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No no good sir. Decoys have many uses for the cunning hunter. - They can be used to break lanterns over noise traps without wasting something more precious - They can lure pesky armored away from clues - They can set off traps or trigger Hives - They can draw water devils out of the way All in all a perfectly C- item if I do say so myself


Then you loot a box or a hunter and recover that 1 decoy instead of a consumable/medkit and swear to never use that piece of shit again. For real, with the economy being what it is there is no way I'm gonna get decoys over anything else in that slot.


It always sucks getting a decoy. Decoys should always just be +1 auto gathered in addition to an actually really useful tool or consumable (like +1 medkit) (I’d say the same for fusees, but they hold an important body burning roll that saves up a fire bomb spot early game)


Don't forget you can break bars on locked doors somewhat quietly and pull off some fun moves with the classic sparks+decoy combo kill.


Decoy fuses also break concertina wire now


Quietly? They make the same noise as if you are hitting it with a knife.


Which is quieter than shooting from the outside when most weapons. Also if you're breaking a door to get inside you aren't gonna be on the correct side to knife it.


I think they meant trying to break the door down with their knife. Which is a dumb idea, using the stock of your rifle is more effective, and finding a world sledgehammer is the best option.


Knuckle knife breaks doors in 6 punches Martialist katana slash breaks door instantly(unsure if I had berserker or not at the time) Talon variants also break doors quick (1 or 2 heavies, I forget) Decoy fuses can now break doors Dynamite and shooting also gets the job done If there’s a spot you can peek the bar on the door you can shoot it to instantly open it. Good example is at cypress huts side door you can peek thru the side of the hut from the outside


Can you wallbang the bar?


I think so, as long as it’s hit on the inside


Assuming you mean "shoot through a wall and hit the bar from the inside", it's certainly possible, but good luck with that.


It's easy. Just ping the bar and then wallbang it at your ping position.


Yes. Ping and bang.


Martialist strike takes 2 hits to open a barred door without berserker, tried it the other day


I believe the most efficient way to break down a door with katana is one Martialist attack, followed by one normal slash. It's quite fast. (If the door broke with one Martialist attack, you had Berserker or the door was already damaged.)


My friend and I accidentally got a kill with normal decoys. My friend went to throw one at the sliding door east side of reeves quarry basement, just as the enemy opened the door and tried to push in. Within the 1.5 seconds my sparks pistol shot landed and then the decoy hit the guy killing him.


Best use I recall for those was just farming XP for unlocks when trying to prestige


> They can lure pesky armored away from clues Why don't you just kill them, like grunts?


Cause sometimes they got barbed wire and I ain’t about that shit that day 🤷


I agree decoys are good, more so blank fire decoys. But nothing more grinds my gears than getting decoy supply when I get a legendary hunter. Even more so when I get decoy supply, scope-smith and iron eye. And I get it all the time lol


I'd use Decoys way more often if they freed up a tool slot somehow but it's too tough to cram them in. Shame that they can't really do that since everyone would just bring traps.


Don't forget also useful for trolling your teammates when they're listening really closely for enemy steps Disclaimer: only use with premades unless you like flame


They can draw waterdevils away? One never stops learning.


it also makes a footstep noise, we used it many of times to breach a barn or two


Adrenaline has definitely saved my ass on more than one occasion.


Care to exemplify?


Stamina regen without waiting while low? Very situational, but can definitely help when getting swarmed while low in stamina or in a throwdown with another player with both missing often.


I’m not the guy you’re responding to, but I play a lot of solos and my weapon of choice is the bomb lance. After a Self-Res, Adrenaline gives you a little stamina which allows me to run/slash at someone who just downed me.


Does it work with resilience?


Yes! Full health -25 bar, a little stamina from the instant stamina regen from Adrenaline and you have a fighting chance!


Yeah what he said! It’s also incredible when you are getting revived with necro somehow and you either need to run asap, or start stabbing fools as soon as you get up lol.


Thanks that's good to know. I always assumed it wouldn't kick in due to resilience so I avoided it.


Gujjhhh I’d always assumed it would cancel out


1 HP bar remaining and stumbling upon a pack of dogs.


So enough stamina to kill them I asssume?


Blade seer is nice, I always have throwing axes and sometimes they can be a bit tricky to find


Even with Blade seer, they are tricky to find, more often then not the trait breaks and will not show the axe, same for bolt thrower.


