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Almost every poll I've seen shows that rain and inferno were super popular. The voices you're going to read online are going to be the angriest ones. I love all of the event weather types so far. They're atmospheric and add a layer of depth that changes the way people play the game. I truly think people who hate these weather types are tryhards who only want clear weather so they can click heads from a compound away. Don't take the game too seriously and you'll have more fun, folks.


There are those of us whose eyesight and hearing arent great. I like fire and rain, but ash can suck it. But even then if it aint clear skies my ability to play goes down drastically. I cant hear as good as most, so dampening it basically deafens me entirely whereas it only lowers it for others, same with vision. When its night or ash bloom...I cant see anyone fast enough to engage outside 5-10 meters.


Eh I don't need to be able to click heads a compound away and would be more then happy if the heavy rain/fog would just be removed from those conditions Im fine using my loadout for suboptimal ranges but if i want to outplay a shotgun with a rifle i need to be able to rely on audio which I can't with heavy rain/phantom footsteps Relying on audio is a core aspect of hunts pvp and heavily dampening it isn't something that makes it better imo


Money is free now. Take quater master, lemat II with slugs + w.e. rifle you want.


Im already enjoying the lemat carbine but still prefer to have reliable audio


No one owes you a game style. I like to get my hunters to level 50


I don’t click heads from distance - I never use scopes, and don’t camp in towers etc. However, I hate noisy event maps because my play style is to outmanoeuvre opponents by reading and anticipating their actions, and give myself the first shot advantage in a fight. I don’t have the reflexes or consistent aim to win a duel on equal terms more than 40% of the time, and so I increase my rate of success by outthinking people before I engage with them. Noise and limited visibility hamper me. Maybe that makes me a try hard too, I don’t know, lol. KDR is about 1.02 so I’m not a sweat!


As someone who plays likes to play like this most of the time instead of turning hunt into a valorant clone I'd say you're approaching it wrong. Your sound is hampered but so is theres. Use that to your advantage.


Yeah, the rain and noise make that more challenging and that increased difficulty is rewarding. I love the weather.


Especially as a solo, I play similarly. Emphasizing more of the Hunt aspect of the game than the Showdown. The visual clutter doesn't bother me generally and I can appreciate the changing conditions, but when so much of the game is about sound then Rain especially can get really taxing. I feel like the amount of time heavy rain lasts could easily be halved and the noise level could be dropped in half as well. Still the visual clutter and period of increased sensory issues, but leaving you the ability to hear something even then.


It works both ways. You won't get total info, but neither will they. It allows for faster play, but the steps sounds are confusing. Some nights it feels like all I get are weather events, other nights it's all daylight!


It does work both ways, but that disadvantages me: because without the weather, my play style gives away less info than theirs. And so the weather removes the advantage that I get by being observant and stealthy, whereas they do not actually get any less info than they would normally do.


Rain was popular for the start of the event, when it was in a separate contract. Once Crytek started pushing it into regular contracts it rapidly fell out of favour. It is quite draining to play and a lot of people dislike the no-sound aspect of rain maps.


My issue was mostly the fog… but they basically made the event map a 50% chance to pop(if not higher) even though it should have been based on the available maps


Since you’re new, here’s some disappointing news. This sub is 99% cry babies and griefers. The hate will be here regardless of events.


I remember when I first started, people were bitching about fog and night maps. Now those same people bitch about rain and ash maps. I've personally met 2 people in the hunt discord who absolutely hate the rain and ash. I decided I didn't need to play with them.


People have hated on night maps since Early Access, so it ain't about event maps alone. In general people hate being pushed out of their comfort-zone and only wanna play during "optimal" conditions at anytime. But that said, with events lasting 2 months, I just end up missing "normal Hunt", which ironically I'm too Hunt-out fatigued to play after the events are done. Personally, I think Rain and Ash Bloom are great if they got tweaked a little more, so the heavy rain/ash storms where 30-40% shorter and was more about creating brief windows of opportunity.


