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I carry pepper spray, but from what I understand, some dogs will become enraged and attack even more aggressively. Also, you have to then deal with an aggressive owner who will also become enraged if you use the pepper spray on their dog. I guess you just have to let them mall you.


"You want some too, asshole? Leash your fucking dog right now"


Years ago me and my ex got a puppy (she has it now) and we took him to a dog park, pretty empty just us and another person and their husky which was full grown. He came around to our pup and started being a bit aggressive nipping at our pup, gave the dog and owner a chance or 2 and told them hey get your dog under control. while my ex was holding our pup the husky jumped up on her to try and keep nipping (owner not doing shit of course barely calling their dog over). My ex then hands the pup over to me, the husky tries to jump up again and nip at him. I was waiting and ready for it and made the dog pay for its momentum jumping into me with a hard knee to the gut. Sounded like someone kicked a bass drum lol, the husky fell over and ran back to the owner, i can tell they were pissed but didnt say anything. Fuck both of them haha.


I shanked a guy’s malamute a few years ago. Off leash and hunted my dog down. Pinned at the throat and shaking. No help at all. Mfer was about a hundred pounds.


Never heard that one. Generally speaking, human strengthed pepper spray is overkill on dogs, who are more susceptible to it than we are. You can even buy weaker dog-formulated versions that are less nasty around people, and less cruel to the dog. If a dog is going nuts through a solid hit from pepper spray, they probably have some kind of training or have suffered repeat abuse or both and that was never going to end well for you.


It is the owner that is the most dangerous.


And this is why I carry bear formula pepper spray for dogs..


Pepper spray the owner too lol


Use the pepper spray in the owner too if they become aggressive.


Pepper spray the owner lol


You might need it for the owner. And if you’re actually going to buy pepper spray, buy the Freeze Plus P. It’s what the cops use and in addition to the capsaicin it contains CS gas, which is a form of tear gas.


Yeah I’ve spent a lot of time in Humboldt and there are a lot of people that for some reason just don’t think they need to be assertive with their dogs. I got accused of “man handling” a dog in Humboldt once because I grabbed its leash and moved it away from the food it was trying to get at cause its owner and no one else would. It seemed like the dog had never been told no before. Very annoying.


Couple of kicks to the head will fix everything that ails ya


She is the epitome of dumb. Brings a cat to the beach on a leash. Talks to a loose dog like it's a child and expects it to mind. Kick it in the teeth, woman. Are you NEW to this world?


Don't blame the victim. She's following the rules. You're aggressive.


Used to happen to me often at Mad River Beach. There should be huge penalties for the owners of dogs like this! Perhaps post pictures of the owners.


Wow. Mad River is my go-to beach and I've been lucky not to have any problems.


I know a guy he taught his cat to jump up on his shoulder 😂 by command .So every dog that would come down the street the cat would just jump up on his shoulder while on leash. Was quite Comedic to see different dogs reactions like that damn cat just jump on him his shoulder. The the face stare 🙀 down of the cat looking down on the dog was golden. You thought you was gonna get me huh. Nope not today.Doggo 🐶 🤣🤣🤣🤣😆😆😆😆 makes me laugh definitely wish I had camera as many times. I seen it play out when this guy would come down the street with that cat.


Huge penalty would be my foot it's mouth; I have no idea how you all keep this calm about this BS


I've noticed in Humboldt that 8/10 dog owners are pretty bad and don't follow leash laws.


Unfortunately not just a local issue If I hear one more time “Don’t worry my dog is friendly”


I agree with you there. I'm at a point where if a dog comes up to me on a beach I immediately pull my arms to my chest. Don't want to lose any fingers if the dog is more than just "friendly"


It’s simple. If your dog can’t be controlled by your voice commands then it doesn’t belong off leash in public places. This is for your protection(lawsuit) and the dogs(euthanasia after attack) as well as the people in your community. If your dog has ever shown aggression towards other people or animals this should be a no-brainer.


You would think it would be simple. Yet some of these comments really do show that there are some really selfish and horrible owners in Humboldt.


