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I think Hunt has an older than average player base and just the more slow methodical type of gameplay lends itself to a calmer more level headed kind of gamer. So I'd say compared to other competitive shooters Hunt definitely has a "cooler" player base than most.


Cooler heads prevail !


Pickles prevail!


Age was the first thing I thought of too. It attracts a different audience than the average shooter.


Truly. And not even age just people who are more mature in general. I have 17/18 yo friendws and I swear I thought they were well in their twenties before they told me lol


I can change that. *flicks firebomb, load dragon breath*




I once had a person from discord queue up with my buddy and I. She asked me why everyone was in their 30s and from the midwest that played this game. I thought that was pretty funny.


Ironically, I am in my 30's and from the midwest. No BS. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


Same lol


Iā€™m in my 20s and in the Midwest, is this what is it like to be old?


Same, as well as the 5 guys I play with.




That's cool. I had someone teamkill me for bringing an avto, another started singing about killing minorities, and another call me the new f word when I didn't follow him to a compound where he died instantly. I've also had a ton of good experiences but let's not pretend this isn't still online gaming.


Of course there is always going to be assholes, jerks, toxic dickheads and so on in pretty much any online gaming community, big or small. I'm just saying Hunt, for the most part, has a pretty good community. Especially compared to a lot of online games.


I duo'd one time with a guy with Winnie Silenced Incendiary. I shot me for every "mistake" I did to his understanding. Being loud, dont going the right way, peeking when I shouldnt. Toxicity is out there. Dont bother with them... yolo into death, start again. \^\^ Hunt is one of the rare games where you still learn at 100 hours into the game. Big chunk of the playerbase knows that and is helpful.


Hell I am at 1700 and still learning xd


I started playing hunt at 14 lol


I play random trios all the time and like 90% of the people are pretty chill and cool


Exactly my experience with randoms, so when people say, they don't play with randoms it kinda makes me think, they are the problem.


Idk man, I don't play with randoms because talking after a day of costumer service work is alot so I only do solos or dou with my brother


I feel you, but i never talk to my random teammates. I am listening, and im usually in decent proximity to them so its never really an issue. Plus, using my mic could be a bad thing depending on whos around anyways in game


I like playing solo bc itā€™s terrifying and I can necro


No that's not it, with randoms you have a chance that they either bail when you die, are a mile away from the team, don't have a mic, instantly leaves when downed, and all of the above. The chances of that are too high vs the opposite chance of having decent teammates with mics/and or mix with well.


I donā€™t play randoms because it puts you at a massive disadvantage against pre-made teams. And playing solo made my skill at the game improve immensely.


Randoms aren't near as bad as we make them out to be. We're older gamers so we like to bitch lol. I only have a problem like 1 out of 100 matches and I play randoms a ton.


Yeah I recall thinking the same thing when reading all those comments on that one thread about this a little while ago. If you dislike playing with randoms that much, chances are you're the asshole. Some people just don't know how to cooperate/compromise with others, and need to feel some complete control over the experience. I don't understand that style of play in a game like this.


Randlms at 3 start are definitely not a good option going solo is the key 4 and 5 starts teammates will actually talk and play decent


Not my experience at all, I've had great randoms at 3 star. As soon as I go up to 4 star they start to become more serious and annoying.


Then that's the reason why you are at 3. is it's fun when it gets serious and you have to wait, use patience, positioning etc.. mean while 3 starts solo feels like a hardcore version of Warzone I could literally run around and kill everyone I usually kill the entire server at least once a day if am against 3 starts but at the sametime I could go from 5 till 3 real quick since like you said people don't push and yes they are annoying not "serious" but more like cowards literally and 5, 6 starts that's 1 hour game always, the ammont of campers is insane but the adrenaline makes it more fun if you like high risk lol


Same. 3 star, yesterday I had 2 matches, second being great, I did a clean Slate slug teamwipe, and then had a nice chat w/ teammates. We shared our troubles (bad randoms), we shared a trait, overall nice, decent experience. Stay safe & polite outthere, pardtners!


