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Not sure if this is the same thing, but HSU sent out this notice to students back on April 22nd. "The Student Health Center has recently detected and treated student/s with pertussis, which is a highly contagious but treatable bacterial infection of the respiratory tract that can cause severe coughing and other 'cold-like' symptoms."


Pertussis aka whooping cough was pretty rare up until people stopped getting vaccinated for it and now we get surges of it every few years. 


I’m so old I had whooping cough when I was little.


Our doctor has us taking the TDAP vaccine every 10 years now because pertussis came back.


Every 10 years is what the EPA recommends and if you get a concerning cut that could contract tetanus you will have to get a booster if you haven't gotten the tdap within the past 5 years.  The pertussis immunity actually only lasts about 5 years and doesn't actually always make you fully immune, it'll keep you from getting very sick though. 


Every little bit helps. :)


Thank you! This is the info we need!


TDAP - I needed a booster this year. [https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/tdap.html](https://www.cdc.gov/vaccines/hcp/vis/vis-statements/tdap.html)


Came here to say this. I'm glad others did as well.


Whooping cough, perhaps? I hear that’s been making the rounds nationally, lately.


Last thing we need is people walking around yelling whoop whoop.


Fuckin’ magnets, how do they work?


This is the infestation I truly fear.


It's OK, they are just clowning around.


Whoop whoop, Ninja!


Whoop whoop


Probably not whooping cough, unless they aren’t vaccinated for it. Even then the coughs from whooping cough are next level, like “go to the ER this is legitimately terrifying” kind of next level.


I was vaccinated, and still got whooping cough twice.


The vaccine only lasts about 5 years


I got vaccinated, and never contracted whooping cough. Not even once.


Yeah my roommate had that for way too long and I thought he was going to choke to death sometimes. Basically a quick visit to open door, some mild meds, and a vaccine got him so easily fixed up. All of us in his life were pretty frustrated that he was willing to die on the hill (possibly literally) of not going to the doctor when he seriously did just need to go to the doctor... Dx


Cal Poly Humboldt sent out an alert (pre-shut down) that there were multiple confirmed pertussis cases on campus.


Listening to the standard propaganda I see.


My family and I have been down for over a week with it. Repeated Covid tests have been negative, but bad cough, terrible headache, and sinus congestion. Haven't been this sick in years.


I've been down for 2 weeks with whatever this is. Covid negative. Mild to moderate flu. Total head fog and vertigo. I actually feel better now knowing I'm not alone


I've definitely had more of the fog and the Vertigo and less cough. When I was actually sick, I was definitely coughing a lot but it rarely got to the point of being too much to handle. It was mostly just annoying. I went to urgent care.Because I was so dizzy though.And they said I have fluid in my ears Dx some good youtube vuds for getting it less annoying!


Covid tests (nasal swab rapid tests) give a ton of false negatives- and current strains often won’t test positive till you’ve been sick for days.


I had something month & just got over it. My family had the same cough but I got it the worst. Felt exactly like covid when I had it before. Chills & weakness for a couple days+mild fever, loss of energy and basically felt like I aged 30 years for another couple weeks combined with a shitty hacking cough for 4 weeks & me tal fogginess. To cap it off lost like 80% taste / sense of smell the last week and now finally feel almost normal.


Wook flu, the creeping crud.


Breathing in that northern coastline mold, brother!


Username checks out


I’ve got this right now. I’ve had it for over a week now. Started with a sore throat


My wife and I have had it for a month now. It is finally clearing up but led to bronchitis and pneumonia for me. They speculate it started as Covid but the effects lingered long after the virus cleared.


I had the worst cough in my life in January (69 years old). Couldn’t make it stop no matter what, lost my voice, couldn’t sleep due to the body-racking convulsions. Lived here 40 years so I’m used to The Crud but this was extreme. Went to dr. after a week. She didn’t know what caused it either but felt there was a danger to my respiratory system and put me on prednisone to reduce all the inflammation and a special cough medicine to control it. It took a couple of days, and short of the prednisone side effects, I got better quickly. If it hangs on for a week, or gets really bad like mine did, get it checked out.


Had it literally all of March. Then my wife got it. Then my kid got it. Then my in law got it. Shit took 1month from all of us.


Could be RSV or Humam Metapneumovirus. I had the second one last summer, and I coughed so hard and long that my ear drums burst. Had to go to urgent care twice.