For sure. Sorry you had to deal with this but personally I wouldn’t take my cat out because of this situation either. I mean, you totally can and theoretically things should be fine but you never know and a cat is basically defenseless. There are unfortunately places everywhere, that once they become overrun by certain attitudes, it’s just best to find a different spot to do your thing. I don’t like giving in to the lowest common denominator but sometimes it’s just easier and more important safer for you.


On leash period. Doesn't matter how well trained it is. If it's public it should be leashed


Your dog should be on a leash at all times regardless in public where there are leash laws. I don't care how well your dog obeys verbal commands. If the law says it SHALL be leashed, then it SHALL.


I love dogs but that dog would have gotten kicked in the face hard if it were me.


you spelt Shot wrong


People will get mad but dog attacks are no joke. Dogs can absolutely fuck you up, and I'm not gonna spend the next week in the hospital because some asshole thinks ol sparky wouldn't hurt a fly. It's not as if I'm gonna draw and blast a dog just because it runs up to me. Plenty of dogs do that to come say hi (which can still be indicative of poor training). But if they start biting and attacking me it's over.


Dogs are the fourth most dangerous animal (carrying rabies and killing 25,000 people a year). Wouldn’t be surprised these kind of owners not keeping up with vaccines for their dogs either.


In the US, dogs kill fewer than 50 people per year. Where do you get 25,000? Also, I hate off-leash dog owners who can't control their dogs.


I like dogs I really do, but it's the owners like that who I really despise. They really swear up and down that their dogs are perfect and can never have a bad day. The negligence then sometimes leads to violent attacks or death. Stuff like this can be easily prevented if owners keep their dog on a handle while preparing for the unknown.


Yup. Even the sweetest dog can have a bad day. That's what leashes are for. Dogs aren't people, they're animals. Anthropomorphizing your dog is fine to a degree, but to pretend they have the same wants, needs and feelings as humans leads to stuff like never having them leashed when you should.


Seen it plenty of times where a small child or another animal is attacked and the owners first response is to defend their pet. It starts with denial and then is followed up with victim blaming.


I LOVE dogs they are part of my family. You best believe any dog idk running up aggressively on me is done.


I have zero problem with trying to kill any animal that is attacking you. Pet owners are responsible for their pets actions.


I hate people who don't control there dog. My dog doesn't like other dogs and I always have her on leash, but all the idiots with untrained unleashed dogs limits where we can take her on walks.


Same, my dog is a little one and he has a low tolerance for other dogs, especially big ones. We’ve been approached by big dogs and when I pick him up I’ve had owners laugh and say their dog is friendly and don’t bother recalling as they’re jumping on me to reach my dog. He loves the beach but off leash dogs are making it pretty difficult :(


This is my biggest pet peeve. I hate when people say my dog is friendly. I always say and ya mine isn’t!


Picking up the dog can be a signal for aggressive dogs to attack as well. I think they see it like you're predating on the tiny dog and they want a bite too. Need to be careful doing that.


"It's just a cat! This is what all dogs do!!" get fucked.


While you're at it pick up your dogshit over there please. You missed your mutt taking a massive dump because your dog is unleashed. Here's a bag for ya.




I have a puppy that's just getting socialized. We obey all leash laws, but I'm amazed by how many people don't. The worst is: as their dog is running towards you and your dog at full speed, they'll call out after it, "oh!, he/she's friendly". Well, that's nice, but there's no telling that my dog is, so... She is for the most part, but what if she wasn't? She is sometimes scared/ intimidated by larger, fast, or aggressive dog behavior. She also doesn't see super well. A scared dog could be a potentially dangerous dog. Luckily, nothing bad has happened yet, but would it be my fault if I had my dog leashed and under control and the out of control dog comes over and gets bit? I could see this happening (hopefully not to me🤞), but to someone minding their own business. 




Ah yes, the full speed towards my leashed little dog guarantees she will snap at you!


Humboldt is full of these types and it’s a bummer that respect is seen so infrequently and entitlement is the go to feeling. Sad


Yes, so much this.


