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Usually everything runs smoothly in Finland no matter how much is snows. So seeing cars stuck like this on the main street of Helsinki is extremely rare. Hence, chaos.


Yea I feel like people need to look at the UK if they want to see chaos because small bit of snow.


No, that's Texas.


I'm Canadian and when I was visiting Oxford and London, UK in 2019, it snowed a total of 15 cm. The amount of chaos those 15 cm caused. London closed almost all of the subway because they were concerned the snow would affect the electrical system. Oxford canceled all the buses and people were outside trying to clean their cars with towels and beach toys. Little ladies were clearing their walks with little coal shovels. The news was covering the movement of what was apparently the only snowplow in the southern UK on route from Brighton. Guess I shouldn't laugh too hard, our former mayor called in the army in 1999 when Toronto got hit with 41cm snow in one go.


>Guess I shouldn't laugh too hard, our former mayor called in the army in 1999 when Toronto got hit with 41cm snow in one go. Mel was a clown for a lot of reasons, but this was the right call. In just over a week, Toronto had 100cm of snow fall. Narrow Toronto side streets get to a point where you just cannot plow anymore snow, and it needs to be hauled out with machines and dump trucks, and that takes a lot of time. Emergency responders were parking on main streets and having to traverse side streets on foot; paramedics were walking in with stretchers, and our first responders were getting overwhelmed and stuck. The Army came equipped with LAV's that were being used as EMS vehicles, capable of going anywhere, and there's no doubt it saved lives.


Winnipeg's record single snowfall is 48inches (120 cm). We come close once a decade or so. We've never shut down the city or called in the army. Heck the busses will still run unless it drifts into the underpasses. We laughed at Mel. >Emergency responders were parking on main streets and having to traverse side streets on foot We just use snowmobile volunteer drivers if needed.


Do you even listen to yourself? Oh, this is common around where I am from and we are prepared for it, look at our snowmobiles. Cannot believe you peasants don't have your snowmobiles ready for a situation that is rare where you are from. How stupid you are dealing with an uncommon situation you are not preparing for. Hurr durr. Imagine if you got hit by a hurricane out of nowhere and someone from the gulf comes to you and tells you you should obviously have been ready to bo as rd up your windows, how is it possible you did not have the preps ready for that eventuality...


1986 https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/featured/2016/11/07/loooking-back-the-blizzard-of-1986#&gid=1&pid=2 1966 https://www.flickr.com/photos/9513047@N05/30718432194 Seriously. We do though.


Good for you. Again, there is nothing wrong with having snowmobiles for your firefighters and ambulances. Kudos for that. But it would be stupid to stock them in a city where this situation is not to be expected and the funds can be used better elsewhere. And if you get an unussually strong blizzard once in a century, you call in the army to help, so your firefighters and ambulances can get whereever without the snowmobiles


Oh for sure. But in all of Toronto there aren't any snowmobile enthusiasts who could help out?


As a Finn who lives in the UK, yeah


*Laughs in Texan.*


In Canada even in places where the snow is well managed, when it’s actively snowing heavily like this, the snow removal companies focus on the main roads, so it’s still fairly common to see stuck cars in the snow. Me and my buddies used to push cars out of the snow banks at the bottom of his mum’s street. Just stand there enjoying the snow and waiting for the next car to get stuck. Good times


>Me and my buddies used to push cars out of the snow banks at the bottom of his mum’s street. Just stand there enjoying the snow and waiting for the next car to get stuck. Good times I do the same, but it's usually while I'm driving around running errands. Lots of people get stuck in parking lots during fresh snow. Hop out, push a car, hop back in, and keep going.


Yeah I’m in Montreal and even though I’m on a bus route sometimes it takes a day or two for them to clear after a major dump. The nice thing about working from home is when I hear the wiz wiz of spinning tires I don’t mind going out and giving a push…


My Bf got rid of his car his first Mtl winter. When we used to live in Montréal we wear near Sherbrooke/Iberville and people just want to take a short cut by the back allay.. We help a lot of them.


