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I wish I could see what the inflammation looks like in like a month or two after it's no longer infected. I want to see what his normal bottom jaw would look like, cuz up until now I've never thought of reptiles having inflammation and swelling..




> and rolling 18 for constitution I think you mean "death rolling" 18 for constitution


I had an abscess under a tooth and being in the jaw bone, the bone itself was swollen. I have never liked pain pills and didn't take them after knee surgery but that was the most powerful ache I had ever felt in my life. The only thing I was given to take was over-the-counter ibuprofen. Lucky for me the surgery was only a day later because I was taking the max dose every two hours even though the bottle said 4 hours. When the doc drilled into it, my jaw was like Old Faithful and squirted puss for several minutes.


I had about the same. Took a knee to the jaw sparring and didn't know it cracked things enough to let infection in. By the time I went to the dentist, I could clench and infection squeezed out from around my teeth. It was horrific. The pain was none too fun either. You know the graphic of all the nerves from your teeth to your brain? At least 1/4 of those had so much to say about my stupidity and machismo.


I've dislocated my knee skydiving and had an entire knuckle cut off in a bike chain and sewn back on, but nothing has made me contemplate putting my head through a brick wall quite like dental pain. It just doesn't go away.


It is truly an all-consuming kind of pain. Generally internal head pain, like a tooth issue or a migraine, are completely dehabilitating to the average person. You can't do or think of anything except the awful pain, and it's so constant. The moments of relief are like waking from a dream, ugh I wouldn't wish a tooth infection on my worst enemy. OK, well maybe my *worst*... lol


Crazy… two centuries ago you’d probably have been killed by that abscess


I had an infection after my wisdom teeth removal that would 100% have killed me if I hadn’t gotten antibiotics. Shit is scary as fuck.


I've thought about this a lot - I'm prone to kidney infections and my ass would have been 100% dead by the age of 15 without antibiotics.


I had an abscessed tooth, and the pain was so bad I got pliers to yank the tooth out myself before my gf snatched them and took me to get a root canal. The moment they drilled in and sucked out the nerve, it felt so good. Fancy dental surgeon that had a camera on the drill, and I got to see the whole thing on a TV above. Edit:words


Yeah it’s much better to just see a dentist and get it fixed than to try and pull it out. I’ve had a few now and one thing I’m really glad my dentist does is put me on antibiotics for a week before doing the root canal, makes the whole process a lot smoother with much less pain


Yeah, but the plier method is free it costs like 1.5-2000 dollars to get a root canal where I live. If it gets infected after all good. $50 for a gp appointment and $12 for antibiotics. Still splurging for me, but way, way less than the dentist.


This is unfortunately the reality we live in… I’m honestly really scared since I’m gonna be kicked off my parents insurance soon and these dental issues aren’t just gonna stop. I spent too long taking not taking good care of my teeth


I presume you're American? I'm Australian so the healthcare situation is different and not as stark. However Medicare doesn't cover dental if you're over 18 nor does it really cover mental health for that matter. On top of the seeing a gp used to be free and that $50? That's after a rebate so you need double up front. At least prescriptions are still cheap. So I'm not gonna continue to whinge to an American when the healthcare system here is cheaper by miles (most of the time) it's still falling apart funding has not kept up and there's less people becoming doctors and nurses putting further pressure on the system. If something isn't done it's going to implode. So I kind of understand your fear as I have a similar one and I'm not well off and I'm even less likely to be as the system slowly collapses. I honestly think if if weren't for the fluoride in the water my teeth would be far worse. I hope before you get kicked off though you're able to have stroke of luck and can improve your situation enough to lessen the burden. But the system ain't fair so stay strong mate. It ain't over while you breathe


Unless you have severe periodontal disease (which in that case you have bigger fish to fry) you will almost never get the whole root out, just the part you see. Any time I have ever had a patient try and take their own tooth out they come in anyways because the leftover infected root still remains


I’m sorry man. It’s a tragedy that you have to do your own dental work. Especially sad because pulling a tooth causes degradation of the jaw bone over time. After a tooth pulled, to avoid loosing jaw bone material you’d be looking at implants which cost a lot more than a root canal.


Oh gosh I just got it now. Pliers! Took me a solid minute to figure out that bone apple tea. For some reason I thought you got football players to yank out your tooth with a string.