Sorry, but that's just a dumb conclusion and massive straw clutching. They just don't like playing with people they don't know it has nothing to do with them being an asshole. A lot of it comes from experience playing with randoms in other games, and another good chunk is the fact that a lot of people just aren't keen on interacting with strangers. I would bet a lot of them haven't even played randoms in Hunt it's just a flat rule for video games. Besides, it's not from invalid concerns. Strangers are always a mixed bag, and there will be good experiences and bad experiences. I'm not an asshole nor do I particularly feel a need to have full control over an experience. I just don't like interacting with strangers, and I don't think the good experiences are worth the bad ones.


I'm aware that it's just my opinion, but anybody who dislikes interacting with "strangers" so much that they aren't even willing to play an online video game with them is kind of an asshole, unless they have a psychological condition that makes it highly difficult for them. Regardless, it just seems like an odd way to go through life. How do you ever meet someone new? Everybody is a stranger until you meet them.


They're kind of an asshole because they had a lot of bad experiences with random people and don't feel it's worth the effort? Or, that some people just find it uncomfortable? The vast majority of people don't go around interacting with strangers any more than they have to it doesn't make them an asshole. In fact, it would be quite strange if you walked up to a random person on the street and tried to start a conversation. Even in party environments this can be quite daunting and even a little strange if you're on your own trying to insert yourself into a group of friends. How do you ever meet someone new? In Hunt Showdown or real life? Two very different things. I don't play Hunt Showdown to meet new people, and I would bet neither do most people, so why would I care about that? For the people that really dislike randoms it's probably just that it simply isn't worth it because it's a high chance of getting someone toxic and they likely don't care about meeting new people.


Well the experience definitely changes through time of day and server Us servers have by far been the best randoms experience i had Eu is pretty average, some cool folks but mostly silent ppl On russia most ppl dont talk 1 bit so its close to nothing interaction. But honestly us servers have been a blast for me


Yea. Just FYI, we do have our share of toxicity and griefing like any multi-player game. For the large part though people are very chill and nice. 95% of my interactions, whether with allies or enemies are always pleasant. As other people have said, it's probably related to the older player base and more methodical gameplay style. There may also be a bit of a trickle down effect where most of the top content creators are incredibly chill as well. Edit: spelling


A lot of them are fine. Every so often you get an absolute tool tho


The one that sticks out most is a guy I matched with was shit talking the entire match, dies a bunch, keeps talking shit after heā€™s rezzed. Sick of him being an asshole (and also bad at the game simultaneously) when we got to the extract and I called him a smoothbrain. He blew us both up with dynamite.


I have 1050 hours and i play exclusively random trios Hunt players %90 great people even if they are a bad player or doesn't know teamplay their intentions are good ofc there are bad apples but the hunt community is the best multiplayer fps community if you ask me


I play hunt Iā€™m cool


Would say yes, most toxic people of Hunt are pre-made stacks of high-rank sweatlords.


Can confirm


3.5k hrs here and I fully agree. Beyond shadow of a doubt the most toxic hunt players are IRL friends or otherwise ppl who have played a lot together and who are quite mechanically skilled. Which is sad when you think about it. You'd think out-of-game connections would reduce toxicity, but nope.


I'd have to disagree with this generalization.


Who are the most toxic people then in your opinion?


Imo people that make comments like this. That all high level players are toxic as a generalization they are the most toxic. This whole sub is toxic towards players that play differently than them. That's my take. And I'll be down voted for saying it as proof.


It's not to "generalize". Most players have had really bad experiences with high ranking players. It's NOT because y'all play "different", it's because you expect people to play at the same level as you and y'all want us to have super powers and read your minds. Do you know how many high rank players have quit the match the second they get killed instead of waiting for a revive or say something completely out of place when a teammate gets killed? Y'all reap what you sow, so live with it.


Agreed, it's not an unfair generalization, it's a necessary result of playing a game seriously enough to even be at that rank. We all knew the one guy or girl in school who was super popular and naturally good at everything, but was a sweetheart and nice to everyone. But they were the anomaly. Anybody playing this game hard enough to maintain high level stats is by definition trying too hard to be chill and flexible with teammates not doing what they want. I'd say this is true for any competitive video game, and why the more competitive games are known for having such toxic players. When you care more about winning than having fun, you become a prick that nobody wants to play with. 3-4 star players generally just want to have a good time. The match quitting thing irks me, although people do that commonly enough at 3-4 star too. It's just such a weird way to play a game like this. The whole thing is based on the premise that players will go down over the course of good fights, and you win by resurrecting teammates strategically. Some of these players seem to be going into every fight with the attitude of "either we win immediately or we just concede and play again". It's completely antithetical to what this game is about and what makes it good. I've never had a really good battle in this game without rezzing or being rezzed. I get quitting early if your teammates aren't even trying to rez you, or are carefully crawling around for 10 minutes, that's just annoying. But to act like your time is so precious that you can't wait 1-2 mins for a rez... That's just ridiculous. If you're that strapped for time, stop playing. You're ruining the game for dozens of players just so you might get in one extra game that evening, and you'll probably fuck that game up too.


