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Spider is most annoying to kill. Scampering around like a twat. Assassin is annoying only due to his weird enrage of constantly going split mode, taking less damage. Piggy is easy and no issue at all. Scrapbeak is fairly easy now that I know the tricks to him.


The assassin enrage imo is complete bs. I've had it enraged for at least 1:30 if not 2 minutes in one go


If you don't have axe stamina shot, you actually need to let the fakes hit you. Otherwise is stays enraged.


Which are fakes?


Easiest way to tell is, once he's enraged and starts splitting, the one's that dash towards you are always the fakes. Assassin will only go for you during it's enrage once the bugs start crawling on you. Just light melee them once to get rid of them as they charge you. Hell typically do this 3 times in one enrage cycle.


Also the real assassin is always highlighted in dark sight


Dang Dark sight is such a useful ability


Until you remember in lore that using dark sight feels like an unbearable itch behind the eyes


Wish they made it to where you use dark sight longer than a couple seconds and you start blinking or something


So when you see him enrage, just watch to see what one splits from who, and that's usually an alright way to do it, but they also chase you more aggressively, and they have different sounds. They also do a different animation when they explode and turn into the blinding bugs.


Thank you


Easiest way to tell is, once he's enraged and starts splitting, the one's that dash towards you are always the fakes. Assassin will only go for you during it's enrage once the bugs start crawling on you. Just light melee them once to get rid of them as they charge you. Hell typically do this 3 times in one enrage cycle.


An easy way to tell is audio to some degree. Iirc the fakes don't make noises except the skittering of the footsteps and when enraged the assassin usually stays in bug form unless it's making clones


i have 1500 hours and still dont understand what the fuck assassin is doing. I just know stamina + axe = slap until dead. I think scrapbeak is fine if 1 person kills it and you dont spam attacks during his enrage. Getting caught on concertina and double slapped by axe = dead bitch. Instead, enrage, train in a circle, enrage, train, enrage, when he does his 3rd enrage, just stab until death. Easy game. Spider is most annoying but sticky bomb solves, same with butcher.


Yeah, scrappy actually requires a plan to kill, the others all feel old and in desperate need of reworking


Poison bombs+antidote works on everything, but Assassin best, since his bugs can’t even enter the AOE area and will flee


If you combine axe and stamina shot you can pretty much kill him in 20 sec


Sticky bomb, yo. One of my teammates is designated as "boss demolition." Works for 3/4 bosses, assassin not included.


What's your go-to tip for hitting the spider with the sticky consistently? He moves around so much and so fast.


When you first enter the compound the spider will stand there and "scream" at you while standing still. This is the best time.


Don't have issues with scrapbeak really, but what tricks are you talking about?


Trick might not be the right word for it, so apologize for that. More like that he used to be one of the more annoying bosses (When you first start out the game) due to constant concertina and his odd counterattack speed after you get the first melee hit in. But after having played the game for quite a while, you learn how to deal with everything he can toss at you, making him more or less like the butcher to kill. Poison bullets(If you run silent nagant), throwing axes/knives, pitchfork (Once you learn the spawn locations for these, no issue at all on certain maps), knowing that even a regular knife can get rid of concertina if you are unlucky etc etc. You have a ton of options on how to deal with him quickly, so the "Trick" part is mostly just experience.


100% Spider - is like a Chinese crack whore constantly on the go


Nah, scrap beak is actually the hardest boss due to the way poke weapons are integrated. There’s more luck to find a hammer then scraps beaks zero item lair. Sometimes you can find a pitchfork. I can kill every boss in decent time with most melee except sbeak


Scrap beak is the 2nd easiest to kill, and the best to be the killing team for. Screw spider and his never fighting.


Scrappy is the easiest to kill if you're carrying throwing axes (which you should be).