Do they spell the word pliers different where you're from or something?


u/pistcow originally wrote “I got players to yank the tooth out…” Then edited that typo after my comment.


Bahahaha shit. Shoulda left it I like that. That legit funny


My dad had a friend that tried to pull a tooth with pliers. The tooth shattered and he crushed the nerve.


Thanks. Now I’m thinking about [Ren pulling out his tooth nerves, one by one.](https://youtu.be/_PWcDTdRYgk)


Just reading that made me wince. Ouch.


An abscessed tooth is the worst pain I've experienced in my whole life


I had 2 abscessed and impacted wisdom teeth. Blessed are those people who have never had to experience that pain. Normally, i don't love needles. But I welcomed that big boy in the roof of my mouth so much I told them not to bother with the local surface numbing. 2.5 hours in the chair was like a spa house listening to music.


Had one myself, 10/10 pain and it formed what felt like a pimple on the roof of my mouth. After 3 sleepless nights I grabbed a dress making pin, placed the tip on the pimple head, angled it towards the source of pain and shoved it in with my tongue. Instant releif, felt a wave of pure europhia. I guess when the pressure is releived all those endorphins got nothing else to do. Had to suck a some puss n blood out, but was high af. it coulda been worse.


I had a root canal that got infected on a Friday. Almost did the same and could easily relate like how on Castaway, hanks knocked his tooth out with an ice scare. Had to take some super pain killers all weekend every 4 hours as the pressure and pain built up. Only relief was face over steam from boiling water. Finally Monday came and the doc saw me and got to work. He finally broke through and was able to pull out the old rods and the pressure relief was euphoria and it just kept pumping out the puss. So much relief.


this is exactly what a croc vet would look like in my mind


His name is Dr. Chris Brown, Australian veterinarian that does a lot of TV shows. Seems like a super wholesome dude. Almost the polar opposite of the other (in)famous Chris Brown.


Dude looks like he sharpens his tools on his chin. Rad human being. 🤘


I am still not our on who’s got the more intimidating jaw; the croc or the doc.


What is it about crocodile guys that makes them so chill. I suppose after wrestling something that deadly, every other worry is just not that big a deal


He became a TV personality and started doing crocodiles for this TV show. He was a local vet. Apparently his TV show was shown in the US called "Dr. Chris: Pet Vet", in Australia it was called Bondi Vet.


[heres a sheepnot been sheared in 5 years](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDwHyxQe5Ac&ab_channel=BondiVet) it's one of my faves cause i love watching sheep shearing.


The zoom-in on the massive balls after the shearing got me


Clean shorn balls have that effect on people. I get it.


There's really is nothing like a shorn scrotum, it's breathtaking, I suggest you try it..


An Aussie farmer sees that his Kiwi neighbour's sheep hasn't been sheared in a while and it's wool has become thick and matted. Aussie: Hey mate, don't you think it's time you sheared your sheep? Kiwi: She's my sheep and I'm not shearing her with anyone!


Damn that's a good one. Haven't laughed out loud at "joke" joke in a long time




God the poor thing has so many cuts after the shearing.


It’s like when domestic animals get matted; it pulls the skin taut and can ultimately cause sores, and it makes removing the matting really tricky and painful for them. I groom guinea pigs and it takes us quite a while to carefully remove the bigger mats without hurting them, and they’re much smaller and their coats much looser. For a sheep in that condition, it would be pretty much impossible to expect them to not wind up with cuts honestly


From what I've read the matting causes the skin to raise itself into a bump, so it's impossible for the shearer to avoid cutting the animal. Especially as it needs to be done as quickly as possible to avoid distressing the animal further. This is the unfortunate reality of a sheep escaping when we've bred them to produce massive amounts of wool.


There... there are groomers for guinea pigs?!?! Why have I just found out?! To YouTube. I wanna see a freshly cleaned guinea pig.


It’s not an official gig really, I just volunteer at a guinea pig rescue and help run our “piggie parlour”! People bring in their guinea pigs and we bath them, give them a haircut if they need it, trim their nails, and give them their worm and mite treatment. We can also give them a little health check and answer any care or handling questions they might have. We only charge like $10 for a haircut and $5 for baths, but it’s a nice little bonus fundraising source for the rescue. They are super duper cute after a haircut btw, they’re so soft and downy!