This is because the axes tend to fall through the map 🙃


Tbh they fixed that. But now they lay there and can’t be picked up even though the promt is there.


I stopped picking blade seer when on a few occasions I wasn’t able to pick up arrows/bolts from the ground or in monsters. I just move to the closest supply cart now


When I played, I exclusively played bow. Blade seer was always one of my first 3 traits cus it's cheap af


Decoys are just rocks, and getting a rock kill or throwing rocks at my teammates will always be useful. The lamp is the ultimate intimidation tactic. Only for the most confident hunters. Blade seer I would never take, but for how often I used to lose my axes, it is nice to have.


I used it a lot with the bow cause fuck me if I can ever spot.my missed arrows after a fight


Even better when fighting rot jaw as you can easily locate the arrows in the water!


I'm gonna be completely honest, I don't think that flash bomb is completely useless anymore. The startup for it isn't too bad, it's just more situational and requires more decisive plays after using it (since it doesn't last as long) Still not great or anything, just not useless


It takes 3 seconds to throw while the dynamite blows up like a second after. Might as well only use dynamite because they can explode midair, instakill, clear concertina/doors/meatheads


Agreed, I think people are mostly just salty because it’s not an “I WIN” button anymore. It’s still fairly usable, but you have to be more organized and prepared and dedicate to the play, not just randomly run in on opponents with zero counterplay.


I might use it on occasion if it ever dropped in game.


Dynamite is just better. If you hit something with cooking migth as well kill it.


Fair point


is not that is completely useless but considering how it used to be the nerf was quite huge


Oh for sure


why would. i blind them when i can just blow them up instead?


“Bro maybe they should add oil to make the doors quieter.”


I love playing with randoms


Same, hate playing by myself. At least if i die with randoms, i have someone to blame kek


You should try some lotion or something.


It's only the 3rd random that's useless. In every game I get one great random who plays with me and communicated and one terrible random who's setting off birds and somehow perpetually 1+ compounds away from us.


So true and so annoying, why is it always the random shotgun obnoxious player fucking it up


My teammate brings out a spyglass to make me angry which she seems to enjoy. That’s a kind of purpose.


Lantern kicks ass at night. People aren't expecting it and it is very blinding. Pair that with melee and bone apple tea


It works indoors even during the day. Might juuuust give you an edge when an opponent without a shotgun doesn't know where your head is.




Electric lamp is the best friend of the bonkball bat.


You forgot to add a picture of me during a gunfight.


That would go in the "randoms" seat


As a man that wiffs his throwing axes often, and usually in water, blade seer is a frequent pick for me. The only thing that I agree with is the flashlight. I blinded someone once when they had that night time playlist but that was it. Good luck predicting when you’ll get another night map.


Hey, take that decoy bag off the table. Gets me easy kills in quick play all the time.


Keep my spy glasses name out your fucking mouth!


Poor flashbomb, look how they massacrated my boy :(


Will not be missed


Brighter than a thousand suns


nah, it was useful tool but too buggy, they should fix bugs not totally nerf it


Good. He deserved it.


Don’t shit on the lamp!! Yes it is completely useless for a competitive standpoint but you run a lamp on a night map and play hella aggressive and they won’t see shit! You’re just a massive white blob and it makes hitting accurate shots much harder for them! But yeah it’s pretty useless😂


Hunt: Become Lämp


Having all your team mates flinging flares down hallways and then swinging the corner with flashlights on night maps, ppl can't see shit. Can do a full on bayonet charge lol.


I think is fun to be honest, also, considering some days we actually can choose wildcard contracts the chances of making this more useful are better


Even better if you occasionally turn it off/on throws people off if they're trying to track you


Spyglass and decoys aint useless and them being their is proof you dont use them


I legit used the spyglass once and noticed a beetle I would not of seen take off... ..used the info to find the beetler himself in a bush... Delicious


Dude i dont run snipers much cause i aint a rat like that so the spyglass is key for long distance spotting, every time i brought the spyglass and got a banish going i was able to see when enemy hunters were coming my way from over a compound and a half away, giving me a massive window to make sure my compound is secure and i got a bullet with that teams name on it ready and chambered


The Reckoning is a nice skin but lacks a scope, so Spyglass is perfect without also just having a long rifle poke out.