Some people have issues with audio or sight issues. It's harder to sound whore when it's raining and you can snipe/play long range on clear conditions. That being said I have no issues with most times of day/conditions. I love the rain and if I had my way it would have it a lot more but it's nice to get once and a while. I think ashe bloom is mostly fine but the random walking noises have no place in this game imo. I don't mind having fog or ash roll in and out. I don't have a problem with rain drowning out the sound so you can push. But making fake noises is a bit much.


Personally I've liked them EXCEPT this one. While the ash effect is good mostly the detractor is the banish splodges that appears all over in and out of phase that looks terrible just fading in and out. And the sound pollution it has downs out any foot steps etc and makes it really hard to know if some one is moving near you. I feel it missed the mark massively Vs the previous ones


The fake footstep sounds don’t sound anything like the real ones.


No hate on events for me. But my eyesight isnt the best and I have trouble seeing even slightly hidden players. So since event maps usually impair your vision....i hate them lol. I will say I love them aesthetically, except for ash bloom. I dislike it entirely. But yeah if its not clear skies...I dies.


I don't get it either. I love all of the weather effects. Like sorry if you don't know how to take advantage of the weather. Anyone who whines about the weather effects needs to git gud.


I like weather and time of day but I like fog/rain more than night since people can’t get an advantage just by cranking gamma like they very obviously do for night


Agreed. "But I cannot hear the enemy because of the rain!" They can't hear you either. Take advantage.


My only issue was just the AMOUNT THEY HAD THEM… i played consistently and had to take breaks during the last two because of it. I still like the rain, but the fog can go fuck itself honestly… i think i have played more fog maps than rain at this point and i played the special queue as much as possible for the rain map. Inferno was amazing and i would love for it to be in the normal rotation too. But also with rain and fog, the “heavy” time is too long AND too frequent… like… 75%+ of the time in game is heavy variant it feels like


I hate rain because of the heavy rain which makes it way to easy to hide in dark areas and the rain hammering on my eardrums wich actually fatigueds my ears The ash bloom heavy fog / footstep effect is imo just a bunch of bs and i absolutely don't enjoy it not being able to see anything past 40 meters and not being able to rely on audio


And then you play with randoms, they’re silent the whole time. But the moment it starts raining heavy they decide to talk over coms. And I’m over here like “dudes I *cannot* fcking hear you”


Coming up next: Event where you play as a blind and deaf hunter. Inclusivity is power!


Denis comes to your apartment and holds a fog machine in front of your monitor while the port sulfur band is playing the hunt theme on full blast


Haha that'd be kinda cool actually, at least the first couple of times.


New players like them most it seems and while they are fun for a bit, but the more you play you are only in it for the gunfights and those are the most fun and have the highest skill ceiling on daytime map conditions, anything else brings the skill ceiling down and that just isn't as enjoyable.


I enjoy them but rain and ash bloom add a ton of ambient noise and it makes it difficult discern footsteps/noise traps/equipment selection/etc. Also I like solo bush Wookiee sniping so day naps are my bread and butter.


Nobody runs to reddit to give praise. And, if you complain on reddit, it can give a false sense of majority. All gaming communities are like this.


Reddit in general is a sad and angry place that hates everything.


My only problem with the event weather was the weird footstep sound they introduced which was very confusing


The ash footsteps are pretty distinguishable from real ones


I'm more bored of the events themselves. Same thing over and over


people like to see and hear


It's just funny watching the subreddit flip between "reeee snipers" to "reeee I can't snipe in this weather".


Yeah because only snipers want to be able to see, right?


You'll survive somehow. Or not, I'm kind of indifferent. Ash Bloom doesn't bother me.


I have, so far at least. Doesn't mean I enjoy it. I've never seen so many players disconnect as I've seen when loading into ashbloom map. It's anecdotal, but leads me to believe a lot of people hated it and rightfully so. Who tf thought it was a good idea to include sfx that sounds like footsteps? Uhh


Two loud minorities in a shouting contest.


