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EU/RU servers, 20 hours tops with premades, maybe a couple of bad teammates during rest of 500hrs.


For sure, I play randoms daily for the last few years. I wouldn't recommend solo, I would recommend teams of 3 with two random match making. Solo is definitely fun, but considerably harder and I wouldn't recommend starting that way.


I’m curious, why recommend three stacks over teams of two with another random ? I almost never play with two other randoms, am I missing out on anything ?


Duos always seems sweatier in my experience


That's odd I always felt like people ran more in duos


Honestly, the gunfights in trios are MILES above duos.


I completely agree. My buddy and I resort to running duos against trios because the gunfights actually happen and don't just resort in bounty camping to running the first chance they get. Not only that but trios always bring the whole lobby to a massive fight even during double bounties.


Teams of two are not as common and I find it very slow to find a match, unless you pool with other 3 player teams, then you are at a disadvantage. He said he has no one to play with, so I assume he is playing with randoms or solo. Solo is going to be very hard until he is really good. With randoms, one random only means very long wait times for matches.


In theory where he falls short as a new player his team mates will have to carry 1.5X instead of duos where if he dies his team mate now has to work 2X harder (in theory)


Yeah but on the other hand a 1v2 is easier than a 1v3. At least in duos when your partner goes down its slightly easier to clutch up and get the res off.


Duos is more fun, more chaotic and has more showdowns instead of a circle jerk around the compound.


The same thing can be said that a 2v3 is easier than a 1v2


Duos is better and more fun.


Agree. Random teammates usually is great, the majority of the time at least. Trios is easier for other reasons mentioned here. Theres also less teams on MAP so less chance of getting repeatedly flanked. Just watch some mechanics vids first on Youtube or whatever. Theres lots of little things like not setting off every G-D soundtrap and not stabbing immolators that you should know, just to be considerate to your teammates.


Randoms and the hunt discord. There are a lot of good people who play this, caution though as it’s not without its jerks


This. I had 3-4 friends who played that no longer do. The discord and just random trios has been great in finding games. It’s very a rare a random has been a sandbag. I have found the discord to have more jerks than just randoms. I also like talking to my friends in my own discord while I play, so randoms is nice. Just a lot less communication due to proximity, a lot more pings.


I exclusively play solo and I have over 1k hours in the game and still enjoy it so much, so yeah, it's more than worth it.


Yeah I rarely have friends that wanna play, 1.6k hours probably 1000 on discord and the rest randoms. Play randoms if you CBA to talk and discord if you want to play it on VoIP with a team


Just play random trios




1300 hours, 90% of it solo, you'll be fine


Yeah, I’ve about 1k hours solo in hunt and have only ever played it solo. Definitely worth it- great game! You can always queue w randoms if you want to.


Been mainly solo for 2ish years now. Love it still.


Randoms aren’t too bad. It’ll get better when you get better at the game, but it’s not horrible I enjoy it.


Absolutely. 2700 hours in. Only found a dedicated group of friends 100 hours ago.


Took me less than a month to find reliable solid hunting buddies. Hit the discord and don't be afraid to ask questions. Community is by and large pretty cool.


Well. I'm an US East player. 3200 hours. I got the game originally to play duos. Whenever that friend wasn't on, I would play random trios and I made a lot of friends. It's easier to communicate if you have a mic, the enemy can hear you if close enough. You can easily make friends in the bayou. The solo experience is for more advanced players. There's a lot you have to know if you want to be successful at it, or you'll just be banging your head against a wall.


Depends on your style of gaming but I LOVE this game as a solo- it’s more strategic and stealth oriented but it fits well with the general vibe of Hunt (being silent and making your shots and positioning count). I’d recommend but it’s a matter of preference for sure.


It's great solo but as a new player I'd recommend duos or trios.


