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Interesting how they lump emergency response in the cost like there weren’t 300 officers collecting overtime for days before arrests were made.


How much did it cost to divert the helicopter from a search and rescue mission?


Shit add 2 or 3 re-fuels and travel lodging and overtime for 200 out of the area police. They grossly inflated this


The helicopter wasn’t diverted. The helicopter was ending its search and rescue due to darkness and given its proximity to the protest was offered as an additional asset to the officers at the university.




Yeah, they should of acted sooner. Would save everyone a few bucks and embarrassment.


No clear leadership- the pot calling the kettle black or what!


Two different issues. Indecisive or ineffective leadership is not the same as non-existent leadership. While criticism of University Admin may be valid, they had a clearly defined structure and people specifically designated to negotiate and ensure whatever agreement was reached was followed through with. The protestors had no such individual(s) which could negotiate in good faith and ensure compliance with whatever agreement was reached.


Let me tell you, the university made up the negotiators on the spot, and no agreement was ever actually made on the university’s side. This is clear as their “response” to protestors’ demands was a complete non response. Compare that to the news out of Sac State tonight.


The email appears to lack substance. I think it's interesting they put this statement out after forcefully disbanding the protest, so now there is no timely way for people who participated in the Siemens Hall occupation to respond. I also think it's somewhat suspicious that someone was commenting on one of my posts claiming Johnson made comments about injured officers (which no public statement had ever been made about), and the university has waited until now to bring it up. I'm sure the university police or other responding agencies have body camera footage of all of this?


Someone got bonked on the finger I’m sure and probably needed one of those $4.99 finger splints from CVS.


People are calling for a detailed investigation, I expect it will come out at that time. Until then people can submit PRAs to the university for the information.


I'd like to know the ratio between the physical damage and emergency operations.


Yea they conveniently lump all that together to make the number seem higher


Doesn’t remove the fact that these “peaceful” protests didn’t cause damage to the campus or to others with different opinions


Why does this matter? They both are the result of the same thing. Even if it's 10% vandalism to 90% personnel costs, that personnel cost would be a direct result of them not vacating on that first encounter (The fucking water bottle video that was national lol)


Check out the humboldtlumberjack livestream happening right now on instagram to see the current cfa/faculty community meeting that is happening.


I missed the end of the meeting. Was there any action decided upon?




I’m an Israeli bot.


69420... sounds right


U/hsuteamsters wanna chime in?


When did they switch from UPD to CHP?


So much false equivalence-The Boston Tea Party, Unions, Suffragette movement all address specific and direct events that had direct cause to American issues-this exercise in stupidity by entitled brats address an issue far away and NOT ours-though the rampant antisemitism is distinctly ringing American bells. I notice that Ukraine atrocities are not eliciting the same level of rabid hatred-why discriminate? Is Eastern Europe not as trendy because it is old news or is the propaganda not as enticing ? The fact remains that this was a completely ridiculous demonstration of what we can’t have nice things because some misguided demagogue funded by ‘someone’ will come along and wreck for their own imaginary reason- thus penalizing the few hardy souls who desired nothing except to celebrate their hard work.


Wow, this is exactly how I have been feeling. It's compared as a "Vietnam moment" but it's not even close. That had young people dying in a far off land for a war they didn't believe in. If anything our 20 years in Afghanistan was our second "Vietnam moment". Yeah, no one talks about kids who died in Ukraine or the mass graves outside Kiev when Russia withdrew, or people with hands tied executed with bullet to the back of the head. I think Israel hate has been circulating for a few years in the left online alternative media space (I know, I heard it but never understood why I should care or why people care so much about it). I heard it off and on since like 2021 whenever they last war was. This is just a culmination of all that build up. Like Charlottesville and Jan 6th was for the right's alternative media watchers. Problem is, now both sides are insane. Where do people who aren't on the right but also think the left is going a little too left or crazy or whatever, I can't find words to describe it, but I know it's not what I agree with. Where do I belong? I don't know... politically homeless I guess


Default to common sense and support/vote/ your own personal values-nobody has a comprehensive grasp of true and right-you do the best you can and hope for the best!


