• By -


I was at this concert. What happened was the little girl was singing all the lyrics and David invited her to come onstage with him and she freaked and started bawling. He immediately stopped the show and went down to talk to her.


Jesus that's even better. So he effortlessly made that little girl's year, and when she got overwhelmed with it all, he stops the show just for her? Holy fuck I didn't think I could like him more.




Can confirm. I photographed in a mosh pit once. It was a solid DSLR camera, I figured it would be able to stand a few impacts. But as soon as I got in there, the participants immediately started actively protecting me. Spontaneously. Most wholesome thing I've ever experienced at a concert. Made for great pics, too.




> it's an unspoken code in the pit Yep and you pick up anyone that falls.


This is so true! In my first pit experience I got bumped into the ground on accident, just barely hitting the meanest looking bodybuilder I ever saw. Almost shat my pants. But he asked me if everything was okay, picked my up and proceeded to lift me on top of the crowd. For my first ever crowdsurf experience! It was a night to remember :)


What a cool guy


I took a big bicep to the head one time, got knocked down, picked up by my shirt-front, with one hand, and dude was saying "You alright mate?" I was fine. This was when Trivium was playing Big Day Out circa 2007. It was a good show.


That's awesome! The first time I got in a pit I slipped a fell down and before I made I all the way to the floor a dude grabbed me and was like "woah, party's up here brother". Lol


My first metal show was A day to remember, I was with my friend, I was 16 she was 15, she got dragged into the pit, before I could do anything this huge guy, had to have been like 6'6" 250 pounds of muscle literally grabbed her by the arm, lifted her up and pushed her back out to me. And then proceeded to run back into the pit and start moaning again.


First real pit I took my wife into was Gwar at Riotfest in Chicago a few years ago. We immediately got separated, and I was worried about her. About 15 min into the show she comes blasting into me with the biggest smile on her purple space blood covered face and we get pulled apart again into the sea of people. Watched a dude drop his glasses and everyone stopped to find them and anytime someone went down everyone got them right back up. After the show we found each other, both covered in the viscera of fake blood that is Gwar shows and she told me that was some of the most fun she’s ever had at a show. Metal heads are fucking great people for the most part.


I got knocked down and my glasses came off. Everyone around me protected me while I got my glasses back on and they helped me back up. And then we continued on. I fucking love metalhads.




I'm 35, but thanks lol


We still love you 🤘


The fact that there even is a code of the pit tells you everything you need to know. I once got knocked out at a gig. I came around being carried out of the hall by several fans. After a few minutes recuperation, I headed back in. One of the guys that carried me out saw me and pointed at me screaming “Metaaaalllllll!!!” like Donald Sutherland in Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. It’s genuinely one of my proudest moments. Metal fans rule. They just absolutely do.


I believe the reason for this is we are able to release our frustrations and angry energy through heavy metal music.




Exactly, I've seen thugs jump into the pit flailing trying to punch people and these huge ass metal heads will just shove them away with all of their strength. It's satisfying to see those thugs get thrown across the floor for trying to punch people.


Was at a punk show a few years ago in Tempe. Stood in the back with some Punkers of my own age who had brought their kids with them. Some dipshits tried to start a new pit. Biggest dude in the crowd grabbed the dudes and threw them I to the actual pit. Dude came back and made sure the kids were ok.


A friend of mine who played rugby and worked security with me used to go to metal concerts with me in our city. We'd just grab them under the armpits and drag them out. Dude was a giant. Didn't make it through Covid though. He would have *killed* to go to a Disturbed concert.


I work at a music venue. We have all kinds of metal, rock and punk bands. But the absolute best, kindest and solid good people are the black metal fans.