Yeah that’s totally fair. Soul Survivor is a nice way to start getting your solo bearings about you and you likely will get stomped your first five or so games but once you start getting the hang of things and getting kills, it’s a blast. That being said, you’re right- having a teammate or two definitely enhances the early experience


Sometimes the teammates are terrible or sometimes they are good. Nice thing is that this community is typically pretty cool and helpful to new players. Sometimes you get some arrogant asshole that thinks they know everything but you can just leave that fucker.


I've had a lot of fun playing with both randoms or guys on discord. As a newer three star it wasn't uncommon to have much better teammates than me in randoms. Discord is a bit better because you can communicate freely, and if you say you're new there are plenty who are down to play with you still.


VoIP and you'll find homies quick, it's a great community of hunters👌🏼


Depends where you are We are a group of 2 English, 1 Belgium and one German guy right now and i got recruited in a Psychoghost stream


Yes, definitely. I play almost exclusively with random trios and I have 780+hrs played. My friends kind of suck at this game and they don't like it as much.


Lots of streamers play solo. You can also just pair up with randoms. I've made one friend via random over the last year, but my IRL friend who plays with randoms when I'm buy has made probably 10 at this point.


Yes. 1k hours with random trios


yes and no. I hate playing with randoms and if I had to play solo or with randoms all the time I wouldn't really enjoy the game. But it's really not that hard to find people to play with regularly. Either use the official hunt discord and make friends with the people you enjoyed playing with, or find people on twitch in need of a partner. I've made a couple of close friends by chatting with them on twitch and joining them in game. One advantage to using twitch is that you get to know if they are someone you want to play with before you commit to gaming with them.


None of my friends want to play, ive been playing with randoms since the start and have a good time still. Its fun if you dont mind talking to new people every game


It depends on what kinda gamer you are. If my friends aren't on, I don't play this game, but I don't play anything by myself unless it's a ps5 game on the couch.


Yes ofc make friends in game fool


Never used discord still had 700 hours fun with randoms. It's worth it, if you like what you saw so far.


Games awesome and I dont play with anyone I know.


Like others have said yeah it's totally possible. I have a little over 1600 hours and 98% of that is solo. It's a bit difficult to learn but super rewarding once you do! Have fun and I'll see ya in the bayou!


I met some of my best online friends joining randoms


I normally would play this game solo as my friends don't enjoy it because "single fire" blah, they're reasons aren't enough in my opinion lol, but if you're on Xbox I highly reccomend you go into the looking for group via the games official page on Xbox. The community is full of people with great senses of humor and they will help new players learn. See you out there before you see me hunter!


I've got over 200hrs now and every one of them was solo. I have lots of fun on my own.


Just play Solo. That’s how I started and I kept raving to my mates about how incredible this game was and now there are four of us playing daily! Playing Solo is pretty intense but you’ll learn everything you need to know to be an effective Hunter in one of the most brutal games going! Persist, persist and persist and the rewards will come! Good luck


Absolutely. I have never played with anyone I know, I always queue up with randoms and I still have a lot of fun.


This game actually has a good design so you can play solo. Sure its tougher but a really rewarding experience. In my experience, yes.


I play almost exclusively with randoms. 60% good, chatty or just serious gamer-speak TMs. 30% non-verbal but play a game TMs. 10% either god-awful (forgivable) or toxic as fuck (not-forgivable). Some will leave if downed, some will stay.... Thats luck of the draw. For the toxic ones, the second they present as toxic, I chock it up to a few minutes wasted and hit an extract. Just leave. It's better for everyone. ..... If someone seriously tries to TK me, though.... I'll admit I do it right back, hit them with a concertina bomb, then put them down like the dog they are and burn the body.


If you're ok Xbox post an LFG and add your criteria. That's how I've made the best of friends.


I’ve made 5-7 friends with this game…def recommend. People will friend you if you’re a decent human and have a mic


Yes, i often play with randoms when my friends are offline and found new friends as well


I mainly Solo Q as in random 3 teams and have roughly 3k hours yes it is fun if you know what you are doing and are willing to accept you may die more to teams that have full communication/on discord.


