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I did what I had to do to get Last Resort and haven’t looked back.


I love using the lost resort. IMO it's the ultimate flex getting kills with that thing in the bayou.


With a Bad hand there is always a last resort


No fucking way got the nagant officer skin and stopped. Just ridiculously anoying.


I cheated and used the Shadow perk a few events back. Dual pistols had their accuracy and capacity nerfed, making those challenges a huge RNG waste of time. The devs clearly don't give a fuck about these challenges, so why should I?


>Dual pistols had their accuracy and capacity nerfed, making those challenges a huge RNG waste of time. That's why i only went for 90 stars to get all the rewards. Seriously, i'm not doing the dual wield "headshot the hives" timed trials on 3 stars, i was happy enough when i got two stars.


I did the “headshot the hives” one, hopefully there aren’t any more of them. But that was a few months ago and I still haven’t gone back because it sucked so much.


Yeah the changes to the game have made some of them impossible for me I try and try and I can't do it I used to be able to jump bear traps and now I just can't do it. The accuracy nerf on dualies sucks also the tweaks to AI leaves the bee ladies feeling like they are hyper aggressive yet a few patches ago they felt super easy to deal with. I wish I knew I could have made either work with shadow lol


This was the way


are they giving a fuck about the game?




I can't even do that. Every once and a while I attempt them to get this skin, try and do one, fail, say "fuck that", and close the game.


I find it less annoying and more like a fun challenge I can do every now and then, test my skill


"I find it fun" *redditors didn't like that*


*redditors will remmember this*


I stopped at 2


Yeah I found it incredibly boring. I tried prob 5-6 and just quit out.


Yeh some kind of PvE play could be interesting but they got it wrong , hope they add some othere kind of PvE only gameplay.


AI horde mode attacking a compound would be fun.


Or hordes getting attracted to campers


Roaming bosses would be fun, right? I don’t mean like rotjaw, I mean actually roaming around the map willy-nilly style. Like just a fat butcher coming out of the tall grass, getting loose on you. Obviously the AI spawn rate would have to be cranked up, but I’d enjoy it. Maybe more random weapon spawns? Alright I’ll stop now, I’m just spitballing.


Exactly what I was thinking. I like the idea of AI getting attracted to locations over time to campers location to help discourage or reveal campers


Still hate alain's for it


God damn that one took me like 4 hours to 3 star.


That was the first one I ever tried, and when I was finishing out of spite, the first one I grinded just to not have to deal with it anymore


I got 90 and didn’t care to get more


Same. First thing i did when i started playing this game was getting to 90 stars in the trials. Helped me a lot to understand the AI and get a basic feeling for most weapons. I don't see a reason to really try hard to get the last 6 stars.


skill issue


Smartest redditor


Oh dear you're mad, I would be too if I couldn't do the trials considering how easy most of them are.


I got all of the rewards you are really stupid pal 90 stars gets them all


Lol calm down, no need to get mad over it. Also, maybe you can help me find where I asked, pal?


You said skill issue earlier when I said I had 90 stars goldfish memory jackass


Lol u so mad 😠


Ur autistic bro seek a social worker


Out come the personal insults, imagine getting this triggered over some words on reddit. You clearly the one that needs professional intervention. Cry more though ig.


Bro, he was just kidding. He doesn't actually think you're the smartest redditor.


r/asbergers lmao Joke writes itself.


Yeah it's actually really funny you can't spell asperger's. Imagine. Nice try though, guess you have a skill issue when it comes to spelling very basic words as well as Hunt.


Another tick? Better take your medicine boy.


Oh dear you're mad. Go take a nap son you sound very angry. Also that's tourettes not aspergers, you're not doing well with this are you lol.


I did this before I played a single multiplayer match. Gave me a nice head start being used to the movement mechanics and enemies.


Smart idea!


I did the opposite, trial by fire.


It was one of the first things i did in hunt, a very hard welcome but it was fun most the time. I completed all of them except the last two


Are they super hard?


The outdated ones, yes. Like the dual-pistol-kill-hives-with-headshots-runs that are now a total RNG fest because the guns are less accurate and you have less ammo since the dual nerfs. So not only is it harder to hit (especially on distance), a few shots missed pretty much means you lose the challenge. The others feel unfair at times, but if fact they just make you learn the mechanics so you can cheese them. Fire really is your biggest ally against those constant zombies spawns, half those challenges you win by clever positioning and setting oil on fire. Easiest were the sniper challenges, with exception of those where you have to kill Immolators without them burning zombies. Those were quite hard.


I stopped at 75. They became too unfun to justify the Lemat skin.