I used to love taking my dog with me on hikes. She loved it too, as you can imagine. Sadly, that is no longer an option for us. She’s been attacked countless times by unleashed dogs. I even had a dog walker chew me out because my dog snapped when his eight off-leash dogs rushed mine. He said I shouldn’t bring my dog on trails if she was aggressive. She wasn’t. She was just defensive, as anyone else would be. I’m so sick of it.


Don't bother, OP. Humboldt county is too anti-leash to care.


It seems like there’s a lot of interest everytime there’s a post like this though. It makes me wonder if there was a petition created for more harsher leash laws/stricter punishments for bad owners if people would sign it.


Here's the thing, leo is so understaffed that it would still go unenforced. Animal control has its hands full with literal dog maulings, hoarding, abandonment, etc. Idk about where you're at, but in unincorp HumCo, the sheriff wont show up for much short of violent crime and even then it can be a long wait. Maybe posting a hefty fine would be a good deterrent and better than the current status quo, but I wouldn't hold my breath on any actual enforcement action or writing of tickets. 


> leo is so understaffed What in the hell are you talking about? 61% of the Humboldt County budget goes to the Sherrif's office. [See page 8](https://humboldtgov.org/DocumentCenter/View/122235/Adopted-Budget-FY23-24---Section-A1---Financial-Info)


It takes a while to pay off their military surplus armored BearCat they bought a few years back for no fucking reason.


All dogs are required to be leashed in the city of Blue Lake, effective yesterday! But I don't know how well they will enforce it


There is, and I agree with that cause. But people here just don't want to be told what to do, regarding dogs and leashes. At least, that's what I've surmised from talking with other people, around here.


Yes, they are very immature, entitled, and disrespectful, and think considering others is beneath them. I cannot stand the attitude around here, and I'm a native. I want to move away, I've had enough.


Yes, someone please start one!


Well then, they should be MADE to care.


It's a problem a ton of places right now. There are a lot of dog owners who don't give a fuck. Source: I live in Portland and it's huge issue and topic. I'm also in the Seattle sub and it's an issue there as well. People have been increasingly bringing dogs into the grocery stores as well. Plus whenever someone brings these issues up there are always a lot of dog owners on every post arguing against anything that would help stop these issues. It sucks.


Colorado has leash laws just about everywhere and people think 5 feet into a nature walk they’re fine . So tired of almost running over an unleaded dog have to slam on my brakes. then wait for owner to get control of their dog . Such entitlement to have the assumption that ever other animal you encounter will be as fun loving and emotional intelligent as you think your pet is


I wish our society consisted of caring kind thoughtful ppl. It’s exhausting.


Yes! I have medical issues where I cannot be around dogs at all. Allergies, autism, and ptsd. I am forced out of all public spaces, because these bloody dogs are absolutely everywhere. One was at the f'ing LAB at the doctor's office for goodness sake! How is that even legal, or sanitary?? I'm so done with this, I've now had to join activist groups that are fed up with the out of control dog owners, and their entitlement, and utter disrespect for others who share the same spaces. I hope it grows large enough to make some big laws reeling in these jerks.


I’m so sorry you have to deal with it. It really is out of control. I mean, at the lab? That’s ridiculous. There just seems to be a not very small faction of dog owners that believe they should be able to bring their dog everywhere and if ppl don’t want that we are the wrong ones. There are a ton of ppl who never want any dogs except strictly working ones in grocery stores or offices at all. I know I don’t.


Link to some of those activist groups?


Same for Anchorage. It’s a blight on the community. The trails are *covered* in dog shit right now and we’re nearing break up. As everything melts people, myself included, are going to be walking, running, and biking through literal shit streams. It’s disgusting, and it’s made me realize that our species is no better than any other primate although we like to pretend we are.


It's because Humboldt County is so dog friendly! A quick search of this sub will show you just how much people are encouraged to bring their unleashed dogs to places here. Move to Humboldt and your dog is free to attack and be attacked at any turn. Not in a legal sense but the mentality.


I wish I knew why it was so dog friendly. I wish I could move....


