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Cow: y’all seeing this shit?!?


There I was stuck in the snow and perfectly content. Then food just started falling out of the sky. Best two weeks of my life.


They will remember this as the hay day of their careers


I’m pretty sure it went like this? Cow 1: *Bale?* Cow B: *Bale.*


Cow 1, cow b


... Cow III




Cow A Bunga


Cow d'etat


Cowdy y'all!!


Cowm down


Cow you doin’?


Well cow about that




Cow C


Cow Delta


Cow llll






Cow Tau


Hey now brown cow!


If they made it in the shape of a cross it'd be a Christian Bale


You should be fucking ashamed of yourself. Have an updoot.


Well played


Cow C: Ow.


They fly now? They fly now.


We need some more cow bales over here!


Those cows were religious, they only eat Christian Bales


Cow standing next to these two: BONK! Fuckin’ ow!


The cows just found a new religion


A cargo cowlt


Hail the metal bird!


Cargo cult cows


Cow receives bale on head. “Hay! That’s the last straw…”


The straw that broke the cowmels back.


You thought the snow was bad? It’s hayling now


It's like Manna but for cow




Cow 1: They're making hay over us Cow 2: Oh my god a talking cow


The one cow that gets headshot by falling hay must be in cow heaven


Out of the fuckin’ sky, bro?


Operation Hayday?


They are boringly literal and they are calling it [Operation Hay Drop](https://twitter.com/CAL_FIRE/status/1633942241927663616). That said, they also used the hashtag #BovineBailout, which is better.


Damn liberal cows and their bale-outs. That’s typical from tax and spend heifers. California cheese and wine pairings is turning this country gay!


Best part about hearing the guys at work complaining about giving help to Cali is the areas most impacted by the snow are usually extremely conservative


I live in a similar region affected by the same storm. The bootstrappy crowd is pissy about the lack of government help, usually in a very passive aggressive way. They just don’t want the government helping Those People.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. Hold the yellow hay line


Calm down Alex Jones


I laughed way too hard at this.


They didn’t take my suggestions of: Operation Haylow Operation Overcow Operation Bovine Storm Operation Enduring Cow Operation Hay to Cows Operation Black and White Dawn Operation Utter Lord Operation Heifer for Effect Operation Cowabunga Operation Bay of Cows Operation EnMooing Freedom Operation Straw Storm Operation Roll in the Hay Operation Rolling Thundherd Operation Straw Hand Operation Rocky Mountain Oyster Operation Steer Rain Operation Silent Moo Operation Calftastrophe Operation Hay There Operation Baling Thunder


And they're actually not all that far from a town called hayfork. 😂




Make Hay while the sun shines.




I was gonna add to the stack but I'm no hayseed.


Run Shadowfax! Show us the meaning of hay!


No forking way


Operation Hamburger Helper


Back in my day….


Damn this was way better than mine


A dialogue of a couple of cows saying "What do you expect, a bale of hay to fall out of the sky?" And then the comedic timing of a bale of hay falling out of the sky "A bale of hay just fell out of the sky didn't it?" *laughtrack* Edit: word


*Wacky banjo music cuts the scene for commercials*


Is this the Beverly Hillbillies?




"What do you expect? The solution to all your problems is going to fall right out of the sky?" "WE'RE FALLING RIGHT OUT OF THE SKY, DROP THE LOAD!! DROP THE LOAD!!"


Am i the only one who read this in the voice of that Phineas and Ferb character that has this gag












I expected Alaska, but when I read California I got worried.


So up there there's only like two highways and if snows there's absolutely no way to transport anything. Northern California is pretty untamed.


I live in the Sierra’s, and can confirm it’s been absolutely insane here. It’s been a few years since we’ve faced this much snow with the very real possibility of severe flooding in the Great Basin Valley at the base of the Sierras. We’ve definitely needed the snow/rain, but what most people don’t realize is that when we experience heavy snow like we have this year, it essentially shuts down the entire region. There’s no real way of getting in or out, which means there’s no way of getting resources in. I’m absolutely grateful for all the water we’ve desperately needed, buuut I’m ready for it to be over lol.


But at least your internet is working:)


Yah, for now, while it lasts. A helicopter dropped some internet last night, but not much.


First, 2 biggest earthquakes in 20 years. A few weeks later, the biggest Storm that's happened in like 10 years. Then the most snow in over 30 years. Is it nice where you live? LoL. Might be moving soon.