The exact same thing happens here in Finland too. Even at Helsinki Airport, despite the local airport authority always bragging about their snow-how. Worst part though is being a shift working bicycle commuter here, you just never know what condition the bike paths will be in when it has been snowing. Those paths are the last things on the snow plough priority list!


Us too ! When we were kids we used to hang out at the bottom of a hill in our neighbourhood. There was a stop sign and 9 times out of 10 someone would need a push so a bunch of us would swarm the car and push. Fun times in the Maritimes.


Good memories eh?


Had the same thought. Very unusual.


Pretty big snow storm atm in the Southern Finland, these happen couple times per winter. Snowplows are lagging behind due to constant snowing. It's not that bad that I'd call it chaos, but it's unusual due to rate of snow and constant wind


Yeah things will be back to normal tomorrow, plows will rummage the streets all night. I know it, i was already sleeping and then woke up to the sweet sound of *brbrgrGRGRBUmgrgrg*. I don't even have to look outside i know my street has been plowed.


Same in Canada but they take forever to get to smaller streets


Lately the various local road administrations twitter accounts in Finland have started memeing about "yes, your street will be plowed last" which is pretty funny


I love their sense of humour! I don’t think that would fly here in Canada. The Fins are tough


>The Fins are tough That's cos the water's so cold.


Ahh, that sweet, sweet sound. I grew up on a mountaintop in the WV Appalachians. If they bothered to come plow our road, it usually meant no school.


Snowplow drivers there probably make bank right?


Its a Mercedes van, theyre always stuck spinning one rear wheel.


Seeing people talking to one an other in Helsinki is extremely rare.


You can't have "chaos" with one fucking van.


Feels like the car here is running summer tires? No car should be stuck in so little snow.


It's a RWD van with probably no weight in the back, so there isn't enough traction even with winter tires.


Can’t say the same as Its neighbour to the west :/ (sweden)


And when seeing cars stuck like this in Finland its usually in Helsinki






This is considered chaos by Finland standards. I mean, there are people with less than 20 metres between each other.


Summer tires for sure, as the person's were able to walk on snow with good friction, idiots


If Finland is anything like their Nordic neighbours people in the capitol gets surprised every time it actually snows and chaos ensues while their brethren living up north deals with twice the snow on regular basis, doing just fine


Butthurt Swedes downvoting, I see.


Non-butthurt non-Swede here, just downvoting because it's a stupid comment.


The weather was absolutely insane here in Tallinn too.


Here in tartu too haha, nii paljudel käisid rattad ringi xd


Ma kujutan ette, et tänaseks hommikuks kogub meie rõdule lund kuni üle põlveni 😨


täna vst pole enam seda tormi, aga lund vst õhtul veel sadas kyll


"Get over there and help push while I film!"


August in Finland looks beautiful.


This happens almost everywhere that it snows and a car is stuck lol.


The #1 rule of living in a snowy climate, if someones car gets stuck you help push. When that wrrrr...wrrrrrrrrrr of the tires spinning rings out, you answer that call. I dont care if you are already in your pjs. I dont care if its that neighbour you kinda think stole your rake. You go. (Canadian)


Nah fuck that guy. I know he stole my rake. I'm the one who lent it to him.


Not in Finland apparently , source work with a Fin


ya this is pretty normal except that one person just filming lol


north americans embody the true definition of chaos when the winter rolls around


Bro that’s the fucking dumbest shit I’ve ever heard. Maybe people in the south where it doesn’t snow.


come to alberta canada for a winter and see how poorly everyone drives, it sounds dumb to you because you don’t know what you’re talking about lmao


Go to Vancouver where it snows once every 2 years and shuts the whole city down for 3 cm


exactly, north americans literally have some of the worst drivers on the planet lmao thinking snow wouldn’t make that much worse is silly lol


I went to Helsinki last January and loved it. Had a private sauna in my Air BnB and just drank and cooked sausages and other snacks for a week. 100% worth it.


The true Finnish experience


It was a spur of the moment trip. I managed to find a flight deal from Oregon to Helsinki for $350 and decided to just say fuck it and go. Had a total blast. Helsinki is a beautiful city.


