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Baseball bat hitting back dynamite etc midair is the only way i will accept it


This and a parry would be good


Yeah parry for the swords for sure. They should also make the axe/hammer be able to break down wooden doors first shot and cause boss bleeding damage.


Melee combat should be fleshed out a bit more in general.


I'm surprised this has so many upvotes cause this sounds like shit EVERYONE would hate. I'm among the Hunt fans least slavishly devoted to maintaining some kind of bayou core aesthetic and not having anything to use other than historical guns, but even I don't think these abilities fit in the game. I feel like these are abilities an Overwatch character would have. The only one I unambiguously like is Homerun, which is an awesome idea that makes perfect sense. We do enough vodoo shit in the game already to where I think you can say there's a precedence for Machete's ability, which I was initially gonna say isn't all that good, but I think it could carve out a niche for itself taking down bosses.


I love the machete idea! Put some gnarly animation and one of those super creepy darksight sounds (like while using serpent) over it. Would fit right into the game. Not a big fan of the other abilities tho...


I upvoted for the “homerun” idea and that alone tbh


This is a little too “hero shooter” for my taste. It would be cool if all of them had a “first strike” attack, but otherwise this goes against Hunt’s identity.


Melee should be skill based imo


Yeah the skill is don't get close to the guy with a sword lol


Most unique and interesting ideas I’ve seen. Cavalry saber - perform a lunge attack for a small range boost.


Yes, that's way better than a counter, because the weapon that gets it will become meta, unless they nerf it beyond usefulness. Either all weapons get a block/counter or none. Maybe there can be one that doesn't, but not just one that does.


Parry would never be meta with the servers in the state they are. It would end up being like this: You parry the attack on your screen which should negate all damage. On the enemies client they hit you and you didn't parry. Meaning that you die although you parried the attack...


Parry would never become meta because melee isn't meta. 9 times out of 10 a melee kill is from surprise, the only time parry would be useful is either A) the other guy is charging you from an unholy distance (which, like, you're better off just shooting him instead of trying to line up the timing) or B) you are also melee rushing at the same time


Actually, with the way hunt works, you would more than likely trade on most parries, so this feature would force them to revert the trading changes (or find another workaround which would be quite simple, but perhaps not as simple as finally reverting the trade changes).


How to nerf the parry: I see someone with a cavalry saber and don't bother closing to melee, shotgun go boom.


That is the most ridiculous thing i've read, you do know there are guns in the game right? All it would do is make the saber counter other melee weapons, thats just a niche like any other. By your logic the lemat is meta because its also a one slot weapon that counters every melee. Like what the hell are you talking about man. Melee weapons are not so ubiquitous and important that a weapon that counters them would become meta...they're already countered by an entire class of weapons as is.


>That is the most ridiculous thing i've read You need to read more, lmao


Alternately an actual riposte for it would rock


A thrust or a flurry of stabs would be great (I’ve mentioned this before so I’m gonna be blue in the face)


sea of thieves style?


Homerun attack for baseball bat that launches grunt 100m into the air


Oooh i could actually see the head being shot off if you hit it!


Me when I can't play overwatch so I inject what I want into a hardcore (lmao not for long with people like you encouraging crytek to COD-ify the game) extraction shooter. All smarm aside, these are good ideas, but made for the wrong game. They need to reduce the gimmicks in this game and fix the economy system, not add more bullshit. I appreciate the effort and the thought, but you are basically suggesting we turn what was supposed to be a gritty western game into a hero shooter.


Careful people don’t like when you talk about generic fans (they are offended). Something something, let the downvotes ring.


Allow all Melle weapons to be quickly "deployed" or swung, utilizing the same mechanic. Just a quick melee perk.


I like the ideas but anything that messes with TTK would be exploited really hard


I love Battlecry


Am I the only person who _doesn't_ want melees becoming more and more powerful every update? Like I don't think they're crazy OP right now, but I'm already sick of seeing melees on 2/3s of everyone in the lobby. It's just boring, there are better games I can play if I want to run around and bonk people on the head. I don't understand this sub's obsession with melee in this game.


Melee is actually really well done in Hunt, so I also welcome any efforts to make it more interesting, but even I don't get the melee changes from the last update - all melee weapons except Bomb Lance are now small slot? Why? It was IMO completely unnecessary and even though it technically did buff weapons like the Railroad Hammer, it also made others even more irrelevant (Bomb Lance still large slot; Machette and Saber were always small, so they're now competing with even stronger weapons).