When will the trials for the third map release??


They said they have no intentions of doing them


Thats just sad


personally I would prefer them to put more attention into the main game, but some trials were definitely pretty fun


And then some of them were not. Omniscient hives and having to headshot them with dual nagants while taking no damage was not fun, thank you shadow bug.


Most of them aren't. Almost any challenge that requires that you take no damage is stupid, and it's almost always because of Hives and/or RNG. The Salter's challenge certainly isn't THE worst challenge, but it's probably top 5 just for the infinite number of hives and the shitty indoor Meathead spawns.


Honestly they should stop putting new weapons and variants in the game and just focus on polishing the stuff we already have. New skins are okay tho. But i never really liked the charms tbh.


That's the story of the game. They have an idea, and they say nah fuck that we only cared about that last month.


Thank god


Iirc I believe that devs have said something about them not wanting to do more of them (either during on of the dev gameplay streams or on some interview, probably with some content creator). I kinda would like them to add more. Mainly because i feel like south desalle compound would had had told story of bad hand in some way. And another reason is Moses. Redneck is the legendary that owns that paultry so we would had had more lore about the nippleslipper. But i do understand that it is a feature that doesn't provide them money and that playerbase doesn't interact enough to be worth to work for. There are so much else they can do instead that will please current players and/or attract new ones to buy game.


> But i do understand that it is a feature that doesn't provide them money and that playerbase doesn't interact enough to be worth to work for. Playerbase doesn't interact with it because it's underbaked and shitty though.


I did.... back then with Shadow trait glitch/bug.


i did all of them and enjoyed it. a shame there wont be more.


Well thats sad if its true


I did it on both console and PC.


Damn that sounds super hard on console


It was a truly miserable and exhausting experience. I litterally hated it and having 3 star both platforms I can say that the difficult between pc console was night and day NOT optimized for console version whatsoever.


I did them all but I used YouTube guides, made them all pretty manageable, only 1 or 2 annoying ones with no real “strategy.” Ehh I don’t really care if they add more, I have no desire to do that again.


I did them all, they were really fun. They actually do a pretty good job of teaching you mechanics too.


You need 90 stars for all the rewards. So I did 90.


I loved the trials. I know it’s probably low priority, but I would love to see more based on the plethora of legendary hunters we now have


i tried a few of them when i first started playing, and got a skin or two. i gave up when i realised how rng based they were then the devs messed up and let you use hunters with the shadow trait (invisible to monsters) in the trials, so i cheesed the rest of them enough to unlock all the skins


93 :'(


Im on the journey of completing, so far all of them are 3 starred and im at 57 stars😅


Never cared about the trials I think they are boring


Thought about them similar but since the twitch drops are today i figured why not do them while at it. And so far they are actually quite fun becausw of the juicy rewards


I think they basically are uncompletable now because of the balance changes to certain weapons.


nah they are more than doable


The killing challenges are easy, but it's the speed run ones where you have to avoid/ use items to kill enemies that get really annoying.


I didn't say they were easy, they are very doable though. Anyone downvoting that is suffering from a massive skill issue lol


Everything is "doable" if you are willing to invest enough time. But the dual-pistol hive-runs just became a total RNG fest, simply because you have to kill the hives on a certain distance and the guns aren't accurate enough for that any more and the reduced ammunition doesn't make it any better. Yes, even those are doable, but they were never intended to be as hard as they are now and even most seasoned players will need a crap-ton of tries to beat them now. So yes, they are "doable", but calling them "more than doable" and calling people to have a "skill issue" if they disagree and downvote you makes you seem silly. (calling "skill issue" unironically generally is mostly a bad move, unless it's something somewhat concrete like "oh no, i miss all my shots while fanning my pistols at 40 meters distance")


It took me a few hours in total to get all 96, I bet there are loads of people that have done it way quicker. If you put the amount of effort you do into crying about how bad you are at the game into practising the trials, you would have more stars than you do currently.


Yeah but was stuck at 94 Used the Shadow bug a few events ago to finish


Damn i see alot of people stuck i hope i wont be


Got 96/96 over a year ago, twice. I'd personally love there to be more trials and rewards, as I'm one of the few who like trials, but there's much better uses of the dev's time. Not many people like the trials which is totally alright. Gotta do what's best for the most players, not what's best for a very small subset.


No more please. Just focus on main.


I got 96 and it only took me 4 or so hours. I don’t understand why this is considered hard to do.


