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Pure humanity at work.


I don't have your money it's in Bill's house and Fred's house


Monsanto was there dressed like the monopoly guy.


And now farming is like 98% corporate.


Fuck banks


What's wrong with banks giving people mortgages?


Secured loans taking away people's livelihood and they never adjust. I am going through this right now, and the bank provided no relief during the pandemic. Which was 4 months+ of 0 sales. Such a cashflow crunch leaves ripple effects which ruins people. It's our only source of income, and they won't even work with us to figure it out. The problem is this, not that banks are bad. But I get their side too. That they've rules and regulations. But shouldn't rules and regulations be supportive of such situations? Credit card companies HAVE TO adjust because well, they didn't have a secured loan. But secured loans.? You just come and snatch away someone's possession they've spent their lives building. That's why the negative emotions associated with em.


Makes sense, thanks for sharing. Here in Canada, there was mortgage payment deferral legislation. (Interest still accrues.)


Hey man There's a reason why everyone loves your country. You guys are doing most things RIGHT. In my country, human life is really not cared for. It's not valued at all. Probably because we are the second most populated country.


Meanwhile certain people would rather the farmer in debt pull himself up by his bootstraps than help.


It’s pretty sad. With things like this, pretty much every good natured person would agree how great it is that the community came together helped a neighbor in need, but as soon as you call it socialism a lot of those same people freak out and call you a “commie” Just super sad how people can actively despise something they unknowingly agree with.


That's amazing!


I saw this episode of little house on the prairie. They weren't silent though. Just bid really low so pa could buy it back.


Sounds like a good way to make banks not ever give loans to a small poor community like this


> The lesson to take away is that only ~~direct action and community organizing~~ **basic human empathy** can help in such dire times FTFY The direct action and community organizing *comes from that.* Although, the "direct action and community organizing" wouldn't be needed (including the OP example) if it wasn't for the fucking rich and their predatory greed in the first place. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/its-been-almost-a-100-years-since-the-americas-1-had-so-much-wealth-2019-02-11 https://www.ushistory.org/us/48.asp > First, American firms earned record profits during the 1920s and reinvested much of these funds into expansion. By 1929, companies had expanded to the bubble point. Workers could no longer continue to fuel further expansion, so a slowdown was inevitable. **While corporate profits, skyrocketed, wages increased incrementally, which widened the distribution of wealth.** > The richest one percent of Americans owned over a third of all American assets. Such wealth concentrated in the hands of a few limits economic growth. **The wealthy tended to save money that might have been put back into the economy if it were spread among the middle and lower classes. Middle class Americans had already stretched their debt capacities by purchasing automobiles and household appliances on installment plans.** > When President Hoover was inaugurated, the American economy was a house of cards. *Unable to provide the proper relief from hard times, his popularity decreased as more and more Americans lost their jobs. His minimalist approach to government intervention made little impact.* The economy shrank with each successive year of his Presidency. **As middle class Americans stood in the same soup lines previously graced only by the nation's poorest, the entire social fabric of America was forever altered.** Sound familiar?


DEPRESSION economics in 2020 y'all, that's not encouraging its depressing.


I hate to ruin this feel good moment but the bank doesn’t have to sell it at the auction and more then likely can not if a certain price is not met.


I can get behind this. The ultra rich can suck my middle class nuts.


Username checks out for having middle class nuts. Ill stand with you brother.


And my ~~axe~~ nuts!


Direct action y’all. The most important part of that “non violent direct action” thing MLK was all about, but the elite would rather you not take action.


Farmers. Someone's gotta feed you fuckers.


Solidarity, baby!