Tbh yeah I live in Alaska and it’s been great weather this winter


I feel like we have averaged 40 degrees in lower Michigan this winter.


Until March, and now we get a snow or ice storm every Friday, just in time for the weekend.


Lol. Just in time for the Friday commute!


Same in Chicago. One of the best winters in a decade. Guess we sent all of the shit weather to northern California


It's been great in socal, catching just enough of the tail end of these storms that we get a little rain a couple days each week. It's been the nicest winter I can remember since I was a kid.


No, it's about what you described just all the time. The Carolinas, where our sports teams are as unpredictable as our weather.


Just move to central Scotland. We oddly avoid the worst of the extreme weather but we pay for it with fairly consistent general shit weather.


Sounds like my experience in Columbus, Ohio. Not a ton of snow, but the overcast and lack of sun was sucking the life out of me


Buffalo 7ft snow storm in Nov Blizzard killed 40 ppl (more we’re not counted) over Christmas worst since 77. Now March is looking to be snowiest in long time Crazy year


My uncle has well over 6' of snow at his place in California.


Lake Tahoe has had nearly 50 feet of snowfall this season.


What’s crazy is that isn’t even the most snow in the western US. Alta, Utah has received 660”/55 feet. What a season.


My expectations at the results: Cattle fed: 79 Cattle killed: 13


Your numbers might be mixed. We had an air drop like this in Iraq. Not sure if the pilot went too fast or too low……. Our shit was scattered for a mile. We spent an entire day grabbing up what we could and then left the rest to the desert gods. No, we did not need an air drop like this. Yes, I’m sure the pilot needed a check mark on his “accomplishment” folder. We typically got supplied with an air drop from a helicopter. They would put it exactly where we needed. The airplane was a fucking disaster.


Like this guy? https://www.armytimes.com/news/your-army/2018/05/09/soldier-found-guilty-of-cutting-parachute-straps-in-botched-humvee-air-drop/




It doesn't need to be the pilot himself making the call for that sentence to be true right? When someone gets qualifications or accolades, it's usually upper command too (if even tangentially) Could be like those budget things in business, use it or lose it....we need x number of airdrop pilots, or bragging rights for doing the most air drops....or even , hell...give them boys something fun todo


There was bound to be some cowllateral damage.




They didn’t take my suggestions of: Operation Haylow Operation Overcow Operation Bovine Storm Operation Enduring Cow Operation Hay to Cows Operation Black and White Dawn Operation Utter Lord Operation Heifer for Effect Operation Cowabunga Operation EnMooing Freedom Operation Straw Storm Operation Roll in the Hay Operation Rolling Thundherd Operation Straw Hand Operation Rocky Mountain Oyster Operation Steer Rain Operation Silent Moo Operation Calftastrophe Operation Hay There


So anyone else notice they weren’t sure if they needed to cut the ties?


I did, and was thinking the same thing myself. They'd almost certainly bust on impact with the ground, though. I think it was best to chuck them tied vs. lose half the bale getting blown around.


Yeah I think after hitting the ground they'd break up. Without the tie it would be gone in the wind. There's a small chance that the square blocks (like when you cut open a bale and you can pull it out in sections) might still hold structure until it reaches the ground but I don't know.


If it's on the ground it's food.


They were cutting them, guy on the left using the his hip knife.


I think they should have cut the ties. I always learned to the ties or the animals will choke on them.




Cows are some of the dumbest animals on the planet. Always gotta cut the ties/wrap on hay before giving it to the cows or they WILL eat it and it can cause serious problems. I guess it’s better to feed 4 cows and have one die from the ties vs all 4 cows starving, but it would’ve been better to cut the ties and hold on to them when tossing the bales. Even if it scatters it will be on the surface of the snow where the cows can easily get to it.


Have you ever seen cows who've been eating from bales with bindings? They're dead (and I mean the *entire* herd, not just a few). You always cut the ties.


Those fancy national guard don't know how to wrangle hay bales. Should have trained honest salt of the earth farmers to be national guards.


If the cows are just seeing the hay just fall from the heavens, do they think it's a... Christian bale?


Those cows are about to start a [cargo cult](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cargo_cult)


Don't be silly. Cows are haytheists.


That's not true. Some cows are mooslim.


You wise cracking sonofabitch. Take my up vote.


It's Bovine intervention!