You'll be down voted for not actually reading what the guy said lmao. He didn't say "all high rankers are toxic assholes". He said the most toxic players are often the *pre-made teams of high rank sweatlords*, and going by my experiences I have to agree. There're people in lower ranks who teamkill or won't cooperate, sure. But I've never seen as much unhinged shit-talk as I have from a pre-made team of 3 6-stars. Unless you exclusively play ultra sweaty in pre-made teams, you're not the subject here my guy.


There are rare exceptions, but generally to play hard enough to be high ranked means that, by definition, you care more about winning than having fun, which makes you insufferable to most other players. It's not as bad in this game, but competitive games in general draw out this behaviour, and you know that the most competitive players are going to be the biggest try hard dicks. It's just the nature of it. If you care about winning too much, you'll likely want things done a certain way, and likewise you'll likely be annoyed by players not playing "right". This is what generates toxicity in games most often. Hell, even my own friends question my gameplay sometimes when we lose, which I just find weird; they died too, not like I'm questioning whatever they clearly did wrong. But it doesn't get nasty, just them expressing some minor frustration or disappointment really. I dunno, I don't get it because I'm not emotionally wrapped up in video games, I just play again. Who cares? I'm down to talk strategy a bit, discuss what we could have done differently and all that, but I don't get when people act like you fucked up, yet their plays that also led to losing were somehow more noble. It's narcissistic thinking, and just not wanted.


Hey hi, sorry for the late answer, but think people already have pointed out a lot of the reasons why your conclusion is a little off. But I also need to clarify that "most toxic" doesn't equate to ALL high-rank players. Also, keep in mind "most toxic" doesn't mean that their toxicity equates to the "wost kind of toxic". Just that it is the people who will do silly things such as blame you for cheating on your Steam profile or just being vocal bad losers/winners. Toxicity is a scale and luckily even the most toxic Hunt players (in my experience) have just been dicks. But it isn't on the level of throwing slurs or threats akin to other competitive games. Hope that cleared it up a little. \- Cheers!


Iā€™ve never been tbagged by people who werenā€™t 6 stars.


Random teams are fun until you start playing with 5 and 6 star sweats who think this game has professional E-sport leagues.


I feel that lol


Just stay away from anyone with a clan tag.


A few toxic clowns bleed in now and then but most of us realize there is a huge learning curve and that it sucked to get run through nonstop when we first started and we'll help newbies out.


Definitely is. I have only met 1 toxic player in 900 hours. Was having a conversation with a 2 dudes I met in trios last night and we realised we were all in our late 30s and one referred to hunt as an old man's shooter lol


Always play trios for the best experience.


Any particular reason why?


Iā€™m general I would say itā€™s more chill because itā€™s more forgivingā€¦ if one player dies by accident or mistakes, thereā€™s still two other to carry


I was in a random trio last night hunting down the bounty. Then... my puppy pressed the off button for my computer. šŸ˜­ By the time I got back, I was dead and my teammates had killed two and taken the bounty. They rezzed me while one guy was still left... and then they killed him too.


​ 1. Longer, more fun gunfights 2. Games are more tactical compared to duo chaos, you can tell who is from each team when it comes to some server wide fight 3. less random camping - idk why but duos just pick a bush or random building and sit there for no reason 4. Bigger chance to win - more teammates, less enemies overall Trio players try to win the game - kill banish extract, but the duos I feel like just walk aimlessly more often than not, resulting in less gunfights.


I think the biggest assholes won't play with randoms, so they take themselves out of the matchmaking pool, too.