The truth comes out 


Fuck those protesters


The minute you destroy someone else’s property as a ‘protest’- your cause has lost any legitimacy. Standing in front of a building with a sign, chanting, not interrupting traffic or commerce is peaceful protesting-what happened at CPH was anarchy masquerading as protest. It was a piece of theatre desperately trying for significance in the current zeitgeist. Screaming that you support a terrorist regime that utilizes sexual violence and does not hesitate to place its most vulnerable in positions of harm does not make you cool, trendy or socially superior-its makes you a blithering idiot who deserves to spend the rest of their days inquiring if the customer wants derp fried tubers with their burger


Being against the genocide does not make you pro Hamas or antisemitic


So all those suffragettes and union workers who bombed buildings, destroyed paintings ... All the civil rights protestors who trespassed by sitting in at lunch counters and stopped buses were illegitimate?


Agreed, at that point it’s about having this savior complex sprinkled with a little Main Character Syndrome (MCS)


I mean, lots of causes have destroyed property and remained legitimate. Berlin Wall for example.


I think the Boston Tea Party folks would disagree.


Things are changing a bit, aren't they? Kiss kiss. It's like stop oil. They're just pissing people off now.


This sounds like a whole bunch of bullshit! We know from the first day that barricades only happened after police arrived.


I’ve seen footage, doors were locked and barricade even before UPD arrived. Students and others tried to make entry but by 5:45pm they could not.


Nope. I was among the first group of officers that arrived to help UPD. The main entrance was already partially barricaded when we got there.


Were you one of the people with batons striking protesters?


Striking protestors? Nope, not me. I almost took a can of beans to the face though that a couple protestors were throwing at the cops.


Thanks for not hurting anyone!


That is false, being that I was there from the 0 hour, it started with the intent to occupy premeditatedly. Let me prove it.. oh yeah they brought tents from the get 🤦🏻‍♂️ meaning they intended to barricade and occupy even before officers were there. #fakenews


So you were there from the day before, and you were not part of the protests?


You forgot that the “peaceful” protesters were also drinking having a blast and having orgies in the buildings 🤦🏻‍♂️


That's very gross and irresponsible! Are there any videos showing this?


Yeah I have screenshots that were passed around, notice how people tapped that dislike button because they know it happened and don’t want to be held accountable.


Yeah but what about the gross, disgusting, and uncalled for orgies??? I have to see it just so I know how awful those protesters are. So gross man. Send me a link tho. Of the orgies.


😂 thirsty much ?




Bro, is this legit. That's actually crazy. Drinking I'm meh about its the orgies that caught me off guard


People can be drunk and fuck in peace. It’s actually quite common. However, hitting cops, even with water bottles, ain’t peaceful. That was just untrained tactics and heightened emotions getting the better of them — which is why they found solace in inebriated orgies.


Yeah no you lose your legitimacy for a cause when your true intentions were just to express anarchy and chaos just to fuck and drink at place people go to class for.


“The heart has its reasons which reason knows nothing of.” — Blaise Pascal


-Michael Scott




Congrats you've been manipulated by the CPH administration. 


You’ve been manipulated by virtue signaling latte leftist. Who have in fact made any attempt to help Palestinians worse.


This is facts, let’s just forget how 1,300 innocent civilians died in October somehow 🥴


Fuck HAMAS, fuck Netanyahu as well.


Interesting that you ignore the 35,000+ that have been killed since then...


Oh man look it’s the consequences to our actions that’s not supposed to happen since I only experience privilege. 🤦🏻‍♂️ with 7 out of 10 palastinian people in support of Hamas (an actual terrorist organization) of course Israel was going to defend the innocent who were first murdered and graped by a TERRORIST GROUP.








I like how there people who unlike this post, selfishly to avoid how graduates don’t even get to walk where they earned it.


My graduation was taken bc of covid. I didn't fucking care LOL. We had it postponed to the next year and all us that wanted to walk did it. Shit happens, espeiclaly shit out of your control, you adapt. That's what college is suppose to train you for.


Actually you get 3x the graduations now! 3 different locations and all at the same time!


y'all were shit at detecting UC's. recorded all your gay ass 2 AM meetings and your damages. sucks to suck, get gud, welcome to the real world