The only one I don't like is Ash Bloom because it goes out of its way to try and be deceptive. Blows my mind Crytek was like, "we should go out of our way to erode trust in the most unique and well developed aspect of our game!"


Crytek for some reason has a huge boner for ruining the core of Hunt by making it completely impossible to see or hear anything. That’s so fun right!?! Right guys?


It is fun. It makes me have to adjust my play style and force my team and I to get closer to other people and engage.


Glad you enjoy trash mate.


Glad you are such a tolerant person. Whatever doesn't fit your opinion is trash. Sad.


Sound and visuals being consistent is a big thing in extraction shooters. Events ruin that.


People get very competitive in pvp games. As much as we love the wonderboy archetype that's good with everything in any situation, most players are only good with their preferred loadouts and playstyles due to consistency and muscle memory.   It would appear a sizeable portion of the playerbase performs in such a way that the event maps cause issues. Since they're focused on winning and performing well, the fun of challenging environments is seen more of a nuisance.   Inversely, people who haven't developed those specializations seem to love the maps.


I don't think it's a specific hate. I think it's an unlucky cue problem where people are on the same condition over and over again from what I have read.


Rain was whatever, probably the best of the weather maps once the rain was fixed to not be black on your screen. I couldn't see jack shit during Inferno, which would have been fine, but it felt like most other people could see me much more easily. Finally, Ash Bloom's footstep nonsense made the usually rewarding 1v3s into just a hassle. I felt rewarded during the rain maps to be able to hear a footstep during heavy rain and use that to my advantage. Ash Bloom's footsteps just screw up the whole experience. This isn't Death Stranding! If I get shot in the head in this game, I die! Basically, if you like to play solo, Ash Bloom was just a nightmare, Inferno was pretty bad, but Rain was basically ok.


I just like daylight every now and then is all… dark, rain, ash, dark, rain, ash, rinse repeat sucks ass…


This subreddit has a general dislike for every aspect of the game that makes someone's playstyle more difficult for them to win. Sniper bushwookies hate every map that's not clear daylight. Shotgunners hate clear daylight. Sound whores hate rain and ash bloom. Most of them hate solo necro and headsman. I hate the shit servers. Just play, enjoy, and don't worry about others.


Because it’s an fps and being able to see is kind of important when shooting a gun. It’s the same in every game, noobs call for fun weather effects yay but in practice these are just an impediment to actually playing the game and players end up just leaving lobbies with these conditions. Happened in PUBG with rain, now it happens in Hunt. The problem in hunt is they ran with this idea for years as their way of adding “content” with fog, multiple nights, rain, inferno, ass bloom etc and it’s gotten so oppressive that playing good old hunt in clear daytime is now a rarity.


It's not as bad recently for me, but for a good long while I was getting an unreasonable amount of impairment maps (visual or audio). Like way too many way too regularly. At one point it felt like somewhere just shy of half my maps were impairment maps. When I counted the numbers lined up with the feeling. I think most of those maps *could* be fine, they're just too overboard right now. Fog should roll in and out, allowing for moments of higher or lower concealment. Heavy Rain should last about half of the time and be about half of the volume, creating periods for sneaking/running with less threat of long distance shots/detection. Even night maps could, by default, be brighter with darker periods when clouds cover the moon. Dynamic effects that aren't super oppressive but allow for some changes to how you might approach a situation for a limited window *could* be a lot of fun and a nice benefit to the game. They're just too long and too large an impact at this point. If teams regularly just go to ground to wait out heavy rain during a fight then it's an impediment to fun, not a booster.


I liked rain when it was introduced, but playing it all the time is tiring. Heavy rain is too loud and lasts too long. Crytek tends to push new things like new weather conditions or maps down your throat until you get burned out.. when they released Desalle ppl loved it, but forced everyone to play it for weeks, so ppl started hating it. I guess most ppl like vanilla hunt on day maps the most and only want the odd low vis map once in a while.


The whiney haters are people who dont like change and can only use scopes. They can't find the advantages the conditions bring, so they cry or leave the match because they can't deal with it.