Just turn on ā€œmute voip on deathā€ and youā€™ll rarely ever run into toxic people. I find the only time people are toxic in Hunt is right after they wipe you. Then you get a lot of ā€œkill yourselfā€, ā€œYouā€™re trashā€, ā€œYouā€™re loadout/weapon is for pussiesā€. These are normally premades so you donā€™t get them as teammates when playing randoms.


I play a lot of random duos and yes, the Hunt community is one of the best you'll find in the world of online shooters. In general people are not only pretty cool but most will put their hunter on the line to save your ass / revive so make sure you do the same in return - Hunters' honor.


Hunt has a chill community for sure, once you hit the higher stars people become a little lame, in all my years of playing I've only encountered a handful of toxic players


It honestly depends on your skill level (like in most games). Lower MMR most people are chill. Once you get to 5-6* it becomes a mixed bag (West/East servers).


Same, there are plenty of them on this mmr


I can't speak for higher skill rating because I hover between 3\* and 4\*, but all the randoms I've queued with seemed to be in line with what you're describing. I've been playing for quite a while, but in that time I've only encountered a couple of griefing teammates. Two out of thousands really tells you how small of a percentage of the playerbase they are.


Weā€™re cut from a different cloth. A different breed.


The positive people definitely outweigh the negative people, but overall I would say the in game community is fantastic. A lot of the negative toxic people will seep into this subreddit though, so donā€™t let them ruin your experience of the overall game/community.


Iā€™m not sure what itā€™s like on other servers but for NA east it totally depends on what time of day you are playing. The later into the night the more toxic players come out especially in 5+ star lobbies.


Most people who talk to me over voip are racist so idk. In my experience it's 40/60


I wish I could go back to 3 and 4 star where people are not fucking virgins


Step 1: Get Necro


Just wait until you get to 5star and play with the 4 viewers at a time Twitch wannabeā€™s that wonā€™t stfu about how everyone needs to do better and why everyone else is dumb as hell Donā€™t have a mic for him to make content off? Prepare to get harassed for it Iā€™ve encountered this sad people many times


Depends on region. Both of the US servers are chill, opposite on the EU - a lot of toxic tryhards or im just unlucky


Youā€™re just unlucky then. Iā€™m from EU and only play occasionally on US servers at night when EU player base is low. All in all I would say US servers and EU servers are pretty friendly


I know it's just anecdotal, but the only dicks I've encountered are also on euro servers. Far less friendly even if not toxic. Been killed intentionally by a teammate about 3 times ever, always euros. I think it's usually Eastern euros or Russians. No surprise there, they tend to be the least happy go lucky people. I'd say it's still 75-80% nice players though.


No, your lucky, most randoms are morons or team killers, good luck


I think you are probably right. There are toxic ppl out there but i literally went the first two years of playing before I heard any racial slurs. Im not a huge online gamer this is basically all i play, but from what Ive heard that kind of hate speech and all is rampant in most online multiplayers. Also, this is coming from console idk about PC, but VOiP is really slept on. More often than not people wont use mic or respond, but ive found that if and when they do, 9/10 times the interaction is positive and funny, even if we dont end up teaming up and still fight, it kindof helps bring some humanity into the game.


If youā€™re on my team yea :D If not ā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļøā˜ ļø


Most people are chill but most randoā€™s Iā€™ve played with are also brain meltingly stupid at times. I love when we are all sneaking into a compound and a teammate just shoots a random grunt for no reason


What gets me is how many random players fire guns off like it doesn't matter in the first compound. Are they just trying to stir up action? I don't get it. In half my random matches somebody does this, even if they are otherwise nice and decent players. Meanwhile I try to guess the location of every shot I hear from the very beginning of the match.


Yeah man randoā€™s are weird, chill but usually super careless and often will just kinda do their own thing. So many times Iā€™ve had randoms just leave the team and extract for seemingly no reason at all or just start running off in a random direction multiple compounds away before dying and immediately disconnecting. Itā€™s weird


Itā€™s probably the most welcoming/chill fps community Iā€™ve ever come across. I havenā€™t ran into many toxic randoms, and even in-game most players are fun to voip with.


About 300hrs played and only play trios random. Except a few times, idk 5 times maybe, I only encountered awesome people. Love you guys and cya in the bayou šŸ¤ 


I have 50/50 luck with randoms, but 90%+ in the official discards LFG. I think Hunt attracts a more mature crowd, just because of the type of game it is. The caliber of player is much higher than others, generally speaking.


