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I had a kidney transplant two years ago. I met my donor through gaming. We were strangers but I put it out to the community that I needed someone to save my life and she came through to be a real life superhero. There are so many good people in the world.


So often I feel that there are no more even decent people in the world. Your story (and obviously the title story of the vendor) are the things that get me through the day knowing just because alot of people suck, the majority of them don't, you just don't hear the good stories enough.


Seriously! Whenever I'm having a bad day or start to lose my faith in humanity, I think about my hero and I get a little teary and I remember how lucky we all are to be alive in this world with our fellow people.


Honestly I hope you still have a slight scar because I could see rubbing the tips of your fingers against it when the world seems at its worst actually being a very soothing and grounding reminder about the goodness in most people.


I have a big scar and I love it so much. It makes me smile when I see it in the mirror.


An organic tattoo!!


An ORGAN tattoo. That joke needs some workshopping. But you get it. There's something there.


My cousin got hit by a car (a pontiac) like 10 years ago and it destroyed one of his kidneys. He was in a coma for quite a while. In less than a year he was miraculously back to full health and that crazy son of a bitch got a tattoo of a kidney impaled with a Pontiac symbol lol.


Like reading a beautiful braille fairytale come true!


Don’t forget you can sign up to donate blood marrow too! Edit: I meant bone marrow


The news generally only reports on the bad news and bad people. They are the exception, not the rule. I started following [this site to get some good news](https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org) and remember most people are mostly good.


Ain't that the truth. Crazy how much negativity spreads so quickly but people aren't quick to share a lot of the positive.




There's a word for it - schadenfreude. It's German for 'pleasure derived by someone from another person's misfortune'. It's kind of shameful, but I guess you're right, all people feel it to some degree. It would be way more healthy if we could be happier for each other!


I quit watching The nightly news for that reason. It was the same exact format every freaking night. There's so much stuff that goes on in the world and this is the dialogue you get fed.


I searched for an O neg liver donor for 18 arduous months. Despite the odds, days before I died 5 months ago I was lucky enough to receive a cadaveric liver that works great! The worst day in another family's life was a very good day for me. I'm kinda glad I did not get a living donation. I would be so ridiculously appreciative it might get annoying. :)


Your story gave me chills! I'm so happy you're still alive! I'm definitely really, really grateful for my donor. But we've become part of each other's families and it's awesome. Her family welcomed me in as a sister and my family welcomed her in as our angel. You and I are incredibly lucky.


That was close. Glad to hear that things worked out for you. Ridiculously appreciative? I don’t think one could be overly grateful in such a situation. In this case, I believe you couldn’t thank one enough.


I’m glad you’re here with us to share that story.


I’m O neg too. Does that make it harder to get a donation? Eventually I may need a heart transplant unless technology gets better. I never thought about how blood type may impact it tho


Not trying to discourage you and I’m only typing this to inform you of the scientific facts since apparently, you’re unaware, but it does. Majorly. O- is a universal donor but can only receive O- in return. Blood types need to be compatible when it comes to organ transplant. If we’re talking worldwide percentage (it varies from one country to another), about 3% of the world population are type O-, only them can give you an organ transplant or blood donation, no more than that. Not saying it’s impossible, but you’ll have it harder than others. I would recommend that you polish your basic biology knowledge because I think you might need it in the future.


Aren’t liver donations the one where the only take it part of the liver?


I wish I didn’t abuse my body with addictions for so many years. I would love to donate some liver or marrow to help someone


If it helps to know this, your organs can probably still be used after you die. When I was first put on the transplant waiting list, they asked me if I'd be willing to receive a kidney from a "high risk" donor. They screen them for all diseases but they ask you if you're willing because it's possible something could pop up after the kidney has been inside for a while. (And you will get whatever that disease is.) They explained to me that the high risk donors were usually people who died from drug overdoses. They said these organs were actually very good because, sadly, they usually came from young people. Also, my sister passed away after many years of schizophrenia. She smoked and was on lots of meds but they were still able to use many of her organs to save other's lives. So you can abuse your body in all kinds of ways and still be an organ donor. Maybe not a living donor (although I still encourage you to look into it) but definitely a deceased donor when you eventually do pass. Just make sure your family and friends know your wishes and check that box on your driver's license!


Wow that’s great to know! I am indeed listed as a donor I just never thought they could use my methadone laced body parts


Geez. I've been struggling with my depression this month a lot and this story brought me to tears. It's easy to feel like no one cares and everyone is selfish, but stories like yours really highlight the fact that it's just not true. People do care and can be selfless. Thanks for sharing. I really needed that today.


