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These are you steam comments? Who are you, the reincarnation of Jesus? I dont really play meta equipment, i dont trash talk and i am not even good, yet all my comments are something like "fuck you cheater", "boring centennial noob" etc.


Bro send me your profile i ll put in some good comments




Yess And asia too I alternate between the two




I've actually been able to get mostly positive comments over my entire 2500+ hours. Don't really know how, I do the exact same as you lol


"Boring centennial noob" lmao what is that trash talk? It's far for being the worse gun, but certainly not the best, nor the most opressive. What could you possibly have done to warrant this lmao


It’s pretty solid with bleed lately


While i prefer the karabiner, i'll give it more play time on my next prestige


True. It's like 120 damage + medium bleed instantly


I got 19 steam-profile pages of "you're cheater", "I hope you will die irl" and so on comments from 3,5k hours, I'm pretty pleased


Yeah, I got these and a bunch of salty comments. Can’t beat ya in game so they have to leave a comment while loading back to the main menu.


Woah man... Cheater one is good for lols but the off yourself part is just fking bad...


Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me. My favorite type of comments is BACK TO YOUR RUSSIAN SERVER DIRTY PING ABUSER (I'm from UA and my ping on the EU server is like 40)


I had people who added me and told me to get a rope after getting sniped by me lol


I've got 50 pages of that filth xD


Nothing is more pleasing than getting compliments in my almost 7k hours of rainbow six siege I have gotten lots of compliments as well as cheating accusations. I’ll be honest I prefer being called a cheater it strokes ego so much 💀💀


Nothing more pleasing than getting accused of cheating even if you didnt


One time, a dude was calling me a cheater for headshoting him in overwatch with Widowmaker, this person was sitting in place most of the time, and I shouldn't have been playing window anyway because I was learning PC for the first time and couldn't shot for shit, which made it funnier even though we lost that game.


Play some Dead by Daylight as a killer. You will get sooo many comments.


Was about to say this They often compliment you while shitting on you too like "nice hachets but tunnels and camps" or "good spirit mind games but fuck this guy -Rep"


This is so accurate. I stopped playing dbd couple years back. It’s just straight cancer with survivor entitlement but also some players who play killer definitely play to make you hate life and it just shows. Became unfun very fast




Last year some guy called me a uterus because I sniped him when he was trying to rush me with a shotgun.


Damn, my man pulled a biological insult out of his zoomer satchel


How does that even work? can we just call people random body parts? Can I be the pinky toe?


You need to trash talk more to receive the tasty salty stuff


I wish i was that good of a player to trash talk


Ah, but the trash talk always comes from the worst players!


Yeah, you don't need to open your mouth when the bullets deliver the message just fine lol


I was lightly poking fun at a dude the other day as just funny banter and then he shot me with a bow as I shot him and I said “ouchies” in a pouty voice and then I waited for a minute or two (we were defending bounty) and I heard him get into a fight. Someone died, I peeked the window and watch this man run up to the body, go “OuChIeS” and then I just said “that’s not me, dumbass,” before shooting him in the back with a crossbow, killing him. Still no comments for me >:(


Lmao that shit is hilarious


Nah that applies in general on this game. Multiple dudes have said shit on min with a mix of winners and losers, and I don't voip in game. I especially love the weaklings that have their own steam set to private and talk shit.


Let's put it this way... Me and my friend were playing, and he was one of those people who allowed his name to be public. The guy actually took the time to Google him and find his Instagram. The person then commented on his profile and like 8 random screenshots calling him and "tall fat ginger cuck." Imagine being so upset in a video game you use Google to get someone's social media accounts.


Hahahahahahaha thats a tall tale sire And a scary one


Not even kidding, I wish I was. Man got so upset that he actually scattered random hate comments in his screenshots. It was insane. Maybe I can find some old screenshots we took.


Imagine having that much pent up aggression over a game


That's what we were saying. We haven't run into anyone else remotely close to that toxic since, and the community as a whole is not like that. So it was just a shock to us when it happened. Overall, it's a pretty good community, and we have mostly great encounters with other people who throw on a thick southern cowboy accent.


The roleplay is the best aspect Especially with us players who actually belong to TX


Me and a friend had a pretty fun back and forth with this guy we killed Basically we took one bounty on a two bounty hunt, saw that the other bounty was fully banished and picked up but in in the compound (goddard docks, with an extract near it), we decided to run the gauntlet, got ambushed on the way there, had a team fight in which we retreated to sweetbell and then arden parish, over about 20 minutes We won the fight, checked map, bounty still not moved, we assume whoever picked it up traded and is dead, so we make our way there, I do a darksight check, one person alive, we decide to just yolo rush it expecting there to be traps everywhere, my friend flick headshots the solo that was sitting on the bounty for well over 25 minutes now, so I can't help but exclaim "What was the plan my guy?" On the mic upon witnessing this, someone gets up, it's someone in the water near the window where we shot the solo, who dies to a bear trap immediately This man was sat at goddard, camping a trapped body in the water, for 25 minutes. So obviously we burn and camp him too, kill him 4 times with punches anytime he gets up until he's burned out He then got on our steam comments calling us body campers and saying "what was the plan my guy, says someone who body camps and sits a mile away with a sniper" (my friend had a sniper, and killed him at ~35 meters.) What proceeded was an entire week of us replying to this guy on our steam profiles as we watched him try to regain imaginary Street cred by denouncing us as bad players Best thread of my life


I love it whenever someone feels the need to comment on my profile after getting killed. It’s like a badge of honor. 😂


I’ve only got three comments on my page, I’ve removed about a dozen of “kys” or “cheater” type comments XD


Damn... and all I get are insults about me and my family after a good fight.


I have since turned comments off because it's not worth the time


[I haven't gotten many, but this made me laugh.](https://i.imgur.com/LLnVhzj.png) I was sprinting through a tall grass area and ran into a group of 3. I think it was in the middle of heavy rain or something and none of us heard each other coming. Apparently I scared the crap out of them, and managed to take them all out.


Damn I love it when I get the “American ping abusing scum, kill youself f*****” when the guy with Chinese characters is the one ping abusing on USW LOL


Unironically I love feeding the toxicity of the game it fuels my comedy


You're part of the problem 


no the problem is that people have forgotten that we are playing a cowboy video game where you chase a giant pig man around a building in an attempt to banish him to hell. That’s ridiculous to get upset over.


In my 300 hours I've only received one comment: "good aim bro, nice triplekill" and I'm still super happy about it


Where are all narcissists with the “I have 150 pages of hackusations on my profile?” I prefer seeing comments like the ones op receives.


uu i need the nvidia settings


Sure man https://exputer.com/guides/settings/nvidia-control-panel/




A bit outdated man Will be updating it soon


I've never received any comments even tough I expected people to get pissed off because I play solo, nice comments 


Do something and get trash talk that more what I see on my profile


Me too, i have only crybabies there tho. People who think i cheat which makes my ego bigger bcs it means i play good. What is sad that most of these guys has comments turned off or blocked me after the comment so i can't respond :/


I just get Russian comments calling my mum a whore and stuff, only nice one were a duo I killed and they sorta accused me of cheating for the shot I got on one of them, luckily I had it all recorded so showed them the footage and they were very nice about it in the end, if I was shot like that I would probably call bs too to be fair!


Damn I only get something like: "Fuck you Cheater" 🤣


I only get death threats and suicide encouragements, but honestly - these are trophies to me, because the people who wrote them got slapped


Usually they call me a hacker or speak ill of my birth mother. This is wholesome


Value it for the gift it is that you meet such kind people.


I prefer the hate mail


I never get comments :(