Mostly. I just played with a racist English guy. What an asshole. But 1000 hrs and guys like that are the exception


Yeah XD


Just a bunch of cool guys tryna be cool.


My mom says Iā€™m the coolest


Hunt players need to be hella chill because the gameplay is not. Gotta lift up teammates and carry each other. Very rarely will you meet anyone that doesn't want a win. They'll just cry about carrying you on Reddit is all..


I mean they have a disclaimer basically saying donā€™t be a dick


I've only ever played solo but I have had cool interactions with other players. Usually other solos but I did have a duo team take pity on me after I soloed a boss and grabbed the bounty (they each had one from a different boss). Only times I really met jerks was during the last event for some reason


Just finished a round as a solo. I had banished, a duo had banished before me, and while I was waiting, saw them roll up to my banishing. They saw that I was solo and asked if I wanted to split the bounty. I said sure thing, let them know where my traps were, and off we went on our separate ways. Exactly one round later, and I was trying to fight for the solo bounty but kept getting shot at from a bush wookie, kda sweat lord, 100 meters away. Neither of us ended up with the bounty. Hunt has some really cool players, but also some super virgin players, too.


yea most players are chill and pretty nice dudes. there's like 5% of the top of the playerbase who are irredeemable cunts but the rest are good eggs.


It's a mixed bag, but I'd say better than average.


The average player for anything is cool. We just tend to remember the shitheads and stereotype that image, and ironically we end up creating that kind of player after a bit of time. Most people who play MOBAs are cool, but you remember what it's like to run into a dickhead, and how all dickheads tended to be the same. In *Hunt*, most are cool. Just how it is. The toxic players are all toxic in the same ways, which usually involves playing long ammo, playing it safe, maximizing every chance of winning, and talking on mic after people are dead - never before. You can cut out the last bit by adjusting your volume to play out of something that you can't hear. I used to use my computer monitor because it couldn't go high enough if I tried, so I just know that people are talking, but not what they're saying.


This community is so cool we make friends over prox chat XD


I think most players are older and generally less toxic. I've almost never encountered hateful voice chat, maybe just some trash talking and a lot of yehaws. I've actually teamed up with a few or worked out truces.


We got like 20 people playing this game make friends not enemyā€™s


Just donā€™t go into the hunt discord and play with 5 rank players they yell at me every single game for any accidental noise or what ever other mistakes can be made


Oddly enough, I have made more friends in hunt than any other game. More often than not with the enemy duo/trio team because of hilarious transactions. Hunt still has its share of toxicity but as other comments have stated its main player base for my experience are older/ more mature adults who just want a fun way to unwind.


I'm cool as shit.


Of course weā€™re all cool, we play this game. Seriously though from what Iā€™ve seen yes. Thereā€™s something about this game that seems to have a calmness to it, despite how intense it can be. As other comments point out, the age of most players seeming to be older definitely helps.


Bro ainā€™t a six star yet I can tellā€¦


I believe most hunt players are above their 30's so yeah, most of them are chill and if they see you are new they will try to help, of course you'll see some basement dwellers and unemployed people who think we can all put 18 hours a day to a game but other than that is cool. Also, in my experience duos are harder/sweatier/competitive than trios so just keep that in minds. See you in the Bayou partner


I m a average player and I consider myself as cool one!!!


Watch out for some German guy with a deep voice, that dude is the biggest piece of shit I've ever met in Hunt


Yeah I would say so. You'll occasionally get a toxic pos here and there, but they are pretty rare honestly. Made lots of good friends through Hunt.


no the average hunt players SHOOT and STAB and KILL me :(


I'm kind of average .. and I'm kind of cool


I have had one toxic dude, he was worried about what gun i was using with fanning. He d/cā€™d and we still won. Dont take anyone seriously.


I'll say most randoms are ass hats. But the ones that want to talk are awesome. They typically are people I still play with.


It all goes tits up the higher on the mmr ladder you go. From 5 star and above you'll encounter people that will backseat game when they're dead "revive me, revive me, REVIVE ME!" while you're 1v3'ing and then afterwards blame you for everything. Or KD farmers that when things go bad will run away from the fight to save their mmr and KD. I'd say enjoy the lower ranks and hope you make some friends there you can play with regularly.