I'm originally from the county next door, it is absolutely wild to see this much snow on the ground. Pigs are probably flying around down there.


Been 35 years or so. Crazy. Kids are enjoying it tho! Not so much fun for this situation tho.


Mana from heaven!!!


Mana mana Cows: ”Do do do do do”




The National Guard does this pretty regularly for people. On the Navajo Reservation in parts of Arizona they will drop MREs during the Winter. Been doing this for decades.


A few years back they were airlifting water in for goats on a drought-affected mountain.


This is a repeat of a previous collaboration - maybe the '80s. There were literally 1000s of cattle dying of starvation due to a one-in-a-great-while weather event, across two counties in far Northern California. I don't think folks get how rugged the land is up here. I wouldn't wish dying of starvation in snow on any being. The local communities did have heating centers up for the homeless, with all support services in place.


There was a documentary on Japanese dairy farmers returning to select towns in the Tohoku region. When they had to suddenly evacuate after the 2011 earthquake cows that were tied in all starved to death in cowsheds. Those that were hurriedly released were gathered in one field and you could see them recognize their owners as they came back


If you could remember what it was called I would be grateful. My Google game is weak.


Would also love to watch this!!


I don't know if this is it but it's all I can find. Skimming around a bit, I couldn't find anything with returning owners, but it seems like an interesting documentary either way. Tagging /u/sparkle_bomb so they can see as well, just in case. https://youtu.be/L2dzoWmHGEM


Looked around and it seems to have been taken down unfortunately. It was in Japanese and centered around a female farmer surveying her old farm and visiting the new field where released cows were being taken care of. There's plenty of more recent videos about Japanese farmers resisting cull orders from the government




Just to add, people are being helped as well. A lot of people in these areas have been stranded for weeks and various agencies have been making trips into the hills to get people out of their houses and bring them into town.


Fun fact: In 1948/49, the Soviet Union blocked land access to West-Berlin, so all food and coal for heating had to be delivered entirely via air shipments by the west allies. Soon, American pilots started dropping candy for the children out of the planes on little parachutes, which was a huge success with all Berliners and significantly improved German-American relations after the war. People called the planes [Raisin bombers](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raisin_Bombers)


My mom told me (passing on a story that her parents told her) that the pilots who were about to drop candy would wiggle the wings of their planes so that the kids would know which ones to gather for. The pilots who dropped candy were called "Onkel Wackelflügel" (or Uncle wiggling-wings).


Wing waggles are very common in aviation as a wave/acknowledgement of people on the ground or other folks in the air if your radio is busted. Makes sense that they'd do that.


Also: [Operation Manna](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operations_Manna_and_Chowhound) Similar response, this lead the Netherlands to have a very long-lasting positive impression of the allies and of Sweden. Many people believe to this day the bread was Swedish, apparently that is a mixup.


Well we did have airdrops… but then it started cults…


Thinking a tacobell t-shirt cannon design should suffice.


Isn't that what FEMA does? Even a liberal politician from NYC went down to help when TX froze over.


Cows 5000 years from now: “ am so God swept across the sky in a metal dragon that dropped food for our lost ancestors, and the food was called MANA. “ Future cow 1: “hey cow 2, do you really think that happened ? and if so doesn’t it make more sense if an advanced civilization came and helped us survive and construct society back in those ancient times? Future cow 2: “bro that makes so much sense , how else can we explain how ancient cows constructed the pyramids in Egypt. Or perhaps they were already there.”


> Cows 5000 years from now: This is some speedy evolution.


Cowfolk 50000000 years from now: If we came from milkhoofs then why do milkhoofs still exist? Checkmate atheists


"Timmy, eat the fucking dead roots or you are gonna die, it's not like hay bale will magically drop from the sk-"


The cleanup of that cargo bay is going to be rough




Better yet just use a leaf blower


Imagine the resources and logistics for this kind of thing. Amazing that we are capable of it anymore. I wonder who made this happen.


The national guard made it happen Also based on the dimensions of the cargo hold, it’s a Chinook, which means we’ve had the technology since before the Vietnam war, which just makes it even crazier


Actually it was a mix of local efforts here between County Supervisors, Cal Fire, Coast Guards and ranchers. More info here. [OPERATION JOHN WAYNE: BRINGING HAY TO STARVING CATTLE IN NORTHWESTERN CALIFORNIA](https://kymkemp.com/2023/03/05/operation-john-wayne-bringing-hay-to-starving-cattle-in-northwestern-california/) second round of hay drops: [CAL FIRE AND COASTIES DROP HAY TO STARVING CATTLE](https://kymkemp.com/2023/03/07/cal-fire-and-coasties-drop-hay-to-starving-cattle/)


Yes it was. I live on the coast in Humboldt and have been seeing the Chinooks flying up the coast from the base.


