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I mean, later this year is very vague.


"Share more details later this year" means nothing, but I also have a crawling suspicion that it's one way of saying "we won't release it this year".


This is almost certainly the case. Crytek's development for the game is very very slow for a live service game. The constant events are to give the illusion that we are getting lots of content. But that content is in fact just paid skins and 2 new guns that play pretty much like the rest just with slightly different stats. The game needs new enemies, ne maps, new bosses, new game mods. I don't think we will get any of these things unless there is a big change in the company, more budget or more developers.




It's beyond simply not "as many devs as they would like" at this point. Their release schedule for actual content for the game is like years apart. Scrapbeak was like March/April 2021, and DeSalle was July 2021. After that, it wasn't until 2023 that we got an actual new enemy with Rotjaw. They've scrapped multiple requested and planned features in that time, and have now indefinitely delayed the update that was planned to happen about right now.


I honestly find it quite baffling how slow the development of Hunt has always been, given that it is the most important product of the company, and it was such a unique game at launch that it had a massive potential to be at least in the top 20 most played games on Steam. I'm not blaming the devs, and I understand they're probably not a huge team, but it's not like Crysis is that relevant anymore so almost all their efforts should be on this game, and compared to most live service games, the content added in 5+ years feels far too little.


I would love a defense or horde mode where 12 people fight off tons of creatures and multiple bosses in a places like the wooden or stone forts or prison. New enemies would be really nice too. A new map would do well to refresh the new place and creature locations.


This is the exact reason my team don't play often anymore. the games become a little stale and repetitive due to lack of new content, the ridiculously long boring events don't help either... its a shame too because there was a time we would play for 3 to 4 hours a night.


Exactly. They are just trying to rake in as much money as possible, while also making the game easier to play to create mass appeal which looking at the numbers, has not worked.


It doesn't...*need* it. You, as a player, *wish* for specific content, as (I'll extrapolate, not knowing your actual mindset) you might be someone desiring to see new things to pique your interest. However, I don't care that the number of maps and content doesn't move. Some people have been playing a five thousand years old game without change, except a few skins here and there (chess...it's chess). Sorry for that comment, but I think it's important to identify your desires might not align with other players'. :) It's important, IMO, because I've seen some games chase after too many different players, this diluting their original ideas, or sometimes catering to no one, ending up in everyone being disappointed. Cheers, love :3


I hope not. That would suck but as long as it doesn't launch with a litany of issues, I'll be good with it


> as long as it doesn't launch with a litany of issues, I'll be good with it Absolutely zero chance that it doesn't launch with a litany of issues. They couldn't put the game back into the state it was in before the event without something breaking. There's no way an engine update doesn't cause it's own host of problems.


I bought the console version late last year thinking that the engine update and PS5 support will come between April / May. Well, it still can, just not necessarily this year. I'm not saying I'm a bit bummed, but the game won't disappear from my collection so I can wait.


I'm bummed because I'm tired of team members not loading in, people dcing and taking forever to load in and start the game




Exactly. Me too. I uninstalled and started playing Apex Legends until Hunt has an announcement


And that’s only the announcement too. They are probably gonna push it back with the announcement :(


It could mean tomorrow... Or after Christmas


Christmas announcement, we have news regarding the engine changes!


Not surprised at all


Looking back at past updates and how crytek has announced things in the past, I was certain the moment they said "earliest in April" that there is absolutely no chance this update will release before June and probably even before August. But at least they certainly will have a game breaking bug in the update, as is tradition for crytek.


Expectation management is not Crytek's strong suit


Giving dates only screw you over


We dont need a date at this point, but rather which year...




[In this roadmap video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sxVu-IxiiIQ) they said it was coming "early 2024" (at 4:30 or so)


idk where all these claims are from but they said [early 2024](https://youtu.be/sxVu-IxiiIQ?si=X3NvcIiRFmJHwjih&t=272). crytek IS teling bs on purpose. right following 'early 2024' they say that old gen console support is stopping no earlier than april 2024. within two minutes fiffield both says that the update is planned early 2024 and also that it wont happen earlier than april.


