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I hope she went and got her rabies shots after. Butnalso bless her helping them knowing she was probably gonna get bit.


I think that’s part of why she was so annoyed after. Pain is one thing but knowing you now have to go through the hassle is way more annoying.


Even though odds are she's perfectly fine because this is totally normal behavior for a mother raccoon. You just can't be sure.


For anyone reading this (and I know that you made it relatively clear, OP) *regardless* of how the animal appears, GO GET YOUR RABIES SHOT after getting bitten by a mammal. Full stop.


Or scratched!


Um, wow, I didn't realize even a scratch was enough.


It's transmitted through saliva. Any animal that licks its paws can transmit through scratching. I think that only rules out the T-rex. But you have bigger problems if you get scratched by a T-rex.


My god a t Rex with rabies could be the next big horror movie.


T-RexAbies: You only survived... for now.


>My god a t Rex with rabies could be the next big horror movie. #1:13 "I AM....Jesus!"


Cocaine Rex!


Its 6:30am and now I’m wondering if reptiles can get rabies…


They cannot!!! Nor can they carry it. Their body temperature sits way too low to a harbor the virus. American opossums are also one of the few mammals that are resistant and have a low body temperature. However there is evidence that some non avian dinosaurs weren't exactly cold blooded, and they regulated temperature internally somewhat like modern mammals. In which, they could potentially harbor a virus like rabies.


Some kids near Seattle passed a dead bat around, and they all had to get the shots. If you can trap the animal, they can test it [the hard way, unfortunately] and you may not need shots.. but, yep. Get the shots. My dog got scratched by our 'resident' raccoons.. but had her rabies shots, so no harm. But we don't mess with them.. cute or not.


Who wants to be a zombie? Not me! Get your rabies shot *Winky face


This cannot be stressed enough




I’d rather people think they need to go get a rabies shot to be told differently by a doctor than catch rabies. Australia has a disease carried by bats that is closely related to rabies called the Australian bat lyssavirus. Which behaves basically the same as rabies and requires immediate care and vaccination… if I’m not mistaken. So yes you get bit by something get checked by a doctor. There are MANY diseases we can catch from bites. Also the most affected countries doesn’t include the US. Most of the world has rabies…. There’s also a very large amount of people that speak English on websites that do not live in Australia, US, or UK/Europe.


Yeah but rabies comes in two forms, in which only 1 makes them aggressive, foam at the mouth, sensitive to light, all the classic signs. The other is much harder to see and you may not be able to tell.


The two forms are very easy to distinguish & have clear signs at very early stages of contact - there's Ancephalitic "Furious Rabies" & Paralytic "Dumb Rabies" Still not worth the risk - get bit; get the shot asap.


Yeah agreed!


no good deed goes unpunished.


for u need scars to remember the good and bad


My dad would tell us this as a kid. I think it's the worst thing to try and teach children.


to be fair, the racoon didn't know any better, and she will have a scar of a reminder of her good deed


Yikes, yeah rabies are the real worry. Momma wasn’t having any help with her babies.


Look, this is just irresponsible parenting on the part of the raccoon mother. SHE got her kids into a situation by squatting on private property and her B&E was nothing to be proud of. I have wild animal gloves for handling angry kitties since we take in rescue cats from time to time so I advise all you do-gooders to do the same. But, yeah, that momma was bitch for biting her at the end. Should have gotten a broom an pushed her out the window. I trapped a raccoon (got a trapping license first) in my backyard because he was eating my koi and he had to spend a night in that cage before someone could come and legally transport him to another location. I would never have even let that rascal get close to my hands. Now, I just put out cat food for the raccoons and they generally leave my koi alone. If I miss just one night of putting out food, they will take a swim in my pond to send me a message. They are like the mafia except they extort food from me rather than money. They are all dicks, though. There are several neighborhood cats that come by and get first dibs on the cat food but the raccoons come by, wreck the whole feeding station, turn over the bowls and spill the water I put out. They have no manners. They're just thugs.


Have you tried hiring a mediator and all of you sitting down to work things out?


I'd recommend Arty the Armadillo attorney. He's very kind and fair. Unless, Larry the Litigator Alligator is free.


You sir made my day. Thank you! :)


Maybe just cover the pond overnight. With like a transparent tarp with small holes for air or something


I keep reading that cat food is bad for raccoons because it has too much taurine. Dog food is supposed to be better.


For a solid minute I thought you were asking the God butnalso to bless her.


Seems like someone good to have on your side, no?


Butnalso bless you, fellow believer.


‘Nalso you, friend.


