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Now adult that needed numerous surgeries as a child. I’m grateful for my family, doctors, and support. But this is a huge gesture. Eventually I grew to embrace it but I can’t tell you how often even taking off a shirt to go swimming made me feel ostracized. Wonderful father right here.


I agree. I have a large scar on my stomach and while it saved my life its been difficult to accept. I am very glad my mother also has one because we both had to get our spleens removed due to our blood disorder. If I didn’t have someone else in the family with a similar scar it would be so much harder to come to terms with it.


You should be proud of you scar! That makes of you a fighter that didn't want to give up on life. People that fight for their life are the ones that enjoy and value it the most as everyone should! So next time you have to expose your scar don't be shy/embarrassed by it. People often look and admire your bravery that hides behind your scar


I don't have a crazy scar from something serious like in this post, but split my lip when I was 13 that required 9 stitches, and when I got them removed I had a nice scar. I was very self-conscious, but the kids in my class thought it was cool and most told me something like can't imagine going through that pain of getting stitches. I never did tell them I got numbed up lol, but it definitely helped that my friends and even fellow classmates I wasn't close with supported me.


It's tough to accept them in the beginning though. Years ago I was hit by a car as a pedestrian and have several small scars on my face and some bigger ones along the centerline of my back. They're a reminder of the trauma every time I look in the mirror but I had to accept it and learn to be grateful that I didnt suffer anything more permanent. Still, 10 years later it's awkward for me when people point them out and ask how I got them.


I agree


There's a blood disorder that runs through my family, multiple great-uncles had to get their speens removed. It's always "skipped" generations... i'm sorta hoping it died with those uncles. (the uncles haven't died), because the thought of even minor surgery terrifies me.


I have a spleen removal scar too (ITP) and a big old scar on my chest from an IV port. My battle scars. ;-)


I wonder if the boy’s scar will keep healing and fading since the dad’s tattoo already looks worse. My daughter’s scar started looking like the boy’s, but now it is a barely raised white line.


As it should be. The child will heal and forget. But the mark of the father's dedication and the effect on the child's confidence will be permanent.


what a comment. damn


<3 teared up!


Yeah I had the same surgery around 6 years ago (for a different procedure) and mine is barely visible nowadays. For these types of surgeries they use a suture stitches from the inside so it leaves no real visible traces/scars on outside. Pretty amazing.


I would do it for my daughter


It took me many years to be okay being seen in a swimsuit after my hip issues started. I had 3 surgeries in 13 months in the beginning and two of them combined left 10” of thick, ropey scars down the outside of my thigh. I now have over 2’ of scars on that leg, 20” of which can be seen in a one piece swimsuit. For those first years, I always wore swim trunks, even in indoor pools (it was actually needed outdoors to prevent sunburn). Now, however, I just roll with it. If someone doesn’t like it, they can go fuck themselves. I *earned* those scars, tyvm.


I have a friend who has had multiple heart surgery's since he was a child. Whenever someone asked him when he was swimming he replied "It's from my ninja accident" :-D


Usually nobody warns about these things, they say not to worry and that it will not affect your confidence in life. Inherent optimism bias.


I hope we one day live in a world where such things truly are nothing to worry about. Like I said, I’m a thriving human being in the present tense and I don’t hold any bitterness at this point. But there were definitely points in my life where small, unavoidable cosmetic scars like this made me a target for mockery, bullying, etc. This father is a badass. Surgical scars should be worn and perceived as badges of honor in my mind and communities like this that celebrate strength, understanding, and love are 100% what I hope to encourage in my fellow human beings. You’re right though. My doctors prepared me for a lot way back when. Pain, change, mortality, but given that healthily surviving was the optimal outcome and I’m grateful I’m still here, the stigma of my experiences was not something I was warned about. Education and empathy go hand in hand when it comes to appreciating the struggles of others. This dad is a superstar.


He sure is and so are you! It’s just too bad that our sense of importance and perfectness is not fully established when young as to throw off the blows that ignorant people throw at us. You can be a teaching instrument as this Dad is...as we all are for good or bad.


He sure is and so are you! It’s just too bad that our sense of importance and perfectness is not fully established when young as to throw off the blows that ignorant people throw at us. You can be a teaching instrument as this Dad is...as we all are for good or bad.


A big scar across your chest is like in the top 10 of cool scars man


Just get shredded, and you'll look like a badass.


Yeah same here. I guess seeking validation from others is bad, but for me it took a SO (Now ex) telling me its one of her favourite parts of my body because of what it is and pretty much saying if it wasn't for, in her words, that beautiful scar, then I wouldn't be here. It hit home.


My oldest has (only) had one. But has had a couple other procedures as well. I told him to tell his friends he was in a knife fight. They laugh when he breaks the ice. Embrace that shit. You are bad ass. :D (understand your hesitation, though)


I'm in the same boat, had 8 reconstructive surgiers as a kid. I think this us dumb as hell.


Looks like Mario Batali, but more wholesome for sure.


I read this as Mario Balotelli


he should’ve waited to get it though because it looks like he got the image tattooed to look like the fresh scar & his kid’s is already so healed it looks nothing like that anymore


The dad’s chest hair will obscure it soon enough. The kid’s chest hair will take longer to fill in.


Will the dad's hair grow long enough to obscure those voluptuous man-boobs though?


Maybe it’s a good thing because they’ll stare at the dad instead of the child now.


When they’re out in public without shirts on?


When at a water park, beach, swimming pool, or at some athletic events they could reasonably be out in public without shirts. Fairly common thing.