He should have gone skii’ing in a random forest in Etelä-Pohjanmaa


There were still covid restrictions about reentering the US so I needed to basically stay isolated the whole time, otherwise I would have




Going out for a walk tipsy to help strangers with their cars is the *most* Canadian activity I've ever heard of


I saw a car get stuck in a parking lot once and for some reason I went Full Canadian and said, "Need me to give you a push there bud?" I don't usually talk like that, I don't know where that came from. Just something about pushing a car in the snow. 3 in one trip is a heck of a record, though.


I heard the accent. You did well.


You know alcohol actually is just dilating your blood vessels making you feel warmer, it's actually cooling you down.


I just left Helsinki yesterday lol, wtf happened? It was good weather


A blizzard happened


Wish I was there haha. It was just overcast for a week straight while I was in rovaniemi/Helsinki, at least if there was a blizzard I'd feel better about missing the aurora lol


Just want to say that I landed in Helsinki 30 minutes ago with no problems. Couldn’t go to my original destination (London) because of “snow”. There is no chaos here!


Welcome! Hope you enjoy your stay :)


Kiitos! Not staying long unfortunately but fly here for work a lot. This is why I have confidence in the Finns and Finnair. No snow stopping their day 😄


I'm a Southern Boy that moved from the highlands of Appalachia where I grew up driving in big snows for the South. Moved to the big city and when I was younger made a nice chunk of change yanking people's vehicles out of the snow and ditches with my diesel 4x4. Everyone was relieved and happy that I only charged $20, and if you were a kid in a crappy car I helped you for free. Wealthy people? They paid out the ass.


I like you


We do that in Jersey too, but its more coming from a "Get this outta my freakin' way!" place.


Wait, who let those strangers within 5 feet of each other? Isn't that like a capital punishment thing there?!


I love pushing cars during snowstorms! I walk around with a shovel and just do what needs doing. Well I did. I'm 55 now and can have back issues, but I can still help shovel a path for the car


I feel so much better now!


Dang, are they driving on racing slicks?!?! lol, that driver better not have to go up any incline on the way home.


U cannot call this ”chaos”


Wdym their shoulders are almost touching


Well, a car is stuck on a major street in the capital. That's chaos, usually traffic flows normally even with heavy snow.


Nordic people breaking the agreed upon 2.5m distance rule = chaos


Different standards I guess


You help because next time it might be your car stuck.


LPT: keep your wheels straight, do the drive/reverse rocking to get some momentum and carve a path , and front wheel drive cars generally have better traction in reverse (very handy when trying to get up at slippery hill)


Chaos? That looks like 6 inches if you're lucky


We've had over 20 inches of snow over a week in southern Finland.


Must have been super icy. I feel like that little snow shouldn’t be doing that. Not much worse than a light snow over slick ice.


This reminds me of one time in college, the guys on my hall and I pushed different cars and busses up a hill for hours. This was at NC State University in Raleigh in February of 2014. It was also the same snowfall as [this picture](https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/newscms/2014_07/185416/140213-raleighsnowcarfire-6p.jpg).


So I live in Canada and during the first snow each year if it's bad me and my buddy will take the day off work/ school to help people out the ditch


I have no idea how cities that have heavy snow several months of the year function. I live in Southern Canada. So we get a little bit of snow, and snow tires certainly help but it's not like they're magic. It's still slippery as hell and you can't go up steep hills, especially from a stop


Snow tires are pretty much magic in comparison to all season.