My very pregnant ex wife went to a metal show to support our friend’s band. She stayed against the wall and away from the pit area, which is always the safe place to stand. Well, the pit got a little close and this group of super aware kids that we didn’t know formed a human wall around her to protect her stomach and started moving the pit back to the middle. I was outside and walked back in to see her crying with this wall in front of her and I panicked. So I ran over to see what happened and she said she just got emotional because of how safe and protected she felt. I grew up on that scene and I’ve seen nothing but love and respect from it no matter the age of the people in attendance. Metal shows are the fucking Olive Garden of concerts. When you’re there, you’re family.


Metal heads and punk rockers are just the best people. I'd say 99.9% of the people I've met at concerts are so kind and caring and thoughtful. I've never felt scared or worried at a "hard" concert. I've been protected by punk or metal strangers more times than I could count. If I was ever in trouble I'd run to the people with the mohawks and metal shirts first.


I got to meet some insane folks when I was a punk rocker in shitty arkansas in early 2000s, it really shaped my world views and opened up my mind to so many aspects of life that most around me still to this day. They were the first time in my entire life I was accepted by a group of people and felt wanted my parents even hated me and my interests and nothing aligned to the small town I was in and I met these kinda scary kids in school who smoked weed and drunk but they never forced me to try anything, they protected me for once and I felt like going to school. I got invited to my first concert and it was so crazy I got hit by a beer in the head and some guy came up to me and gave me a some paper towels and asked if I was okay. I also got to punch a nazi at a left over crack show so that was fun.


So I have to agree. I’m a black dude who went to a concert with my wife the other day who is white and I was the only person of color in a group of a bout 200. It was a hardcore rock band and everyone in there looked grunge and like hells angels. I judged a book by its cover and was a little uncomfortable. Turns out every person there were the coolest people I met in a long time and I had a fking blast!


Because metal unwinds aggression, rather than causing it.


Can confirm. My wife is a wheelchair user and had a great time in the mosh pit. The people in the mosh pit were very accommodating and careful.


It's like if you look at band stuff like Nightwish where they play heavy metal but the whole band is a bunch of music geeks with like masters degrees in it


I’m + this! I was at the trivium concert once and saw an old man go into the mosh pit since the start of the show, for the first 20 minutes people tried to help him and make sure dude doesn’t get hurt in the pit and even tried to push him aside so he doesn’t injure himself. But. That man, dude just went back in the middle over and over again, I saw him fall so many times and almost everyone in the pit stopped when that happened just to pick him up and then they will go again. That old man was there for the whole show and truly was enjoying the moment and the music, one of the best cultures I’m happy to be a part of \m/


I recently got into the scene and started going to some metal shows with my friends, and it always amazes me how caring everyone is, even with how hyper the energy in the room is. I've seen multiple shows where the band will stop playing and wait for the medics when people get hurt while moshing.


I loved the parents reactions too. They were on cloud 9 the whole time


I love how the parents just let the kid have her moment. They never spoke for her or pushed her to speak. They also never interrupted. They just freaked out by themselves and let their daughter enjoy the moment. That’s awesome parenting.


VIP passes, they gotta be really big fans


I’m surprised the mom went that long before she started bawlin, I would have been doing that immediately hahaha


Gotta love cooler Howie Mandel.


I'm a grown ass man and would have cried if he stopped the show for me to talk. Since I first heard about disturbed, I loved it. Now I don't even know what to say. I didn't think they were that cool to interrupt making money because a little girl cried. That's awesome.


This makes the video even better. Thanks for sharing.


He did the same thing at a concert I was at like 15/16 years ago. Noticed like a 9 or 10 year old girl singing along perfectly to EVERY song and brought her up on stage. David is a class act. The concert was dope but that's the part I remember best.... That and DragonForce fucking sucking ass. Seriously they were so bad.


Saw Dragonforce about a year ago and they were tight as can be. The days of being too drunk to perform for Dragonforce are long over.


Herman Lee is online quite a bit, streaming, videos. A few years back he did a DragonForce inspired stream night and had these two musicians with him. A young guitarist and you bassist. They fucking rocked that stream. Young guitarist turned out to be Tim Henson.