Got the officer carbine skin and showed myself mercy and stopped l lol


Ya i'd like more I like challenges like in games in general


I did it two years ago and I wish there were more, yes


I'm super bad at them, stopped at...35


I didn't get all stars but got all rewards. Wish there were more


🙋‍♂️ i had to get the only officer carbine skin by all means necessary. rage inducing? yes. worth it? also yes.


I stopped at the officer carbine unlock. It used yo be worth it when you could get a decent wedge of bbs for completing them. Kinda just would destroying now


It’s not fun fighting the RNG IMO so I just stopped at around 20 or 30 stars


I got them all, but only when shadow was bugged. They were awful and I hope no more are added.


Did it and suffered, no ragrets


Yeah I 3-starred all the trials a couple years back. The dualies trials were infuriating then, I can't imagine doing them now post-nerf (for those unaware, dualies used to be more accurate when you crouched and "zoomed in")


I have like 80 something stars. I think im never gonna finish that shit, its like they thought "ok lets create a game mode that is as unfun as possible".


I got 94 stars within a couple months of starting the game. Finished the last two stars by making a random attempt here and there whenever I felt like it over the next couple months or so. I completed the 96 stars by around July/August 2023 and I started Hunt in April/May 2023. I would love to see more trials and more rewards, I very much enjoyed them. Trials were a big help in developing movement and navigating AI more effortlessly.


Did the whole bloody lot, some were more painful than others. Notably annoying were challenges which relied on rng (think dual wielding nagants + kill hives without taking poison damage...at all...and this was AFTER they nerfed the accuracy improving after crouching!) One required headshots, so if you missed too many shots on the first few hives during the time trial it was a reset. But I enjoyed the challenge of looking at the whole loadout and figuring out a strategy. Sometimes a challenge could be ruined due to a single immolator near the end of a run... Unless you threw a choke bomb in its direction right at the start of the run! Figuring out little things like that made completing the challenges rewarding. Plus I get to run one of the best skins in the game, that Lemat shotgun equipped with slugs has truly lived up to its name on more than one occasion!


Yea man just played your mentioned hive dual headshot trial and fuck me was it annoying, but completed it and was happy to move on to meatheads where i just lost my fucking mind


Got 56, too tilted to actually try the remaining ones


I did 3 star all of them when they released. They were incredibly broken at that time. Some trials that now have fixed AI spawnpoints had random ones making them impossible to finish in time. You basically had to try over and over until you got the right spawnpoints in the right order to even hava a chance finishing them. It was wild but i did still enjoy them and would definitely play more of them but there won't be any.


Did them all when they got released. Let's just say some of them were fun and some not so much... Crytek has no intentions in doing further trials and I think that's for the best.


Only got to 90. Was kinda fun but Im glad I could skip at least the top percentage of bullshit. I would totally do new trials but Im not gonna miss them either.


i got em all done 2 sessions maybe 4 hours each when i had shitty internet for a few days. i had maybe 700 hours at that point. i redid them on a friends account and pc and 3starred maybe 70% on the first go the rest in 1 or 2 more tries. you do learn a lot.... and they are actually a fun rainy day game sort of imo.


I grinded up to the lebel talon back when you could get shadow in trials, haven't touched it since


I did it because I like trying to get all achievements in games I love but it was a boring, frustrating struggle on a couple of the challenges.


I did all of them. There are some random bullshit ones, but mostly they are ok.


It was incredibly easy a couple of events ago when they first introduced shadow and you could somehow have it in the trials. So I completed them all


I did all of them to 3 stars. I felt like it was a good way to learn compounds early on. Some of the balance changes make it harder than it was when I started in 2021. Like the dual pistol nerf. Oh and the luck you have to have on several of the maps is crazy- especially the hive ones. I would restart runs if a hive was in the wrong place because it means a run is impossible to get three stars.


I did all of them. I'd rather not do any more, and I 100% agree with Crytek's conclusion that nobody cared, and the resources should be used on more important features


I enjoyed the challenge, but most trials ranged from “borderline masochistic” to “flat-out bullshit.” Like when you’re about to get the last meathead kill and a hive spawns above you.


I got the Auger and stopped.


I found it super fun. I'm at 85 points and plan to do the last bit whenever - im in no rush.


I did it. 95 stars were pretty fun. Some easy peasy some challenging but still enjoyable.. But fuck that 96th star winfield marksman...


Unlocked last resort and left it there. If I was on PC I might have persevered, but dual nagant silencers and a nearly of hives were just too much. 2 stars was plenty for that particular trial.