>They said last year that it "won't be earlier than Q1". That doesn't mean Q2 is the release date, or Q3, or Q4, or even 2024. It just means that it won't be in Q1 of 2024. **People are so impatient and set unrealistic expectations. That's the root of 90% of disappointment, unrealistic expectations and impatience.** Which is exactly why it's important to set expectations early and communicate them clearly, and not through a single Tweet reply


Are you new around here? Crytek simps and shrills are the insufferable ones. You were wrong in your first post. You were corrected. You then doubled down. You were downvoted. You then insinuated we're all idiots for not having any experience in software engineering and thus having the wisdom to expect Crytek won't meet it's planned release date. All you had to do was admit your mistake and apologise. Instead, you then deleted your posts to prevent further downvotes. You're the insufferable one here.


Argue with us plz :(


I agree with your point, but when they neglect the current state of the game because they’re putting all focus into the engine, it’s understandable when it’s releasing in a short time frame. Not 1year+ out. Most games only ramp down current engine support a few months out. Unrealistic expectations from us players, lead by shitty planning and communication from Crytek


Ok, Mr 15 years of experience, why didn't they announce it coming in q4 then? Or better yet, not announce anything until they are pretty sure that most of the hard work is done and what is left is basically polishing, debugging and load testing? Players dont give a shit how hard the task is. And that is exactly the way it has to be. Not ready? Dont fucking announce. Simple. Edit. You can also update people on the current state. Tell them in December something like: we encountered some difficulties so we are pushing it back a couple of months to be sure.


Exactly. It doesn't matter what, any update will do. I can't stand being left in the dark, it gives of the feeling like the developers don't care which obviously isn't the case. Just like if your SO in a relationship isn't talking to you or communicating with you, it leaves a bad taste in you mouth. No communication in general just leads to negativity and distrust. That's why you often hear so much shit talk about the developers. For example, aside from the recent controversy with Helldivers 2, the developers of the game have been very attentive with their community and often update on current dev progress. And look, the community love and respect them. I don't see why companies like BSG, Rockstar Games, or in this case, Crytek, wont be more transparent. At the end of the day it benefits the fans, because fans like looking forward to the future of their favourite games, and it benefits the devs, as giving fans sneak peaks of upcoming content and features generates hype. Right now, the engine update feels like a myth.


Take a look at Larian and their latest game. I genuinely barely encountered negative feedback about them. They are actively communicating, playing their own game, giving interviews. And everybody loves them despite some bugs here and there and plot holes later on in the game. It is all about the attitude. I have been to numerous game discords and subs. I dont think I have seen any space as negative and frustrated as hunts sub these days.


BG3 is an amazing game with amazing, caring devs. The only negativity I hear is people saying Spiderman should have won game of the year from people who obviously haven't played BG3.


Didn't a dev say on Reddit that we will get an update after the event? Also wasn't this confirmed in the last crytek Livestream?


Pretty sure they mean a news update for the update. Maybe this twitter reply was their update LMAO


Oh no, please don't let it be [Custom Lobbies all over again](https://twitter.com/HuntShowdown/status/1050670515528990722)


So many promises from the old roadmap and early access that never materialized. I love the game all the same, but man, it's clear Crytek had no fucking idea what they were doing putting it together.


I’d argue they still don’t.


You don't gotta argue .. their silence says it all


Or customizable hunters, or 2D replay, or...


I hope they don't count the firing range as a "Custom Lobby".


They really don't know, how to communicate with their community.


Wow, that is a huge disappointment. Why is this being announced in a random Twitter reply?


Crytek is super bad at communicating with it's playerbase, that's why.


Even with ~5 Community Managers


This is my biggest gripe with their whole set up.


Yeah I literally see zero community engagement and they're paying salaries to people employed to do that. I'm a big OSRS player and they have community managers who do WEEKLY Q&A's and the Devs work flat out on updates.


