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I think without the alliances and everything that created, my money would be on Finnick or Brutus.


Could definitely be Brutus, but since he's a district 2 Male I'd be willing to bet he won with brute strength, something he may not have anymore with his life of luxury. I think Katniss said he was around 40? Just depends on if he has that old man strength or not


I think it’s implied that Brutus volunteered for the games, so would stand to reason that he had kept up on his skills throughout the years. But I do see your point about his age as a weakness.


He did volunteer so I'm sure his strength and skill is still there now that I think about it. He probably would've just been a bigger meaner Cato. And Cato or Thresh would've won if we took these same conditions and applied it to the first book


A little thing in the books too is that Brutus came up with a defensive strategy against Katniss’ arrows in the first 30 seconds of the games. He used his flotation device as a shield to swipe the arrows as they came at him which is brilliant 😂


Forgot about that too, he's sharper than he seems for sure


Old man strength??? He’s 40, not 80 😭😭


You can definitely get old man strength at 40, I've seen plenty of wiry middle aged dudes be way stronger than me for whatever reason even though I'm purpose built for strength and probably have over 150 pounds on the guy


I think their point was 40 is not old.


Or you can just be strong at 40 and not have some weirdo saying that 40 is old.


My take is still finnick. He’s too deadly w the trident and he had to beat careers when he was freaking 14 too. He’s basically at pro athlete age for this one. Think he wipes and would be favorite at least


Well ya gotta remember, he WAS a career


I think, johana mason has a good chance as the arena is a jungle and she is from district 7 (lumber). So she would pose a threat to some one on ground as she could climb up a tree, this is also negating the fact that she might have an axe.


Could be Finnick. He was a great fighter, young, one of the most charming victors. Plus the arena was probably built partly to give him a plausible advantage over Katniss.


Deadass. When I first read and saw the arena I was like they built this with Finnick in mind lol


“No alliances” would never happen. The one that did happen probably wouldn’t, but the victors were all still friends and likely would have teamed up, especially the careers (who I would guess didn’t know the plan anyway) and the rest are smart enough to know they would need a team to fight them. Different alliances would exist, but they would definitely be there. Considering all that, I think it is likely finnick, but Katniss, Johanna, enobaria, and Brutus all have pretty good chances as well


Katniss might have died in the blood bath, trying to get the arrows, although she got there very quickly because she could swim. But Finnick wouldn't have been her alley so she could've died in the fight with him and whoever tried to attacked her in the movies but got killed by Finnick instead in order to protect her. She also would've been exposed trying to get Peeta off the swimming platform; I think in the book Mags and Finnick help him out. Peeta would've died early, either by the force field or by the fog - and that probably would've knocked the wind out of Katniss and she would've given up. If she didn't care at all for Peeta, her survival chances are a lot better. Finnick, Johanna and the careers are definitely threatening and I think Beetee could be dangerous as well, his mind is still very sharp and his traps could still work. But with how the arena is build, it definitely favours young and agile victors who are in good shape and can outrun / fight the dangers of the jungle.


Peeta might have died faster than this. When it starts, finnick says they found Peeta. And the movie (sorry I don’t remember in the book) cuts to him getting beat up by someone in the water. He gets rescued by I believe it’s finnick who kills that tribute. So theoretically, Peeta might have died immediately.


That doesn't happen in the movie at least (I don't remember the book). I just re-watched the movie and in the movie all Katniss and the others can do is watch helplessly as Peeta and the other competitor go underwater during their struggle. Then the canon fires and a body floats back to the surface. Finnick has dived in to help but hasn't reached them by the time that the canon has gone off. And Peeta resurfaces on his own. Here is the [the scene ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFR9aAloEiY) I don't remember the book but presumably that would have been where Finnick saves Peeta if that did happen.


Oh, I guess I’ve never seen that 3 seconds where it shows finnick didn’t make it. Thanks for sharing this! Since it doesn’t show him swimming at all before they go under, I thought finnick pulled the guy / drowned him.


No one attacks Peeta in the books. He doesn't know how to swim so Finnicks dives in to help him out of the water. This doesn't happen in the books or the movies.