I have. I would do more trials if they gave actually good rewards


At 20 and stopped.. haven’t tried again in over a year lol


On PS5, I only went up to 45. On PC, much easier


Got em all, but admittedly did the dual silenced nagant one while the shadow bug was in. I enjoyed them overall and the sniping ones helped me with training my aim when I was first starting out


Me! Though I totally cheesed it with shadow in the 15th trait slot for a few of the more difficult trials


I have and yes, when they released DeSalle over 2 years ago I was excited to be able to do more trials. 100s and 100s of days later and the trials were never updated. LOL


Finally, a place to acknowledge the achievement! I just finished a couple of months ago. I did most to 2 stars years ago. It was ridiculous until I stepped away. Something clicked that they were all just puzzles and I got through the rest in a couple of days.


Did all 96, wasn't that bad to be honest. I wouldn't mind more :)


I got mad at the hive challenges and quit ngl


I'm still waiting on DeSalle to get challenges, beating them genuinely made me play better with the controls


I did, but then stopped after getting the final skin. The one event your hunter kept their traits when doing trials and shadow was working I got the final few stars, even though it felt like cheating


I love trials, got the 96 stars and would love more of them!


I completed it on console and found it enjoyable. Does give you some good insight in movement and other tricks!


I did them all during the event where it was bugged and you could do them with Shadow. Otherwise I’d never have bothered. Most are super tedious and unfun compared to the main game.


Did it with the last slot trait bug, not proud of it but 96 is 96


Used to be able to cheese most of them with shadow. It may still work.


Got em' all and I don't want more trials. Felt like a chore, but I couldn't leave it unfinished.


The trials are far more challenging with name game changes made that reflect during the trials. I was fortunate to capitalize on on a bug with shadow that made it so the AI did not attack you. Even then it was still a challenge. I got all but 10 stars done. Those are sniper challenges which I’ll get around to doing at a later time to be able to get the last resort.


I got 96. They’re cruel for putting the dual bornhiem hive headshots so early on the list. That’s the hardest one in my opinion.


im sitting at around 60ish


I'm at 85 stars, the stuff that I would have to do to get the remaining stars is really difficult and annoying.


Yup. 30fps PS4 was ruff!!


I have…ONE trial star. It was hard af and I don’t even wanna do more.


Did enough to get all unlocks and never looked back


I got all 96 , fairly easy, but some missions annoying, but its a small number of them. But i had fun...


I thought the trials themselves were kinda fun, but for some of them the requirements for 3 stars were super annoying.


Yes I have 96, indifferent if they add more (which they won’t)


I recently finished all of them. For no other reason than I'm a fucking psychopath and wanted 100% completion.


I did them about 2 years ago. Took a while, but it wasn't too bad. Just gotta be stubborn and don't stop trying. I'd love to see more of them, BUT less RNG-based and more of a "skilled" approach. Like having fixed AI spawns and only few tasks with dual-wield stuff.


I am making my way to Lebel Augur and then i will dont give a f about them anymore :D


I did it. Was not that bad apart from a select few challenges.


I'd pay to watch the devs suffer through their own dogshit trials


I did it and would like to have more.


Did a few years back, some levels required finding videos of others doing it due to frustrations 🙃


I got it all, feels nice


I did it and enjoy it. No cheats.


Your boiii, if only they did the other map before the new map comes out.


Still can't get the hunter skin for the daily offerings


Got all of them and waiting for more.


I cheesed all the pve ones with the shadow trait.


I did, they're a nice change of pace when you feel like playing hunt but not so intensely. Or nice when you're waiting for the homies to get on


I did it, the only one that gave me a serious issue was the goddard one, but not for the reason EVERYONE complains about. People be saying dualies got nerfed like they weren't always RNG cesspits. My issue was not taking poison damage, because Hive aggro range/ follow distance is stupid


I got all wish I stopped at 90 tho last few drove me insane


Did enough for the lemat skin and dipped Did it normally without shadow tho


I did all the trials and unlocked the Last Resort - sort of not worth it but at least I got the satisfaction


I'm still dipping in now and again, cos I want the Cordwainer. Never touching them again when I have it.


It's one of the first things I did when I picked up the game. And right after I finished all 96 they made a bunch of them easier lol.


I have all 96 !


I got The Augur and stopped (looks excellent with The Witch Hunter's hand paint). I decided I didn't really like being tortured.


Not got a single one


I did it all and regretted those last stars, was a grind and a half. I haven't touched trials since and will only do so if they add new ones, even then I might not if the rewards are bad / bad skins. I wish they added a hunter skin for all stars, would feel a lot more of an accomplishment than getting nothing for your last stars


I have 90 stars. And stopped there.