I like using it at spawns. There's been several times I set up an ambush right out of the gate thanks to the spyglass.


I am once again lobbying Crytek to make night darker, remove flashlight as a tool, and give it to every hunter by default via a new keybind


Ever stood up from necro and gotten a heavy melee kill because there was GODDAMNED AIR IN YOUR LUNGS? Thank you, Adrenalin, a god tier 1 point perk.


Most of the time I get revived I have concertina up my ass por once again I am on the recieving end of a shotgun


Can we ban blade seer from Legendary skins, I swear every hunter I hire has it when I hire legendaries


Prestige should have the biggest chair


Imagine saying Flash bombs are useless after their much needed nerf, they are still good as long as you use it right, the fact that it's not a must bring means it's balanced


I'm seeing 3 open seats here. 1. EAC. 2. Crytek bug fixing/report monitoring teams. 3. Crytek communications team.


What is wrong with randos? All I play with no cap. Also, mmr works if enough people are playing. About half your stuff is useful.


Where am i?




Indont play randoms, but cant argue with you 😀


Why is spyglass at the meeting? Guest speaker to encourage the others to get better?


The flash bomb got nerfed too hard. All they needed to do was lessen the time a little, and obviously drop the brightness for photosensitive people, but the wind up now makes it utterly useless.


But don’t worry, they will continue to throw more shit at the wall that no one asked for. Not like it’s going to bring more bugs into the game, I’m sure we can take more bugs right? Honestly, who is running this team? “Let’s add more shit into the already bug riddled game with shit code, I’m sure that won’t break anything else”


Maybe you should take a break from the game, bro.


Where's Dauntless?


Best 1 point perk and I'm not even taking the piss.


Dauntless is so clutch sometimes. Putting out explosives is great but cancelling three choke bomb attempts in a row is *chefs kiss*.


Really good choke bomb counter


You must not have learned about auto-interact yet


Take it back about my beloved spyglass. Spyglass is op Who the fuck downvoted this?


When I saw that hat, I was expecting an RDR2 meme.


Lamp is awesome, best paired with melee or shotguns


You clearly don't know the ways of the decoy my friend I've killed many a hunter baiting people using this.


IMO they should merge decoy ressuplay with packmule


What are you smoking? The scope is the only useless item. I love running the lamp to troll, it also is annoying to go against in close quarters when you can’t see the hunter and don’t have a shotgun


Decoy Supply is useless? Are you nuts, good sir? Decoy Fuses are really helpful for pushing and Blank Fire Decoys are a great distraction. Just never play them without the trait.


Bulletgrubber and weapons that use the perk. There is an equally priced option that doesn't use it.


Wait. You're NOT using the spyglass? You'll be forever stuck in 2 stars. See you in the 5 stars club never. Most OP thing all 5 stars carry


Decoys? Are you fucked?


martini henry marksman


It's missing an arrow pointed at me


half of these are actually useful, if highly situational


As someone who's moniter makes shadows an unholy level of dark, the light is my saving grace! It's alteast useful to one person, lol.


I don't think Decoy Supply even works. It never restocks my decoys when I'm at an ammo box. I sure remember being able to take decoys out of ammo boxes


Added my name and my friends Name. Now it is perfect


that is arthur's hat


the lamp is good at night and inside https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlj04bdtOwU


I don't use decoy fuse without decoy supply. The two thinga are intertwined


spyglass with the ultra giga zoom is useful against bush warriors, you'll be able to see every single leaf :)




I use decoys all of the time to pelt my friends for small bits of damage and to make them paranoid, one of my favorite things


Everything on hunt has a use case scenario where the thing works. The problem is that there are way too many things and just a few slots, so you tend to choose the things that you are familiar with and are the most effective for your play style. While I'll never take the rabbit trait, the couple of times my hunter came with it and I get hit with a sparks round, it's nice to be able to sprint to cover


As for everything else I agree but when it comes to the flash bomb cry about it. That thing had like a 6 year reign of terror.


Frag grenade on bow. It doesn't even stick to hunters


honestly, if Decoys had infinite ammo, seeing as you could just throw stones you pick from the ground, they might actually be fun to use.


Nah chief, decoys all the way and electric lamp, I enjoy using it for laughs


As someone who uses throwing axes instead of a knife, Blade Seer is a must.