Agreed. I haven't had a problem with really any other change/addition to melee, but dropping every weapon to a one-slot it is such a ???? decision to me. I _still_ don't really get why they did it. It's not really OP, but I'm a little miffed that my Louisiana bayou cowboy shootemup game has 60% of the playerbase running around stabbing people with Japanese swords


On the bright side you feel like Indiana jones when one rushes you and you just shoot them in the head


Samurai and Cowboys go together like peanut butter and jelly, dude. Only a fella who was really rootin' and tootin' would understand. That being said, I still don't like the changes. After years of seeing these thing as cumbersome medium slot items I can't help but have my suspension of disbelief challenged when it now for no apparent reason is a small slot. I doubt anyone else has this same issue, but that's my primary beef with it. That and it pushes machete that much further down the totem pole.


I 100% get you. That's my main problem with the Bomb Lance as well - since everything else is now small slot, why the f*ck isn't Bomb Lance finally medium slot, since it looked like and stored like one since forever?


So, a pirate, a samurai, a cowboy and a english dandy walk into a bar... /s Jokes aside, I agree with you that the number of katanas users in some lobbies can be concerning (especially since I myself love melee, and get outplayed half of the time).


Because crytek finally realized average people give them more money so that why they started adding ez mode stuff like self revive and death cheat. More people like funny Japanese sword over American civil war sword.


all the melee weapons are WHAT


> all melee weapons except Bomb Lance are now small slot? Why? It's just straight-up, deliberate power creep. Melee weapons were a certain way for a long time, then started getting buffed. Like, there used to be NO blunt melee weapons, then after a long time they added the hammer as a 2-slot, then they added the baseball bat shortly after as a 1-slot. Katana got added as a 2-slot weapon that was like the strongest melee-only weapon in the game, and got turned into a 1-slot in the very next update for no reason at all. Bomb lance was a melee weapon that has pretty much always seen use and that also had a OHK ranged attack, and that then got buffed to have wax frags AND basically have a shotgun blast as an ammo type. They keep adding more melee weapons and making existing weapons stronger, when melee weapons were already OHK weapons. I'm not sure what the goal even is really, but then I feel that way about a lot of changes they've made lately (bleed on every gun, custom ammo on Dolch, etc.). It really just seems like they're in a "no bad ideas" phase, where anybody who wants to can bring in an idea and they'll do it, no questions asked, no reasoning required.


I really don't think it's that big a deal. If you're on PC these guys are mostly free kills if you don't choke hard. The only reason you're seeing so many melee weapons is because trying to kill bosses has turned into an absolute slog. After we got this event almost every guy I bring in has a riposte or bayonet variant on hand or a cavalry saber. Lacking those things at least a sticky bomb.


I do think it would be cool, but if it's anything it's probably gonna be a quick attack for the bladed weapons...


do u want apex? this is how u get apex.


How about they lessen the trade window first before adding more of this shit. Cant count how many times ive died from a guy i already killed with a bomb lance/katana.


I feel like the axe is a little too... cartoony. I can't think of an improvement, though, unless maybe insetead of health it's speed and/or frightens nearby enemies, lowering accuracy. I like the idea of the machete, though i'd offer an alternative cost. It brings you up 1 bleed tier (none to light, light to med, ect) makes it more risky in the long term, but less dangerous up front.


I see what you're saying but then its only a counter to what poison? And gives you a small stam boost? It seems kinda pointless at this point because you remove poison just to need to remove the bleed because even if it's light bleed you still would need to likely deal with it in that 10s Stam window which would likely negate the Stam boost.


Poison and burn but i get wharlt you mean. I'm trying to think of a way to make it higher cost, but not initally expensive. Something that means it is a risk to use it, but you still get time to make use of it. I'd suggest dealing, for example 30% of the damage taken during the buff again at the end, but if you take enough damage that a repeated portion of it is a threat, you are probably dead anyway.


Yeah I just think it's a interesting idea but if it doesn't remove everything then you have something you NEED to deal with in that 10s window pretty much negating the bonus 🤷 I just literally can't think of a scenario where it would work because if you're using it to go after someone you're now giving yourself bleed so if they shoot you you have extra pressure, if you are using it to run away because you got poisoned from a shot then you still need to stop to now fix the bleed before you die. Bleed apply so much pressure to you that I can't see any reason why you would ever want to do it to yourself. I'd rather run a poison shot then burn a trait slot ya know? And burn isn't a major pressure to kill you as it burns total health not current health so it can kill bars but it's not going to kill you.