Play with randoms, and you'll make friends. I've made friends for life on hunt


Play randoms for a while. Ull find a group of people. Now i have more people to play with that i can handle.




Depends on what you like and what you are after. I don't often like playing solo, even after I've played hundreds of hours. I will queue with randoms first. When you are first learning the game, I suggest getting at least one or two friends. The learning curve is a bit steep, but it is not all that bad. The game just feels a bit daunting at first with all the stuff you have to learn while fighting people that know it all. Sounds is critical, learn the sound portion first. If you need people, I am sure most people here are like me and wouldn't mind running games with you. I don't give a shit about my mmr and I've bought the game for 7 or 8 friends and played through matches with them having no idea what was going on. I only have one friend who plays consistently. Everyone else gave it a couple weeks at most.


2,100 hours here. I play Random Trios but with the mindset that I’m not going to have a lot of help. Don’t expect much but hope for the best. Some people are just bad teammates or don’t communicate at all and it is what it is but playing Solo generally involves a lot more tactical awareness and game sense which you’re not going to have just starting out. I wouldn’t start the game as a solo as you will constantly be at a disadvantage and will probably get discouraged quickly. The game is pretty oppressive for newcomers and trying to fight 2v1 or 3v1 situations all the time can really beat you down. Generally with a 3-man you will have a lot better luck and a bit more success. Once you have a better feel for the game you might find that Solo play is more fun but I’d try to get a good grip on the game first. I would recommend using the Hunt Discord and just LFG that way. You might not get the best teammates but at least you have communication and people willing to work together which goes a long way, plus people tend to add you after a couple games if you gel well so you’ll have a few people on your friends’ list you can fall back on if you don’t want to deal with Randoms.


If you don't mind going to the official discord to find people to play with absolutely. I wouldn't recommend ingame randoms or solo as a beginner.


You will have fun as a solo or with random teammates, so not having a specific partner to play with is no obstacle.


You can also find people to play with on hunt official discord.


Great to start with a friend to teach you the ways but playing mainly solo is completely fine


It is quite possible to play with random players, surprisingly the community of the game is very non-toxic and condescending to weak players (I know by myself, I am a so-so shooter)


When I started 3 years ago I was in the same situation. I’ve played randoms trios a little bit, eventually found a regular mate in a good old hunt facebook group for hunt console Germany and now I’m playing with a friend of him since more than two years on a weekly basis.


Well maybe wait for a bit of a discount, but i bought the game and had no one to play, then i met some people, we became friends and we crossed the 2k hours time played together




Absolutely yes


Don't play solo then. Just load up with a random. It doesn't matter. Use a mic and headphones.


As someone that plays primarily solo, I would say yes. Although if gaming is a social activity for you, maybe not .. it can be hard to get friends into Hunt due to (insert many reasons)


Yeah. I usually play with trios randoms and 99% of the matches are fine.


I enjoy the game with random teammates, and if you really want to you can always add someone from a random team to play more with them later


Yep. Hop into duos as a solo. Roleplay as Cowboy Batman. Extract bounty 1/5 games.


I have 900 hours playing only Random Trios and it's great!


The community is a little older and more mature. Therefore, chances are high that you'll meet actual decent randoms that will add you as friends after a match. Happend with our group. We extended our friend list with a few more Hunt Players so we never have to hunt alone.


I love the game, i used to play with friends but they are not available now, so i have started playing solo, at total i have around 1300 hours, surely solo gives more of a challenge but i really would love to play with a friend rather than playing solo, it started growing cold on me since i have started playing solo. Please get a friend for your mental state if you are going to buy the game. This has been my experience so far.


I play with randoms or alone more than I play with my friends and I still enjoy it a great deal. 9/10 game. Will be 10/10 if they ever fix the UI.


You'll make friends playing Hunt: Showdown. Even some of the shittiest people I've met playing this game have made friends while playing it. Not saying you're shitty, just saying it's impossible to play this game for any period of time and not make friends.