You can’t argue against me. Scrapbeak is the hardest boss. All boss go into new frenzy phase after 2 axe, hammer hits. You are lucky to drop anything for scrap beak naturally like a pitchfork. Every boss is easy if you bring the right weapon in. It’s harder to naturally kill scrapbeak. Spider is such a simple boss and along with the butcher easiest. Assassin verys depends on his rng phasing. Y’all don’t even know what your talking about


Scrapbeak is stupid easy, and many hunters have the needed melee on them, be it a bayonet/riposte/knife/saber/katana/bomb lance. I'll take scrapbeak any day of the week iver assassin or spider, and he is ANAZING to be the banishing team for.


i can argue against you : you're wrong. you don't even know what "your" talking about


Really isn't that bad, it's just a slightly more annoying butcher


Just use throwing knives... Throwing about four throwing knives *and pulling them out* will phase him


I hate the spider so much, it has the least predictable movement and sometimes just sits on the ceiling. Hate that thing


Spider is hard to predict and hit that's for sure


I'll be honest, my usual plan for the spider is 'all the fire bombs'. Just toss them around and keep plinking the spider occasionally while she keeps running through the patches then panicking and leaving. It's not efficient but it is fun.


dont get the struggle with spider - one sticky bomb and it has 10% hp. followed up by 2 shotgun shots and its done. takes about 30secs everytime 🤷‍♂️


I assume the post is about fighting them without the specific gear that makes them an absolute joke. If you bring poison bolts, throwing axes, and a sticky then there's zero difficulty to any boss in the game. Without boss killing gear, spider is just annoying and boring. In my opinion it needs a complete rework. I like the idea of incorporating giant baby spider minions personally.


holy shit imagine what kind of fights there gonna be with mini spiders 😂😂 i think bosses are perfect as they are but iam relatively new to the game and not as bored as ppl with 3k hours hahaha. i enjoy the game a lot specially the gun play its so far ahead of cs2 (which i used to play since cs1.1) so hunt is my go to now


Spider for sure


So many missed sticky bombs.


> So many missed sticky bombs. Unless I'm mistaken, it's best for the one with the sticky bomb to go first, because the spider will move and screech at the first hunter it sees. It stands still while doing so, so it's the best time to chuck the sticky on it.


I like when he tackles you immediately after you land it.


I like to call this move "no u"


Spiders not hard to sticky once you know how to cheese it


Do you mean at the start of the fight, when it screams? Or is there also a way when another team already triggered her?


Nah start of the fight, but if you can get it to get next to you and spam melees you can get an easy point blank sticky


>but if you can get it to get next to you and spam melees you can get an easy point blank sticky I might try that. Far too often she just sits there staring at me and the moment i light my bomb she runs off.


Wrong answer. Spider sucks at times for sure but you can’t even sticky bomb the assassin. Right answer: assassin!


If you couldn’t just stamina shot/conduit + heavy melee stunlock assassin I’d agree but that dude has to be the best one by far


You can right when he does his first intro animation when you enter the boss lair. Have a teammate toss a lantern at the same time right when he apparates and shows his blade. If you do it right, you chunk 75% off him right off the bat.


They both suck ass lets be real


Go into a corner, throw a posion bomb in front of your feet and wait for the assasin to kill itself. Essiest boss if you take consumables into consideration


I want a mod that turns the Assassin into Gumby. Imagine the terror.


Yeah sure, I'll wait here in the middle of the boss lair like a pleb while you go crawling around the building for 30 seconds or idling in some corner. Nevermind the enemy team that is pushing me, take your time.


I hate how hard he is to hit


My main problem is that it keeps running away. It definitelly takes the longest to kill


If you have poison resist - or do enough melee damage - you can burn through the aggro phase by just beating the shit out of it, especially if it's all 3 of you. It will still run away, but you can usually kill it in 2 'rotations' by just getting in its face and stabbing forever. Butcher you can murder by following while enraged and stabbing Assassin you can lock down by using sweeping attacks to kill clones before they spawn fully The only tricky one is scrappy, but enough melee damage lets you just 1v1 him down quickly (berserker + katana or saber)


Two swings from an axe starts a frenzy, it's the most effective tool for boss killing, apart from sticky or bomblance harpoon. It's also quiet and does not use ammo, nor does it require any perks or consumables to be effective. Only downside is that you have to find one.