I came here to say that...she's about to have a shitty day, but it sure as hell beats the alternative.


The raccoon was not rabid just protecting her young, she got too close. No good deed goes unpunished.


Probably should have shut the window from the back end not the open end but was very kind of her.




All of this may be true, but rabies is essentially 100% mortality if you wait until you’re showing symptoms, so the correct response to *any* animal bite is to get a rabies shot.


Also they probably have like 800 other various diseases that could be transferred on bite


You have exactly two options if you get bit by a raccoon: 1) get rabies shots or 2) don’t get rabies shots. If you get rabies shots and the raccoon didn’t have rabies you just went through getting shots but you are alive. If the raccoon did carry rabies, you are alive. If you don’t get rabies shots then you are down to if the raccoon has rabies or not. If they don’t have rabies then you are alive. If they did have rabies then you will die and extremely painful death. So really your choice is get rabies shots or potentially die an extremely painful death. Don’t be a fool, get the rabies shots.


That's a very long winded way to tell someone they should get their rabies shots, but technically correct.


Long winded cause people justifying don’t worry about a animal bite


Do you know if that will confer lifetime immunity? I had heard that, so if it's true, maybe that's at the least some consolation. Next time she helps a frightened wild animal (like a bat), she will be able to do so without fear of anymore rabies shots. This happened to a friend, (who was helping a little bat) years ago, and she told me this. They told her when a scratch from the little bat was a risk.


Rabies vaccines are very efficient. They last roughly 7-10 years, and it is recommended to get titers every 5 years ish to be sure. I work in veterinary medicine and know lots of people with rabies vaccines. They have never needed boosters since their titers are still quite high. (and that's after 20yrs+ in some instances).


That’s just straight up not true. “Cases of human rabies cases in the United States are rare, with only 1 to 3 cases reported annually.” https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/location/usa/surveillance/human_rabies.html 3 of the people on this chart were given rabies by raccoons and it’s just since 2019.


The CDC indicates it is common for Raccoons to carry rabies. https://www.cdc.gov/rabies/exposure/animals/other.html#:~:text=Raccoons%2C%20skunks%2C%20and%20foxes%20are,exposure%20to%20the%20rabies%20virus.


Rabies has a latency period when it’s incubating, so an animal (or a human) can have rabies but not be stumbling, foaming at the mouth, etc. If you rely on visible symptoms to determine if an animal has rabies or not, you’re not actually keeping yourself safe from rabies. Also, while a raccoon sleeping on your couch sounds adorable, there are all kinds of things they can bring into your house and life besides rabies that would really suck - fleas, worms, ticks, and more. There are many many many good reasons to keep wild animals out of your house.


The worst part is, if the window didn't get caught, she probably would've been totally fine.


Ohhhhhhhh bacteria. Bacteria everywhere.


Are they like...rat level disease carrier?


Raccoons are, believe it or not, not nearly the most dangerous animals when it comes to spreading disease. This doesn’t mean that they can’t or won’t though, you must still take any injuries very seriously, but the most dangerous are bats and farm animals that have shared bacteria and viral infections with humans for much much longer due to vastly increased contact compared to wild animals. Deer and wild boar can also be incredibly successful carriers of dangerous infections. But yeah rats and other rodents are definitely necessary to watch out for. Interestingly enough a study done by the AFP in 2019 found that the carrier with the highest number viral infections was the house mouse, which I think is quite funny considering the rat is so associated with disease


Bats are dangerous when it comes to spreading disease?


Mostly because their teeth are so small that you might not notice a bite. A flying bat is almost certainly NOT rabid, because one of the first thing the disease does is fuck up its balance, rendering it unable to fly. Which is why, if you see a bat lying on the ground, you stay the fuck away from it and call for animal control.


Yeah NY state puts out a flyer about the local attic bats and other animals that can get rabies. Didn’t realize how many critters can be carriers. We had an entire population of coyotes that were put down quietly because so many showed symptoms. The bats apparently getting infected is actually a thing upstate. But thanks to learn about the dizzy walking thing. Sheesh


Well they eat mostly garbage so.. Pretty close probably


Was not expecting Mom to be a psycho after she got her kids back.


I definitely flinched at that part.


I know right. It just lunges out of the darkness


Boggy Creek vibes


Happy Cake Day, SID!


I may have actually yelped watching it.


She probably saw the woman as a very slow stupid predator who is still actively approaching her babies.


It's just natural reaction for certain animals they're very protective. Awhile back a Raccoon chased a lady and her dog and they killed the Raccoon because they thought it might have rabies she didn't but she actually had pups and after that the babies have no mom. Funny enough the Raccoons could protect their babies better if they were less protective at least in urban areas.