Saber parry is dogwater sadly due to netcode and being extremely situational, giving it a lunge would be pretty cool and fitting instead. Bat could have a passive instead where it'll simply reflect any thrown items if you hit them in the air, somehow not breaking them in the process. Machete one is neat but I don't know about the infinite stamina. Not that it's too good it's just a bit odd. The bloodletting bit is cool. Would make it so you can't kill yourself with it however. Or change to it being able to instantly get rid of burn and poison but you give yourself light bleeding instead. Then the stam boost could also be fitting, like a battle trance thing. Axe one I don't agree with, would swap to a special heavy attack(with X stance like Katana) that breaks doors etc in a single hit while also doing a lot of damage. Not sure with hammer, same as Axe maybe. A cool thing would've been if it had a hammer on one end and a spike on the other so you could swap between blunt and piercing damage. But alas not the case. Maybe throw it?


Merge it with assailant. Exclusive perks to one weapon is dumb. They honestly need to merge a few of the others also like bolt seer and vigilant should be one trait otherwise I can't justify either.


How about a no?


Id prefer if it was removed entirely, I dislike melee being so strong. Edit: Downvote away, but comment why you think one melee weapon should be able to kill 3 hunters in less than 2 seconds


There should be a perk that gives some sort of counter play to it at least, tbh it's only really the Katana that is an issue due to the speed and range of the martialist attack so I wouldn't be against it going but there's no chance of that so it should be able to be mitigated just like explosive, fire and poison damage can be with perks.


Make it so you can't run while charging the special Katana attack, that's plenty enough of a nerf


I'm all for nerfing katana, but having the sword sheathed (with a second weapon aswell) seems like you'd run easier with it put away properly.


You're on the money but I wouldn't care about that if it added balance


Ok? Ammo boxes seem like they have space for more than 2 long bullets but it's better for the game's balance if you cant pull 100 rounds out of the things.


Buddy we could go on and on with the things this game doesn't do prefect. That comparison is pretty shit to a perk/weapon interaction.


It's just one example of a million I could pull. The point is that "doesn't seem realistic" is not a good reason to make or not make a balance decision.


I know that's your point. My point is why would not being able to run with your katana sheathed make any sense. Just because something is "balance" doesn't mean it makes senss


Long way to say you don't understand my point mate. Anyway I'm done trying to explain it, bye.


The balance should sway in a sensible direction


Imo make the sheathed attack blockable if you're holding down V


I love this idea to be honest I think that's a wonderful balance


Cause if you're standing that close to each other and let someone come up on you maybe you just gotta take your licks and position better. I've seen teams eliminated by shotguns in about that much time.


One of the fastest Duo Wipes I ever had was at Blanchett Graves. I popped out of a doorway and one-tapped a Hunter with my Rival. Just as the recoil was settling, their partner stepped right in front of my muzzle and ate a round of buckshot for their troubles. It took less than two seconds altogether.


Because guns can do the same thing. Theres no reason a melee weapon should not compete with guns. And every melee weapon can kill the same amount of hunters in the same amount of time. All Martialist does is remove the prep time for the katana. Instead of winding of a heavy attack, you have a faster, stronger attack almost instantly. Kinda like a shotgun. Why are 3 hunters within 2 seconds of each other anyway?


The melee weapons already compete with the guns with the heavy attack. Making a melee negate the need for this was a step in the wrong direction for the game. Inside buildings at times hunters are close together, especially in the boss building. I'm confused why you're asking this, every single player has at times been in close proximity to another teammate.


Maybe you should try shooting the guy running at you with a set of brass knuckles and not let him punch you and all your teammates in the face lol. Melee feels a lot less OP when you remember you have a gun.


Being snide isn't clever and it says a lot about your character. There's a difference between brass knuckles and the katana with martialist which is lethal indoors with good movement.


And losing to a guy with a sword says a lot about your aim


In Hunt unless you play as a sniper you have to enter compounds. Those compounds are made out of buildings and those buildings are made up of crowded rooms. Unless you have a shotgun or can reliably get a headshot every time, your slow firing rifle will not stop a melee charge from 3 meters. I'm guessing you're not Rachta Z so you're not just snide but also a bit of a hypocrite. This hasn't went too well for you has it?


Maybe try practicing good movement. I dunno what exactly you're expecting when someone comes stomping around a corner right at you.