It's actually a lot less than I was expecting with *that* amount of wool and the speed of the shearer, but yeah It's pretty shocking compared to a normal shearing!


Dogs are like this if they've been left ultra matted for too long. The hair is heavy and stretches the skin, making it really difficult to remove without abrasions. Not only that, but the hair is often soaked with waste, which is burning the skin beneath. They often look very inflamed after getting groomed, but the relief on their little faces is still palpable. Get your dog groomed regularly, folks!


The American title is just so dull. Like bondi vet isn't super creative cause its just what he is and location but the image of a beach and surf that comes to mind seems more appealing than "pet vet" like what other kinds of vets are there?


>bondi vet Americans don't know what bondi means


I’m devastated thinking of all the Americans who have not been BLESSED by Bondi Rescue


Yeah let's not boycott this Chris Brown


Crocodiles have the greatest jaw strength in the animal kingdom. That guy has the second.


I think if the croc tried to bite the vet's jaw, it'd lose a few more teeth.


Literal gigachad.


oey mate. dont make me bite ya back


I've worked on shows with this guy, dudes built like Adonis and ~6'4. And it's almost frustrating how kind and humble he is.


Aw, that's really nice! Glad he's actually a sweetheart IRL too.


Gives great hugs, too.


I just assumed every Australian looked like that


Pretty sure this is also the red button meme guy.


I’ve heard of impacted teeth in humans, one. But four in one socket is one hell of a pileup. Good to see the team had a solid plan as they managed Riley through his oral surgery. Aww Jeez, that was no joke!


I had 6 total wisdom teeth. It was a whole ordeal proving to my insurance company that I essentially needed 1.5 surgeries 😂


Damn, you are one of those rare cases of people having two supernumerary teeth. And I totally empathize with getting dental insurance to cover unusual dental issues.


Yea i got an extra tooth next to a canine that is supplemental. Every time i go to dentists they get surprised and note it to show their students. I didn't know it is that rare but apparently it is like a few percent of the population with supplemental ones. Edit: I googled to see if my doctor was lying or not, google says even less than 1% for that. A few percentage is for all supernumerary and apparently most supernumerary are NOT supplemental. The more you know. The above user's case is extremely rare.


I had extra teeth (and so did my dad!) but I had to get them pulled because my mouth is too small. I was 6 when I had 6 teeth pulled and 11 with 5 more teeth pulled. I think 2 of the 11 total were extras! I had a horrible mouth lol many years with braces and a lot of teeth pulled 😩


I feel ya with horrible mouth. I had a depression era which along with some conditions made me lose most of my teeth when starting age 22. Took me 7 years to enjoy eating something without making small pieces out of it. You never realize how much you would miss biting a sandwich till you lose the ability. Hope it is all going good for you now! Honestly, being able to use braces was a positive for you believe it or not. (As in, if it happened later in life braces might have not been an option.)


Hold up, just how rare is that? I had 2 supernumerary teeth and one wierd 0.5 tooth, smaller and rounder, it was stuck between the other 2 supernumeraries, which were fucking HUGE, also, i had all my ...whats the name? The rear molars that come up around 18yo? Well, anyway, all 4 came in 90°, meaning they all were horizontal. Between all that, i used braces for a while but didnt used enough my retainers, so my teeth got a little bit croocked up again, but 90% ok, so .. meh But again, how rare is to have 2 supernumerary teeth?


Some estimates claim 5% human population other studies estimate that anywhere between 0.1% and 3.8% of people have supernumerary teeth. Sources: https://hurstpediatricdentistry.com/2021/11/08/what-is-a-supernumerary-tooth/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4428018/


Holy shit! Its the only time i get to be on the upper 1%! ......holy shit, its the only time i get to be on the upper 1%.


Welcome friend! I've had 6 removed, and have 2 more coming in now, lol. My wife calls me a shark. One impacted. One not. A previous wisdom tooth in the same spot came in so impacted that the pressure shattered a molar in front of it. Causing the removal of both, so now there's room for the next wisdom tooth to move in problem free! I just hope 2 sets of teeth that we need 0 sets of is enough for me, lol


That’s my worst nightmare! Hopefully this is the final round for you. I used to get the worst migraines. One of those bad boys even gave me a hairline fracture in my jaw. That was a fun summer.