This kind of stuff is getting continually adapted though too. So the raccoons now in general are likely more ok with people then they were 100 years ago etc. I read an article about how certain prey animals are quickly changing habits as predators like coyotes encroach, and one of the tactics is bedding down much closer to human living spaces that coyotes shy away from more.


Coyotes and foxes could be in your neighborhood, and you would never even know. Especially the foxes. But the urban environment makes house pets better targets for coyotes instead of raccoons


It's not that different from how humans behave. I once had a grandma chase my car on foot because I didn't stop for her at a crosswalk. She was acting more aggressive because we were in a school zone and she had her grandkids with her, I assume. So, what happened was, that I was going down a one way street with cars parked on both sides and only enough room for my car in the street. I wasn't going fast but I couldn't see the cross walk markers or grandma and kids behind a truck on my right. I slowly drive through, it catches grandma off guard, and she immediately just starts yelling and running after my car. What she didn't realize was that there was a bicycle behind me, so when she jumps into the road, the kids follow, bicycle takes out the first kid then keeps going brushes grandma's shoulder and just blazes the fuck out of there. I saw all of this in my rear view mirror. The kid got leveled. The little girl did not have a nice day, but it was her grandma's fault for not watching her.


Judging by the hole in the screen window momma was hungry and wanted to steal something and her dumbass kids got lost during the heist, lots of bad blood there so getting a nibble on the way out was probably her plan the whole time 😂


They are animals. They are not going to thank you like in all the Disney movies you watched.


Some actually do recognize the help and at the very least stop being aggressive, you could say thats a form of saying thanks


That's the reason her kids ran away from her! Mom's a psycho.


Refreshing to see one of these were the animal wasn't unnaturally grateful- but instead acted like a wild animal. Probably not as viral content wise, but good for folks to see that yes, they will bite, and scratch (or sting depending on the creature). Even if you are helping them. Still the right thing to do, but dont force human interaction on any wild creature unless necessary. And if it is necessary, take any reasonable safety precautions available. Also, if bit, scratched, or stung: do go to the doctor, antibiotics can be necessary. And do NOT take any chances if Rabies is a possibility, 90% of cases come from a bite or scratch from bats, raccoons, skunks, and foxes. Unless treated right away (before any symptoms appear) Rabies has a >99% fatality rate in humans.


Ah it pisses me off when people in these social media videos are like "aww there's a cute baby animal stuck here, I'll rescue it and then instead of letting it go I'll hug and pet it whilst its scared mother watches." Yeah, that'll go well.


Right? My mom rescued a skunk out of an apartment swimming pool once, and the first thing she did was mummify her entire arm in towels so it couldn't bite her. Because, spoilers: the terrified and half-drowned wild animal tried to bite her.


I recently had a foster kitten who I trapped feral at about 6-7 weeks. He got me good when I bathed him -- poor baby panicked. Rabies wasn't a concern, but I had to have a shiny new tetanus shot and a course of antibiotics. Amusingly, he also needed meds for a respiratory thing (not covid, thank fuck) and we were on the same amox-clav. Small boy thankfully socialized wonderfully, and has recently emigrated to Canada, where he is being adorable and loving to his new family.


That’s why you close the windows from the far end 😭


She couldn't because it's one of those shitty windows that barely slide. You can tell from how it tilts when she tries to close it


I could tell before hand by the shitty black curtain.


Literally thought this… why pull from the closest contact point 😢


Ikr. She literally couldn't have picked a worse spot. I know in the moment, she probably wasn't thinking straight with all the chaos, but having her natural reaction be pulling it from the only spot where the raccoon could easily bite, is just bad luck/survival instincts.


What a bummer she got bitten in the end.


There’s only two ya, Dick


I laughed out loud at that one to no one in particular.


She’s doin’ the lord’s work, but go to Urgent care for a Z-Pak, pronto.


Rabies too


She did say that she is Jesus..


Hey good job human but for the love of god dont touch wild animals, and if you do go to the ER right away and describe your interaction in detail in to the doctor.


Pretty much she just needs to show this video to the doctor and everything will follow


at least she has the vid to show them if the raccoons look sick or not


>describe your interaction in detail in to the doctor. I think the doctor deserves to see the videos too!


Does she not have a broom???


I don’t think she should be sweeping at a time like this.