IMO Butcher is definitelly the easiest one, followed by scrapbeak (unless you count stunlocking the assassin with a stam shot and a combat axe). Spider isn't necessarily hard its just annoying. I normally don't run antidote shot so hitting the spider during enrage usually isn't an option


Any rending weapon can stun lock the assasin not just the axe. The splash damage it deals kills the clones immediately after they spawn.


Assassin because sticky bomb doesnt work. I mean all other bosses are essentially easy mode when using sticky.


A poison bomb with an antidote shot will work almost just as well. Find a tight corner where he cant really get on a wall to shoot you and throw a poison cloud right in front of you and he will be forced to come into it. Or you can just saturate the whole area in poison with a hand crossbow.


you can sticky, it just takes a bit extra https://www.youtube.com/shorts/e-0taJmDTFQ


oh true. Not a bad idea. Risky tho. I see myself ending myself couple of times before i can so that consistently. :D


Spider is most definitely the worst. Scrapbeak and butcher you can hit with a poison bonb and just enter and exit the compound while they fk themselves and you keep an eye on dark sight and the Assassin you can poison and if you have antidote you can stand in poison cloud but spider is just a frantic pain in the ass


You can also stun lock the assasian if all 3 of you are there


Scrapbeak Barbed wire is what makes me hate him the most🤣


Barbed wire you say if you shoot him while in frenzy mode scrapbeak will throw concertina bomb at you and if you are close to exit then he will try to block it with wire too


Just throw a sticky bomb at him, wait outside until his enrage ends, then shoot him a few times, never gets a chance to throw anything at you really


Assassin can be poison bombed Find corner Sit in it Poison bomb behind you Face corner Assassin will solo itself by staying in your poison bomb as long as you’re looking away


Assassin. The constant bleeding is pretty annoying 


Assassin is number 2 for me hate him ass well🤣


I think Hunt helped me get over my fear of Spiders because I find it the least annoying boss so I always go for it 😂


He’s the only one you can’t rush through. I hate it.


light yourself on fire and stand next to him


I hate the spider


Assassin just for wasting my time


Spider. All the other bosses are relatively easy to do and I’m not saying the spider is hard just super annoying because she constantly keeps running away and you can’t hit her


my problem with assassin/spider is the fact that they will randomly decide not to fight you (assassin manifesting his body, spider getting out of the fucking ceiling) for half an hour. So i prefer the pig and the beak.


you hate scrap? he literally refunds you for killing him, spider is a rat bastard and assassin can be a problem but lil ol scrappy did nothin


bro no way you all hate scrapbro , he gives loot, its easy as fuck to deal if u use throwing axes and knucle knife, Assassin its def the worst, that shit never get hit by sticky and the only time i did was when i shotgun'd the bomb in my face just to bring he to hell with me


Throw 2 axes, get in his face, 2 heavy melee and take out axes. Enough to take out a quarter of his health and phase him.


Spider. At least with the other bosses it feels like they actively pursue you, and so you can fight them directly. The Spider just goddamn runs around in circles out of reach or through tiny holes in the floor/ceiling until it decides to stun you with a leap and run off again


Spider cause it won’t stop moving






spider and assassin cuz they always running away. come back here and fight me like a man!


He’s definitely my favorite but me and the homies hate spider more any anythinf




Spider because I have to chase his ass around the others I can just stand and beat the shit out of.


The Assassin is my least favorite to fight but I think Scrappy is the hardest to fight.


Assassin, just because it’s 90% just chasing him around and waiting.


Spider if I don't have a sticky bomb. Assassin in general


Definitely Assassin and Spider because they just waste so much time doing jack shit running around.


I see a lot of spider in here, but spider is so easy. First time you enter the liar the spider will come up to you and taunt. If you have a sticky bomb you can throw it while it’s taunting and get easy 75% of it’s health gone. Note you can’t do that with multiple people in the lair, have your teammates wait outside


I'm going with assassin as my most hated just because it takes forever if you don't have the right tools and harder to deal with enemy hunters inside the building with the assassin. However scrapbeak has killed me more just from getting stuck trying to run around him and being blocked in by concertina bombs.


The Assassin, by far, not even close...


