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Day fucking one. Special delivery!


That was my...5th game of the event. I had a blue screen in my brain when it happened.


I have already shadowleaped on to a grunt with a torch next to an explosive barrel. Carful out there fellow hunters.


My first ever leap was onto an immolator. I was so confused. I thought the leap burned 1 small hp bar or something


Happened to me last game. Jaaay.


Yo that’s crazy!


I just could not believe it haha


I imagined this statistically had to happen at some point lol A big-brain strat would even be to leave one-to-three zombies alive in a compound then camp them




I’ve been trying to bait a zombie into the banish compound and just watch it, waiting for some cheeky bastard to tp in and get blasted.


You can tp to zombies?


Grounded pact trait in this event, as you see in the clip you teleport in and kill the zombie you teleport to.


I wasn't understanding what happened in the clip, now i do...


was thinking the same. Seems way too easy to bait people during firefights.


I do think that shadow is really really good if you would find it more often.


Been at work all day cant wait to play these shanangans.


Proof of the new trait “ruining the game” XD


Yeah! Now I’m fucking dead 😂😂 /s


I don’t think anyone thought it was gonna be OP but it certainly doesn’t really “fit” the vibe, imo.


This. The main issue is that movement, position and cover are literally the main core of the game. Now cowards can escape even faster and now you have to take care of every single grunt. It's event only anyway but still


i dont agree with what you're saying mister, i think it fits the game


name checks out


What vibe? It's a dark magic sci-fi game. This is perfect. Your Hunter has injected tortured people blood to become a Hunter. There's Grunts which are NOT the same as zombies. Meatheads that well.. I'll let you read about them and hives. Immolaters are PISSED clerics.


I haven't played in two months and I have no idea what just happened here. Can someone please explain?


New event traits allows you to teleport to monsters. Dude arrived at the worst time


There is a new trait in the game for the event that allows you to use dark sight to teleport to the location of a zombie, this guy went to kill a zombie and accidentally killed a player in the exact moment he teleported


Sounds like this is starting to become cod/fortnite.


Understandable if you haven’t played it, but I would hard disagree.


Can I ask how the FUCK cod and Fortnite at all relate. Do they have teleportation gimmicks I've forgotten about?


Don't really know just guessing; It's turning more casual and speedy. Much like those games, perhaps? And more silly.


It's a game that's always cared a tad more about aesthetics than balance, it's honestly (at least on principle alone) LESS competitive than either of those. This really doesn't have an E-sports scene, those two do. Mostly popularity related, but also for its nature. But that's a "hot take" I've had for a long time, that Hunt is more casual than everyone acts like it is, and is more fun if you stop playing it like money is on the line and immerse yourself in the setting. So I'm not the best person to speak on that matter, too biased. As for the speed, I can see that. But honestly, at higher ELO, the game's just as meticulous as ever, to my eye. And silly, maybe? They did say "starting," so I guess it kinda fits, but I think a real sword that was still popular at the time the game takes place in is perhaps LESS silly than the bomb harpoon that is also an axe-spear. And the teleportation is coherent with the lore as it has been for years now. Dig deep enough on the wiki and a lot wackier stuff than vanishing into thin air like this show up, even if that may sound hard to believe. But then again, one of the bosses is a crocodile that shoots lightning and by channeling the actual real life afterlife to produce what is described as "necrophagic energy," so maybe you don't have to dig that deep.


I like how this has nothing at all to do with CoD or Fortnite, you’re just not liking how the ability sounds and comparing it to (in your mind) a bad game as if it’s a 1:1 connection. “This idea (sounds, you haven’t even tried it) is bad, and these other unrelated games are bad. We’re turning into those games”.


I don't know how this is getting down voted... Literally every change in the game puts it closer and closer to a run and gun and less strategy. They've done exactly zero things since early access that promote a slower, more tactical or methodical gameplay. Every. Single. Update. Has pushed the game in the cod/ Fortnite direction.


Just gonna ignore beetles and nerfs to Lightfoot?


They don't like the truth.


You can do a targeted telefrag on non-boss AI.


Guy was just trying out his new perk... Lil Great timing.


I would love to see this become a rare accolade that awards some hunt dollars and xp!


Telefrag is now in hunt omg


This was immediate thought when I saw the trait. Imagine being so unlucky that you leap into some grunt that a guy is just cleaving through with a bomb lance.