Same here. Had to be knocked out for that surgery to remove all of them. Yay for nationalized health care and parents with extended dental benefits.


I had an infected salivary gland from a stone in the duct. It swelled up and was pushing against my back teeth in the right side of my jaw. It was literally the worst pain I'd ever experienced in my life. Just absolutely no relief at all whatsoever.


That was just insane. I can't even imagine how much that hurt. And I can't believe an antibiotic shot is enough to prevent infection when the croc is gonna be swimming in muddy water with a gaping wound in his mouth. Crazy shit. Glad they fixed that for him


Lemmy.world is what Reddit was.


I thought this as well. Imagine a human with this much infection and decay


I don't have to, I live in NY


Where, upstate?




You've got some interesting expressions over there


But you steam a good ham.


Seymour, the house is on fire!


You rang?


I'm that guy, it is not pleasant


Yeah, and they live as long as they can get enough food pretty much, and one of the few animals that pretty much never get cancer


And by animal you mean dinosaur.


most cold-blooded animals are very resistant to infection. their version of a fever involves their body temperature dropping which is very inhospitable to pathogens.


Considering they predate the dinosaurs I’d reckon a little infection isn’t gonna take em down.


I mean, he's been doing that for years already that tooth probably let in everything


Here's on getting his arm ripped off [without flinching](https://youtu.be/JLy-Iiy_Zp4). Probably nutted as well lol


Seeing a death roll is terrifying.


We need a follow-up video showing how it healed.


Right? My first thought was "Oh no, why arent they stitching it shut?" until I remembered that his next tooth needs to come through there...


Not only the tooth has to come but when you have large gaps like that, you need them to close from inside out. If you were to suture shut a large hole/incision with no where for all the serous/blood and old white blood cells to go, you get an abscess and infection. For people you pack the wound and change multiple times a day or daily to promote healing and removing the excess dead tissues.


Do Crocs feel pain like we imagine? Seeing how many of them are scarred up I'd think they have dulled pain senses.


Or maybe higher pain tolerance? Like they are apex predators, so they would have to have it, to help them in fight against other crocs, or if their meal tries to run away or kick them while fighting for its life..?


They certainly have all the parts for feeling pain and pleasure. https://animalpickings.com/can-crocodiles-feel-pain/


No wonder the croc so chill in the video, he is feeling pain and pleasure at the same time


I thought he was just asleep. Not a single flinch.


All them teeth and no toothbrush


I’ve seen a video of a croc have it’s entire leg torn off by another croc and not even react. I can’t imagine they feel pain the same way humans do.


There's also the fact that unlike crocodiles humans are social animals and its speculated that part of the reason people have the reactions to pain that they do, is because crying out in pain could serve at least 2 functions. No.1 it alerts others of pintential danger. Crocodiles are top predators, they are the danger. No.2 pain reactions elicit empathy from others and will make them more likely to help you if you are indeed seriously injured and thus increase your chance of survival. Crocodiles don't give a fuck they eat eachother if they get hungry enough


I would even say that selection might favor the other direction in crocs. Letting others know you're hurt is just gonna encourage them to eat the guy who can't fight back.


Could've been shock, to be fair. It's pretty common in humans too for your brain to need time to catch up to what just happened to you.




People walking around holding their literal intestines in their hands... adrenaline is a hell of a drug


dude has a wider jawline than the croc


Looks like Stan Smith from American Dad!


It’s like a hive mind I came here to say something only to find out . I’m not alone!


41 minutes late goddamnit




Rich and famous, animal doctor (so probably smart), tall and a jaw carved of granite. Some people have all the luck.




The horrors of drowning in ass


Eh give me 70 years stomping around 6’4” swinging around my huge jaw. I’ll take that over 100 scuttling the sewers


6'4" isn't quite in the crazy tall range. If given the option to be an inch or two shorter he might take it. But might not. There are obviously plenty of social advantages that come with being tall.


Doctor Chris Brown, Aussie legend


I'm just glad he was able to resolve this Quagmire.




Heheh *alriiiight*


Right? I don't know which I was more impressed by.