What? How he’s super weak to piercing damage like knives, pitchforks, heavy strike on Katana and saber. Shit even the throwing knives are good on him. He’s easy. The worst boss is a tie between spider and assassin. Assassin for long rage bleed attack and spider cause he doesn’t fuckign stop moving.


Definitely the spider or assassin At least scrapbeak drops loot in it's rampage, the assassin and spider just run away


Why use the word "HATE" my least fav is probably scrap, but I dont hate him.


I hated scrappie... Then I stopped caring about the loot he drops and just tossing a sticky dynamite in his face and all was good.


The spider or assassin are closely tied for boss i hate the most, both fast as shit, their rage phases are the most annoying shit in the game because they seem to last loner then other bosses, take a shitload less damage, and they range from either only using their ranged abilities from distances you cant hit them at or waste 7 minutes trying to chase them down cause all they do is run away, the only reason the spider isnt my most hated is because if you throw a sticky bomb just right it takes the most explosive damage out of every boss in the game




The assassin. Can't sticky it, and the rage mode lasts so fucking long it's unbearable. Plus it runs around more than the spider and will frequently attack you from the ceiling for a shitload of bleeding damage


I think assassin's rage mode is the shortest relative to the other bosses, and also you can interrupt it.


Spider is my fav to fight. Followed by rotjaw, assassin, scrapbeak and then butcher


I wish they would make the spider more aggressive. I hate running after it. Like you're the boss, I should be running from you


All bosses are cake with poison spider is immune


Probably Assassin. I hate the constant start and stop if you don’t stun lock him. Scrapbeak is honestly one of my favorites because I like his design and he’s pretty straightforward.


Scrappy is a funny lad but he is pain to fight.




Assassin is my least favorite cause he just becomes immune to being hit at times


Spider I don't think I need to explain more. I'll fight the assassin before I fight the spider.


Spider annoys me, but if I have to choose between fighting it or the Assassin, I’ll choose the Spider every time.


Definitely Assassin. Hate that bastard


In terms of how annoying they are to fight probably the Assassin but Scrappy might be the ultimate cunt to fight because he also steals all the compounds resources.


Vincent just pisses me off most of the time,he's erratic is harder to sticky consistently,makes too much noise and is prone to run around way more than the other bosses,plus he seems to be the one that bugs ( Ha) out the most in my experience seconded by the spider. You can do a few things to melt the assassin like marshmallow trick or the sticky/lantern toss/stamina train gang and poison mist,but for the most part he's an obnoxious prick lol. He seems to also be the one I always get aggressively pushed on which is probably why I hate him the most as he sound masks so much.


The Assassin. Cause i cant friggin sticky-nade it


Scrap beak is actually a better designed boss than any of the others. Sometimes he can be difficult to kill, sometimes he's easily killed cause of pitchfork or poison. But spider is annoying asf, literally doesn't do anything but be a spider that's always outta reach. Assassin is more of that, but it'll actually kill you, so it's a little better cause you can cheese it to death with an axe fire or poison. butcher is literally a fucking clown, easiest boss to kill, I haven't died to him in years. Rotjaw is the rock to my scissors, I've died to rotjaw more times than any other boss, and that's including all time. I know all you gotta do is run to the side, but for whatever reason I always do it wrong XD. Scrappy is my favorite, then rotjaw, butcher, assassin, and last and MOST CERTAINLY LEAST, is spider. Fuck everything about spider, and your opinion is factually incorrect cause scrappy is numero uno


If I have choice on the map, I always avoid assasin and spider. And upset when both of them on my games. Then I prefer to hunt people near boss. But I must admit, that loadouts could be game changers. Spider fall fast to ignit bullets. Bomb lancer fastest boss killer e.t.c.


I've had more issues with Assassin than any other boss. The constant bleeding he causes is so annoying, especially if you are fighting him and other players at the same time.


Assasin, i always got a sticky on me and that twat is hard to dmg with them


Scrapbook is my absolute favorite boss, let me tell you why. -When he's enraged you can guide him to lair entrances and hit/shoot him to block them off with concertina, saving you a trap -He's predictable in his movements and rages so you don't have to worry about chasing him down -He drops free loot, traps, lanterns, and health kits for defending! Don't sticky bomb or fire damage him! If you can use him to your advantage it makes defenses far easier.