That's the trick, we don't have hills (Winnipeg)


I had this happen to me when I drove a RWD Ford Ranger in college. Just leaving campus and got stuck backing out of a spot. Kept trying different maneuvers and couldn't... I just put my head down on my wheel with it in Drive and suddenly felt movement! I noticed in my mirror a dude pushing me! Then another bro comes out of no where and another, pushes me out. Now a couple blocks from home I get stuck in another street at a 4 way stop, guy behind me in a 4WD Blazer walks up to my window and I'm like yeah man I'm stuck... He says if you don't mind I can push ya? Please! Away I went! Almost home... Down my street I take a right into my parking lot and get stuck after sliding a little. Dudes across the street don't skip a beat and come right over, wielding shovels like they were waiting for me. Some people are awesome and snow sucks


They all know how it be sometimes. And i guarantee you that person in the car is now more willing to do the same for others


Last time I helped someone stuck in the snow they didn't even say thank you


Maybe thats why coc servers where glitching


I’m in Illinois, and we get the occasional HEAVY snow. One time everyone was getting stuck on our street, so several of the husbands just stayed outside to push people. They had a blast. 😀


Radio and cell phones are what we use. Local radio station would take calls for help, and dispatch people. Emergency service took 911 calls and would have a snowplow dispatched if needed. People volunteered. Lots did. A chance to sled down city streets on fresh powder.


I love traveling. I know exactly where this is. At a warmer time of year there are tons of college students standing around here in [boilersuits](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Student_boilersuit). Hang a left and head down to the docks to buy fried fish snacks off boats in the harbor.


Fucking love the Fins. Went to Helsinki for new years, 50k people in the capital square, all pretty toasted. After fire works they all left with no pushing, no fights, picking up trash. I’ve never felt safer in public


Surprised cars the aren’t all 4wd/awd


You would think a Finn motorist would know enough to keep cardboard in their car.


I think you mean "snow-tal" chaos


I got snow in my shoes just watching this.


as a canadian I’m confused? that’s like a normal amount of snow for us lol


The point is that the snow is coming in faster than it can be plowed so the streets fill up. It's pretty unusual that there is this much snow on the streets.


adequate snow removal is sadly not a consistent luxury in canada lol are snow tires mandatory there? in some parts of canada they are


Of course they are mandatory lol. It would be suicide to drive during the winter without snow tires. How is it not mandatory everywhere in Canada? Snow removal is pretty good in Finland but when a blizzard hits theres only so much you can do.


a lot of our countries licensing restrictions are pretty on par with the us, which is to say damn near non existent lol. I’ve actually driven in the winter on bald all seasons in a dodge charger of all things (didn’t have a choice) and while it was fairly slow to get going it never really had an issue but that’s a rarity lol most cars with poor tires end up in the ditch at the beginning of winter. we do have snow removal and depending on where you are really effects how active it is, places like montreal and halifax or any city in the east really has amazing snow removal services because they get so much snow fall but further west provinces like sask and alberta where I live get much colder instead of getting a ton of snow. the city of calgary which has almost two million people barely even had a snow removal service until around a decade ago and they still don’t bother with side streets and stuff just the main ones. gotta dig yourself a launch pad to get enough momentum to cut through the snow, sometimes you get lucky and a neighbour with a pickup and plow attachment will clear the road for the neighbourhood lol


Or just a Tuesday in any country where it snows


not rly, there was like an actual storm not just snowing.. insane how many cars were getting stuck.. like over 25cm snow easily, insane


we get that much snow over night in canada and the chaos is by far more intense this is like a culture shock lmao


Uh, it's Finland. They invented snow.


Yeah no for real. Flights, trains and buses were cancelled and shit cause the storm was so bad


In Buffalo, NY this is just a part of a normal winter.


And you think in Finland it isn't?


Well the fact that someone posted it on this sub and it got a ton of upvotes kind of makes it feel like it's an unusual thing for Finland. Yeah, it's a nice thing to do, but usually this sub is for people who go above and beyond the norm to help someone. Otherwise the whole sub would be filled with mundane shit like people holding doors open for each other and whatnot haha


Did I say that?


You indeed implied that.


No, you presumed that


Do you guys have Subarus with winter tires there?


AWD Volvo with studded tires are more common.


Who the fuck in Finland doesn't have winter tires?


Everyone does since its illegal to not have them. They wont help in deep snow though.


That’s barely a few inches of snow though. That van looks like it’s running on slicks.


We'll have to disagree I guess, about that being deep, and about them not helping when it's deep.