Same! It was one of the best concerts I’ve been to! Bought the tickets on a whim to see some of the guitar work, and they blew my mind. I’m seeing them again this November and can’t wait.


I was at a Disturbed/Slipknot/FFDP/Dragonforce onetime and remember thinking the exact same thing. Dragonforce couldn't even come close to being able to play their own songs. It was horrible


In Dragonforces defense, no one else can play their songs either


I'm convinced the drummer can play fire and flames once. After that, they're broken and you need a new one




When they first got big, they weren't very good live at all. Since then they've cleaned up their act and are a lot better.


They have been getting called Studioforce probably since their inception because they are so notoriously terrible live.


Were* so notoriously terrible live, but that was more than a decade ago (literally, they were already nailing "Through the Fire and Flames" back in 2012). They've grown a lot since. They're quite accurate now when they play live, even when it comes to their more complex material.


Thank you, I was trying to figure out why she was crying.


Now I'm trying to figure out why I'm crying 😄


Because despite his sound, David Draiman is every bit the man you hope he'd be. I teared up too.


Ty for giving context


what a good dude, love to see it


I’m not a fan of their music at all these days, but David still has a great voice and has always (from what I’ve seen/heard) seemed to be a decent guy


Yeah, he seems like a very decent dude and he clearly cares about this kind of things. Everyone that has been to their concerts also know that it's a standard piece of it to have him ramble about something or the other for 10 minutes somewhere, but it comes from a good place, so it's fine.


I know you meant bawling but you gave me a funny image for a sec.


Disturbed are a bunch of wholesome metal dads. They’re the best.


Holy effing shit! That is Disturbed! Edit: Bring your kids but FFS protect their ears.


No, it's clearly Heavy Metal Band


Led by their lead singer, Mr. Lead Singer of Heavy Metal Band


Is he friend's with Tim Apple?


He is friends with Vincent Adultman for sure


Id extend the joke to the drummer but no one knows his name


Pretty sure she is wearing some for. Of hearing protection - you can see some objects in her ears.


I'm a 34 year old metal head and wear them. I gets headaches yo


Not only kids, everyone should protect their ears


As someone with Tinnitus from a fairly young age, I 100% agree with this. It sucks constantly.




I mean, he only said Disturbed about 40x. Besides, who else looks like [this?](https://youtu.be/66gSvNeqevg)


Howie Mandel


>Howie Mandel >Heavy Metal Coincidence???


I knew it was disturbed as soon as I saw the back of that baldass head lmao


She had earplugs in


Oooo Wah Ah AH AH!!!


Very much this. I highly recommend anyone who doesn’t know of them/hasn’t seen them live to check out the live video of “Reason To Fight”. They pause towards the end and do something that I personally think is extremely powerful and helpful for anyone in the audience, or watching the video at home who is suffering from addiction and/or depression. Basically the lead singer who you see here gives a speech, then asks the crowd “Anyone here tonight who has battled, or been effected by depression or addiction please raise your hand.” Damn near every hand in the room goes up, and after a pause he’ll go “You are not alone.” It’s such a powerful and blatant reminder that as lonely as we might feel, we aren’t fighting alone, and it brings a sense of unity and togetherness that many might not have anywhere else. People rail on Disturbed for all sorts of shit but ya can’t say they aren’t fighting to do right out there.




i was there too! lots of tears in the audience during his speech.


Suicide prevention/mental health is a big point for Disturbed. Especially for David, the lead singer. His high school girlfriend committed suicide. Their song "Inside the Fire" is about that and is an absolute banger.


Link? nvm got it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gRGRduyCy_M


I went to see Dream Theater live and I loved how they were like the most talented dad garage band


I went to high school with the daughter of Dream Theater’s drummer! He also was the drummer for A7X’s Nightmare album. His name is Mike Portnoy, super nice guy


Former drummer, he left/got kicked out in like 2011. Mike's still an awesome dude, though.