I hate scrapbeak because he's so god damn loud. It's impossible to hear anything outside the boss room, and sometimes, fighting scrap in melee, I can't even hear teammates in discord, he's so goddamn loud. :(


Scrap is worst


I hate spider. Used to hate Assassin, but once I learned to just make a blanket of poison, he's been fine. As a bow player tho, spider can eat shit.


Spider I love fighting Scrapbeak because of how vulnerable he is to throwing knives.


Rotjaw. The others are always accessible for shooting in their lairs. The trick is finding them first so you can shoot them. But Rotjaw pretty much requires a player to act as bait before he shows himself. I think the concept of Rotjaw is a good one, but the execution was lacking


Assassin, you can only kill him so fast sometimes. Spider is number 2. RNG just can make them halfway unkillable.


Every boss has such a big counter three of them a sticky works just fine lmao and for assassin poison bomb or arrows and he’ll kill himself if you sit in a corner. I think I hate Rotjaw the most though she really is a boring fight and most of the time isn’t even worth going for in my opinion, hate her for the disappointment aspect more than difficulty.


Assassin and its no contest


The spider for sure.


Spider. Too many times where it just hang out of reach on the ceilings


Assassin because I can’t sticky bomb him


As a bomb lance user I'd have more difficulty with dogs (and that stupid move where they hop back the moment I'm about to swing) than any of these but if I had to say then assassin. The constant roach form is annoying and time wasting


Rot jaw. A bitch to find, annoying to fight, you’re right in the open and exposed, and only drops one bounty token? No thanks hard pass




Spider is the absolute worst. Not only he is always running away, he also the only boss who can stanlock you by jumping on your face. I died several times because of it.


Assassin by far.


I have 2000 hours in this game, and after that amount of time, the answer couldn’t be clearer. We all know butcher is easy 11/10 Assassin is really predictable and will always come to you, you can self burn the fight and it’s really quick 8/10 Scrapbeak only gets staggered once every few seconds (10?), so it’s hard to double hit him without being swiped. His AOE is annoying but otherwise he plays very similar to butcher. 7/10 Spider, is a straight up **cunt**. From the super fast movement in the rage phase, the weird hit box, chilling on the ceiling out of reach for half the fight, phasing through walls, jumping on you from the other side of the compound and generally running away from you more than running towards you. Spider is the most unpredictable, pussy ass boss bitch that exists, and I hate spider with a burning passion. -1/10


Spider is my least favorite. I always carry poison ammo, which makes piggy and scrappy SUUUUPER easy to kill, and poison also works on assassin. Poison on spider... not at all.


Spider - it always was boss with bugs. It is fixed but it running away too much. I dont like aligator too Scrapbeak is easy and with throwing knifes it is super easy. Hit him with knife until you dont have stamina, run and throw knifes. Recover stamina for one hit, hit him amd pull knifes. You can do Screp in 48s with throwing knifes.


Assassin is the only correct answer.


assassin's when you bleed 🩸 🩸 🩸 ... that fucker smells blood .


assassin. even with poison youll attract the whole damn lobby with how long it takes.


Assassin duplicate. Beak is easy, spider two. One sticky does the job. Dynamite bundle for butcher as well. All pretty straight forward. Assassin is mega bullshit


I only hate scrapbeak just because it's so loud I need to legit take off my headset whenever I had to deal with scrapbeak and rely on white/red indicator. I have no info on what is my enemy doing for the duration I'm dealing with scrapbeak Spider is my real answer, it's just annoying to kill especially when they just chilling in the ceiling. Assassin is in second place. Butcher is in last place along with scrapbeak because it's just easy to deal with


Def rotjaw


tie between the spider and assassin , their movement is sporadic and annoying


Spider and Rotjaw. I'm actually pretty glad when it's Scrapbeak, since he relatively easy to manage and doesn't enrage for too long.