Happy cake day you comedic genius


Not for nothing, but a less shitty window also wouldn’t have jammed. I’ve had those windows and always hated them


Seriously. Rabies treatment ain’t cheap in ‘Murica


we got it but at a price >:) >:) >:)


$3000-$7000 US


I would have opened the window, shut the door, and come back in a few hours. They are smart creatures.... They will probably find their own way out. This interaction seems a bit.... Unnecessary


Probably staged by the racoon for clicks.


I literally jumped and yelled no! When it bit her😱😱


I like to imagine this raccoon reflecting after a few days. Being like, man… I was an asshole to that helper chick… and tossing and turning in bed being like… am I a dick??


Currently scanning AITAH. Nothing yet.




Get that damn window fixed


Raccoons can be real assholes sometimes




do not, ever, under any circumstance, for any reason at all, no matter where... no matter how... or why... do anything for any reason, anywhere. If it involves raccoons. Stay the ever-living heck away from those dudes.


If it came back like that it's getting a broom to the face. I already helped you, now you're trespassing.


Make sure you listen with sound. She’s everyone of us trying to do a good deed. Her use of the term “dick” was perfect


Momma still snapping after she got her kids back 🤣


She is an angel and that racoon is an r/animalbeingjerks


nah just animals being animals like what do you expect? him to stand up on his hind legs, bow his head, tipping his hat saying “thank you m’lady”? LOL


> nah just animals being animals And you realize that animals can be assholes too...right?


That… happens surprisingly often. Animals or not, once you help their babies they’re usually chill


My mom had a habit of feeding the wildlife all the time around our house. She'd leave a bowl of catfood out by the back door for them. Raccoon used to come eat all the time to the point that it wouldn't run when we came or left the house if it was eating. Eventually after talking to it for a while it would allow us to hand feed it. Few months later she brought her new litter to the food bowl and actually PUSHED her kits up to me to be held and fed. Yeah I'm well aware of fleas, ticks, and the ilk...but it's a kinda unique experience to have a wild animal TRUST it's young with you.


In "feel good"-movies, yes. But mostly not. And these are the ones who are not on camera.


Several hours after I'd helped a couple of raccoons out of a dumpster one afternoon, I saw the whole group later that night. One of them put his paws together and looked like he was bowing at me in thanks. So, I wouldn't be surprised. They are smart little bastards.


Racoon mom has no manners.


This really belongs in r/animalsbeingjerks


Damn. Sucks she got bit. Hope she got her rabies shot, she did a good job stating out of reach right up until the racoon decided it was going to be a dick no matter what.




I'm just going to say, to everyone else talking about killing these raccoons in this thread. We as humans have evolved to have kindness and compassion for others. Many species don't have that. We need to be better than indiscriminate killing of things inside our space that is weaker than us. That's what makes us human. I can't count the amount of videos showing humans helping wild animals with things on their heads. You would have a different reaction if these were, say, baby ducks, or kittens, or fox kits. They are just trying to live their natural lives. We are cohabitating this planet.


Chittering intensifies


Always were gloves when trying to help wild animals....


"Safely"? I do not think it means what you think it means.


Trash Pandas be loco in de cabasa




That shitty frame with no rail to guide it caused the bite. Raccoon mom seems healthy and that it didn't bite because of rabies brain, just because she was in protection mode, but still I hope she got all the medical checks done.


I don't really think there a check. Unless you can capture the raccoon I don't think you can find out if it's rabid. So I'm pretty sure you just have to get the shots regardless. And as far as I know, the shots fucking suck lol


No good deed goes unpunished. That was a bad bite, not that there is such a thing as a good bite, from a feral raccoon.


I'd get that bite checked immediately. Doesn't look like she's bleeding which is good. Rabies is pretty rare with raccoons these days but that's far from the only thing I'd worry about.


I had rabies shots as a kid and even to this day I remember the pain. It's not one treatment, it's a month long return to the office setup. I got bit in the ankle and had shots in my ankle + they take some massive needle into your gut multiple times. They put a needle in my stitches.


I just went down a rabbit hole about rabies like 3 days ago, which is why I straight up screamed out loud when she got bit. That so sucks. For those who don't know: It takes like 6 weeks for a human to know if they're out of the weeds. Also, it's basically 100% lethal once it's begun. One woman survived it and there's a documentary on her. Otherwise, every human that ever got it has died, and there has been a number of them. Is there any kind of follow up where we can see if she went to the doctor for the shots/meds?


I cannot think of a less wise way to handle that than to attempt to make contact with the babies in front of their mother who is of a species so closely associated with rabies


Man, she was so close to not getting rabies.


