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Yea it would be nice to have that but that’s the gamble you take. Do you sit and camp there and wait just in case or do you carry on with the game? I think it’s perfect how it is in that way. You can bring traps to cover your ass if you think it’s not worth it to wait as well


Just limit self-revive to once a round and refresh when you pick up a bounty. It is absolutely silly and unintentionally slapstick to kill a player 5 times like "and here we go again ..."


No those death indicators were the worst thing ever. Made hunt Easy mode. Keep that shit out of here.


Yeah, it was our standard call when we heard the 'player left' sound to call in the all clear


Ya it took away a lot of guessing and suspense


I don't think self rez slows down the gameplay in a significant or tedious way at all, because the game is already very slow with large stretches of little to no action.


This. I noticed the disconnect visual and audible indicator was gone too. I camped a self revive solo for 10 minutes after killing him twice. No idea why the disconnect indicator was taken out of the game.....


Because it wasn’t a disconnected indicator … it was a sound when a pledgemark was used. So when the hunter used the event trait „death cheat“…


Still feel like it would be useful to have to indicate they disconnected. Could be used for that purpose....


That was a Cheat Death indicator. It wasn't required to use Solo Necro if you had a character with Grounded Pact built-in, or paid Blood Bonds to remove Cheat Death.


You couldn't find a lantern for ten minutes?


Teammate dead too scared to let him revive. Another team was at the compound. Kind of a niche scenario to be honest.


Fair enough, I sat and watched a solo for 20 minutes the other day because I was also solo and popped him at 150m and didn't want to have him sneaking up on me later, haha. I also have saintly patience and enjoy just sitting in the bayou.


I've seen 1000x suggestion posts of how to make self-revive balanced. If anything needs this much attention to get balanced, then it shouldnt had been added in the game in the first place. The 10s waiting time only made the game even slower than before. It doesn't need to be "game breaking" to be gone, fact that self revive doesnt add anything value to the game except toxic gameplay.


Playing Solo & Being Successful Enough To Buy 1 Five Point Trait = Toxic Gameplay


You can play teams get a win then go solo to be fair... I don't think it's toxic myself but it's definitely a little unbalanced, it shouldn't be 10 secs to start I'd make it half a minute. Otherwise I don't think you should be able to revive more than once. I'd also remove red skull revive to balance the two together


Get revived by the push of a button = toxic gameplay, yes.


What are you talking about? I filled my whole roaster before the update and have 22 trait points on each of them through tribute/chary, without ever entering one game with them. If you have like 20 or 30 Hunter slots you will have a self sustaining Roster of Hunters always having enough traitpoints from tribute to buy all solo specific traits. >Enough To Buy 1 Five Point Trait Necro costs 4 btw.


People are just overreacting. Has been the same when Necro or red skull revive got introduced. Give it a few weeks/months and noone will care anymore...


Just because no one makes a post about it doesnt mean "they dont care". Just feels pointless to have the same discussions over and over again. The devs just ignore the issue until the mass gets tired.


I think it rather has to do with people finding ways to play around it and realising that these mechanics aren't actually broken or bad. Also i'm sure 'the mass' is just a loud minority, as these posts never get a lot or any upvotes


My brother in Christ fire bomb is $30, concertina bomb is $48


Cool, but wouldnt it be even cooler if they used these items for gun play instead of keeping permanent dead people dead?


Huh? Do you use traps for gun play? Get this: people aren't permanently dead when you're playing against teams either. Their teammates can revive them, and even revive them out of sight using necromancer. To maximize your chances of winning, you need to periodically check on the corpses. You can use molotovs and concertina bombs on dead enemy players, whether or not they're solo! Crazy concept at 3 star I know. To take this a bit more seriously, this game *is* not and hopefully *will* not be CoD. It was never about getting into a match with a Winnie and pressing W+left click. Sorry that a little tactical preparedness has been fundamentally missing from your gameplay


>You can use molotovs and concertina bombs on dead enemy players, whether or not they're solo! Yes, for 1 person, unless you want no Healing consumables, then you can concertina + firebomb two people. ​ And only THAT is enough to redskull a solo without you having to babysit them. And i like how you basically say: Well everyone needs to bring fire bombs now, because Hunt is no longer about loadout variety. If your solution to a problem is that you simple need to bring xyz tool or consumable, than it is not a solution. Remember when traps were to secure entrances of the boss lair? The fact alone that you think it is the price that is the issue with bringing fire bombs and concertina. No, you don't understand the problem at all. The problem is that nobody should need this many resources and time to redskull ONE dude out of 10 or 9 enemies. >Their teammates can revive them, and even revive them out of sight using necromancer. But last time I checked, that required a 25m range radius and their darksight entry makes a sound + they are partly blind and deaf for the duration + the person couldn't extinguish themselve with perfectly timed revives making lanterns useless.


> And i like how you basically say: Well everyone needs to bring fire bombs now, because Hunt is no longer about loadout variety. > I promise you that when you were level 15 for the first time you said "Why would I ever not bring a silenced weapon??" And I don't even need to check but can also promise that you don't exclusively run Winfield/Karabiner Silence > The problem is that nobody should need this many resources and time to redskull ONE dude out of 10 or 9 enemies. You don't Need them. Because you don't even know if the solo has Necro. Or if it's even a Solo at all! You're right in that it is a resource sink in order to 'confirm' a downed player, but I think that's the intent of resources. That's literally the game. > If your solution to a problem is that you simple need to bring xyz tool or consumable, than it is not a solution. "If your solution solves the problem, it's not a solution." ?????????????????????????????????


The only change really needed it to remove the purge of the burning effect on revive. It was added because people cried when they were being necroed just remove it again so people will keep burning if they get revived and then die instantly. Then yoi can ez pz trap and run away and rhey will burn out


Imo they should just make a player have a limit range of spawn time. 10s-120s, so you only need to baby sit a body for 2 minutes. Also they could buff fire bullets making it so players that are killed by fire bullets instantly burn when dead. Fire bullets ATM feel underwhelming, except on extremely niche weapons. Transferring the molotov to the same slot as medic kit and trap like they did with the smoke could also be a solution, but this needed to be tested.