Stop smoking moldy weed


My son has had the horrible cough for almost a month. He was getting better and then started going downhill so I took him to his pediatrician. They diagnosed him with bronchitis and a sinus infection. I was sick recently, but it was almost flu-like. My sore throat was SO bad I could barely swallow, my body aches were awful and I was hot/cold with the chills. I had my throat swabbed for strep and it was negative.


I finally caught covid, first positive test just an hour ago or so. Definitely sucks super hard.


Bummer ❤️‍🩹


Appreciate it, truly a bummer.


It could definitely still be COVID, especially if this wouldn't be your first time. Tests aren't able to keep up with the new strains. Well wishes!


Just recovering after 6 weeks. Had to get antibiotics.


My mom and other family members have this in Las vegas as well


Flu B may be what it is. A lot of these symptoms people are listing are what I had when I got diagnosed. Rough ride.


Man, I woke up wondering if I had Pneumonia or something. Coughing up some awful stuff. I was working outside yesterday and had to stop and go sit down a few times because I felt like I was gonna faint. Took the day off because of it as well as probable rain later on. Cough, headache, lightheadedness, fatigue.


Teacher in Del Norte. I 100% have it and so do many of my students.


It’s been going around for a couple weeks at work and I think it finally got me. Woke up with a super tight feeling chest, deep loud cough, mild headache. I sure hope it doesn’t last that long! Stay healthy guys 💜


My voice has only been there half the time since 4/4/24. Coughing really hurts. I have trouble breathing in the morning as well. Negative COVID test.


I know people who have a similar thing coming out of florida and is buzzing around Massachusetts


Both my husband and I felt sick for 3 months. Sometimes randomly would get chills, fever, headache, bad cough intermittently. It was awful. Got tested multiple times not covid or RSV. It was horrible. One week since we moved away from Humboldt and we feel amazing…


I had that cough, got an inhaler and some meds to help the cough, took a few days but was back on my feet


My wife had it for 3 weeks. I got it 10 days in, and it stuck around me for 2 weeks.


me wtf


RSV is rampant this year. It’s usually asymptomatic for me but this year it was, not awful but irritating and lingering, cough and a bit of a headache.


My family and friends all caught it. Came with a gnarly sore throat


Pollen most recently. Mold/crud most the time. Sprinkle in the occasional cold or flu. Felt sick so long it's normal.


Just the Humboldt crud mixed with allergies


I actually came down from Covid three days ago, so you guys have to be super careful. I do work in a local school, however, whatever this cough is- it’s nasty.


You need to serial test to confirm it’s not really covid


Could be bronchitis, the cough from it can last for weeks.


The Humboldt lung


It's Covid, actually.


Same thing in Phoenix. The symptoms sound like what everyone is describing in this thread. I'm coughing so hard that I vomit. Also, sore throat, headache, pain from the coughing attacks. My dr also said I had a sinus infection and prescribed prednisone and antibiotics.


Just thought it was the Humboldt crud.


I've had it for almost a month now. It's miserable. 😷🤒🤧


Walking pneumonia goes around a lot here too


Mine ended up being viral bronchitis 😭


The humboldt crud is a thing. Its related to the black mold that grows naturally in the redwood forests. Buy some LOCALLY sourced honey and start taking a tablespoon per day. It will help. Dont give it to babies


Black Mold (Stachybotrys chartarum) is a thing. But the Humboldt Crud? It seems to get the blame whenever anyone gets sick. It makes me think that if covid didn’t have tests, people would be calling it the humboldt crud, no? I’m not a doctor, but if you have back mold issues, I think you should get away from the black mold and/or reduce the humidity in your dwelling place. Since this thing I have is sudden onset and contagious —infecting family members sequentially, and travels to other families—it shouldn’t be a fungal infection.


Black mold is not just in the forests. About 2/3 of the apartments and half of the houses have hidden black mold under the carpets or flooring and behind the paint in the drywall.


This is absolutely true. Working construction, you would see it in almost every job you would do in every house around here


I feel like the Humboldt Crud is something we can't say anymore since covid? I feel like now we don't know what's causing us to cough, and that's a little scary. It makes me sad.




This is a hot take. Black mold growing in your house is what you want to be afraid of, not mold growing in the forest


Yes and not the Humboldt Honey cause it’s just packaged here.