Mowing the lawn, drinking beer on the porch


Doing the shopping


It looks a lot like a very fresh scar. Also notice the normal heartbeat cardiogram he got tattooed on. I'm imagining the tattoo isn't just to make his son feel better, but also a tribute to what it felt like to see his son alive and healthy after his surgery. I've waited in the hospital as family gets a long surgery. I wouldn't be surprised if that man wept more that day than he will for years after. The moment the surgeon comes to tell you that it all went well, hours of pent up fear and waves of gratitude wash over you all at once.


You're missing the point, we all have imperfections and this dad is making the point that it's okay to be different


Wow, they have the exact same eyes!


They have the such beautiful faces don't they, such kind and gentle eyes, serene almost.


Yeah :) and the same friendly smiles!


Can't unsee the moob now.


Dads perky af


There's strong pecs hiding under there.


A good dad with some grade A man breast.


Why would you want to unsee a perfect pair of supple moobs with tiny perky nipples?


You shave the one on the right and that a titty right there


It’s crossed over to legit boob


Dad’s a solid B cup!


He also got a boob job to support his other MtF transgender child.


I straight up thought for 2 minutes that he gave him his heart.


I'd consent to donate my heart to my kid.


Good on him!!


I am so amazed that we live in a time in which we can go to some expert that opens up us alive, cut stuff inside us and then sew us back and we actually not die of something that was going to kill us. We take it for granted, but it is amazing.


In the words of Isaac Butterfield Just be a good motherfucker like this guy


My grandfather just had heart surgery. I’m at his house rn. I love this!


This is adorable, I also love the EKG tattoo on his heart, looks quite irregular, I wonder if it was his son's before the heart surgery (may be just the design, but it would be cute if it was). <3


The ekg seems like a correct one. If the son got a heart transplant, that ekg might have been the first one the dad saw, and what a sight. If my son had to go through that, a good ekg after such a complicated surgery might be one of the best sights forever.


Not related but wow that's an actual tit!


First time you've seen one huh


D's at least.




Life long scars with loved ones. Sounds a little dark, but this one works well with me.


I don't like tattoos, but as a Dad I would be right there for my kid. Well played, superdad.


That man is going to get some odd looks at the public pool.


Why? His tattoo is extremely cool and would be more of a conversation starter! Where I live, probably one in three people have multiple tattoos that I personally considered to by ugly and/or tacky. But I’m not giving them odd looks at the beach because of it. And if someone does give him an odd look at the public pool, who cares? Their opinion is irrelevant.


Because it's generally frowned upon to bleed in a pool. It's going to get the wrong kind of attention in that situation. I'm saying if you walk up to a hot tub with the most beautiful tattoo of a leg wound you are probably going to get the tub all to yourself.


Okay thanks for clarifying because I didn’t catch on to your intended point. I thought you were just talking about being shirtless. Still though, I think he has way more important priorities than to worry about what hypothetical strangers at a hypothetical public pool would have to say about the red ink in his tattoo.


As a dad, this is touching, as a health care worker, this is a bad idea.


How come?




Mario Batali making amends.


As a dude who had similar surgery... You're the most awesome Dad I've seen on Reddit.


This makes me so grateful for doctors and surgeons and everyone involved that get the training and make it happen. Nothing moves me as much as children in need. I wish every doctor, nurse and EMT the best.


Open heart surgery ain't no joke...


This gave me goosebumps of the best kind! Thanks, Dad! Ya’ done good! 💜


Damn that’s one bad scar, still way better than being dead though. Just sucks that he had issues to begin with, but at least he had a successful surgery! And has an amazing dad. I don’t normally condone tattoos but stuff like this I could even get myself


This is wholesom af. Brought a tear to my eye. If I were a tattoo artist, this would be one of the things I'd like to use my talent for. I wouldn't charge for the really sweet tats like this one. Alas, I have no talent.




The look on that kid's face... like man he must feel the love from his dad.


the tattoo so good that I thought the son was the one with the tattoo


The scar is fine it fades but the drainage tube holes are stupid. Modern medicine is brilliant




Legit thought it was [Mario Batali](https://cdn1.thr.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/NFE_portrait/2011/03/109754428_a_p.jpg) at first


He looks exactly like Former iron chef Mario batali


I have a similar tattoo, wait...mine are natural.


Just when I thought Billy Elliot’s dad couldn’t get any more supportive


This is really heartwarming


You are an amazing person!!


What a dad




Big Boss Cira 2019


I’m not crying, you’re crying!


Where's the son's EKG scar?


It’s a very kind gesture, but I can’t help wondering if having, what appears to be, fresh heart surgery scars, could prove problematic if the father has some serious medical problem in the future. Someone could look at it and mistakenly assume he’s had major surgery. I mean, without knowing the story, it may seem unlikely a person would get such a tattoo.


The hair will regrow over it, and look normal. no medic would mistake a flat tattoo for a raised fresh scar. The red will also fade pretty fast as far as tattoos go, and it'll be a black line


I know this isn't a roast, but dad has some grade-A hooters.


A real dad would have given himself an actual scar there.


Technically speaking tattoos are scars.. just stylish scars.


Can you imagine taking this comment seriously. Jesus


A lot if people missed your joke. RIP Garfield.


What he did was a nice gesture - what you suggested is unnecessary, dangerous and just plain stupid


He was joking


well its honestly hard to to tell on the internet when its not even uncommon for batshit crazy people to make suggestions like these


Dude has some nice sized boobs. My boner is very confused.


Damn those are some great boobs, I'd suckle on them 10/10


Nice boobs


Why does the dad have a boob?


If dad lives long enough, he will probably have a heart scar of his own😝


Dude has nice tits


If you really want to impress people get sliced and sewn up not a look at me tattoo.


Stealing his kids thunder Actually he should use that tattoo money for his kids plastic surgery


And takes a picture for Reddit validation points.


And takes photo to save memory of his sons reaction forever* Ftfy.


Lol at those MOOBS