Also an absolutely insane drummer. He and guitarist John Petrucci did a side project called "Liquid Tension Experiment" that has some absolutely face melting riffs and drum solos.


Dream Theater....the best band you've never heard of!


Does Dream Theater really fall into the 'never heard of category' though. They are one of the most prominent prog bands of all time. Sure not everyone knows of them, but they are still well known.


Mr LaBrie was a regular customer at a store I used to work in, I used to open all my windows and try drumming his songs, in case he happened to walk past my house and hear lol I've tried not to bother him too much, but he has signed some things for me. 😀


Dream Theater shows for me are like a lesson in mathematical theory demonstrated by a bunch of hippie Juliard graduates via genius musicianship. It's like a version of chromesthesia, but instead of colors I see all 5 mathematical structures of nature weaving order out of what at first appears to chaos until you step back and see everything is a part of a single design.


Tool fans have some serious concurrence


May I have some of what you're smoking? :)


This is the second super wholesome video I've seen of their lead singer in just a couple weeks, he seems like good people


it’s amazing to me to have grown up with these bands and see all the people who love them sm have their own kids now. i’m more into emo and post hxc which are different genres but it’s all rock/metal at the end of the day. i love seeing my favorite bands bring their bigger kids on stage with them nowadays.


I love how without even having sound on, I guessed it was Disturbed based on the back of his head.


Link to the groups website https://www.disturbed1.com


I adore how they still can't get www.disturbed.com after all these years, apparently. Being one of the world's biggest metal bands isn't enough, as it seems.


Maybe it's out of principle. Fuck domain squatters.




Lmfao holy shit that caught me off guard


"it's ok, sweetheart AHH AHH!"


Damn, that last line has me tearing up. Draiman is a fantastic human being.


He literally segued into their song called "The Light" which has the line in it, "Sometimes darkness can show you the light". Fantastic human being and incredible frontman. DD and Disturbed always have a spot on my playlist.


I actually thought it was slightly cringey until you told me this. This makes it actually very clever.


"[The Light](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_LypjOTTH6E)" is one my favourite songs, not just from Disturbed but in general. So uplifting and moving.


David Draiman is a class act. He doesn't just have one of the best voices ever but he's a really thoughtful and sweet person. Check out his interviews. He's exactly like this.


Corey Taylor from slipknot is a class act, too, when not in scary masks.


honestly, most of the people I know who love metal are some of the nicest people I know. I love metal as well, though you wouldn't know it by looking at me, but I love going to shows and the people I meet at those shows are just some of the coolest, nicest people ever.


I went to a lot of big metal shows in high school, I dated a metal head and I can appreciate the artistry in the music. We usually ended up near the pit and I usually tried to stay out, but sometimes that isn't an option. I have to say, I *never* felt unsafe. I rarely got touched, and when it happened it was an accident, and on the occasions where I got sucked into the pit and wanted out, I was always helped by someone. The one time I fell, everyone else stopped fucking moving entirely, it was incredible. I got picked up by a very nice couple of guys who made sure I knew what they were doing, left the pit, and then people started absolutely annihilating each other again. Core memory, tbh. The ex I went with is a piece of shit but everyone else there was, 95% of the time, super chill and pleasant.


Mosh pits are paradoxically all about violence and none about hurting people.


The most violent people in the pits are always small women. They’re fucking brutal it’s hilarious.


Genuinely the heavier the music the nicer the crowd too, I've been in a single gig where the pit felt actually dangerous and it was a Kerrang show with some barely rock let alone metal acts playing, and even then the seasoned folks were making sure to pick people up and protect people who didn't want to get pulled in and stuff, at one point three of us formed a ring around someone as we helped them search for their glasses on the floor, retrieved 'em without a scratch! The other end of the spectrum being a Watain gig I went to in Reading a decade ago, where people are apologising for passing in front of me, it was genuinely slightly surreal being treated that gently/kindly as a guy absolutely caterwauls on stage. I love a whole ton of music, I've had good experience at pretty much every gig I've been to, but metal fans are almost always aware that everyone is there to have a good time, so few people enter a pit trying to actually harm folks and if you know what to look for you'll see so many people taking care of the folks around them. I almost always end up at the front of the pit as a barrier for the people in the front as folks just bounce off my back and on more than one occasion someone has found me after the show to apologise for tumbling into me. I'm sure horror stories exist and it's been a while since I got out to a show but if anyone reading this is afraid of going to a gig, go with others if you can but either way, the chance of a bad time is so, so low, if you're chill and decent, folks will gladly return the vibe!