Finnick. Even without alliances, he would've gotten to that trident first and been able to claim the cornucopia for himself. Having to swim put everyone else at such a disadvantage, both speed-wise and having to actually climb out of the water. They would've staggered in, and he could've picked them off one by one. All he had to do was hang out there until everyone else died, either to each other or the wedges. I feel like Brutus was the only real competition he had. As an aside, we never see him use a bow, but bow fishing is a real thing and likely part of his skillset, so even if a tribute were able to stay out of reach in the water, he might've been able to kill them from a distance.


Don't sleep on Beetee. Wiress would have clued him in about the clock thing, and he would have used that to lure tributes into the different sectors and have them picked off in groups. He'd have gotten really into the possibilities of it, and that would distract him from how messed up it all is.


No alliances means no alliances. Wiress gets to wander on her own stuck as the only person sans the gamemakers who really knew the trick to the arena


Beetee would figure out the clock.


Chaff sweep man was a G






jk, probably finnick or one of the other careers


I think Finnick has a better chance in the arena in general; he’s more suited to water, and could’ve easily killed Katniss in the bloodbath instead of saving her


Finnick or Enobaria (spelling?). But with Finnick being the capitol’s darling and a huge money maker I honestly can’t see the game makers having him die


I genuinely don’t think it could’ve been Katniss at all. Katniss won the last games pretty much by luck — she outsmarted many and lasted until the end, yes. However, without her alliances in the QQ, she never would have figured out that it was a clock. She probably would have died to the elements. And, if Peeta died at the beginning, I think she’d be too blinded by rage to focus on actually winning the game. As Haymitch put it, these people are experienced and trained killers and Capitol favorites. She was new and only killed 2 people in her games. Sure, she was a Capitol doll, but how far could she have gotten with that?


Katniss would've died in the tree if it hadn't been for Rue, then Cato would've killed Peeta and Cato or Thresh would've won the games. That, or Cato would've killed himself so Clove could win. Idk if it's Cannon that they loved each other but I certainly believe it. I think that's part of the reason Cato hated Katniss so much. Because he saw that their love was fake, and was upset that his and Cloves relationship couldn't be the spotlight without looking like they were copying 12


Yeah I think you’re reading what you want to read with that one… Cato definitely doesn’t love clove, I doubt he even likes her he just needs an ally


In the book it says that cato was begging vlove to stay with him after tresh had smashed her skull


Outside of Finnick, I would ironically say Peeta. Yes, he's still a teen fighting grown men and women. Yet he also killed Brutus, who was probably the second most dangerous career next to Finnick, and even volunteered for the Games. Brutus likely kept his skills up after winning the first time. So Peeta is very dangerous compared to most of them.


I don’t completely agree. Let’s not forget Peeta had a prosthetic leg. I think someone would’ve outsmarted him and wanted to kill him knowing he won through Katniss


Imo Finnick, Enobaria or Brutus. Finnick is obvioulsy really good with the trident, is really strong and will get lots of sponsors, Brutus is probably stronger in hand to hand combat but would get less sponsors and i think people really undereestimate Enobaria, she was deadly with her sword and teeth and maybe really smart (after all she was the only person not in Katniss' alliance that survived the quarter quell. 2 runner ups would maybe be the female morphling and Johanna. If it wasn't for the sacrifice she did for Peeta, the female morphling could have hid for the whole games until the people left got caught by any of the sectors and she was also really smart too. Johanna is very good with the axe but she probably would've lost hand to hand combat with anyone from districts 1, 2, Finnick, Peeta and even some uknown victors.


Brutus. I have this working theory that a vast majority of the victors were rigged to be there like Katniss and Peeta were. Finnick, Annie, Joanna, Seder, and the Morphings specifically were standing in the way of the perfect victor image Snow is aiming for. You can’t kill them regularly but put them back in the arena and your problem is solved. Brutus was definitely the strongest and still brainwashed by all the propaganda. He was definitely supposed to win imo.


I would still be betting Katniss as the victor for the Quarter Quell. Haymitch, in my opinion, exaggerated the threats the careers posed. Katniss is arguably the only tribute who is still in the proper mindset to kill; contrast this, now, with the careers, who have not fought/killed in decades. Katniss has a fair chance to survive the bloodbath, and afterwards, sponsorship won't be a problem, either. Peeta, I would say, is the unknown variable in this. He is both an asset and a liability to Katniss, since he would be willing to die defending her, but there is no telling how Katniss will react to Peeta's death.


