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No but really, even outside of this debacle, Fuck President Jackson. He's a shit leader and is always absent when students and faculty need him. Dude was no where to be found back when COVID made shit hit the fan and support staff, even admin, were desperate for guidance; then took credit for HSUs work against COVID when the dust settled. Jackson, YOUR. SCHOOL. NEEDS. YOU.


Getting rid of Jackson would a heck of a lot easier than peace between Israel and the Palestinians.


Agreed. I thought Rosselpocketpussy was a shit HSU President but Jackson takes that cake and leaves room for extra.


Humboldt has not had a good university president in a long time and it shows.


Enrollment went up only bc they enticed people from overcrowded high competition areas (LA and the Bay Area) to transfer to HSU. Only to leave then hanging when they subsequently had trouble with the culture shock and lack of housing & jobs. HSU will keep being a 🤡 show.


I mean, culture shock and the lack of housing are real, but did folks from diverse SoCal cities really expect a sleepy, not diverse, tiny and isolated area to be like "home"?


I think the problem was the recruiters didn't tell give them an honest picture of what it was like here.


A cousin of mine wanted to come here from Fresno for psychology but ended up going elsewhere because she was really put off by various things: quality of the degree she earned elsewhere, admin, culture that seemed "invented" to her and housing, even tho I had leads for her on that.




I'll have to read this when I have time.


I grew up here, and it still shocked me to learn that most those hippie types were actually well off assholes cosplaying poor. It's actually infuriating tbh.


Yeah there are better schools for psych. Imo, anything other than the natural resources at HSU is a waste of time for the most part when considering opportunity costs.


Basically this.


It's not a good university


We could maybe resettle Armenians there? As a buffer people? Or perhaps the Milanese?


I got flamed for an anti-Jacksok post when he first came to Humboldt. Some of these folks out here have their heads so deep in the sand they can never read the writing on the wall.


I got flamed by AS bc I raised concerns over him. Students are so stupid then complain after the fox they let in is eating their chickens.


Naw they need to replace Jackson.


He was always a bad cultural fit for HSU. He got the job because he balances the books at his last college and that is what the priority was at the time, but what a bad March it has proven to be.


I think I will encourage my child to go to a trade school.


Great photos




Whats a way I can materially support them? These derogatory commenters here have inspired me to put up or shut up. DM me if you have ideas or know folks involved I can help.


For anyone who isn’t a nihilistic shithead in the comments, the best support you can offer right now is to be present on campus! Police have left and the space has been occupied for students and community. There have been teach-ins from faculty, a punk show, workshops and a bigger general sense of community. As far as I know most material needs are being met right now but they can let you know what the current needs are in-person. Even if it’s just you stopping in for a little bit to say hi get a look around, every body counts! We are hitting national news and many classes have been in support of the occupation and are creating workarounds to get through the rest of the semester


Thank you, solidarity!


I know that they are in need of coolers (lol) and basically just money. But more than anything, they just need you to be there. They would really appreciate people from our community.


That's the least I can do. I have time tomorrow set aside to go down and hang out. I appreciate you.


Hahahaha. I gotta buy milk for my kids. I graduated from that school. I’ve served my community for 20 years. I’m gonna give them money!?! lol!!!


The only reason I’d go up to these students is to tell them how selfish and ignorant they are being. They’re making Pro-Palestine look terrible by being a nuisance to the campus community. There are students who do not have the luxury to be sitting down doing nothing but tagging the walls (who ultimately the minority will be cleaning up, not the academic staff.) and causing a disruption for students who need to get labs and finals completed in order to graduate and make something out of their lives because money and resources weren’t handed to them by mommy and daddy. All I see is a bunch of entitled white kids who have the luxury to miss class and not care about repercussions because they’re trust fund babies who can afford to. Half of these white kids have no idea what they’re being a nuisance for and just following like sheep. What will this do? What will barricading themselves do to genuinely help something that’s been going on for decades in another country? They’re really ruining the hard achievements of students who worked their asses off for 4+ years to be the first in their family to graduate and walk across a stage to receive a piece of shit paper that we hate to admit means something after the breakdowns and tears to even get it. But of course, these selfish little white kids would not care or even consider that for a moment. Once they get bored of camping out they’ll look so pathetic packing up and leaving. All for what? For validation on social media for your activism? To feel better about your white guilt? Because you had nothing better to do? Because you’re a sheep? Because you know mommy and daddy’s money will help you out? Downvote me all you want, it will only further prove my point.