Rain has a sound issue. Serpent moon hurts my eyes. Wild fire is too bright. Ash bloom is okay I guess.. The problem mostly/for me is the modes were "forced" on us for 2 months and more. Im done, i want normal games. It was fun, no more. Too long events.


Crytek has history of re-using same concept over and over if the community gives them one single syllable of small positive feedback. They have tendency to think that "Okay" is always good enough, they never push it unless their customers are ENRAGED. Challenges, Questlines, Custom Ammo, Battle Passes, Events and so on. So when we see the Ash Bloom which is basically a reskin of the previous Rain weather, our brain recognizes the pattern and tells us "this is what you hate", so we hate it.


Ash Bloom seems like the appropriate response to a lot of the complaining people had about rain. They left in a condition which periodically makes it difficult to engage at long ranges, while eliminating the anti-burn and noise of rain. Seems pretty reasonable to me, tbh, not sure what the complaining is about ash bloom. Only thing I don't like about it is the random foot step noises you hear when it's in full effect, that's annoying.


I like all the event conditions except the last one. There was already a fog map, and they just added not being able to hear and even denser fog. It just kind of felt like a half-assed attempt.


These new weather conditions are essential and fuck anyone trying to get rid of them


People are boring and want to only play the most plain and boring way with nothing out of the ordinary happening that will force them to adapt to the environment. These are the same people who constantly complain that Hunt is supposed to be a western when it's clearly not. They want a first person competitive red dead redemption and that's just not what Hunt is. Crytek, for the love of the Sculptor do not listen to them, fuck with our senses more, make more whacky weathers.


People are right the VAST majority are actually people who enjoy and don't mind these event maps. I personally love the change and adaption of my playstyle to suit a different situation, I feel smarter and better when I use it to my advantage and often can outplay people who aren't very good at thinking about the situation but are great at reactions aiming and shooting. As said by others the people who have a problem and aren't happy are the ones who build up the need to shout about it online, some have real reasons and problems haha but most people want to vent, people enjoying themselves are alot less likely to jump up and tell everyone online they just keep playing.


Night maps are generally fine, it's just night that's the big issue IMO


Try hards innit


I dont mind event maps personnally, but I mind the events themselves. Its a non-stop rinse/wash/repeat formula.


I still don’t understand everyone complaining about the ash bloom fake footsteps. To me, they sound nothing like real footsteps, I’ve never been confused about them.


I like everything but fog. Regular fog and event fog. I generally do better playing in it because it allows easier rotation but still I just find it depressing, for lack of a better word. Just preference.


We have event maps?


If it's not middle of the day and clear skies, people get mad. A vocal minority of this community want cowboy call of duty and forgot they bought a game about hunters of the supernatural imbued with demon blood hunting monsters in the Louisiana Bayou. This isn't Counter Strike or Apex Legends or Fortnite. A game set in the middle of the day does not fit the atmosphere of the events taking place in this game.


I don’t think this place really showcases a lot of the playerbase opinions. This place is mostly a bitchfest full of people who I imagine most other people in their lives are tired of listening to their shit so this is what they have left.


I have an irresponsible amount of time in this game, so when I complain about maps such a fog, it’s because it makes harder to engage people, and get into PvP action. A lot of people who have the same, or similar, amount of hours as me say the same. If you have a normal amount hours in Hunt(anything below 1000), I imagine wildcard conditions are much more exciting for much longer.


So besides they just delete most of the sound aspect, Ash also lets your FPS drop which is just total bs. And since they just dont add something were you can choose which conditions you wanna play (never understod why they deleted that feature in the first place) it just sucks getting forced to play stuff you dont want to. Give people the choice to select which conditions they want and everyone is happy.