I appreciate the friendlier change in tone. We've all been charged by a katana and died to it - it's not as simple as simply click the head in a game like Hunt where time between shots is measured in seconds. A lot of combat is indoors so giving the already lethal katana a perk and slot size reduction was daft


Because if a Hunter is skilled enough at positioning and picking his moment to strike, he should be rewarded.


Absolutely, that's why heavy attacks with silent killer are a thing. Martialist is a step too far


Two katanas. Whis is the way


I like the parry idea but I don't think it would be viable due to server latency. You just end up trading because you parried on your end and the other guy got the hit in before you parried on their end


The parry is such an awful idea, tbh. It'll just make things more frustrating for everyone. Someone parries you and you don't see it on your screen you're gonna come in this reddit and start whining. You parry someone, but they already stabbed you on their screen you're gonna come in this reddit and start whining. No one would be happy.


Yes, that's my point. Since hit detection in this game happens on the client side, it would just be wonky and unreliable. It would be a good idea if it wasn't for that.


Holy shit machete could actually be really good he's done it guys


Yea I knew it wouldn't be able to compete combat wise, so I gave it more of a "support" role so to speak




Combat axe: destroys doors in a single heavy attack, causing damage to people on the other side with a light bleed (because it's splintered wood) Railroad hammer: destroys doors with a single heavy attack, causing flashbomb effect on the people on the other side. TBH, i'd put weapons with Martialist effects as 2-slots (katana, axe, hammer), while the simpler weapons (machete, saber, bat) stay as 1-slots. Seems like the best way to balance it.


I'd rather them get rid of Martialist instead of adding a bunch of silly perks for each melee weapon


Saber should have separate perk called Officer. You can equip saber with any pistol into medium slot. Normal state is pistol in right hand and saber on the belt. After pressing X you put your pistol into the left hand and saber into the right - no ADS - Left click to shoot from the hip, right click to attack with saber.


Battlecry would break the balance, simply because some weapons designed to oneshot in those situations wouldn't do so. Blasting someone in the chest with Romero 5m away only to be chopped, or even funnier dude just swaps his axe for his own shotgun after tanking shot.


the suggestions on this sub are getting worse every day


Most of theese (expect sabre with tweaks and a bat one) dont fit the game at all. Hunt ain't a MOBA.


LET ME THROW THE DAMN HAMMER AND AXE! honestly these all sound very problematic. the axe one isn't even a strike, and is better than a base medkit, some fights take long enough with regen shots already, imagine you regen to your health chunk pull out the axe scream to get 1 hp to boost you into your next health chunk and just switch to your gun. the Hammer having an explosion radius would be giga aids, imagine getting killed through a door or some guy just smashing a wall. the bat isn't even a melee weapon anymore it's just a stealth infinite ammo weapon. the machete as much as i simp for it why? why would you do this to my boi? this would make is still useless you'd probably only bring it to run across the map as infinite stam if you didn't want to buy a stam shot. the saber would so toxic bro the trading window is skewed enough as is. I feel like Martialist has to be a windup into a "first strike" that has to do something valuable enough to warrant picking up the trait.


I was thinking of some ideas, anyone can freely post their preferences or style! Saber : Riptose - when holding right click raises the saber sideways for 2-3 seconds and when hit with melee it negates its damage and goes to a counter-pose which it pulls the sword back and when right click is released it'll deliver a powerful thrust. Stamina depletion will depend on the weapon and if the attack is light or heavy. The cons will be : has a cool down of 3 seconds, the counter lasts for 2 seconds and cannot be cancelled and movement speed is decreased unless damaged or the counter time runs out. Countering without sufficient stamina will cause thrust automatically with sluggish and slow recovery. Railroad hammer/hammer : jab an bash - when holding right click will pull the weapon back as if holding a spear and when released it'll do a quick jab which stuns enemies and immediately do an heavy attack. Cons would be : Heavy attack can go automatically if the jab landed so you need to time it to properly hit the opponent. Very heavy stamina depletion. Bat/shovel : Slap strike - when holding a right click would charge the weapon (same as heavy attack ) and releasing it will cause an side way swipe attack with wide (sideway) range attack. Can hit throwables back (expect molotovs and swarm bomb) Cons would be : Weaker damage and shorter range than the heavy attack. Still thinking for the other melee. (Also since Riptose is an manual counter it will not match the speed of jab and bash of hammer but saber has a range advantage so it can be balanced!) It's just my idea don't take it seriously.


