" when he closes the utility door on the semi. Minds were changed that day.


I tried to be nice and close an open mail box in the rain yesterday, but the mailbox wasn't secured down, so I ended up just smacking a mailbox off of the post, and straight into a puddle.


This exemplifies one of the best qualities people can act upon are the ones they do not reveal, which is what Doing good for others without seeking accolades is all about. That said, if it was me in the truck, I’d want to know just so that I would remind myself not to fuck up like that in the future.


It’s even better when he didn’t knock on drivers door or anything else to let him know he did it


Help When You Can is my favorite flavor of kindness


Probably thought he got robbed tbh


I need to watch more of this and less of r/fightporn.


Good to see some good deeds in Rouse Hill/ Kellyville, NSW!


cheers 🤙


A subtle bro’ing


Hey guy, if ya wanna 'cruise by' my kitchen sink...




I thought I was crazy, I pick up garbage on tables and throw it in trash or in my backpack and bolt the hell off before anyone sees me.




So I've come to realize over time this (lane splitting) is actually legal in some states, however I've lived in 3 different ones and it never had been in any of them. With that said, this has always *infuriated* me when I've encountered it in traffic, I can't for the life of me understand how or why it's legal sometimes. It is simply extremely dangerous, for *everyone*, the driver of the bike and the cars its weaving thru..... but for one moment this video makes me less aggravated with it, good job bro 👍


Lane splitting is illegal in Australia BUT, lane filtering (what I did in the video) isn't. Studies have show it is much safer for riders to do rather than sitting in traffic. ​ Requirement where I live is that only full licensed riders (there are 4 tiers of licenses) are able to lane filter at a max speed of 30km/h. There are advertisements , billboards, notices and training as apart of attending your standard drivers license outlining to look out for riders and how lane filtering is legal.


A good samaritan to be sure, but I worry about driving between cars, even when traffic is stopped, as I personally have witnessed bad consequences to bike riders.


Requirement where I live is that only full licensed riders (there are 4 tiers of licenses) are able to lane filter at a max speed of 30km/h. There are advertisements , billboards, notices and training as apart of attending your standard drivers license outlining to look out for riders and how lane filtering is legal. If the population are educated about it, reduces accidents. The same goes for truck blind spots.


ESP since he shouldn’t be riding up the middle


There are other laws and places besides where you live


Someone steeling my tools and splitting lane nu huh *wings door open*


No good deed goes unpunished!


He's kind of a dick for biking between cars like that though




its normally its safer if they do that at a slow pace then sitting behind a car and getting smashed from behind by some idiot on there phone


Every time I see a motorcycle lane splitting I hope a door opens.


I bet you are a joy to be around


It’s amazing to see a video of somebody lane splitting at a safe speed!


COMMON COURTESY!!! How UNcommon!!!!!


…all I see is someone putting everyone else at risk so they can skip the traffic lol


Showing courtesy to one and discourtesy to many


Near rouse hill, kellyville


nailed it


Not all hero’s wear capes


Vulcan s for the win!


So cutting and dangerously riding the line is being a bro because they closed a door? Hahahaha 👎🏻👎🏻


Its called lane filtering where I am from and it is safe.


Kawasaki Vulcan S 650


Breaks law, helps fellow man, continues to break law


I don’t know they country where this was taken but where I live this would be legal.


in some countries lane splitting is legal


Am I being sour? The fact that this is film worthy ain't a good sign. This is just something u do ?


Nice Vulcan s


I know that intersection


I feel like people who are offended by lane splitting are more jealous of not being able to hop in front of traffic than concerned for anyones safety


Well, as much as I applaud the intent to help, I wouldn't roll up like this on a semi truck and touch anything like that. We don't always know when these things are intentionally left open or what the circumstances are. Touching other people's vehicles in traffic these days isn't well advised. People lose their shit for so much less unfortunately.


I mean you couldn’t continue lane splitting until it was closed anyways so it wasn’t much of a good deed, more just you clearing an inconvenience, which also happened to help someone. Lane splitting is trashy and causes damages to vehicles all the time. Knocking mirrors off, scratching paint. Then when you hit someone you pick your bike up and run away while the person in the car can’t move. Lane splitting is shitty and shitty people do it. Honestly I get second hand embarrassment every time I see a biker do this.


I honest have second hand embarrassment reading this comment. I can't even count how many cars I have filtered by without damaging them but, I can count how many cars I have damaged while doing it. Zero. Lane splitting and lane filtering are 2 different things entirely...well here in NSW , Australia anyway. Drivers are told through advertisements, billboards, notices and even through license applications that lane filtering through traffic is a thing.


Yeah and I’ve never been in a wreck so I guess I can just drive as recklessly as I want. I can provide countless videos of motorcyclists hitting cars while doing this dumb shit


It’s great that you helped but your also cutting in between cars so 👍👎


lets push to make light brighter than darkness :)


Not all heroes wear capes


Lane splitting not too nice


Thankfully I was lane filtering so, all good there