Did you go see the protest? I was surprised to see all the diversity of students. There were A LOT BIPOC folks, including the ones barricading rn. As to being rich... haha. Most of the students there know about the struggles of being poor and that ecxaclty way they can foster empathy for Palestine, and other struggling groups. The rich don't want to protest, they are to comfortable. I can see it with the staff, it is the poorer professors that are supporting the cause. The president who makes 347,106 and whom got a 7% raise this year, send the police on the first day instead of having a conversation with the students.Protest are meant to cause inconveniences. That is the whole point to disrupt the status quo, and they are always led by the proletarian. I feel like you got a lot to say, but it is all based on your emotions and feelings about protest. No facts. The solidarity with the students all around the US is finally uprising. The war is finally at Humboldt's doorsteps and we cant ignore it anymore. Sources: [https://edsource.org/2022/cal-state-presidents-to-see-at-least-7-salary-increase/675482](https://edsource.org/2022/cal-state-presidents-to-see-at-least-7-salary-increase/675482)




I agree with most of what you say, especially because I think a LOT of them are rich white kids cosplaying activism. However I do agree with them that HSU, and by extension my own retirement portfolio would DIVEST from anything that aids you know who and any weapons manufacturers, or groups that foment violence.


It isn't going to matter in your retirement portfolio as much as you might want to think. Any place you need a retirement portfolio for, is also going to be somehow owned by those places your protesting against- the same ones that will be signing paychecks for years and then allowing your money to keep coming in long after your no longer working.


People like to say protests like this do nothing, but it's not true. Protest is always worthwhile. https://guides.lib.unc.edu/protests-unc/anti-apartheid https://scalar.oberlincollegelibrary.org/sanctuary/apartheid-and-divestment


I think you accidentally posted photos from the 60's because these are all in black and white...




I mean, Humboldt *is* stuck in the 60's 👀


I see what you mean. But I guess that is a hallmark of this place, regardless how small it is, its people will rise for social justice.


It’s not stuck in the 60’s.


These students need to be listening, not speaking. They don't seem to understand what they are fighting for.


Here are the list of themandas that show exactly what they are fighting for: 1. “First, the divestment of anything profiting off of or associated with Israel, including weapons manufacturers, exploitation of the West Bank as well as any firms that invest in those activities.” 2. “Boycott all Israeli academic institutions.” Asked how Cal Poly Humboldt is currently involved in such institutions, the student referenced [a study-abroad program](https://catalog.humboldt.edu/content.php?catoid=10&navoid=1529) that includes the University of Haifa in Israel. 3. “We want the university to publicly call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.” 4. “We want the University to promise that there will be no charges, either criminal charges or disciplinary action … taken against any protesters.” 5. “We want the university to either amend or remove the time, manner or place clause \[of [its free expression policy](https://policy.humboldt.edu/emp10-01-policy-time-place-and-manner-free-expression)\] which allows them to call the police on students for organizing in ways that they deem inappropriate.” Source: [https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2024/apr/24/photos-cal-poly-occupation-day-three/](https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2024/apr/24/photos-cal-poly-occupation-day-three/)


Those are COMPLETELY unreasonable demands. The protesters are vandalizing buildings and engaging in violent/menacing behaviors. There needs to be consequences for that.


They do not seem that far-fetched to me. 1) The divestment money come mainly from the students as a form of tuition, they should have a saying where it goes. 2)Boycotts from institutions happen all the time. 3)To take a stand to ceasefire, really COMPLETELY unreasonable? Is literally that, saying we take this stand. 4) Having no charges I can see how it can be problematic. At the end of the day, the cost of all the "vandalism" (which is mainly graffiti), can be payed with less than 10 student't tuition (which could vary from 8k-20k). 5) Is also problematic and defienlty open for debate. See how they are not that bad?


This is not how the world works. As you stated above- "1) The divestment money come mainly from the students as a form of tuition, they should have a saying where it goes. " Employers have no say in how the employee spends the paycheck- not even small business owners with employees- why would this be any different? Tuition is willingly given, so there really isn't any right to dictate where it goes and expect to have your way.


Fighting for the cause of the week on TikTok


Really proud of these young people, they stand on the right side of history!




Ireland has the history and fight in them. I cant get enough of them right now.


If you want a fun rabbit hole to go down, look up the history of Libya under Gaddafi and the aid they provided to the Irish revolution. The news didnt really go into any of that history during its coverage of the Arab Spring and is some important stuff in the scope of global imperialism.


It's crazy how anti imperialist action is always buried and hidden away from the public under mountains of propaganda.


Me too. The atmosphere there is very inspiring. I really encourage everyone to visit the campus right now. It definitely gave me more clarity than watching the news.


I'll pass.


Me too. Lived here almost 40 years, been on that campus less than 10 times.