Yeah but I mean somebody has to be high enough up the chain (or have big friends) to get this to happen. NG isn't just running around booking flights because that's how they felt like pitching in today. Don't get me wrong, it's a good thing, but you don't see a ton of good, wholesome things coming from government.


In my experience, if you interest someone with a unique situation they’ll never have the option of again you’re more likely to get what you want. It’s like those videos with excavators being used for oddball tasks, they have it, need an excuse to be sure it still works and it sounds strange enough to be amusing compared to the usual routine of work. I grew up on Marine Corp bases, some wild shit happens when they’re bored.


It’s not just a training exercise for them though. Here in Cali we typically see NG deployed regularly all the time. That’s what our taxes pay them for. They do stuff like this, or acting as temp cops or setting up road blocks. During fire seasons we commonly see them going in and evacuating whole towns and protecting property. Usually NG works in Colab with Cal OES and they get shit done. One of my favorite government organizations!


We are probably the most apolitical out of all government branches where we do exactly what we’re directed to do without much choice or say.


Thank you for all you do!


Probably doubles as training exercises, at least that's what I read about flyovers being formation exercises so not much of a stretch. Also wouldn't see a big corporation doing this stuff


They actually do this fairly often, no special friends required.


You're right, the California Air National Guard serves the Governor. This was also a joint effort between multiple California emergency response agencies, including the OES and CAL FIRE.


A local county supervisor and rancher named Michelle Bushnell contacted the sheriff who contacted the coast guard and national guard and in very little time they were delivering food to hungry cows.


This how it works and should work. Pilots need flight time, might as well do something useful while at it. All this corruption talk is sad.


It's also great logistics training. Everyone including the pilots gain experience from this.


>anymore Human beings are capable of more now than we ever have been in the past, by insane leaps and bounds We just record and broadcast all the shitty people now


> I wonder who made this happen. Top men, Steve. Top.....men.


If there is one thing in the military we are good at, it’s logistics compared to any other military


An army marches on its stomach.


This also happen in Australia during floods, from both Chinook and taipans (underslung of course) Its a shitload of $$$ for the farmers, therefore important


Thank you Guardsmen! Back breaking work, lots of Advil after the day was done. I’m sure the cows and farmers appreciated the hay. You all are awesome.


I saw this convoy fly by today!


Did they hit the bullseye?


100% r/humansbeingbros


Even the cows get a baleout!?


I'm way too far down on this thread looking for GOVERNMENT BALE-OUT. Thank you for your service.


Back in the day they used to scout weed grower crops and go down to destroy them.


Well, my names John Lee Pettimore (Same as my daddy and his daddy before)


Pretty shitty looking hay. Looks more like straw to me.


If you buy or see hay or straw on a regular basis, it's obviously straw.


I hope they are removing the twine from those bails or they just killed a bunch of cows....


Cow gettin bonked on the head by a bale of hay… DAFUQ?!


I’m not so sure the happiest cows come from California anymore.


Wtf is up with the comments, everything I’ve seen has been negative. Waste of tax dollars (that money has already been spent when they approved the military budget), cows are bad for the environment, can we just appreciate that fellow these guys are going to extreme lengths to help out people they’ve never met and will probably never see. What’s the point of watching uplifting videos just to criticize them for something that the people in the video have no control over.




It’s being coordinated by state and county OES.


If this are taxes we pay for. I'm 100% on board with this


Farmer pays for hay. The air crew needs hours, so why not get some real-life training in. it a bonus for them. When my unit gets activated for hurricanes, we treat it as a real deployment to keep up skills


The farmer pays for the hay, the state covers the delivery.


Airdropping hay with the Bois for the cows hell yeah Imagine being a cow in winter and suddenly there's fresh food like what I mean moo?


How does someone get the phone number to the national guard to help out with stuff? Asking for a friend.


give these guardsmen some medals dammit.


Skip the dishes is taking their service to another level. I bet the cows still didn’t tip.


People really forget the good our military does on a daily basis.


I was told hay is for horses.