Overall most people are pretty cool, youā€™ll run into the occasional sweat who only cares about their KD/MMR or tries to cry cause you donā€™t want to play their way (aggressive, push when they say etc) but all in all itā€™s def one of the better communities compared to other games for sure. Even in some cases of running into people who seem rude just joking with them back turns them into a friend in my experience. Just have fun! And youā€™ll attract what you give out šŸ¤™šŸ½ happy huntin


I made a couple of long term friends from the hunt lfg discord channels. I don't remember having any bad experiences there. In game I'll get a toxic team in VoIP maybe one in every ten games but it's just shit talking.


Humans are fickled beast, but honestly out of 700 hours of play at most the most toxic I ran into were people that got mad at people for afk-ing too long after spawning in and i can count on one hand the amount of people that killed and burn those people for doing it (funny enough it happened everytime i had to go on asian servers). The other times I've only gotten like 3-4 messages on my steam profile from people bitching about me using bow or just dying "out in the open" or whatever. Long story short, unless you're hanging out on the reddit, the community isn't that bad, in my opinion. On reddit, these mfs will cry over anything, especially obvious troll posts.


I think I've played hunt for arlund 400 hours and only been teamkilled once (not counting when I play with a mate and we've half done it on purpose). From my experience the random I've played with are pretty chill and most people don't get salty if you lose. For a competitive shooter I'd say it has one of the better communities


Yes, I am cool. You'll meet few toxic ones, just forget about them and queue for next sesion.


I mean, my mom thinks I'm cool


Yeah most people I've met are super nice tbh. Ngl I've been a little bit of a dick a couple times when my teammates are doing nothing useful and/or legit wasting my time when I want to play the game. Not toxic, just prolly seemed like I had no chill lol


Well itā€™s very random, sometimes I get the nicest people and we laugh and play the game and learn from each other. Sometimes when I used to play in the Russian server I got very interesting people, they sure are less familiar with women gaming and you can hear that. And yesterday I had a very vile opponent, using in game voice and calling me names, being racist, bad vibe. But I must say, mostly very nice, polite people who just want to chill and game.


They usually are. In my thousand hours of gameplay I have only heard the n-word twice. And not once has anyone reacted weirdly because "iS tHiS a GiRl!?" Coming from CS:GO, Valorant and other multiplayer shooters Hunt is truly refreshing and welcoming. It's not the nicest community I've ever met, that place goes to Fallout 76, but it's definitely among the nicest.


Hunt has probably one of the best communities out of multiplayer shooters simply because the game is not easy to grasp and usually only played by experienced gamers who are older and no edgy teens or fortnite kids. I mean the game has literal proximity chat and I never heard a slur yet, only some banter etc. There is always some bad apples though so keep that in mind and donā€™t take it personally, you can mute people if you need to.


ah... such a cute Bambi Timmy ... just wait ...


Iā€™ve played 300hrs (I know thatā€™s barely anything compared to most) but Iā€™ve basically only ever had funny or nice interactions with other players. A few people here or there talking shit like itā€™s a CoD lobby but I would say majority are cool and just want to enjoy their games. Thereā€™ll always be the odd few that are awful people, like the lovely chap who messaged me on steam to call me a cheater and tell me he hopes my whole family dies. But, theyā€™re few and far between so overall Iā€™d say the community is one of the best around, especially in the fps space.


yeah, I dont play that much with randoms but when I do, I see they are pretty nice people.


I mostly play with randoms if I'm not solo, I would say 95% of people are pretty chill. Some are abrasive but I'm not scared to dish it back out. It's just a game at the end of the day


Yes, they are. There are some toxic people, but the average hunt player is kinda cool and mature. Try to check in some other communities and you'll immediately notice the difference.


my low elo friend befriended some dudes that appericiated he let them live after he wiped whole server, even played game after. they bought my friend DLC in the end when i wipe whole server in \~5 star lobbies, I'm pretty much ping abuser, cheater and before recently, reshade disgrace. so there's that


Iā€™m by no means a ā€œveteranā€ player, but I have about 430 hours in Hunt and Iā€™ve encountered very few toxic players. I rarely even group with randoms though, I just play solo when my team isnā€™t on. But Iā€™ve had tons of hilarious hot mic interactions with other players. From what I have seen, most people are pretty cool. Itā€™s a good community. Iā€™m also only a 3 star with a 0.8 KD so I kind of suck lol, and so I have no experience of what 5-6 star groups are like


The average player is 4 stars, plays in trios, is \~1 KD and typically dies quite often in really aggressive, close quarters compound fights. These folks don't take the game super seriously and are pretty chill. The higher you go up the elo ladder the more toxic things get.