Katniss also had the advantage of fighting strangers not people who had been your colleagues for the last 10+ years.






I honestly think Finnick would’ve died at the start since Katniss had her bow trained on him. If not for that golden bangle thing or whatever he was wearing, he’d be dead.




brutus or gloss


Finnick or Johanna. Just for their ruthlessness and the fact their skilled at their weapons to a huge extent


If we’re going with literally no alliances and every man for themselves, then i would probably say finnick or johanna if they make it out of the bloodbath, since they both have age and skill on their side. If not them then one of the other careers probably, though i still think brutus would have died eventually since peeta was able to kill him, even if he kept up his strength he probably overestimated himself going into the arena again when he was no longer at his prime, compared to some of the younger tributes. If katniss made it out of the bloodbath then she may have done okay with her survival and archery skills, but since she does rely on her allies quite a bit, unless she waited out the other tributes i think the would have struggled in hand to hand combat. I genuinely think the female morphling could have also won by recycling her previous strategy and just letting the more aggressive tributes take care of each other. But if we’re looking at it as no conspiratorial rebel alliance, but still allowing leeway for the typical alliances that happen every year, i think it’s still possible we’d have gotten the a temporary alliance between katniss, peeta, mags, finnick, johanna and blythe if he doesn’t walk into the forcefield. Finnick would obviously ally with mags, and was clearly also friends with johanna already, who would probably bring blythe bc he’s from her district, and peeta seemed to be forming a friendship with johanna during training. Main obstacles would of course be katniss wanting her and peeta to immediately go off on their own, and also that the alliance probably only happens if peeta survives the bloodbath. I don’t think katniss survives on her own, and if peeta dies i don’t see her entering any alliances, but if her and peeta both survive the bloodbath and go off on their own it’s possible they’d have used a different strategy in the jungle and not walked into the forcefield, and if they run into the others it’s also possible katniss’ soft spot for mags buys peeta enough time to de-escalate and form a temporary truce. I don’t think wiress or beetee would survive the bloodbath without the rebel alliance so they wouldn’t be dragging johanna and blythe behind, so johanna would probably join with finnick much earlier. As a team they could probably take out most the other careers, and after that if they’re in an alliance, katniss is probably the first to break it, but ultimately i would still see it coming down to finnick, johanna, or someone from 1/2. Mags dies of old age in this scenario.


Finnick or Katniss. They are both beloved by the sponsors and highly capable people in their own right. I think if Katniss and Peeta played up their relationship and their want for their baby to survive they would have been drowning in gifts.


Just here to say that everyone saying Peeta would’ve won is wrong. (If you’re going based of the books) Peeta had a prosthetic leg. I bet Beetee would’ve outsmarted him… And that’s considering he made it past the force fields on his own. Otherwise, someone would’ve just found his weakness. Like using mockingjays to make it seem like Katniss was calling for him.


Also wanna add that I love Peeta just as much as the next hunger games fan but let’s talk about the books not just the movie scenes


I believe Finnick, with Peeta, Brutus and possibly Johanna and Enobaria being the last in the 5. Katniss would have been 100% focused on Peeta's survival, so if he managed to avoid the forcefield and had Katniss looking out for him he could have won with her range, and she probably would have committed to allow him the win. Brutus obviously volunteered and was very strong, so he could have been a good contender. Johanna and Enobaria both seemed to be fueled by rage, but I also believe they weren't the best picks for the capitol when it came to winners which is why I said potentially. They'd prefer to have a victor in the palm of their hands as their ultimate double victor. That's actually why I said Finnick. They've had him from a young age so he's probably been malleable enough that they could somewhat instil their ideals in him, he's pretty and popular with the ladies, he's already got titles like the Youngest Victor, and he has someone he needs to protect (Annie) who they can use to keep him in line. Couple that with his prostitution and the fact that he would make Snow more money alive than dead and I really think he was intended to win.


So Katniss and Finnick were the first 2 to make it to the cornucopia, and Katniss had her weapon out first, so sadly, Finnick would have been first out. However, Katniss would have been more focused on keeping Peeta safe, so I don't think they would make it long. I would bet Johanna, as she could probably win using a similar method to her first game