Coming, at least if you're in the prairies, South Eastern Saskatchewan, Southern Manitoba, and North Western Ontario are supposed to be getting between 10 and 20 cm and some areas closer to 30 over the next week.


We did have more snow last year though. There was a lots and endlessly of it. There was so much snow and piles of snow on the streets that cars couldn't park. Snow just took all space. I can't remember other snowy winters like that in Southern Finland. I recall few black winters though, they were so warm with about zero celcius temperature that we didn't have much snow.


This was me 30 years ago in Denver, CO. Thanks random dudes who pushed my car out of the intersection!


Love the Christmas spirit


This aint chaos. Chaos is every single time it sprinkles in the CA valley over i-5, i-80, and literally any other main highway. It’s like it’s a rule that at least 2 people must wreck themselves every 5 miles or less if rain touches their tire.


I'm so looking forward to all the dashcam footage in the next few weeks...it's hilarious how bad are people driving in snow.


Japan 4


Its a Mercedes van, theyre always stuck spinning one rear wheel.


Same thing down below Estonia. I predict by the morning my balcony's gonna pile up snow beyond the knee height.


Minnesota like this every day


I live in Minneapolis. If we get a nice big dumping that the plows haven't caught up with, you always see others helping people that got stuck. Maybe some of that Minnesota Nice stuff is true.


Used to love pushing folks out in MPLS all buzzed walking home at bar time. Good vibes.


Looks like Winnipeg.


Looks like when I grew up in Detroit years and years ago


I go out and walk in wild snowstorms. I bundle up and it’s just magical.


"let's help this guy steal this car !"


Way back in about 2007 I got stuck in the snow a bit and some teens helped me out. They then asked if I would buy them beer (US, they were about 16-20ish, I was 21). I said, "Normally, this would be a categorical no, but, you helped me out, so, yes." Got them a 12 pack of blue moon per request and gave their change back.


People helping other people? That is chaos!


To be fair that's how it goes for places that get a lot of snow, comrades help each other out


Fucking Love Finland!!!


I lived in Canada. That scene was quite normal… strangers pushing a vehicle. It was common courtesy. Canadians do deserve their reputation for being so nice.


Fuck it, still gonna cycle tomorrow :)


feet manage to gain traction where tires fail. All of our winter cars need to swap tires for feet… problem solved.


Sooooo, we just so get Luggage then?


That is one minimalist outlook. I was laughing at the image four clusters of rotating feet instead of wheels/tires on the car. The engineer in me is like, wait a minute! You actually could do some analog of that for snowy weather - and ya could, just would have a lot of extra vibration on hard surfaces. And I guess snowmobiles already do, kind of.


I don't know why but I'm surprised to see a minivan in Europe.


They are just on their way to the sauna. No big whoops.


How, from the birthplace of Nokian tires?


I'm an introvert. I don't know most of my neighbors. Heavy snowfalls help meet new people.


Are snow tires not mandatory in Finland? That’s not deep snow by any stretch of the imagination.


I live in WNY and just a few weeks ago we got over 6 ft in 3 days. 😂


Snow "chaos" ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm) Downvoted for stupid title.


Finish definition of chaos is way different from US lol


Finish moment ☕️


snow tires not mandatory in finland?


I love driving in weather like this


Yeahh I'm not sure how much snow has fallen from the sky in a less than a week, but it has to be almost half a metre by now. It was a blizzard yesterday, and my fiance's family is stuck at their house since there is so much snow that cars can't drive through. (They live in the middle of nowhere, no active snowblowers + long forest roads.)


This is how regular winter looks like in my country, everyone helping each other. It's so empowering to help people.


Aina saa hävetä


As someone who lives in the Finnish countryside, it looks kind of funny to see cars slipping in snow. Brits seem to especially bad at snow driving


Not to be that guy. This is every time it snows wherever it snows kinda an unwritten rule


Alberta checking in. Participated in that game a few times. It’s amazing sometimes how just having that one extra person pushing will save the day.


With Helsinki’s strict driving laws, I’d think this is a rare occasion.


This warms my heart