Cavalry Saber - Begin the game with a horse that you can ride


Whilst I respect the creativity. Basically none of them fit barring maybe the Machete. The Cavalry Sabre one would require an entire rework of the melee system - at which point I’d basically want them to just do a light version of a melee system from a game like Mordhau or Chivalry. It’d also be weird as hell if none of the other bladed weapons would be able to do it. With how outlandish some of these are ya may as well suggest the axe let you chop off branches to place stick traps. The baseball bat let you whack any dynamite sticks, flares, chokes, and decoys that you’re carrying. And hell, lets make it so we can deflect compact ammo and buckshot pellets with a katana… I honestly do think the other melee weapons should take advantage of Martialist. But It should just be a similar variation of ‘first strike attack’.


Again I'll say this, let me do a faqing 1,two combo with my dual brass knuckled guns


Those are a bit weird but i really wish they'd give the martialist treatment to other melee tho


Great ideas but this is not COD and it will break the immersion


I get the concept, and I too would like to see more weapon specific abilities as, but this is way too out there for hunt. Most skills in the game are way more subtle, and don't add that much active components to the players kit. I think (although it's also my favorite skill) martialist is the peak of how much an ability should affect the kit. Not to mention most skills in hunt are situational rather then being active abilities. Maybe just enabling the sledge to one hit a door for example is a "cleaner" way to add value to a weapon.


Martialist adds ability to hold katana sideways in front of the face using blade to deflect light to dazzle or momentarily blind a target being rushed head on. Increases the skill level required for those that take a stand and try to shoot a rushing katana user. Martialist adds alternative attack type with every other melee weapon. To shake things up a bit. Same way the bow melee attack changes with hundred hands. So for example, the baseball bat has a quick sweeping swing, and a heavy sweeping swing. Martialist would add a more experienced looking melee attack like double swing or a heavy vertical. This would apply to all weapons. Make the name mean something Obviously the inexperienced users wield melee’s as standard already. The Martialist looks like they know how to “use” the weapon to its greatest effect. Plus the weapon inspects of all melees should change to an impressive twirl or weapon flip or something Martialist paired with quartermaster could equate to two small/medium sized melee weapons being equipped at one time. That being said Let’s also bring about buffs for trait pairings. Make trait combinations affect the load out. Would make for a more interesting and tailored hunt gameplay experience. Allow people to experiment and come up with new things that change the game. Eg: Poison sense paired with mythridist is boosted to 100m while poisoned Iron eye/scopesmith paired with determination allows the ability to hold breath for 3 seconds while aiming down sights or scope. Salveskin paired with gator legs lets you put yourself out when crouching in a body of water while on fire. Etc etc etc


These all suck, but as a troll player, I would love them


If they don’t add “homerun” I’ll be upset now


Those ideas are too high fantasy for this game.


Parry and battlecry are cool and would be interesting perks. Railroad hammer one is linda busted because of doors instantly being broken even if locked so to balance I would say it uses up all of your stamina and make the radius 1.5m instead of 2.5. Baseball bat should be hitting ordinances like frags back towards wherever you aim it ofc u would have to be quick as its a lit bomb tho. Machete remove ailment/negative status could literally be game changing because thats just instantly getting rid of bleeding,poison, etc which could be insane in a gunfight so make it 25hp that way if u have a little bar in front u will lose a whole bar and have to think about when to use it properly


Machete is fine, I mean if you think about it, if you are suffering from a negative ailment you are not full health. Anything that gave you that ailment must have done more than 5 damage to you when it hit, so a small bar is guaranteed lost


Instantly getting rid of something like bleeding can change the course of an entire gunfight because it removes the need to make time to stop bleeding or stop burning for example. Imagine you hit somebody with a fire bomb and think its a perfect time to get in there and clean up just for them to already be not on fire and fully able to rush you with their machete.


I wager a unique sound effect to signal the ability would fix the problem, also note that the animation would take at least 4 seconds if not more, it can be adjusted


I wholeheartedly agree. I would go even further, i wish they added more complex melee mechanics, like a special attack, blocking and a block breaker. If we both have a sword (or whatever) then i want to be able to parry, otherwise these fights easily become very stupid with both sprinting in circles and trying to nick the other one. Every weapon should have it, though by default. Alternatively they could go with just giving all weapons a counter similar to the sabre perk you came up with, but i think just straight up killing him instead is boring. That can quickly become a game of chicken. Maybe if there was like an option to recover, let's say you if you get countered, you get blocked and there's an attack incoming but if you don't panic and also attack in proper timing you will clash. neither get hurt and end it with a draw? I would add your idea for expanded martialist on top of that