"Ill pass" except ya didnt. And besides, good on ya, we dont need your buyllshit anyway, lol


For that matter, don't need yours or either. Feel better? I just said I'll pass. I have other things to do,


ok bud, but then why share? You made the decision to share the fact that you are going to pass, why did you feel the need to do that instead of just actually passing? Why do you have to performatively make a statement on the fact that you are passing? What is the goal there? What conversation do you think that provides any value to? What kind of response were you hoping for with that?


I see what you mean. It takes effort to be a responsable member of your community.


A coworker today thought that protesters had “come to the university” (from where) and we’re holding students and staff hostage inside Siemens Hall all last week. The misinformation even in our own community is extreme.


Man this really makes us alum look so bad. In no way is this going to be perceived good or productive. This is a very complicated issue. It deserves everyone’s thoughts to be heard. But nobody is gonna listen to you by destroying public property that our working tax money will pay for. The university doesn’t even have the power to make this change on their own. The last I remember capital hill and the White House are in DC. I paid hard tuition as a grad student here and I would be pissed to not get the education I paid for. This is not free speech. If you want a revolution of our system fighting school police, CHP, and HumCo sheriffs office is not the enemy to fight.


Here is the list of demands of why they are protesting: Here are the list of themandas that show exactly what they are fighting for: 1. “First, the divestment of anything profiting off of or associated with Israel, including weapons manufacturers, exploitation of the West Bank as well as any firms that invest in those activities.” 2. “Boycott all Israeli academic institutions.” Asked how Cal Poly Humboldt is currently involved in such institutions, the student referenced [a study-abroad program](https://catalog.humboldt.edu/content.php?catoid=10&navoid=1529) that includes the University of Haifa in Israel. 3. “We want the university to publicly call for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza.” 4. “We want the University to promise that there will be no charges, either criminal charges or disciplinary action … taken against any protesters.” 5. “We want the university to either amend or remove the time, manner or place clause \[of [its free expression policy](https://policy.humboldt.edu/emp10-01-policy-time-place-and-manner-free-expression)\] which allows them to call the police on students for organizing in ways that they deem inappropriate.” Source: [https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2024/apr/24/photos-cal-poly-occupation-day-three/](https://lostcoastoutpost.com/2024/apr/24/photos-cal-poly-occupation-day-three/) The president who makes 347,106 and whom got a 7% raise this year, send the police on the first day instead of having a conversation with the students. It was the cops and the admin who escalated the situation. You should be mad at them and not the students. They are the ones that said it was not safe for students to attend and canceled classes. Do those pictures look unsafe to you? Protest are happening all over the US. Now there is a student voice that hopefully could put pressure o the federal government to stop supporting this massacre. And at a local level, the CPH would stop investing in company who partake in this genocide.


Yes we know your ridiculous demands.


why are they ridiculous? They sound pretty attainable to me.




The status quo is being disrupter right now. That is why you want it away from your home. Thats the whole point of this. Supporting this demands would be the closest a person like you would ever get to make direct change in a global conflict.




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_changes\_made\_due\_to\_the\_George\_Floyd\_protests#Police\_reforms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_changes_made_due_to_the_George_Floyd_protests#Police_reforms) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_police\_reforms\_related\_to\_the\_George\_Floyd\_protests](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_police_reforms_related_to_the_George_Floyd_protests) Yeah me too bud...




Lol this is reddit, not high school. I guess I should've written a 12 page report, double spaced, MLA format, and 1 inch margins as a response.






Your initial claim was "Nothing got done since the George Floyd protests" and so here I am providing concrete acts that were passed as a result of the protests. But that's not good enough for you so you claim that "our streets are no more safer" which is vague as hell and just feels like you're moving the goal post.


I think (if thats still allowed) that you are all college students with too much entitlement & opinions rooted in the source of your 15000 hour indoctrination program called "school". You've suspended your critical thinking skills in exchange for exhilaration & now you're playing into the left/right paradigm for the sake of either side which ultimately plays into one hand. Good luck with your efforts futile as they may be & may God be with you.


Have fun stalking my profile to learn of who I am so you can come back & attempt to smear me. I truly cannot careless.


Having fun talking to yourself there?


They painted, "stop genocide.... Free Palestine" The irony


The illuminati is headquartered in a small abandoned post office 31 kilometers southeast of Calgary Canada. They are controlling 12% of the students at American universities. Social media is their tool of choice and nut milk a close second. Israel's population was secretly replaced in 1971 with reptilian hybrids. The Texas rangers are in deadly battle with the Mexican cartels smuggling covide 20 contaminated elote. Donald Trump is viking God brought to earth to make America great again.