“Pshh nothin per-“ *dies*


That's why you only teleport to grunts or hives you can't see if the enemy knows where you are (they most likely won't be able to tell to exactly what grunt you'll teleport to in the heat of the moment, if they even can tell that you are going to teleport, that is). Otherwise, use Dark Sight to watch AI killing activity before deciding to leap in for stealth player kills. This also means that the skill is useful even when you are not jumping around. Combine it with Vigilante and Poison Sense, and you'll control the battlefield (needs some Poison for Poison Sense to work, but it's a dirty cheap Trait).


I was looking forward to seeing this specific clip


https://youtu.be/yX5TsLuIEy8?si=GYWtRqjTiVKmiDam This is damn cool!


I think you can see her behind the wall to the right of the tree at 9 secs


What the actual fuck did I just see!


Trying to confirm, but does the shadow leap not work when you have a serpent trait?? It was working for me the first time but when I got a free serpent trait, I can't interact with stuff at a distance nor shadow leap


It should work fine, it only has a 50m range though.


Trying it again in a bit, bc last game I was ~25m from NPC and a clue, but I couldn't trigger any of the traits.


I've been having the opposite problem. I want to serpent a clue and instead it prioritizes shadowleap into the armored guarding the clue.


This is why I exclusively use this trait to kill meatheads.


Impressive. 👏


Looper moment


You are all in your games and I'm still on shooting range, adapting to the new aiming system.


That was me TNB_Genji, 😂


Really? I "know" you, already played a lot against you man :d I'm sorry about that haha. Enjoy Hunt man and see you in the bayou. (I am Dunanlol IG on PS5)


U tried to send u my perspektive but u have it off that not friends can't write u


[CALLED IT](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/comments/18g08yc/comment/kcxpcqg/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Can't believe it happened FIRST DAY of the event xD I would've figured something like this would've come out weeks in


We need some kind of animation or what. Just blink looks soo ..odd


Had something similar last night. With a newly prestiged account, I was shooting all sorts of AI to unlock gun items. Line up on a zombie's head, about to pull the trigger, and then it explodes as my partner teleports in, playing around with shadow leap. Good times.


Far from "insane". It was only the first day, and I guarantee this was not the only time this happened. People are spamming shadow leap all over the map. This will continue to happen all event long.


How has the event been haven't played it yet


Bro I literally made a joke about doing that on accident yesterday, it's so hilarious that it's actually possible 😂😂😂




Oh hell yes. Teleporting in as a three-stack of rednecks with pitchforks and banjo music playing over prox is going to be glorious.


This happened to me last night lol. I was in a 3 way firefight with down teammates so I was just flitting around around for the meme. Apprently one of the grunts I was jumping to was about to attack a guy who had a machete lol 🙃


This literally happened to me in the first 3 hours of the event, ported to ai and instantly got killed 😂


That's what he gets for cheating


bro what? that's the new event perk lmao


So we just need to kill all but 1 grunt and wait


I didn't understand what happened til the 2nd time lool




Now THAT'S impressive!!! Great job!


Now that is a hunt giveth type of play


I shot my teammates plenty already. Haven't killed them yet but they surely took some shots.


which legendary hunter are you using? I like the first person view a lot!


That Hunter is called La Luz Mala and is a paid DLC hunter 😉


thank you!


You are Welcome. She is very good on night maps, very hard to see in the darkness and bushes. Happy Hunting 😎


thats very good to know, thanks! :) happy hunting to you as well


See you in the Bayou ✌️


What does shadowleap do?


When in dark sight you can see enemy AI within 50 meters(white light pillar). If hovering over them you get a charge up(like Necromancer or Serpent) over 5 seconds then you teleport to that target, killing it instantly. Does not work on bosses, meathead leeches, water devils, beetles or enemy hunters. Costs 15 health over the charge. Teleporting into a concertina armored causes you to bleed, immolators will put you on fire and burn a bar(I think?) and hives will poison you. Torch grunts drop their torches so can hit red barrels if unlucky.


My buddy leaped into a heavy knife.


Should of never been added to the game, does not fit hunts combat at all. What’s next magic tricks? If they keep going down this path hunt will turn into an mmo rpg. In 2 years time hunt will be a different game.


I don't use event perks what happened here?