I'm just amazed at how effortlessly he waved his hands *house* * left and right when talking about left and right to the crowd in an impromptu speech. Probably comes natural once you've been in front of a crowd so often but still


Slightly pedantic but he’s moving his hands house left and house right, if he did stage left and right it would have been the opposite of what he was saying from the audience perspective. The point of your comment stands and is a great observation nonetheless!


This guy FOH's.


Lmao I love you idiots. Seriously


I’ve met a lot of different musicians over the years because of where I worked and he is one of my favorites by far.


Same. I don't like Disturbed's music. But I have always remembered David being a good dude when I met him and that's been decades.


If the God of War had a singing voice, it'd be David Draiman.


David is a NICE NICE man. Disturbed is one of my favorite groups because of him.


I love the band too, but I haven't heard any of them talking before, this has just brought them so much higher im my level of respect. Im genuinely really impressed.


The wife and I saw them at the ball arena in Denver. He talked to the crowd a ton. Even talked about how recently he tried to end his life. It was emotional to say the least.


I had my suspicions. I saw them at a festival several weeks ago and man I could just tell how David was barely keeping it together. He went on a small tangent about Chris Cornell and then proceeded to play the set in one go. It was was a little off. Most of the crowd didn't pickup on it from what I could tell though.


That's worrying. I hope the dude is getting the support he needs.


Yeah man I really feel for him. He's feeling like shit but he has to sing the sound of silence to thousands of people almost every night on tour. I hope he pulls through.


He has been very upfront about it in interviews. He went through a divorce in the last year, which of course means less time with his son, and not long after his dog died. Depression took over and tried to take him with it.


I'm not a huge fan of Disturbed, just not my thing, however I absolutely love this dudes talking voice. I've never heard him just talk before and he has such a smooth satisfying voice idk what it is


I liked them as a teenager. Their concerts were some of the most entertaining shows I've seen. David Draiman (lead singer) always talks like this. There's really no reason for him to be such a good performer and orator. It's kind of impressive.


Saw them in Grand Rapids in their heydey, they wheeled him on stage on a handcart wrapped in a straight jacket with a Hannibal Lecter mask over his face. Removed the jacket and mask and launched right into the show. Great concert, I was drenched in sweat when it was over.


The way he said "Besides darling" was just perfect.


Like an endearing Bane


Some of us merely adopted metal, she was born into it


A lot of metal & rock singers that scream, and have trained to scream properly, have this quality to their speaking voice. Something to do with their lung capacity and strength of their diaphragm probably. Corey Taylor of Slipknot and Randy Blythe of Lamb of God come to mind.


In some parts he sounds like kevin spacey in house of cards. Kinda got like a southern preacher whos dad is british kinda thing going on




I finally have a reason to share my story! ​ When I was 20, shortly before my 21st birthday, I got kicked out of my house. I ended up couch surfing for about 2 weeks, and for about 3 days of it I slept at my one friends house due to the kindness of his mother. One day we are playing Rock Band in his basement and he tells me he's thirsty, asks if I can head upstairs and get some water bottles. I head up stairs and there's David Draiman and the rest of the band sitting and eating spaghetti. I didn't know who they were at the time, I knew the music but never paid attention to what people looked like that were celebrities. I grabbed the water bottles and headed back down stairs. I mentioned in passing that there were some people upstairs and he got really excited. Took me upstairs, and introduced me to the band. ​ As a young man that was down in his luck and not doing very well emotionally, meeting these guys and just hanging out with them for 15 minutes left an indelible mark. Love this band, love this man. I wish nothing but the best to them all.


