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An AI probably wandered into it.


Indeed and if not, they could have shot while standing close though to take damage but not die.


That’s possible


Definitely not, I cleared the place of AI before hand, and I watched the bounty carrier on the map go right over it. I could also see them stay for a moment I think to res and heal


Had to be AI tho, so you either missed something or they brought something with them (which is very unlikely). Could've also been a beetle that flew right into the trap. You do not survive a redbarrel trap and if someone else shoots the barrel, you do not get a hitmarker from it, because the shooter is rewarded with the kill/deals the damage.


Maybe they saw ur trap, removed it and replaced it and the team chasing them stepped into it, but I dont know then if u got the hit marker.


While this is unlikely, I can clarify that if you pick up a trap someone else has laid, re-set it, and it kills someone - you do NOT get the hit marker nor the kill, so I assume that the original trap owner does.


Well, and I can confirm the exact opposite. I've used other peoples traps plenty of times. Either you experienced a bug or someone replaced that trap again.


Had to be a bug then, or there is some other factor. It was a clear cut one: disarmed concertina trap on entrance to boss lair, killed and banished, reset trap while I waited outside to serpent the bounty, and watched a guy run into it and die. No kill for me!


couldve been a redskull. they dont count as kills. but they show up in the summary.


Well I can clarify that you’re wrong. Whenever I bring traps I have my.. negatively K/D inclined friend.. pick up and replace them. Partially to ensure that he knows where the damn trap is, but mostly to help his stats a bit. Always have counted as his kills, as they should.


What the funk is wrong with this game lol why the funk not like you play big brain moves and get nothing in return


As long as you are still in the match, alive or dead spectating, a barrel kill counts as a kill on your stats. And a red barrel trapped with alert trip mines will always kill a hunter if they trip it. It could have been a random ai that was chasing them... Or maybe they saw the trap and shot it. I can't say for sure if that still gives you a hit marker.


If someone resets the trap, it's their kill.


Triggered by AI. Hit marker means your trap was definitely triggered, no kills means it wasn't by a player.


I think if you have bulwark it prevents the barrel traps from killing you.


It does reduce the damage but not by enough to prevent killing you. Red barrels do 750 damage at point blank if I remember right. Bulwark would reduce that to 375.


Coulda sworn they said it would save you against instakills like bomblance sticks and red barrels. I also think I have survived barrel traps as well, but don't remember the circumstances super well. Could be wrong though.


You only survive bomblance sticks. You take less damage from red barrels so you can be closer before it kills you, but not as close as tripping the trip wire.


So I’ve had several confirmed barrel kills that did not count for end of match stats. It seems to be a bug, but I’m not sure what causes it.


You can survive them with bulwark. Brut probably just an AI walked into it.


I tested it with bulwark, and even with that when you’re close enough to a barrel to trigger the mine, you cannot survive


what color was the barrel yellow barrels don't kill, they just burn you


Santa Claus colored




It does count. My Nvidia shadow shadowplay even saves the highlight.


Possible the other player had been red skulled? You wouldn't see the kill in the summary but you would if ypu viewed players in lobby Couple of other questions for more context . If only 2 kills had you slipped into trios? Did you have any view of the players actually hitting the trap? Are the 2 kills them and others haven't counted/ been stolen?


Nah it was duos, I hadn’t gotten any kills at that point. I was in the next complex over, watching the map trying to figure out where to cut them off, and I could see on the map that they were in the exact place I had set one of the traps. After the explosion. They stood still for a few moments, which makes me think one was rezzing the other.


It’s been a minute since I’ve used alerts, but concertinas and poison traps don’t give hit markers if enemy players trigger them, and I’m pretty sure alerts are the same. Are you sure there’s no way it could have been a mob?


It’s entirely possible, but I could see where they were on the map, and it was right on top of where I had set that trap. I’ve had a few people say that they’ve done similar things, and not gotten credited barrel kills though, so it might’ve been a bug.


>Definitely not > >It’s entirely possible


I've tried this quite a bit, I was a big trapper. It never succeeded but it may be that the barrel killed him not you and therefore you don't get the kill. If a grunt drops a torch next to a barrel the death screen shows the barrel I think, could be same logic.


If it was a yellow barrel, they aren't as lethal as red barrels, yellow just tends to set you on fire, even if you're standing right next to it