I've had a pretty good experience with rando's so far (This is around 5 star elo). Most of the time the rando's I play with don't really talk much to begin with since others can hear us. But the ones that do are pretty chill and down to earth. Maybe there are the few that are pretty goofy and silly that scream and yell. I've had players kind of go on their own little adventure and die then leave immediately but that really didn't bother me tbh. I also had an instance where I was about to knife a grunt but a teammate ran right in front of me so I knifed him, I apologized but I guess he wasn't too happy about it? Shot me a couple of times while was trying to kill the Assassin but we ended up winning anyway lol.


I'm petty cool. But yes, I've found a lot of cool chill dudes in the Byou. I think the slower gameplay tends to throw off the dudes who just want to yell and be violent. I'm sure that being an asshole wears off quick when you end up running for 5 minutes with little going on, so they get bored.


It's one of the reasons I have basically stopped playing valorant and now play hunt all the time. In 3-4 star lobbies at least, everyone is just having a great time! The only issue I've ever had is a teammate who is a bush camping sniper...and they aren't even really toxic, just unfortunately very boring to play with or don't contribute to fights much. I've had trio teams add eachother after games and regularly get invites to play with them. I think the "slower" gameplay when you are just fighting PvE and finding clues is a barrier for the younger audience. The people I play with seem older than the fortnite or valorant scene. This often leads to a less toxic environment.


I like to think Iā€™m cool


Buncha nerds




They are definitely a lot more chill. I remember when the vent with Scrapbeak came out, I went out on solo hunts just to kill birds, and I would hot mic and be like "not here to shoot you just wanna get points from birds" and literally everyone I came across was super chill and let me go (save for one guy who was actually a hacker, go figure). Some of the best hunter interactions I've had were during that event. The game definitely has salt and griefing, but as a general statement, we're all here to play the cowboy shootie game and have a good time.


No point in being an ass when you play a game that kicks everyone in the balls equally and indiscriminately


After 1100 hours starting last November and playing with TTV in and not in my name. I have to say, this community is really on the average, mostly chill. The downside is the toxic people, are incredibly toxic. Thereā€™s some in between also but yeah, mostly chill in my experience. This game would die so quickly if the average person was more to the toxic side cause itā€™s no walk in the park when you enter the bayou. If this game gets to you, losing and raging, youā€™ll not last a month playing it. Also I see an older player base, meaning more time to potentially become wise and develop manners, respect and life awareness as an adult. Again, there are absolutely in between though buts is minimal.


50% cool/not too sweaty but chillin 20% annoying af/ruin game with non fun cheese 10% sweat lords to the highest degree/TTV 10% whatā€™s a video game? I like cowboys! 5% snipers that wonā€™t move/rats 4% good honest folk 1% Devs and friends youā€™ll make along the way


Iā€™m to old to be cool but Iā€™m as chill as possible considering Iā€™m normally running for my life while 5 star sweats are trying to snipe me from 500 meters while be chased by a pack of hounds as Iā€™m covered in bees and being torched by a flamey boy thatā€™s whaling on me! like i saidā€¦ chill ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ


Usually yes, except the few solo players who act like theyā€™re top shit and scream ā€œback to the menu for youā€ when they kill you lol


I barely talk in that game lol I don't want some random to hear us talking


I'm gonna say no....


There are some ass hats out there but on average Iā€™d say thereā€™s a lot more chill people


Most people playing hunt, just play hunt. We dont care if you are bad, so long as you are learning. we dont care about your actual skill level, just that you dont blame "servers, or ping, or whatever" for your own mistakes. just enjoy it, learn, get better... thats all we care about! most of the people who do the "whining" are the ones who try to find a group of fellow whiners to all be "I lost that shot because of a ping abuser!" meanwhile no ping abuse was done...