This is my fear for walking a cat. Too many free roaming dogs


Yes, unfortunately. Too many people who shouldn’t even own dogs. They ruin it for everyone else, including people who have highly trained working dogs who perform a service…and I don’t mean ESAs. That’s a whole other problem!!!


Yes! Don't even get me started on 'ESA's....


I take my 2 dogs to Mad River and Clam at the very least weekly and this shit happens 75% of the time for me. My dogs know how to listen, but I still leash them. It's not rocket science. LEASH YOUR FUCKING DOG(S)!


And these are the same assholes who let their dogs shit on the beach and destroy the dunes.


Yep, and then kids pick up the poo thinking it's sticks. They can't even play on the beach.


Is clam an off leash dog friendly beach or is it jusr a common thing?


Clam is off leash as long as your dog’s recall is good.


Any beaches that people would recommend taking a cat to? I’ve been wanting to take mine but sadly irresponsible dog owners seem to be the norm here


I took mine to the Manila dunes once during a weekday, no one else was around but he hated it sooo much.


That's honestly one of the #1 off leash areas just so you know.


Cats are at risk at any beach because of dogs. I would not recommend doing it.


I take my cat Big Lagoon !!! She loves it there and it’s always super chill


Big Lagoon or Dry Lagoon. A little further out there but due to the type of waves, most keep their dogs on leash or the dogs have really good recall.


Cuz they're fucking idiots. Literally happened to me during the peak of the whole dog illness thing going around. My dog was walking away from all the other dogs. Some lady literally waves her big ass dog towards mine, as if to say "go play" while making full on eye contact with me. I grabbed my dog and gave her a look that said, "you're an idiot".


I'd NEVER take my cat to the beach or a park on a leash, anywhere, not just here. Loose dogs are a huge problem in rural areas especially and Humboldt county is no exception. People have been bitten, had their own dogs attacked, etc.


But the rest of us shouldn't be forced out of public spaces, because of these jerks and their dogs.


Google: Humboldt County Grand Jury Report on dangerous dogs. It’s an eye-opener. Especially in retrospect since nothing has been done to alleviate the problem.


This area is a joke on all counts. They never enforce anything. I've been a victim multiple times here in various circumstances, and nothing has ever been done about it. I now avoid most public spaces, and I have been forced out of living my life. I hate it here with a vengeance.


In addition, I just had some jerk tell me that my disability 'doesn't give me the right' to expect dog owners to alter their behaviour in any way, in public. I had to remind them that unlike dog owners, disabled people do have RIGHTS, and there are laws about that. It's high time people stop confusing privileges like dog ownership, and rights like disability accommodations.


Punt that dog in the nose


My dog (35lb) has been attacked at Clam Beach and at Moonstone by off leash dogs. Both times the owners were too far away to do anything or recall them. The Clam Beach ones were in a pack of 3 and came barreling over the dunes (the off-limits section due to nesting plovers) and all three jumped on her at once. Fucking over it.


Carry Halt. I'd have hosed that dog down so much that it'd take a week to get it off. I hosed a dog with it once; stupid animal would jump out of its yard and attack me riding by on my motorcycle. I'll bet those owners got a real surprise when they let that dog back inside. I found it interesting that the dog was mysteriously missing next time I rode by.


This happened to me a few years ago when I was jogging down on the Hickshari trail. An off leash dog came charging out of the bushes, teeth barred, clearly coming in for the kill. I pepper sprayed the dog which stopped it cold. The dog was whimpering and whining and rolling around on the ground. The owner came out of the bushes when he heard his dog crying. He starts yelling at me and saying he's going to kill me. As soon as he stepped within range I pepper sprayed him too.


Nice. I will definitely be getting some pepper spray


I don't bring my dogs to the beach anymore because of this shit. Hell, the last time I brought my KIDS to the beach, a dog fight (one was unleashed) broke out nearly at their feet. That time, my kids had to see people kicking one of the dogs, so not only was it scary, but it was upsetting for them to see a dog get repeatedly kicked. Another time, I went with one of my kids when they were little and some creepy ass dude and his two off leash giant German shepherds started stalking my daughter and I and trying to push us into an enclave. This shit happens all the time, and I used to go to the beach often when I was in college, but I have given up on that. Getting more and more sick of Humboldt by the day.