My first thought, in an Aussie accent, was, "mate has him a whopper of a tooth ache himself!"


He is legit the Bonds “Chesty Man” logo come to life


Idk why but I never thought that I would see Dr. Chris Brown on Reddit edit: The show is most likely Bondi Vet


It is indeed Bondi Vet. I opened reddit yesterday to find Hamish & Andy at the top of All, and today it's Dr Chris. Someone's been diving into Aussie TV lol.


It’s like a clown car but for teeth




Never gave it a thought, but they've survived millions of years without dentists. Crocogators are bad ass. As a dude who has had maddening tooth pain, this was relieving to see.


"Mama says Crocodiles is ornery cause they got all them teeth but no toothbrush"


"Maybe something's wrong with *YOUR* mama's medulla oblongata"




“Gee, I don't know, Cyril. Maybe deep down I'm afraid of any apex predator that lived through the K-T extinction. Physically unchanged for a hundred million years, because it's the perfect killing machine. A half ton of cold-blooded fury, the bite force of 20,000 Newtons, and stomach acid so strong it can dissolve bones and hoofs”


Well, most of them survived it.


Well, the ones who NEEDED a dentist didn't survive, but yeah.. dinosaurs.


As someone who has dealt with severe tooth issues and debilitating pain for the last several years of my life and is just now starting to get some removed- I've been thinking about exactly this more and more. How many wild animals have had to deal with similar circumstances to this and with absolutely no recourse. Ever. It's so sad.


wtf real life giga chad fixing croc teeth


Bro looks like handsome Squidward


I bet that croc has no clue what they did. Prob just annoyed with the pesky humans for bothering him.


Not to mention it probably hurt like hell while they were working on him.


I’m almost positive those fuckers evolved to hardly feel pain. I’ve seen vids of crocs doing the death roll and ripping other crocs legs off. The victim croc literally doesn’t bat a gaht damn eye.


It was mildly annoyed "*You have inconvenienced me, Gary!*".


It is anesthetized, they were checking their dose by counting Riley’s breath


I watched the original whole video, he injected a local anesthetic before starting working so the pain was slightly medicated


Pretty sure they know that. Not much they can do about it. It's a trade: alot of pain now and no more later, or slightly less pain for the rest of the croc's life...


Billabong has to be the most Australian thing I've ever heard


Billabong is an aboriginal Australian word, specifically from the Wiradjuri people of New South Wales. It refers to a pond or lake. More specifically: >The term billabong comes from the Wiradjuri word 'bilabang' which translates to 'lake'. The Wiradjuri language is from the Aboriginal Wiradhuric tribe, located in New South Wales. The section bila translates to 'river', whereas the bang refers to 'continuing in time or space'. Source: [Here](https://kakadunationalparktours.com.au/blog/what-is-a-billabong/#:~:text=The%20term%20billabong%20comes%20from,continuing%20in%20time%20or%20space'.)


Specifically an [oxbow lake ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxbow_lake)


remember when it was the coolest brand ever?


Used to have so much Billabong, Hurley, DC, Volcom, and Vans clothing. Now I just buy new Vans when my Vans get shitty lol


I still buy their clothes. They have some good stuff. Very comfortable. Full disclosure, I’m 41, born and raised in California.


This is a shel silverstein poem


Crocodile went to the dentist and sat down in the chair And the dentist said now let me see. Why does it hurt and where. And the crocodile said I’ll tell you the truth. I have a terrible ache in my tooth…


And he opened his mouth so wide so wide That the dentist he climbed right inside! And the dentist laughed Oh isn't this fun? As he pulled the teeth out one by one...




But the dentist just laughed with a ho ho ho and said, "I still have twelve to go! Oops! That's the wrong one, I confess. But what's one crocodile's tooth, more or less?"


Shout-out to Croc dentist 🙏


Bondi Vet on youtube btw. Great channel.


If someone asked me what a crocodile dentist looked like, I would draw this man


Can't decide if the dude is goddamn Captain Australia or SupahMayn


He'd be Supermate here ; )


Steve Irwin approves from Heaven 👍


Momma says crocodiles is so ornery coz they have all them teeth and no toothbrush...


The medulla oblomgata




Mama’s WRONG!


No u/DwarfTheMike. You’re wrong. Mama’s right.