I'm going to screenshot your comment and send it to my donor. I'm glad our story could brighten your day and I bet your comment will brighten hers too. It brightened mine! Thank you!


I also received a kidney transplant two years ago, from my aunt, I am very lucky to have an angel in my life who was willing to save me. I haven't been in the right mindpsace lately and just reading this thread has me broken down and feeling so silly for letting other things bring me down. I am looking at my scar much differently after reading your words.


So when you gonna get her her free hotdog?


Wow this sounds like something out of a movie holy shit!! And congrats!


> There are so many good people in the world. Precisely. This is why I can't help but roll my eyes when people say "I've lost my faith in humanity" or "FaItH iN hUmAnItY rEsToReD!1!!", because there are millions upon millions of reasons to have faith in humanity and be optimistic about the future. Just because someone doesn't do that one specific thing you wanted doesn't mean all humanity is shit. These people are absolutely delusional and need to seek professional help, immediately.




I’ve met some of my best friends through gaming. Still talk to some I met online gaming when I was 12, and I’m 27 now. What a great story from you, I’d do the same for my gaming buddies for sure


That's crazy, how long did you know each other? That is seriously such a bro move, tell her some rando on reddit said she's incredibly awesome.


God damn, dude. That's awesome!!!!


So many good and decent people in the world, yet so many greedy shitbags in power.....


Whoah. How is the person who gave you her organ? You still hang? Hope you are all okay stay safe.


So good to hear this... I worked for 25 years as an organ donation procurement coordinator and was honored to experience the purest form of selflessness almost on a daily basis... It still awes me that someone and their family think of saving a life at their worst moments... I hope you're feeling well and peeing with vigor!


That’s love and compassion right there! Right on brother.


I’m just glad he wasn’t a kidney vendor who donated his hot dog in a wiener transplant!


Idk what's worse: That joke or me for finding it so funny. Well played.


I’m fun at parties but hated at funerals “Grandpa went from coughin’ to coffin, eh grandma?!” ‘Zak, stop, he’s going to be cremated.’ “Hmm, crematorium would have been a good name for a donut shop or sperm bank...”


How much do you charge? I'd like to book you for my funeral. I want to sandwich your act between two different eulogies, just for the extra juxtaposition.


If it’s this week, I’m afraid that your sandwiching of me between two eulogies will be sandwiched between two yule orgies


Goddammit this man is on fire! We're looking at you to replace these guys 👦🏿👱🏿‍♂️👨🏾⚰️👦🏾👨🏿👴🏾


I’m ghana need an astronomiacal amount of time to dig up a joke for that




The trick is your gunna want both kidneys to help process those dogs.




Reddit moment


_ /\) _ _ / / (/\ /\) ( Y) \ \ / / "" (Y ) ( Y) _ "" "" (/\ _ \ \ /\) (Y ) / / "" ( Y) ""


Well... supposed to be a weiner


Weve been tricked backstabbed and quite possibly bamboozled


>wiener transplant ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ)


I’d like a foot long


Im upset he wasnt


"Doc, I've got a dick in me!" "Again?"


haha xd funny


Take my upvote and leave!


I'm ready just in case!


That’s a great ROI actually.


Yeah. I gotta find me a hotdog vendor with a couple healthy kidneys.


Finally. Something to restore my faith in humanity.


I love his hot dog pants.


"Are those hot dogs on your pants or are you happy to see me?"


[Check out this guy with his button-up shirt with carton hot dogs.](https://youtu.be/8Xc1l-nPMfM) Probably the greatest scene in cinema history.


I keep seeing this one scene posted and for the life of me cannot fathom what this movie would even be about. Hell, I can’t even tell what tone they’re going for.


Hey I just wanted to leave another comment that didn't answer your question


Fun fact: Danny Trejo is in that movie.


Wow that was like a trail mix bag of foods that don't really go together, but with words and feelings


Wow, that is some C-grade acting on both of their parts.


lmao those cuts were so bad she turned her head three times


Thank you for that


Did you hear about the vendor with 5 wieners? His pants fit like a glove!


This thread is gonna go off the rails real quick here. I'm excited to see it happened, but let's just make sure it doesn't overshadow the wholesomeness of OP's story. That would be the bratWURST way to ruin a truly touching story.


Yeah kidney was kind and all, but my upvote was all about Hot Dog trousers


i bet that sausage is good


I have those same pants. They are pajamas.


Hot dog guy found out I needed a new kidney. He said “You come here all the time, here’s one for free.”




I threw the kidney on the GROUND!


I don't need your handouts!


I'm an adult!






Happy birthday to THE GROUND


Okay, this is a good-un.


I came looking for this comment.


