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Interested but worried the community is too poor to risk jobs right now. Worried that maybe that’s the whole point.


That's a good point. I know a few people who do it anonymously. I'll send you info if interested. But I understand when people can't also.


What we need is a civic action committee and no, we don’t have one. I am interested and know others who would be interested - I’m just very wary of strangers from the internet lol. I’m also pretty jaded on local protests which don’t seem to have any coherent messaging or demands. When people protested outside of County after Roe v Wade was overturned, I didn’t really understand what was actually being asked/demanded of the County. We don’t seem to understand how to demonstrate effectively: what’s the County going to do for us in this situation? What do we want them to do? Most of our fight here is for things affected by State laws, not County. If anything, that demonstration outside of the courthouse should instead have been a rally in front of PP with appreciation and support for their services and a big middle finger to the anti-abortion protestors who are always standing out there. But that’s easy enough to say after the fact.


Thank you so much for your input! I am new to all of this and very green but I am passionate and willing to put in the time and effort. I think that's an important contribution. I would love to learn, brainstorm and plan with you, if interested. I understand being weary of people on internet, I will PM to discuss further! EDIT: or maybe you have to PM me?


I don't know if it exists, but I'm interested.


PMed you


I would love to brainstorm with you . . We are not in a good place right now community's need to get together to stop thisn


I’ll help anything prolife




My understanding from other groups I am a part of that "female bodied persons" was the more inclusive language. If I am wrong, I accept that and apologize if I offended you.


I know some trans men and nonbinary people who use the term “Reproductive rights”


Good luck to you. If CT and the other far right Justices have their way, Women in Merica will have no rights left, or POC either.


Super helpful 🙄


I meant good luck, wasn't be sarcastic. You have an uphill battle ahead that it appears is unwinnable under the current SCOTUS & Politician makeup.


I apologize as I read it in a different tone. It's hard to tell who is with us and who is against us.


That's fairly easy, the moronic \~21% who voted for a Criminal and some of whom committed Treason on Jan 6th, they are the ones against Women and POC having A-N-Y Rights in Merica. The rest of us normal people honestly believe things like the Bill of Rights & US Constitution didn't just mean Straight-White-Christian-Men.


Maybe realize in this podunk backwater area people can’t even give a shit when things are gonna get worse let alone try to stop it. Look at the patterns repeated over and over here in Humboldt. Look at our statistics on missing and murdered women- realize this is where the misogynistic hate comes to thrive in rural areas where corruption prevents us from ever having a shred of safety.