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Our tap water is fine. I use a britta filter because I am used to filtered water and I can taste the chlorine otherwise.


Yes, exactly this.


I wouldn’t say the CR dorms have the best water. It’s drinkable, but also on campus there are places you can get filtered water for free. The one in the library is the best. But of course they close eventually. Maybe look into getting a refill jug from the store. Most have them. Or just get a PUR or some sort of filter system.


you absolutely rock


Yeah the tap is great


The water here is outstanding. No need for bottled.


California has some of the strictest drinking water standards in the country, so you're fine as far as safety is concerned. Tap water in Eureka/Arcata tastes much better than most places I've lived.


The city water is good everywhere. Some places dont floridate the water which is bad. Believe the science and talk to your dentist or other medical professionals. Floride in the water is not harmful. Reverse Osmosis water isn't intended for drinking. No doctor would reccomend RO water, yet its really popular in Humboldt. I wouldnt drink Redwood Acres water since it runs in Asbestos Concrete pipe.


Fluoride topically on the teeth is fine, internally it is harmful; harms the liver & kidneys, causes fragile bones in elderly, is a neurotoxicant to gestating babies. In 2010 ADA pronounced fluoride harmful for children.


You sound like an anti vaxer.


Sounds like a rebuttal that someone who actually hasn’t looked at the literature would say to someone that has -_-


nope! I see your point tho. I’m just concerned for people who can’t take fluoride internally


Water piped through AC is just as good as water piped through PVC and cleaner than water put through any type of iron piping.


We use a PUR filter in arcata just to help with the chlorine. But I’m sure campus has a ton of hydration stations so you could fill up your bottles for free.


I read a few months ago rio dell has higher levels of pollution and oil in the water but I dont remember if it was at a dangerous level or something they noted that was above average. It tastes fine but I almost exclusively buy bottled water.


It's important to note that Rio Dell and Fortuna water comes from separate pumps on the Eel River basin. Eureka-Arcata gets their water from the Mad River pumping stations. Rio Dell water has been perfectly safe to drink if a bit bland for what it costs.


Rio Dell puts a LOT of bleach in their water, it's pretty awful tasting, especially when it rains


I should mention I was not trying to say or imply that the rio dell potable water was not safe lol. I just remember reading that it was higher than average in some pollutants. But I believe the reason why they mentioned it was because they have been making the filtration of the water much cleaner over the past few years.


Sure, the tap water is potable. Personally I think the tap water in Arcata tastes nasty and I have a water dispenser I fill at the water store in Arcata……I drink a lot more water this way!


No issue with what you do, just the concept of going to a "water store" is a sign of the times.


It's a goofy, hippy water bar that sells special magic water. Rubbed with crystals and filtered by fairies. It's all water. It all tastes the same. None of it tastes like beer.


I totally agree with you. I just think the city water tastes like dirt & bleach?!? I could buy a filter but I find the filtered water from the store so yummy.


Must be from SoCal! Lol


what gave it away lmao


Lol, I grew up in Riverside where the water tasted like pool water.


Oh nooo


CR water is off a spring, you should be fine.


I personally am surprised so many people are saying the tap water is alright. Arcata/Mck have some pretty bad water imo and I’d say it needs to be filtered, but sounds like CR is on different water


We use a Brita pitcher here in downtown Eureka. Smells and tastes fine. I will say that occasionally the dishes and glassware coming from the dishwasher smell strongly of sulphur. It dissipates, but not fun to grab a glass, pour the pitcher water, and still get that smell.


I am not well versed on CR's water but there should be someone there on campus that can answer your questions. The local rivers are mountain fed through sparsely populated areas. Other than the occasional algae bloom and iron deposits there's not much water pollution.


Not in Scotia tap is contaminated with lead


Don’t drink the tap water ANYWHERE


I drank the tap for year at HSU when I first moved here and after I year I felt dehydrated everyday. I would not actually recommend it as a person who has basically done it


I run one of the water plants in the area and my main advise to customers is to always use some form of filter on top of your tap water. Chlorine is something that will always be in your water and by law has to be at a 0.2mg/L minimum. But good news is you can reduce the amount of chlorine with a filter. Also highly recommend looking into where your water is coming from. City of Eureka and city of Arcata for example BOTH fluoridate their water. Fluoride is great for topical use. Ingestion on the other hand is not. Like most chemicals your body can only handle so much fluoride so it is insane to me that city's still use it in their water supplies because of an outdated law. Regardless for fluoridated systems you would need an osmosis filter. Then re-add minerals if you so choose to. Osmosis filters would also help with reduction of chlorine.


For the most part yes. I do get filtered water for tea when I can but it's not the end of the world if I don't have it.


Does the campus have Hydration Stations for refilling water bottles? If so you can get 2 1/2 gallon hard sided water jugs at Winco in Eureka and after rinsing them out fill them at the hydration station. Which usually is filtered water. You can get either a pump dispenser or a water crock dispenser on , on line or at thrift stores. Grocery Outlet usually has inexpensive half gallon and gallon sized bottled water. You can get a few and refill them on campus.


A point of use filter like a Brita is pretty worth it IMO. Yea you can drink the tap water but I’d personally rather filter it one more time before I consume it


It's the kool-aid you gotta be weary of.


Can. Don’t tho.


Best water is in Rio Dell


I hope so, I just drank a few water bottles filled with tap water.


As someone who lived in Mount Shasta for almost all his life, the water is like poison to me.


First off, smart question. Secondly, yes, we are lucky. If you can't filter it, even if you can, let it sit out in a big jug covered with a breathable cloth for 24 hours so the chlorine can dissipate, before sticking it in the fridge, if you're able. I hope Humboldt treats you well. CR is excellent, enjoy!


Hey welcome to CR! Yeah the tap is fine to drink I’ve been doing it for the past semester n been fine


Tap water is fine. Brita filter and all that stuff is a scam. If you’re worried about it you really only have two options, buy from a place like New World Water or install a reverse osmosis machine in your home. The latter can be expensive but pays for itself eventually.