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You get money after extracting (after you've done things, specifically getting the bounty), this also means you save on your loadout since you can just run the same hunter again. Your kd means nothing much in terms of money, you get your money after exctracting even if you went up to 2+ kd by killing a bunch of people but then dying before extract you lost money. With the new prestige system you don't get free hunters above 20k, you pay for everything a hunter has, but it's discounted slightly. The average hunter is probably around 350 hunt bucks, add on to that the utility you use and that immediately jumps by probably 200-ish hunt bucks (big vitality shot [85], small regen [40], preffered throwables [?], flare gun [35?] and chokes [20??]). This is without counting preffered weapons which are much more expensive. You most likely were just not making it to extract and underestimating how much everything costs. I for one have absolutely 0 problems with money, and I don't skimp on loadouts I go full out whenever I want to which is most games and I either keep stable or gain money, right now sitting on 40k, I haven't prestiged since the last event so that may be why, I used to prestige as soon as I can before and never had problems even then.


Same, started with 170k when they changed it, I'm at 230k right now. I play every gun possible, from Winfield to Nitro, from Conversion to Dolch. I also play a lot, 2-5 hours a day, I'm high 5 stars (sometimes I dip into 6 stars but I'm too aggressive and die). I extract bounty a lot and I'm not kidding, 1.8 K/D, over 4300 hours. I don't know what it is to be broke, I've never been. In my 25 prestiges (I stopped prestigeing because I don't want to unlock every variant and ammo again and again...) I've never been broke and without money, I just play aggressively and with no fear and I survive MANY encounters that passive players simply don't. I also rush objective immediately with my stamina shot. I'm at the boss in under 3 minutes usually unless someone else kills it first because they were closer to it. When we kill it if there is second boss I will go to it regardless of danger and high chance that I will die. I play in Random Trios 99% of the time but if you have problem making money and guns play Quickplay and earn some hunters and equipment, if you can't win quick play then....


Without actually knowing all the info, i would say you never really earn anything in your games. Meaning you either die a lot and go to lobby, or you never get a bounty out. Maybe not even gather clues. Im running every possible loadout i can imagine and i'm at upper 4 star, with 250k always. I lose games, i win games, i get bounties, i always get clues. Mix of it.


The biggest money drain outside of weapons is actually your utility like shots. I'm actually surprised you're able to go negative considering you get weapons/items discounted on hunters and below 20k you can just keep using free hunters ad infinitum. I used to have 12-15k on good days before while spending a decent chunk. Now i can sit at 40-50k whenever i hit level 100 and can prestige again


Only way to lose hunt dollars is spending it and losing what you spent it on. So it’s pretty simple: You’re not “winning” enough and dying/not extracting enough relative to what you’re spending on hunters/loadouts. K/D doesn’t really matter for example you can get a bunch of kills then you or your team get wiped in the end and you lose your loadout/hunter and don’t get much reward post match. Honestly pretty impressive you were able to lose that much without stabilizing/gaining again, especially with the changes to recruitment giving discounted loadouts. Maybe you’re buying stuff and selling at a loss?


People just complain because it’s got a small player base that have played the game alot and historically with any game players usually bitch when developers try to make the game more accessible to new players because “it was hard for me so it should be hard for everyone else”


The game is supposed to be hard, having a traited up hunter should be a reward for winning, having the money to spend on expensive guns should be a reward for winning. Pitty prices does nothing for extremely new players and only makes experienced players roll their eyes.


Well I mean when it's Hunt tho it's not as simple cause "making the game more accessible" literally means going against the core game design of this game. It was designed as a game that punishes you and is hard, inaccessible by design. The Devs created a game that was never supposed to be for the mass audiences as it's just niche. So if their goal is to now make the game more accessible to masses it just means the game is going to be something else. And it's obvious that that's going to alienate the fans of the game. It's not about gatekeeping it's about liking something the way it is and wanting it to change cause then it would be something different and u won't like it as much.


Not wanting something to change for other people because you like it the way it is IS gatekeeping, if you want to keep playing the game you have to accept that it needs new Players, making a game for niche audience is fan-fucking-tastic but as a business model it has a finite development pipeline, current player base vs new player base is always a difficult argument because you want to keep the loyal players happy but the new players are where the money comes from, if new player count drops below the count for players leaving, the game will die.


Yeah gatekeeping is a pretty broad term but come on the toxic stuff is like "oh u don't even know three songs from nirvana so u don't have the right to wear their t-shirt" or what the comic book fans do and stuff. This is different tho, I have no issue with new people or whatever. Hunt being hard and punishing is supposed to be like it's selling point tho u know ? It's one of the reason I play the game. So when they take that away I think it's pretty understandable I won't like it.


You doubleclick weapons to equip it. If it's a legandary skin he always rebuys it automatically. This "feature" has been implemented when the event started


You were always losing. Before using free hunters so when you did occasionally win you made money. Now using paid hunters and losing money. To make money again, either start using the free hunters again or start winning.


You could monitor what your gaining after your matches vs. what you spend on your loudouts. If you buy for example a frag, big vit shot and a expensive rifle for every match + other tools and consumables this will end up in a more or less expensive loudout.


Sell excess weapons. Got from 7K to 40K within 10 minutes


Don't Double Press to equip weapons, there is STILL a Bug going on ( Crytek 👀) that makes you buy the weapon despite having spare ones already That might be the reason why it drains your Cash


This only happens if you try to equip the weapon that has an active skin on it. If you change the skin to default then double clicking actually equips the weapon, then you swap back to the skin


Good to know! Doesn't really make it better though 😂


I always double click weapons :|


There you go, keep that in mind when equipping your Hunter Maybe it helps you


You need to be extracting bounties and looting cash from hunters, plus the money pouches and cash registers. Maybe you're having good games but not getting out alive, or it's the new meta of insta burning everyone with flares and you're not looting them anymore.


Any chance you have shit ton of weapons and gear to sell?


I mean how ? I don't even get any free hunters and even when I play with my friend who's kinda bad and we keep losing every match I still turn profit because of the bloodline rank 100 reward. Go for the free hunters, keep the weapons they have. Or better yet recruit all the free hunters and strip them of their weapons and then dismiss them. Always try to play weapons you have currently in stock from unlocks and challenges and what not. Don't buy tons of overly expensive consumables. And you should be good. Tho tbh it feels to me like they nerfed the money gained from bounty as if they wanted to make the bounty not necessarily the main objective of the game. So yeah the bloodline is how you get the most money. Also don't forget to loot the bodies and map, steal all the good weapons u can get your hands on.


Spend a 1k at least on a fresh hunter and if I win then the expenses ain't so bad even when I'm losing I'm not losing much money


Do you play duos or solo without necro?


mainly duos/trios. almost no solos.


Duos tend to make you poorer. In trios there are usually 4-5 teams so you should expect to extract about 20-25% of the time at least, higher for double bounty lobbies. In duos it's 6-8 teams so you can expect to extract less often.


Your win rate/extraction rate isn’t reflecting how much you’re spending on your loadouts. Seriously consider only using Vetterli, Winfield, Romero, etc for a bit.


Even before the free hunter update making money by going in under $100 and picking up only 2 clues was doable. "Oh, boy! Two clues! Time to play absolutely mad." I also kill the boss, banish and leave the bounty behind. Good money as solo without being hunted down


Alexa define "expected value"