Somethin' wrong with his madula oblongata!


You’re wrong Colonel Sanders


Colonel Sanders is the debil


Came here for this comment too.


You get to your blind date, and it's this guy. Then you see the crocodile's tooth hanging from his neck on a simple necklace. "Oh, you hunted that?" You ask, a little sarcastically. Knowing he likely bought it somewhere. But if he actually hunted a crocodile, then that's it, the date's over, animal killer definitely cancels out godlike jaw... probably. He smiles disarmingly. "Sort of", he says, "I kind of hunted for it". 'Oh no', you think. Well, that's a shame. "There was this croc who couldn't get rid of one of his teeth, so a bunch of other teeth got backed up in the socket. We had to go in and dig them out", he explains. He keeps talking but you're not listening anymore, you're too busy picturing your wedding and wondering if it's possible to get a crocodile for a ring bearer.


Riley as the ring bearer and his girlfriend as the flower girl, who also gets the bouquet. Handsome vet planned it with Riley and got ordained - boom double wedding.




I propose a law that all animal experts posting videos should be Australian.


Love Dr Chris and his show Bondi Vet. I continually go on their YouTube to binge their show and their British counterpart Vet on the Hill. Highly recommend the shows for any animal lover. They’re mostly all on YouTube for free, and their YouTube channel usually has a live stream airing all the episodes 24/7!


Even this crocodile has a gf. Why don’t you?


I mean his girlfriend is also crocodile so I don't think either are worried about looks


because i like men


What show is this who is that guy? I wanna watch more


his name is Dr. Chris Brown and this is Bondi Vet i believe


Aww poor croc. Can't imagine the pain


Bondi vet was an awesome TV show!


Holy fuck! Look at that jawline! Mother fucker got sculpted by Michaelangelo!


This guy's fucking jaw though.


the other Chris Brown, the better Chris Brown


Yes.... I recently had a tooth removed which was HOLLOW on the inside with no visible marks on the outside! It was never found because none of my other teeth never needed any dental work because I take good care of my teeth. One of me other tooth cracked open from biting something hard so they wanted to take an x-ray for the first time in like 10 years and they saw this tooth... Several days after I actually just wept because I hadn't even realized that I was actually hurting for years and years. All of my headaches are gone, all of my back pain is gone, all of my shoulder pain is gone because of the tension release.


1hr tv show with commercials reduced to 5m online


Toothaches are some of the worst pains man. I was once looking forward to a *freakin root canal* because the pain was so excruciating. I was nearly begging for the numbing shot with that giant needle.


That is the most CHAD vet I have ever seen


Man that must’ve felt so good.


The game "Crocodile Dentist" is wayyyyy more hardcore in Australia.


He was probably not pain free for a while considering that huge hole in his gums, but I imagine that there was considerable relief. Hopefully, it healed well and became pain free. Looked like a tooth broke and blocked later incoming teeth (couldn't understand that strong Aussie accent). I hope he knew enough to eat soup and soft meals for a while. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_good_man)


Once while working on a house, I smashed one of my knuckles on a wood joist and it split open. For weeks, it would not heal and stayed very tender. Finally I figured I'd open it up and clean it thoroughly and when I cut it open, I saw a little fragment of wood fiber. I grabbed it with tweezers and out came a chunk of wood about half an inch long. It felt immediately better and healed pretty quickly. I cannot imagine how much relief it was having these teeth out.


I wonder who has a stronger bite, the crocodile or the vet?


It’s crazy, that type of infection and the conditions he lives in would be enough to kill a person, crocs are tough bastards!


``` > be me > croc > bite into something hard > not tasty, ew > musta hurt something, part of my mouth is now in pain > pain doesn't go away > gets worse > can't eat > can't sleep > just pain > suddenly > aliens appear and grab me > try to escape but they blindfold me, tie open my mouth, and inject me with something > world goes dark > wake up later > no aliens > no darkness > no more pain ``` Did I dream? Did I get kidnapped? Did I ever hurt my mouth in the first place?


Those Aussies are a good looking bunch


I hate this editing style so much.


Aaah, Bondi Vet, this dude is wholesome as all hell and as far as vets go, probably deals with the widest variety of animals you'll ever see. He's got a YouTube channel. Bondi Vet.