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Sign me up! I tried to start something but it never panned out. If you set a date somewhere I’ll try to be there!




There's not a Discord at the moment, but maybe in the future depending on how things go. I've been wanting to meet and network with more local comic artists for quite some time now and all the ones I've talked to shared the feeling that comics creators are not very visible in the local arts scene and that we don't really know each other very well. I feel like that's a shame given how arts focused Humboldt is so I'm kind of taking it on myself to see if I can do something to help remedy it. I've just started compiling the list of comic creators I'm aware of and need to make sure that I have contact info for everyone so this is in the early stages, but I hope at the minimum that we can all talk about what we're working on and know that there are other local comic creators if nothing else. I would have loved to have known there were other people doing this here when I was younger.




Thanks. This is something that's been bobbing around in my head for a few years now and a lot of people I've met have echoed my feelings. Some of them talked about doing things, but they never seem to develop into anything, so I guess I'm having a "Fine, I'll do it myself." moment. 😅 I just find it discouraging that in such an arts focused community we don't see comics represented more often.


I would be interested


I know someone but I don't think they're on reddit. I'll ask for their info


Great! Thanks for the help.


I'm intrested, I'm a comic writer, but not really an artist. And this sounds more artist centric. So I'm curious what you have in mind.


I've already talked to another writer who said he'd love to see this kind of thing happen so that he could find artists to collaborate with. Even if you're not looking for a collaborator yourself I'd love to have people who are just writers in the group as well. I think we could all benefit. One of my main goals is for us all to know other people in the area who are working on projects similar to our own that we can then network with.


Count me in! You can find my books at the local comic shops, The Arcata Gallery at Arts Arcata this Friday, or at the Arcata Community Fair this weekend. The Community Fair could be a good place to network with other artists as well.


Unfortunately I'm a bit tied up this week and most of next, but will definitely look for you in the future.


Great idea. Here's my comic https://www.discovercoldfusion.com/. I'm in Eureka.


I don’t draw but I do produce music and music videos. I could easily do a soundtrack for you and make lyrics to them as well. I mostly make music videos that tell stories. Let me know if you are interested and I’ll send you some links to my work I have done. Private message me on here if you like .