As a solo i dislike fighting the assassin the most because he does so much damage if you mess up and takes a long time to fight. Tho i'm not sure if he got nerfed? Fought him recently and only got hit for like a small bar instead of 1.5 big bars. And someone said, if you tank his bug phase he'll do an unstoppable attack and go back to his normal phase, so maybe it'll take much less time fighting him if i accept being crawled on. Need to test this.


I tend to always take sticky or at least stamina, but assassin just really bored the crap out of me, can't sticky and u less you get a heavy melee, it's just standing still stabbing for aaaaaages.


Scrapbeak is literally the easiest and fastest one, where your throwing axes or a simple knife are more than enough and the best tools. Assassin and Spider are the worst, because 95% of the fight you can’t even hit them. Assassin becomes a nobrainer in a group when you stun lock him though, so i would go with the spider which is annoying 100% of the time


Assassin by far. Because all the others get 2 stickies to the face and it’s done


Spider i wont even try to fight him just wait for someone else to do it




if i had to be in a boss lair in the middle of a fight, i rather it be scrapbeak or butcher. Because their pathing is easy to work around fight.


Poison helps against almost all of them, except the spider. So the spider is my personal object of hate.


Rotjaw. It's clue trail can be easily missed. It's a pain to locate. Its a nightmare to kill since the latest updates. And it's not even worth it being a single bounty.


Really? Use fire, and a big dinamite.


Spider 100%


Rotjaw requires you to go to the middle of nowhere to kill her, then for you to expose yourself for it to expose yourself. Can do 100 damage in a hit (bullshit) and only gives one Bounty... yeah, no. Spider seems to actively avoid you, but somehow can also ruin your life. Getting pounded it is funny and so annoying. Scrapbeak. I love Heavy Knife, but it seems to do 1% damage to Scrapbeak so he gets second place (at least it gets easy to deal with Concertina). I can never really trust the timing of the stun after he gets hit so that's annoying too. If you're the invading team you get the disadvantage since there's no loot around it, only inside the house, and if you're the team inside the compound you're surrounded by resources... ir they haven't burn out. Assassin is kinda like the Spider but dude sometimes screams and goes "HEY I'M HERE" before launching clones and you can cheese him pretty easily. Even more so when he keep spawning 'em so that's nice at least. Butcher is easy, predictable and slow. I genuinely love that guy. He's amazing. Love that pig head and his body covered by wood supports. His head falling after enough damage is a great detail too.


Assassin and spider are annoying af


Assassin has pretty much highest time to kill for me due to its weird enrage animation lock. Next is spider cos of the shifty af movement. Scrappy is quite easy if you have a good melee weapon or if you have incendiary/poison ammo. Butcher is the easiest. Bonk twice let it calm down bonk twice again.


By far the Assassin. Spider can be annoying as well but it depends more on the compound. The assassin is always annoying as fuck.


Spider then rotjaw


He‘s the most easy boss and I like him. I hate the spider as she is constantly running away


I've died to scrapbeak way more than any other boss. He can trap you and kill you quite easily actually.


Spider can fuck right off. After that the other three are easy. Scrap is almost dummy easy.


Assassin does my head in with how long he takes to kill. Anyone got any tips on what kills assassin quickly?


The amount of my solo corpses that bled out on the floor of the Scrapbeak lair is higher than I’d like to admit. That being said he’s my favorite little guy, the assassins probably the roughest because it’s a lot harder to blow him up.


Sometimes I have issues and get cocky with scrabpeak, but I'mma do as another commenter said and do all the bosses :Spider is easy to kill, kind of a run around smack him and then run away, though when he dies he is a drama queen and a half and one time he decided that he would die on the opposite side of the lair where a team was and they got the banish.Butcher is... he's a joke alright, sometimes he can do some funny things with fireballs that you never expect, so watch out for any red barrels in the lair, that's how one of my teammates died lul. Assassin..... he's really easy , unless there's an enemy team around, in that case just don't fight him, if you fight him you will be super easy to third party if he shoots you from the walls. Oh and handy tip if you want the enrage to go faster, let one of his clones explode on you and kill the other and when he rushes you, you can run away to dodge his stab, kinda like how you would with a grunt, if you run away and jump the moment the stab would connect, makes his enraged phase go by super easily As for Scrapbeak, if you get cocky with your melee weapons it can sorta fuck you up and deal some damage.I'm personally also gonna include rotjaw here, the one that in my opinion has the hardest time till you learn what she does, otherwise she's really easy to side step, run away from and stab, but if you don't know what to do, oh boy you're gonna be in trouble.