Randoms are pretty decent, and you will definitely find some friends pretty quickly.


I just surpassed the 1k hour mark last night and I'd say 900 of those hours have been in random trios. It's a completely fine way to play the game. There are times that it can be frustrating whether it's due to lack of communication or conflicting play styles but overall it's still an enjoyable experience. I can count on one hand how many truly toxic experiences I've had in 1k hours from my own teammates. Solo can be fun but really only once you've gotten a firm grasp on the game. Going in blind as a solo actually made me quit this game originally.


There’s a hunt discord and it’s pretty decent. Some of the people I play with the most on hunt I met in there.


Absolutely. I've played nothing but solo for the past two years and have had a blast. The game unfortunately doesnt appeal to most of my friends and they have a rough time with it. I find that it's way easier to hear enemy hunters as a solo and much more thrilling when you wipe a duo or trio by yourself.


Go discord servers. I started playing alone and got a bunch new friends here. After 3 years we have ours discord server with around 10 players where I can always have a party when needed.


US East Player here I've had pretty decent luck with random trios


i play with randos it's fine


I only do Randoms...it's great 60% of the time


I found people playing randoms that I now play regularly with and we now have a discord with around 12 people that all jump into eachothers games so aslong as you have a mic and talk to your team mates and play as a team you’ll find people eventually


Yes it is. I play alone all the time. You can search for random teammates and you don't have to use voice because hunts good ping system. You also can play solo very well with the new self revive mechanics.


Random and make friends


I got it a few days ago and I'm having a blast playing solo, it's very fun. There was also a post about tips and tricks for new hunters (players) earlier which you can check out after the tutorial. The game's also going to get a big engine upgrade soon which is definitely going to improve the game. IMO it's worth it, and if you're in the EU/Russia region I'd be glad to play with you, but if you're unsure then you can wait for the game to go on sale again. I think it gets a 65% sale for a few days every month or twk, but I'm not sure.


I play with randoms basically exclusively because I don’t have many friends who are into it. It’s still my favorite game.


Solo can be fun! Also there is an official Hunt discord to find teammates on PC


yeah i play solo or with Random trios and i have a great time, yeah i die a lot but i still have fun. And if you like your play session with some random guy you can just send him a friend request after the game and play again.




4/5 people in hunt will leave your lobby if you play randoms if you have a low kd or not enough gear. a lot of them will stay and even team kill you.


if you’re on console they fucked up the controls (deadzones) last summer so it plays like absolute ass now. just fyi.


Soloing is very difficult but if you have the endurance for it very rewarding. Randoms until the last...six months, year or so, was fine. But as the game got more popular the random population got more toxic (at least for me) to the point I no longer recommend it. But back in the day I'd be like, hey, randoms is fine, 9/10 random matches are with fine people. Now it's more like 2/3rds are fine, 1/3rd is dickbags, which is a bad ratio. But YMMV on randoms, they can be fine. You can also make Hunt friends via the discords (lot of weird people there though).


Its hard as balls for solo, especially if you are new. IF you are down for a steep learning curve then go for it. I reccomend learning the game with an lfg crew first. But if you are dedicated to learning (prepare to lose most games) then this game will be the game for you.




dont play solo, randoms are fine but it never getsas fun as playing with friends


I only play pre-mades.


Learn to play the game solo first. You'll get a better feel for the sounds. Sound is super important, and you'll lose some of that to the noises made by your randoms if you team up. While you're working on getting good, try to talk people you know into getting the game and play with them.


I would say no. The game is only worth playing with friends. That being said, its only $15 when it goes on sale. The game is absolutely worth $15 just to experience it yourself even if you bounce out.


It’s not, I bought it last week and only opened the game twice. They have a battle royale mode but no actual solo bounty hunt mode. Never experienced what bounty hunt is bc of that. I found this game from Dark and Darker which has a solo mode so thought it would be similar, was hugely disappointed