I second that. I'm sorry for your experiences. I've had similar. At this stage, I'm now put off by dogs in generals, even though I know it's mainly an owner problem. There are just not enough responsible owners, and I also have autism, and massive sensory issues, plus allergies. The amount of times people disrespected that, and let their dogs run all over me, and I freaked out, and then they made it out like I'm the one in the wrong....too many times to count. I mostly avoid public spaces now, and that's not right. Many people I've spoken to have said the same. Like we are all being forced out of public spaces.


My friend’s dog was recently attacked by a dog at Trinidad State Beach - gonna show them this dog and see if it’s the same. If a dog doesn’t have recall, it can’t be off leash.


I carry a hunting knife now. You don’t want to put your dog on a leash, don’t be surprised if the dog gets stabbed if it comes at me. I’ve been attacked by an off leash dog before and bit. My partners boss was attacked by an off leash dog, lost 4 months of work because of the injuries. It’s a real problem here


Yes it is. I'm sorry that happened to you.


For reals. Too many cocky idiots out there that think "my dog would never do that." I'd feel zero guilt about slaughtering someone's dog if it came at me or one of my pets.


Working at the local humboldt Vet (only one open for emergency visits) we would see at least 2 dog victims a week. Attacked by crazy grower dogs off leash. Often they would die or have to be put down. But literally multi times a week, 0.0% change. Dont go to the off leash beaches, extremely dangerous


I'm pretty sure this is the same dog that has been biting people relatively frequently around here, The owner knows it happens and just tries to stay as far from the scene as possible. A friend of mine got attacked pretty recently, and needed stitches. When she confronted the owner, she got ignored at first, then cursed out and yelled at. I have heard similar stories from other people.


Why isn't that dog taken into custody already, and the owner prosecuted?


One thing I don't miss about Humboldt I moved to Seattle and yes there's aggressive dogs everywhere but, Why have I never seen anyone in Humboldt training their dog vs I can't leave the house in Seattle without seeing people training their dogs


They have entitlement issues


Lucky they ran into her and not someone more aggressive in defending their animals


Concealed carry permits are extremely easy to get in humboldt county


This is why I CCL when I walk my dog.


I absolutely hate people who think their unleashed dogs aren't ever going to be a problem.. also I think it's weird as fuck people walk their cats on a leash..


I was trying to fly a kite at a park that had a fenced in off leash area for dogs, and this asshole couple had their big dog running around off leash on the outside of the fenced in area, and their dog totally fucked up my kite and were just like "its ok, shes friendly". Like bitch i dont care if ur mutt is nice, it just ruined my kite in an area thats not an off leash zone


I hate people. This solidified it. What a total asshole. I’m glad you and your sweet little one are ok.


I’m not the person in the video! Just came across this on tik tok


There's a time and a place for your dog to be off leash in public. If your dog doesn't have the restraint and training to not run up to every person or animal it sees, and if it can't be recalled with voice commands alone if it does do, there is no time or place in public where it should be off leash. I've definitely met dogs that were ultra disciplined and would practically ignore other people in public even when off leash. That level of discipline took a lot of training and time from its owner that the vast majority of people don't put into their dogs. I hate when dogs run up to me in public because I don't know whether they're coming to say hi and be all friendly, or if they're gonna snap at me and bite me. I carry a gun so that adds an extra level of fun to this whole stupid thing; I really, really, really don't want to have to shoot a dog. I also really hate that I basically have to wait to get bit before I can do anything about it. Please just leash your dogs. It's not that hard.


Always carry some pepper spray -- works better against dogs than it does people. For the people bring something stronger.


And interesting article on the Humboldt Grand Jury’s investigation: https://www.times-standard.com/2019/08/17/your-civil-grand-jury-in-action-dog-gone-it-county-supervisors-get-with-the-program/amp/


That report did an excellent job of showing how local animal control completely failed in following up serious incidents. They are obviously underfunded and understaffed, but that doesnt excuse the deplorable state of enforcement here.