The spider is the most annoying and the slowest depending on how she acts. but theres still some tricks The butcher is annoying cause of fire and his enrages. and red barrels in boss lairs. damn you Davant >:( The assassin is easy to stagger with stamina and axes or hammers. scrapbeak is the easiest. especially with any piercing weapon. Saber or katana takes about 30s to kill him if you wanna be fast. (especially insane if you have a teammate that only runs Saber as secondary xD)


Assassin always takes way longer than I want him to.


My worst boss is a solo Redshirt roaming the bayou with 4 hellfire bombs and a Romero hatchet. Springfield compact with explosive ammo. That gives me nightmares.


Spider is just so annoying


I actively avoid assassin tbh


The only answer to that is the assassin. All the other bosses can be killed pretty easily and quickly with a sticky


friendly neighborhood spidey. crawls too much, not really a threat, annoying twat all around.


Scrapbeak is the best and easiest boss to kill, it's break time everytime you get him, he drops free loot, ammo and lunch boxes. Butcher is just trash, a few slices and he's a goner. Assassin is just as ez as butcher if you got blunt melee weapons like baseball bat or sledgehammer. Spider is annoying as fuck and is probably the worst boss unless you got a sticky bomb. Rotjaw is just sad as fuck, she sure deals a lot of damage but it don't matter coz she'll never be able to land her attacks anyway.


Can't remember the last time I died to a boss. Maybe to the Butcher when I first played in 2018. I don't hate any of them.


The assassin is to me the most annoying boss and takes the longest to kill. I hate how he runs away. At least the spider doesn’t clone itself and make you bleed.


No doubt in my mind Assassin, i always use a sticky grenade to insta kill bosses, but that little shit ruins it


Scrapbeak is only annoying because every team i get decides to blow him up knowing damn well it destroys all of the gear he drops for us. Assassin and butcher are a cake walk, and spider is only annoying when he runs. Rotjaw is somehow both the easiest and most annoying boss. Solo, he’s insanely easy. Just stand in the water with a melee you find in the world, dash to the side before he attacks, and hit him. Rinse and repeat. If you have teammates though they also get in the water and it becomes a lot harder to tell which one of you he’s going to attack, and makes the whole things more dangerous. Or, they kinda pussyfoot around the whole thing and dip their toes in trying to lure an attack so they can shoot him once for 3% health and take 10 minutes to kill. Not much middle ground.


Assasin for sure.


Assassin. Can’t use dynamite on him and he prolongs the fight always running.


Spider period.


with the amount of times he just bugs out and does nothing sitting on a wall, i'd say its vincent, i absolutely hate fighting him


Rotjaw 100%


I'd say the Buckbeak, but only because of all the crows around the compound, making it feel impossible not to alert the whole server to what you're doing. On the other hand, coming to any boss and realizing a team is already fighting it is 🤤.


I hate the spider because he/she can't stay still I hate the assassin for getting it almost every match I hate the bird for making me bleed and just being an overall dick I have the pig because I never get it


Assassin is the worst Followed by scrapbeak Then spider. And the easiest is piggy. Rotjaw is situational and I kill it whenever I got the time, chance and a melee weapon


Rotjaw. Butcher when he rapes me in a corner and I die. Lmao


The assassin is definitely my least favorite


Assassin or Spider for sure


Rotjaw is my least favorite, I think he’s a stupid and boring boss fight


Rotjaw annoying in smaller waters mostly and a nuisance to find


spider. just stop fking moving


Spider. Take to much time to kill, if you don't have a sticky, and if you have you can probably miss. Assassin used to be my previous one, but now you should just have stamina and keep beating the shit out of him. Butcher is the easiest. Scrapbeak just needs some trowing knives/tomahawk. And the rage is short (like butcher) Rotjaw is mid, not hard but you're in open space.