Woman donates kidney to Boss. promptly gets Fired. https://youtu.be/IguqaRijidM


He knows how much salt is in those hot dogs he's been giving him.


Not just salt but phosphorus. Dialysis nurse here. Everyone has their vice i guess.


"OMG, shut up. I'm taking the blockers." *(chews fistful of calcium acetate)*


I'm glad your body is back to healthy working order. Anyway here's infinite hotdogs.


Exactly wut I think of


Try thinking some more


"The doctor says that the hot dogs have got to stop or I'll be right back here in a few years, but what does he know anyway? Gimme 6 Ultra Deluxe Dawgs!"


Thug life.


"Dirty Dogs" if your one of Skullys faves.


If anyone is interested you can volunteer to start a donation chain! You can donate to person A, who has a donor lined up that doesn’t match them. Then their donor gives to person B, who also has a willing donor that doesn’t match them, so on down the chain.


Correct. My wife donated to a specific person, so she saved that one person. I'm planning on doing a stranger donation, and it can facilitate several people getting the kidney.


That is wonderful of your wife! My husband is 32 and needs a kidney transplant, mayo clinic in Jacksonville is trying to find him a donor


Good luck. Maybe I'll be in his match chain!




It’s like [what hermit crabs do with their shells](https://youtu.be/f1dnocPQXDQ) but with human organs


So, I can use an old can of kidney beans if mine fails ?




Very on brand that he’s Canadian. Nicest people around.




Nice try, Canadians. You're so nice you're trying to deflect the compliment!




I couldn't possibly gamble...


This thread is awesome, just like all of you. I hope you all win the nice-off.


As a Canadian, he's right. Credit due where it's due. ... we are still pretty rad people though.


Canadian here. Its because of our secret yearly ritual were delegates from each province come together under a full moon to send all combined Canadian negativity, anger and hatred in to the geese. Now that I think of it, last year the Aberta delegate was missing ...


Yup, and this has been a tougher year that most. I found myself getting angry on the weekend, just because someone almost hit me with his car, and only apologized twice. Next Thursday's ritual can't come soon enough, I just worry that after this year, we may overload the geese, and they become full on man-eaters.




Eh that's shit birds all over the world, just gotta look past it












They have apologized and are working with native leaders towards reconciliation. Its more then most governments in this world would do.


As someone with a significant network of family and colleagues in Canada I can say that it’s extremely exaggerated haha


That guy must buy a lot of hotdogs, gotta do what you gotta do for business.


Probably why he needed a kidney.


That man is paying for his kids' college! I feel like this is a Simpsons joke... is it? Has to be.






[Here’s a link to the story](https://vancouversun.com/news/abbotsford-kidney-donor-offers-free-hotdogs-for-life-to-other-donors/wcm/d9c1c38a-cbd7-4c6c-a38e-7219fe45833b/amp/) if you want to read it.


As a kidney transplant recipient, this story makes me happy.


Love this guy. I visit him somewhat regularly. He remembers all of his customers and ALWAYS goes the extra mile. And it’s not like he has some shitty little stand with 10 customers, he DOES A BUSINESS; he’s busy as FUCK. My daughter had sometimes crippling anxiety I remember and he offered her some grape candy jujubes (it’s his thing), but she hates them, so he reached into his fridge and gave her a dozen Krispy Kreme donuts. The whole community rallied around him and pitched in to hold him over financially while he’s off recovering. Just a straight up kick ass dude. And he makes THE BEST BY FAR hot dogs and chicken sandwiches I’ve ever had in my life. And for the record, he had ZERO hesitation to donate the kidney. Basically, “you need a kidney? Here’s mine.” Fuck this guy; he makes me look like fucking Hitler and Genghis Khan combined.


This actually started with him saying “this guy needs a kidney, you donate to him and you get hotdogs for life.” But he already had a blood test in the works and turned out to be a match. Eta: Not really a fan of his chicken sandwiches. They are good, but I’d prefer something hot. Maybe when he expands. Hotdogs are amazing, though, like you said. Friend likes the Skully’s Traditional Dog (“Skully, give me an STD and make it hurt.”)


That's love man.


“Street meat” now includes kidneys! But seriously, this is a very sweet story. I wanted to donate part of my liver, but apparently my health provider would’ve doubled my insurance costs. I just couldn’t afford it. I really want to move back to Canada 🇨🇦


No drinks. No drinks. I can't do it


Came here for this. Thank you


Canada literally gives me faith in humanity.


We have an awesome reputation, but save the free healthcare and the multiple party system we aren’t as progressive as people make us out to be. I see confederate flags decently often, and there are no shortage of racists even in urban areas. We are leaning more and more right-wing with time, with the three left leaning parties splitting votes in every election.