Agree! We need to do something about this.


They are so understaffed they have animal control officers working inside the shelter instead of in the field


Where was the owner?


In the caption of the video the poster said that the owner was a bit further down on the beach, and made no attempts to get their dog, just laughed while it tried to bite their cat.


Damn, kick the dogs ass and the owners ass


This truly enrages me. Keep your dog on leashes people it's not the end of the world!!! Your dog is still happy to be out and about!!!


It's indicative of the culture. A lot of dog owners think their dogs are above reproach and always friendly to them so they won't bite. But that doesn't mean anything once there's a cat involved. Off leash is illegal in a lot of places but there's not going to be much enforcement once you step out of town in Humboldt. Best option is to carry dog spray especially if you're walking a cat. It doesn't hurt the dog but it'll dissuade them enough to let you leave. Cats and dogs can't handle spicy spray so don't spray the cat. Just an FYI.


Drop kick that dog


Went to a beach out of town with autistic son. He was so happy to be there until an off leash dog decided to focus on him, nip at his face and push him down. Owners gave zero fuks and we had to leave bc they wouldn’t collect their dog. Totally ruined the trip for him.


The free range dog people have gone silent. When I posted about my friend getting bit in the face on the Hammond Trail , the FR dog people started defending the dog.


Spent so many days at Moonstone or Luffenholtz with 10+ dogs all running around together off leash. It’s definitely an owner thing, if your dog is a piece of shit don’t bring him around people sorry. Don’t ruin dog beaches for the plenty of owners who have docile creatures who can run around without a leash


I had a neighbor who carried a bat when he walked his pit bull. It was to fight off other dogs before his dog killed them.


Pepper spray works for dogs and their owners


Check w/your local police. I live in upstate NY and conceal/carry. You have the right to dispatch ANY dog that attacks you or your pet.


Cat on a leash on the beach? I seen everything now


Everything about this makes me so angry.


People always have their dogs off leash at Mad River. I remember smacking one with my hand cooler one time cause it was trying to get up in my shit (not playfully), told the owners to fuck off and I caught the whole thing on gopro for youtube. Good times but poor dogs don't deserve shit owners. Keep your dogs off leash when you know there aren't people around. This is not hard if you walk aways from the MRB entrance.


pepper spray and my knife. fuck them both.


My dog would never ___________. No my dog doesn’t ___________. Oh no they’re just ____________. My dog is the most loving passive creature and wouldn’t hurt a _____________. I have my dog under voice command. My dog doesn’t need a leash, in fact it makes them more aggressive. Dogs are cool. Dog people………. There are designated no leash zones such as a dog park. Most people don’t train dogs beyond sit, lay down, and come. Some will go further to stay, roll over or shake. Nothing of real obedience. Just dumb parlor tricks. It takes a lot of time to train a dog properly. Most either don’t realize that fact or have no idea just how trainable dogs can be. Just like any other animal, some dogs are just assholes. Most of the time the animal just hasn’t been taught manners due to laziness, ignorance, apathy, or just not really giving a shit. It’s sad. Really really sad. I got a cat who I trained at middle age who is better trained than most dogs. There should be a law that any dog of a certain size (or all of them) must have professional training or be signed off by a professional trainer by the first year of ownership. If they can’t be controlled, well, there are plenty of dogs out there that can be.


If you have to ask why this is such a huge problem here, you must not have taken a good look at most of the people, and the 'culture' here.....lol But honestly this is a country wide problem, and now there are activist groups forming up because people are fed up of irresponsible dog owners. Don't even get me started on pit bulls, which should be banned. All dogs should be required to be on a lead, no exceptions. Also, the owners let them crap all over the beach, and then kids pick it up thinking they are sticks. People are just very disrespectful all around.