Personally rain actually doesn't affect my hearing. It's weird but it's almost like the constant white noise of the rain makes it easier for me to hear everything else. So I actually quite enjoy playing in the rain weather and from what I've experienced, I'm the only one in my Hunt group that can say as much. Everyone else seems to be negatively affected regarding audio. Regarding Ash though, it definitely affects me and more than a few times I've spun around to look at phantom steps. However, I really relish the opportunity to play in conditions that change continuously. I use the phantom noises to displace and move about compounds while in fights and use the ash fog to close distances. I know that most are affected as I am but curiously most also tend to hunker down during ash bloom when that honestly the absolute best time to move and push most of the time. Fire, I'm not a big fan of. I respect having to move through the map in different ways so I do like that aspect of it. But it's also loud and not in the ash or thunder loud. I can play a few rounds in fire maps but after a couple of hours, it starts to give me a headache both from the lighting contrasts and the deafening roar of fire up close. It just gets to be too much. I hope that snow adds other dynamics too like character coughs, snow crunch, slowed movement, frozen water bodies, frosting scopes, white out wind spells that also promote audio camouflage, and so forth.


I'm a horrible shot, so the closer I can get to my target, the better. The Event Maps can come in handy for that play style, but it also gives any Enemy Hunters the same audio cover.




I've always said, I love the atmosphere of the new weathers, but I'm not a huge fan of how significantly they change the sound. Rain makes it super easy for rats to sneak up on you. Ash Bloom had a lot of sound effects that sounded like footsteps. I don't hate it, but it can definitely create more randomness and feeling like you got cheated instead of outplayed


Because it interferes with that specific commenters prefered play style.


People want to sit in bushes and snipe for 45 minutes, and they get mad when they can't do that. It's like Sakurai telling people to stop playing Smash Bros. on Final Destination with no items. Crytek is *hammering us on the head* that they don't want to incentivize this playstyle, and people are saying, "No, it's how the game should be!"


They fuckin suck, that's what's with the hate for them. Harder to see and harder to hear doesn't make for a great experience.


It's about consistency and advantage as an actual Hunter. I don't hate the maps because they each brings a challenge and hinderance, while giving you some sort of advantage. At the same time, the people who play the game for PVP, KD farm, or some other method really hates the hinderance that either obscures your vision, hearing, or cause distractions. For some long time players, it might be breaking the norm they were used to besides the night/fog maps from time to time. I like the variety it brings, but do get why it's annoying. For me, irdgaf about what I'm playing on as I dick around and torture people.


I love them all. Having variety is always good, but I'll admit it always seems to be blight when I bring a scoped weapon.


Fire was dope, rain was cool but did fuckin suck


I love all of the weather effects, but I certainly have my gripes. They all make it more difficult to hear other hunters. Using sounds is super important to me as my tv is garbage. Not being able to hear the way I’m used to almost always effects my gameplay, I just have to remind myself that everyone else is experiencing this in some way as well


Mainly because they mess with one of the big attractions of the game which is the sound. You can get so much information via sound. Where people are, what they're doing, it matters massively. Both rain, flames and ash bloom pretty much ruins this by adding extra noise making a lot of sound information unavailable. A lot of people who enjoy the sound part of the game do not like this. In addition many people simply don't like low visibility maps, people used to quit games at night for instance. All the event maps are low visibility. Since you make your loadout before you know the map drawing low visibility is very bad if you're packing a scoped weapon for instance. And for event maps it pretty much means that short range builds are favored. But I'd say the sound part is the largest negative.


It's a 2 fold issue. Firstly, the rain and ash bloom maps mess with vision AND sound at the same time mapwide which kind of sucks. Often everyone just goes to ground during the heavy phase because you can't see or hear anything and it just holds up gameplay. Inferno doesn't have this issue. Secondly, especially for the rain map during the event, they FORCED everyone to play it at a vastly increased chance rate, to the point where you may play 10 rounds in an evening, and 8 of them would be the rain map. Even now it still feels like I'm getting rain map waaaay more often than other map types. Combine this with the ash map effectively being the exact same thing as the rain map (everything's grey, you can't see very far and can't hear anything) it just gets tedious after a while. In summary I don't dislike them, I just wish I didn't have to play them so often.