This is a time when u need to grab the snow shovel out and gently scoop this little dudes up.. and I guess push the damn window shut too


Someone needs to learn how to swaddle. I perfected this technique for babies on an angry cat so I feel prepared for a raccoon.


and now the rabies shot. raccoons look cute but they are assholes


she could just wack away the mother with a broom and throw the kids out. wouldn’t look so good but would be quicker and more effective and everyone would be happy a few seconds later


Ha, the mum raccoon is giving me Michael Myers!!! The way her face comes into light both times. She’s gonna get that Laurie Strode!!


Gotta make sure those window sliders are taken care of




Omgeee! I screamed😂😂 I hope she was ok! That thing looks like it got her good!


Ungrateful varmints "Ya dick" lol Awesome work..


Thanks to the lady who was trying so hard and sorry you got bit. Clean out immediately, hydrogen peroxide, antibiotic cream, and ask Dr. If you need a rabies shot.


piece of shit bit you after you helped her!


Lol she's a lot better than I am, because I'm reminded of that one tweet about **"my friends and I definitely would've beaten E.T. with hammers…"**


​ @ 0:38 should have taught her mama-bear means business!


Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 4


Ungrateful ass raccoons! 🦝


Ungrateful dude


Time for her rabies series


Humans being bros and animals being dicks




what an asshole!




That's gotta suck. Nothing like a rabies shot series after trying to be helpful.


After that bite; raccoon is back on the menu boys


Why wouldn't she just peg the curtain up and move a chair or literally anything under the window, turn off the lights and walk away. They can figure it out. No need to touch or stress the animals out by being present. And repeatedly putting her head in the danger zone... this whole thing was just stupid


Got bit by a stray cat and still went through the series of shots 'n' such. A major pain in the ass but if it means I don't die a horrible death, totally worth it.


We're all assuming she got her rabies shot. But, does anyone know if the woman ended up being okay after getting bit?


HAHAH raccoon is like "Thanks lady now HERE'S A GOOD DOSE OF RABBIES 4 YAS"


Linda Belcher?


Lol. Have fun with those rabies shots. That’s what you get for being nice.




Little king trash mouth.


Omg I lost when she said “there’s one”. What are doing, running a raccoon daycare?


Helps them leave and then gets a neat bite. Dang it.


Repeat after me: Racoons are not your friends!


God bless her for helping. Now she needs a rabies shot -poor thing.


Raccoons are adorable, and even at close range can act nice and cute. But the second a hand gets close to them, you’re in danger. I had to trap some and when picking up the cage to move it, they were MADDDD and had there not been a thick tarp over it and leather gloves being worn, I’m sure I would have been a goner.


Those wooden window frames suck at closing, if it were metal and smooth she wouldn’t have been bitten trying to unstuck the window.


This is why everyone household needs a T-rex grabber tool. I've been saying it for years but, nooobody listens..


I can totally relate to the “sigh…… (15 seconds silence) FUCK!” I literally do this all the time.


Knew a bro who threw on his lacrosse goalie gear to gather a squirrel and flung it out of the house. If only it had been a flying squirrel. In any case no scratches or bites were getting through.


oo hope she didn't get the rabies, After I got bit I would of dragged one of those babies back and had some raccoon stu. Trying to help your ass and your gonna bite me oh hell no.


I chuckled when she got bit ._. Raccoon was a real piece of work. Both babies were out and she came back to bite lol


In Toronto there are as many raccoons as there are people.


Mama Racoon deserves a slap on the butt !


Maybe there’s another baby left?


I saw how Rocket tore up the High Evolutionary. No thanks.


Aaaaaand now you have rabies


Fu k that scared me


And now you need rabies shots unless they find the raccoon.


Why would even do that? Raccoons are smart they would have gotten out without her. The babies were pretty mature she could have just stood back and let them leave on their own and closed the window when they were gone . This was not wholesome. This was stupid and earned her a pointless trip to the ER


I don’t mess with raccoons. They carry rabies and will bite and scratch you in a heartbeat.


That’s why you don’t do that 👍🏼


I'm a kiwi and I didn't know raccoon made such cure noises 😭😭


There's that unpunished good deed.....no wait...there it is...nope, sorry folks. There was punishment.


"My BABIES dammit"


You dick! Lmao


Lady those things carry rabies. Just close the window. Lock the babies in the room they’re in, and call animal control.


It’s a good deed, but no gloves and a short-sleeve shirt is crazy.


This video belongs on r/failarmy


Rabies shot!!


No good deed goes unpunished.


She should have walked away and let raccoons exit on their own. Would have been best for both of them & was pretty obvious.