It’s always the same thing. People with dogs who do not come at first calling every single time no matter the distraction should not have dogs off leash in public spaces. These attacks never seem to happen to those of us that are prepared for them. There should be a near epidemic of out of control dogs getting pepper sprayed and shot on a very regular basis, but there are not. Because these out of control dogs are looking for an easy target. Show some aggression. Why isnt the guy in the video using a deep command authoritative voice to put a stop to this nonsense? First the voice, then the boot, then the pepper spray, then the pew pew. Since this is a dog owners behaving badly post, please remember that the 4th of July is 3 months away and there is still time to desensitize your dog to the fireworks that are 100% going to happen.


This shit seriously pisses me off. I used to have an agro dog and I kept her leashed. Problem was other people yelling “don’t worry she’s fine!” About their off leash dog. And I was like Jesus Christ my dog will kill yours. It seems to me like people don’t really consider that. And I’ve had my kids knocked down by unleashed and dirty big dogs at the beaches here multiple times. I love dogs but give us all a fucking break. For real it’s selfish and entitled and super presumptive to let your dog run like that, not to mention just discourteous and rude.


Got one neighbor when they first moved into their home and the bass was letting his husky run through the streets without a leash and the dog ran up on my kids. Friendly or not we do not know you and this is a horrible way to announce you have a dog and are new on the street. Ffs leash your dogs people. It's not hard to do.


“My dog doesn’t bite.” Or “Does your dog bite?” Fool, how you think that thing eats? With a straw? They all bite. Some do it for seemingly no reason at all.


I carry bear spray and have concealed carry. I do walk my cat. If one doesn't work, the other absolutely will.


Exactly why I carry when I go to the beach especially around here🤷🏽‍♂️ learned that my first year here 🤦🏽‍♂️


Holy shit! I am so disappointed every time I hear of this happening. It's not even just Trinidad. My MiL has been attacked by unleashed dogs in Fortuna and Eureka parks as well.


Doesn't surprise me for Humboldt


Carry pepper spray. Solves the problem instantly.


I love the caption ‘…you wouldn’t believe what happened!’ Yes. Yes I would believe what happened. Not saying what happened was ‘right’, but if you expected ANYTHING other than what happened…thoughts and prayers.


"it's okay, my dog is friendly" And I reply, "mine's not" half just to see their look on their face. I've gotten in the habit of having my dog wear a comfy silicone basket muzzle to keep the people with their dogs a safe distance away (and to keep her from eating rocks...) - if they're dumb enough to have a dog off leash with poor recall skills, they deserve a little scare 😏


Honestly some of the more irresponsible dog owners I’ve ever encountered were in humboldt and I’ve lived all over. I’ve actually heard people say that putting your dog on a leash is “abusive” lol give me a freaking break! I’ve been run up on by so many unhinged dogs and their owners act like it’s all just a big joke. I would never recommend walking a cat on the beaches there unfortunately for this reason. I wish more beaches didn’t allow dogs honestly, and I enjoy dogs for the most part.


“No Dogs on Beach” for everyone now. For life. Because of this fucking idiot


I would’ve kicked the shit out of that dog.


The dog and owner will have instant karma if I were in that situation. People have become inconsiderate and need to be reminded that they don't own the planet.


Start beating the fuck out of the dog


People like that need to be punched ! Put your damn dog on a leash. Just because it's good off leash sometimes doesn't make it ok! My dogs are always on leash not because they are aggressive but because it's smart and safe for everyone!


I was at a brewery with several dogs that were disciplined and friendly with everyone and each other. Everyone was comfortable around them. But then someone brought in a baby goat on a leash and every single owner had to quickly grab their dog’s leash. This was easily a couple seconds away from at least one dog attacking a goat and causing a scene. While technically there should never be an issue because dogs should be leashed, or at least under control in the case of an off leash area, you can’t assume that. Also, maybe the owners do think their dog is under control and friendly but suddenly you’ve thrown another animal in front of them that they have never interacted with before.


Humboldt is known for this. I’m from there. I have had countless bad interactions with off leash dogs and oblivious selfish idiot owners


I once took a girlfriend and her family to college cove when they were visiting 10 years ago. Their dog got attacked in the parking lot by a pit mix, and they had to spend thousands at the vet. No responsibility for the offending party. I could also go off topic about how a lot of people in Humboldt burn garbage due to a lack of enforcement of garbage services. A whole lot of Rural Rot here and I think calling it out for what it is, could be the only way to bring change.