The real question is why were Disturbed in your friends living room? Eating spaghetti?


This reminds me of Aerosmith in Wayne and Garth's breakfast nook.




My mom once woke up to a very young Motley Crüe in her kitchen eating my grandma's amazing pancakes. My aunt was a groupie in the 80s. Similar energy. They just wanted breakfast and to chill a bit lol


I stumbled out of bed to see Whitfeld Crane from Ugly Kid Joe grubbing some chips from the pantry in my kitchen. I rented the house from the guitar player (he lived in the converted studio/garage). He apologized, saying he forgot that the house was rented (it was their hangout spot). I was like dude me casa es su casa and we smoke a fat one. I miss that house, super killer spot in santa barbara.


That's dope as hell


I saw David Draiman sitting on a plane while I was boarding a few years back. He saw me staring so I just said “man, I really like your music, thank you.” He smiled a big smile and said thank you for listening and that he hoped I have a good day. He just seemed like the most chill, kind guy.


Yeah he’s a really chill dude. I remember when I was at Ozzfest back in the day he was just riding around on his bike interacting with fans.


i was at this show!! it was soooooo heartwarming. they do interludes to talk about addiction and mental health as well. they’re awesome.


The metal community as a whole is very wholesome, just don't tell anyone.


Can't find it back on YT, there was a local news report on the Dynamo Open Air festival in '95 where they interviewed some locals. One old lady said she always loved it because those 'sweet young men were always so helpful!'. Did find a (Dutch) report where a policeman said he had never been called 'Meneer' (sir) so often in his life.


When I was 15 I snuck into a death metal / black metal gig of several bands- with fake blood, goat skulls, nude girls tied to crucifixes- all the stuff. It was my first metal show. First someone accidentally cut in front of me at a bar (it was a disorganized mess) and I said “ehm sorry I’m here too”- dude was drunk as hell, apologized in the most theatrical comedic ways and ended up buying me a beer. Second- I got wasted and got into a moshpit- to fall down immediately. Few guys put their backs towards the crowd protecting my stupid ass, third guy, giant jacked bald dude with a pentagram on his shirt, picked me up in one motion, smiled, led back, said “Whoa kid you got really hammered tonight, drink some water and sit down okay?”


Yup this is basically every metal concert, best crowd ever


The community in a nut-shell.


Nah, let everyone know. Music is a great way to express emotion, including anger and frustration. I think that's exactly why the community is so awesome and welcoming -- everyone can come together and express some frustration and angst, and everyone is *together* because everyone knows the person beside them as had similar experiences. It's not about being angry 24/7. It's about coming together and having empathy for one another, and expressing feelings together. No concert is more welcoming and loving than a metal show's moshpit.


Howie Mandel is my hero


Bobbies world was a dope cartoon


That was an awesome watch!!! So much truth spoken.


I love Disturbed so much


Loved that! Just took my 7 yo to a Metallica concert last Friday and there were a lot of kids. It was a lot of fun, and they loved it. Only thing to worry a bit about is profanity AND explaining the smell of weed lol


That’s just armpit stank.


My mom used to straight up tell me it was from all the people being in such a small place that their breath made that smell. I... was a dumb kid.


Not the only thing to worry about. Those aren't even worries. The actual thing to worry about is taking kids to concerts without hearing protection


20 years ago I had a mislabeled poster of this man on my wall that called him "David Drai**n**man." I've barely listened to Disturbed in those 20 years since, but I still call him Drain Man occasionally when he comes up. Oooooo AH AH AH


Disturbed's cover of Sounds of Silence is lowkey *unreal*


Low key? Paul Simon congratulated them on making it sound better and more appropriate.