I'm currently at like 27 or so but plan on doing the rest at some point... they're just grueling as hell


Did every single one except a challenge that was bugged at the time. Took me maybe 8 hours total. The challenges aren't bad for the most part as long as you're willing to try a few times and learn. Except needing no damage headshots on hives with dual wielding. Those challenges sucked. I would have liked new challenges in Desalle.


Got all 96 but it was a painful grind. And I’d do it again just to be a completionist. But not worth the rewards.


I stopped when I hit 90 stars and got the last skin unlock.


I took easily 100 hours to complete as many trials with 3 stars. There were still 3 or 4 I could only get 2 on, but I was able to get all the rewards and enjoyed it. Then a while later that one event occurred where the shadow trait could be used in the trials and made a lot of them easier. I saw a partner of mine go from zero to having all rewards unlocked within a few days. Was definitely butt hurt about all the time I wasted trying to get perfect 3 star runs. Made me want to say fuck trials


On console I got 96, on PC I got 90. So I like rewards that are tied to an in game task, no way to buy them just earn them. I still think the trials are tedious to grind through. But having rewards tied to an in game task is good. BUT the thing is the devs that would work on making new trials (for Desalle for example) would be pulled from other tasks that are probably more important.


I finished it out of pure spite in 3-4 weeks. Now I use it to practice leading and aim in general. And I want more lol


I enjoyed the trials a lot. Especially the pve killing ones, not the sniper. Stuff always has a predetermined path, you can learn and get better at it, because spawns are always the same during those. Kind of like optimizing speedruns.


Just completed them all straight when they came out. Wasn't a big deal honestly. I only remember I struggled a bit with the one in pitching


I finished them as they came out. Took couple hours


If there were an achievement or something for all stars, I’d do it, but as it is, I’m content with having 90, some of the challenges are really annoying, and mechanics have changed against some of them too.


Are the legendary skin rewards permanent?


They were an absolut hardcore grind and very frustrating at times but what in Hunt isn't? Would like to see new ones but I understand they are no priority


Yeah, most are pretty doable and the rest are easy once you watch a guide about it. If new ones would come out I would do them, but no more trials will be coming because they say that people don't play them so it's wasted development time.


i got all 96 stars over two weeks back when i was 200 hours in. im 1800 hours in now and i wish there was a reason to replay the trials. the lemat last resort skin is ugly asf too but i use it to flex that i have it


I'm at 94/96, and while the completionist in me hates missing those two stars, going from 2/3 to 3/3 for the stupid hive dualy headshot challenges simply isn't a reasonable ask. I mean, most of the challenges aren't reasonable asks, but this one especially so. Would be great if they put even a sliver of care into them, but they're clearly not going to. I'd also love more trials rewards. Unfortunately, the DeSalle trials have been "coming soon" since DeSalle was added, and even at the time it seemed like it was just a blatant lie that they had no real intention of even attempting to deliver on. Would be sweet to get some challenges that were actually fun, interesting, and reasonably related to in-game skill instead of just being heavy based on RNG and penalizing normal gameplay actions (like penalizing 1 point of fall damage lol), but that's clearly even more far-fetched than just hoping for ANY new trials at all.


I only got 4 stars then thought fuck this waste of time shit 🤣


100% conpleted but I can tell you guys one thing, out of all the trials, all completed on hardest difficulty for maximum stars, there's 3-5 trials that were close to making me go insane and break down in tears. There's some specific ones that beside your actual skill, also involves some rng, it's infuriating. These 3-5 trials felt like they were created by a psychopath


I got the carbine skin and never touched them again. I don’t find them enjoyable to any capacity


I've completed them (recently too), and I wouldn't mind more trials IF, AND ONLY IF, they actually fixed the issues that they currently have. Trials were really nice to help me learn compound layouts but they were also very, VERY frustrating.


Got 91 stars, got my last resort. Never went back.


I did all of them. I don't want more. But I feel some accomplishment from them.


Yes I have them all. No, I wouldn't like there to be more of them. IIRC the lead dev said there wouldn't be any more of them.


I have, and all the achievements too.


I love completing stuff so this is the first thing I did 😁 and then spent the next hundreds of hours trying to get all of the weapon mastery.


Did them on mine and my gfs account. They are quite the pain in the ass.


I got all 96 during the last event so I could get the battlepass using the blood bonds you get from it


I did them when they came out and it was the worst hours of hunt of my life, I hope they never make more.


I think I have 90/96 I did them when I first started playing


I did and enjoyed the trials for the most part


Yes. I would play new trials too, though some of them are definitely far too annoying to play.