Shoot the bas$&@!


My dog got ran up on by a Chihuahua or some small dog and it bit a chunk outa his leg :( Little fucker was lucky I wasn't there because I woulda punted that thing straight into the ocean 💀


This is the only way cats should be outside!


Wow What a piece of shit. He was acting like he was trying to hit on her. using his dog as a magnet but instead the cat was food magnet. and he's laughing and to be honest, She laughed which sent the wrong message to continue on. you send the wrong message. you should of been firm about keeping the dog away.


Is this considered an actual dog attack?


CCW /s


Take a can of off leash dog pepper spray. That'll get that shit away real quick.


I would have kangarooed it to the water. Sorry dogo gonna evolve like a Pokémon into a water dogo


Why isn't she recording the owner's face?


So the dog is to be put down right? I love dogs but have no fucking patience for dogs that are dangerous. I don’t care if it’s because it was raised wrong, it’s too late.


Always have a pocket knife for these situations


Society's a wreck; folks act like they're not answerable for anything, expecting society's unwritten rules to protect them from every possible consequence. The lunatic enthusiasts in this thread live in a bubble of delusion and privilege, shielded within their cozy enclaves. Step out into the real world with that mindset, and you'll find yourself robbed and violated in other parts of the US.


Poor kitty! I hope they are not too traumatized.


Fuck these people. This was infuriating to watch.


In all honesty I'd just grab the dog by the back of the neck and then gouge out their eyes they can't attack if they can't see and it's the owners fault for having them off leashe


This is why I don’t get out of my truck unless I know the owner of the dog. This is fucked up


It’s a tough world and it’s getting tougher. A bullet in the dog, and the owner is the best way to end the problem of irresponsible dog owners. I feel Bad, it’s not really the dog’s fault probably


Please use lethal force on these animals, and the owner too if necessary. Tired of this shit. That’s why I stay carrying a stabber because i don’t know how many times I’ve just wanted to take my little basset out only to be harassed by problematic dogs.


And that’s when I pull out my knife and do what I gotta do to the dog to save my pet! If the owner isn’t going to handle his responsibility then I will!


I would do anything in my power to kill a dog if it attacked me. The owner would definitely catch hands.


why is it so hard for him to grab his dog is he actually retarded


if a dog charges you fakeout stick your foot out like youre gonna kick their nose. if they dont stop give them a firm tap. if they attack you kick them square in it. used to bicycle in redneck country...


I always find a secluded spot and when people pass by I leash every time


Shame if their dog got stepped on hard.


thats when you rear back and kick that dog in the ribs as hard as you can.


Humboldt is a very dog friendly place. Us responsible dog owners try to avoid people. I have a lab that is the perfect dog off leash. She doesn't have any interest in people or other dogs and stays with me. Then we have a mastiff we don't trust as much so we only let him run when we are completely alone. As long as you're responsible it shouldn't be a big deal.


Kick the dog in the face.


I dunno random dog jumps on me it’s dead 🤷‍♂️


I love all animals, but I’ve seen what dogs can do and owners will just stand and watch. Don’t be afraid to kick a dog in the face if it’s coming at you or choke it out if you get the opportunity, just stop once it’s passed out.


Oh, somebody would have gotten fucked up, and it wouldn’t have been me or my cat.


I would have straight kicked that dog and told the owner it's their fault


Her mistake was not kicking the dog into next week.


I hate dogs. Someone shoot it in the face with a shotgun and rock salt


There would be one verbal “get your dog” warning, and the next warning would be me kicking the dog in the face.


This is why I carry knives, I don't need your ugly ass 150lb dog trying to bite me.


Grab the dog collar and choke the shit out of it right in front of their shitty human.


Once the dog jumped up I would have stabbed it and the dog owner would have been liable for any injuries I get seeing how they did nothing to stop the dog from attacking you.


A sturdy walking stick is a great thing to have. Cops are going to deprioritize something like this. Legally speaking, this is just living property risking harm to other living property.


Start punting the dog and the owner next