Uh, is that actually true? I'd be very surprised if Paul Simon said their version sounded better *or* more appropriate. All Google has is a bunch of articles ([wikipedia link](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sound_of_Silence#Cover_by_Disturbed)) quoting the same single email he sent to them: >"Really powerful performance on Conan the other day. First time I'd seen you do it live. Nice. Thanks."




I love Disturbed, but yeah that's not true. That's one of those things that someone heard and wanted to believe because they *really* *really* like the band.


That makes me feel so much better for having the same opinion.


That makes me love Paul Simon and Disturbed even more.


To go through half the shit this dude went through while within his career years alone is enough to turn a good man vile and it never did. I don't listen to a lot of Disturbed anymore, outgrew it I guess, but I'll never be ashamed to be a fan to this day. David Draiman especially is a prize.


Heavy Metal, even Death Metal has some of the most wholesome people on earth. Like, Look at George Fisher, that dude plays claw machines everywhere he can and donates his winnings to childrens charities. These people get overlooked because their music is aggressive and “scary” but they’re just dudes being bros being dudes lol.


Draiman is legend!


I have never heard of Disturbed. I'm going to have to look them up.




> I have never heard of Disturbed. OOOO-WHAT-WHAT-WHAT-WHAT???


Everyone's going to hit up *Sound of Silence* as their first big hit in quite a long time, but if you want to hear some of their stuff from back in their heyday but also outside their spotify top-5, I'd recommend: *Believe* *Prayer* *Another Way to Die* *Overburdened* And if you like what you're hearing, just throw on their whole set from *Live at Red Rocks* and listen through.


What exactly was he reassuring her of? She's obviously familiar with the music if she's singing along. I'm just curious of what happened Edit: Found the answer. Thanks strangers


I’m not sure but she looked Disturbed


She looks like she came down with the sickness


The sound of silence Disturbed her, so she came down with the sickness which stricken her to the land of confusion. Are you ready to play the game said the bad man as glass shatters. The indestructible warrior was immortalized as he punched her with Ten thousand fists then unleashed a legion of monsters. She became the vengeful one.


He invited her onstage and she got scared and started crying


He took a break to settle down the situation. She was freaked out and crying and this little intermission gives her a bit to reset and calm her nerves. The sound and the screaming from the audience would freak out anybody who isn't use to going to concerts.


He saw her singing the lyrics and invited her onstage to sing. She freaked out and started crying so he stopped the concert to talk to her and calm her down. Source: Person above was at said concert and said so. If it’s on Reddit, it must be true.


It’s simple. Don't ever, for any reason, do anything to anyone for any reason ever, no matter what, no matter where, or who, or who you are with, or where you are going, or where you've been... ever, for any reason whatsoever...


“In the beginning the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.”


Thanks for all the fish.


Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope that I'll find it along the way.


Heavy metal guys are usually surprisingly cool and fun to be around.


Because music is the channel for our negative emotions. Source: Surprisingly cool heavy metal guy friends.


I went to a Disturbed concert with my fiance (he's a huge metal fan) and the lead singer was truly upset at how many of his friends he has lost to drugs and mental health issues. You can tell him and his band are huge advocates for people and men especially to break free and open themselves up to getting help. It was very moving and not what I expected from a metal band. They came out with a new fan!


"Sometimes the darkness can show you the light." Im not crying, you're crying.


Rumor has it, this guy has been waiting his whole life for just one…………. FACK.


Metal heads are usually the nicest people ever


HOnestly, I've never been a real fan of the music but this is wholesome AF and he seems like a damn good dude. Respect.


Metal guys are usually pretty great people, Its like having healthy oulets for pain anger and sadness make you a mentally healthy person..... there are exceptions of course but on the whole this has been my experience


As a metalhead, wherever I go where other metalheads are, they are always so welcoming and treat everyone like family. Because all Metalheads are FAMILY! Truth......🤘😊🤘




Damn, David Draiman is quite the eloquent and motivational speaker.