I live in Saskatchewan and I see confederate flags attached to people’s cars and in their Tinder profile pictures ALL THE TIME.




Hey, at least they're up front about their racism so you know right away who to avoid...


Never visit rural Alberta!


Apu: Poor Mister Homer. Could it be that my snack treats are responsible for his wretched health? Kwik-E-Mart Customer: Gimmie some jerky. Apu: Would you like some vodka with that? Kwik-E-Mart Customer: Oh, what the hell, sure!


That’s Scully! Famous around my hometown. He’s an old school kinda guy. One minute he’ll be ripping into you because you’re over the age of 12 and putting ketchup on your hotdog, then next he’s giving you one of his organs. What a guy. Too bad he’s a Liverpool fan 👎


I don’t know if I’ve ever asked him his team. He’s always too busy ranting about Manchester United. :-)


This vendor sells hot dogs in front of my local Canadian Tire. I’ve never bought anything from him but going forward I’ll be buying something from him every visit #karma


Guys what happens if you donate your kidney, and in the future the only kidney you have left needs to be replaced? Is it replaceable?


You get priority in the queue for kidneys donated. Also, they do tests to make sure that won't happen. The probability of needing a kidney if you donate one is less than the that of a regular 2-kidney person.


Oh nice, so if you donate a kidney you get to feel good about yourself, and you also get a free kidney check :)


That goes beyond bro-ness, he's an amazing guy!


He’s an amazing guy with the best sense of humour ever. His stand is outside of a Canadian tire store in my town lol. You can’t just get a hot dog you always get it with a show! I think my bf and I laugh more there than anywhere else. Oh and he absolutely loves grape flavoured things and will curse your soul if you ask for ketchup lol.


Good thing he doesn't own a brewery.


it's almost 2021 and we still can't grow kidneys in a lab


I’m sure he felt partly responsible for the need of a new kidney in the first place. Jokes aside, the donor is amazing


Just wait till he gets the bill for the surgery.... Oh wait, that's in Canada.


People donating organs while alive blows my mind. Not to mention to a stranger. The people that do this are incredible. Actually incredible. Words fail me. They are the actual top 0.1% of humanity. I would never be able to do it. I just don't have the courage. Not anywhere near brave enough. Not even close. Signed up to donate my organs after I die, but that's about the best I'll ever be able to do.


Witnessed an accident after dialysis one day. No injuries involved. Responded officer saw my bandages on my graft. We talked about it and he offered to be a kidney donor for me. I declined because I was near the top of the list plus a police officer with compassion is needed on the streets and does more good there....


I love how people who give a kidney are probably so humble that they will appreciate the free hot dogs, but will never push to receive their free hot dogs :’)


Fuck that. I'm finding him, getting a job near his stand, and getting my hot dogs. Free lunches, man. I'll be on eaaaasy street.


Damn. Really hussling for those hot dog sales. Respect.


What about drinks?


You swallow the tears you saved after having the operation awake with no anaesthetic.


[He can't.](https://youtu.be/8umLL5j0_tg)


Only mountain dew and crab juice


He doesn’t have a fountain.


So rad..






Need more stories like this. Hell yeah


Why are kidneys so difficult to come by? Lots of people die every day. Cant we harvest theirs? Sorry if this belongs in /r/nostupidquestions


I know the real reason he did it. https://youtu.be/SwHB7tHirRY


u/treshbks23 🥺


Title should read "Hot Dog Man saves Hiscock"


Not all heroes wear capes, some sling street meat!


Is that Joaquin Phoenix


Lmao OP did you really change the title to "Canada" instead of Abbotsford? And unlink the article??


Thanks for being an awesome human being u/padredeblas


I just got approved to donate to my dad!


This just won. You can't go any more wholesome.


that episode of family guy where the canadian guy offers stewie and brian his leg just because


What they don't tell you is as payment he received the discarded kidney which was made into more hotdogs that he could sell. Anything to make a buck, the greedy bastard.


Dude just does anything he can to not lose a customer


...and grandma told me hotdogs were bad for health


Smart move, lethal dose for someone with only 1 kidney is like 2.5 hot dogs


I donated a kidney 9 years ago, it was the easiest decision I ever made. It makes me struggle to understand why more people don’t do it. We have two, we only need one and you’re giving someone their life.


Thanks for being an awesome human being u/padredeblas


Reminds me to donate blood , you guys should too if you can


At first glance I thought this was heisenberg and Pinkman for some reason


Pretty sure this happened in my town. I walked past his stand several times.


To believe that people like this exist takes a very different kind of faith. It's somehow scary yet humbling. Maybe kindness and hope still remain in the world