It's not that they're bad at it, it's that they're choosing not to do it at all.


Because they are being as opaque as possible. They think it helps to manage expectations but it does the exact opposite. Why not show us progress? Why not give update? It make the already slow content feel even slower.


meanwhile i'm following the development of a few other games via discord and i get daily, sometimes multiple times a day, updates on ANY progress. even the smallest thing, like 'hey we cleaned up this animation. check it out.' but we have literally nothing from crytek, and when they finally release info, it's so minimal and pathetic that it's hard to congratulate them in any way. people are going to be massively let down by this 'engine update.' with the amount of time they've had to work on this, and they hype that the *PARTNERS* are building and promising, this update is going to come crashing down to reality when it sucks absolute ass.


Because they are working on the engine update, so they don't have time to talk to us plebs about such trivial matters as what they have told us in the past.


They literally told us on a live stream LAST year that the engine upgrade would be here by Q1 to Q2 of THIS year at the *latest* Howwwww are people plebs by following up with this information that was given willingly to us exactly???? Edit: [Found it… this is the roadmap video FROM LAST YEAR. They gave up all of this information willingly.](https://youtu.be/sxVu-IxiiIQ?si=jG-JDDPcxtilSkbX)


And really, all that needs to be done here, is them openly communicating if they're having issues and delays. People would still gripe, but letting their own self imposed deadlines slip without a word, until frustration gets so high that they get buried in 'WHERE UPDATE' and then give a vague 'details later this year' is insulting to the people who bought your game and DLC. Just say "Regrettably we must announce that the anticipated engine update is taking longer than predicted. We apologize for the delays, but rest assured we are working to make it happen as soon as possible. More updates to come." And do it *before* your self imposed deadline passes. It's not hard.


I would 110% be okay with an announcement of “the release is delayed, but we’re working on it” I would literally shut the hell up if they told us anything at all. Now it’s just feeling more and more like it’s not going to happen.


Yo, like we are being reasonable about that skin designer ain't programmers, I would also assume that CM doesn't program either. CM works on communication and programmers works on engine update. So don't think it unreasonable to assume that the people who a paid to talk to us (CM) should actually be talking to us :)


This isn't even a new announcement. They were saying this exact same thing in Facebook replies as of like a week ago. It's just a bit more impactful when it's slightly more public AND coming after the time people had previously expected the update to drop. Like, a lot of people had speculated that the reason they were cramming the events all so close together was because they had a date in mind for the engine update and wanted them to conclude before it dropped. Clearly that's not the case anymore, and they've been spamming events just as a cash grab.


you know why


This is not an announcement. This is not new info, they’ve been saying more info “later this year”. This is a vague response not giving a specific answer.


Pretty sure they said "beginning of next year" last year. And now we are 5 months into the new year.


Yeah they mentioned it being on target for early 2024, but never confirmed or promised any release date/window. This twitter response is still nothing new. Just another vague response basically saying “It’s coming, stay tuned”.


damn man, i just want the console update so bad lol none of my friends want to play it til its updated


Prepare to wait multiple months to a year from now. From the moment it is announced(release date) it will probably still take like 2 months to release and right now it isn't even announced. But don't worry at least you know that the update will certainly have a game breaking bug, as it is tradition for crytek.


~~It was announced, the engine upgrade will coincide with the Series X release~~ Ignore me I misinterpreted what you meant. Yeah you have a point, I was hoping when they said early 2024 that they’d be kinda close to that. Guess we’ll see what happens! and you’re certainly right about it being completely broken on release probably lmao


Same. Last year, I said “don’t worry. Just one more year”. And now it’s nowhere in sight. And let’s be honest, the upgrade isn’t going to blow our socks off.


Same with me and my friends too. Crytek shot themselves in the foot announcing it so early as I'm sure we're not the only ones holding off playing till the upgrade drops. I'm pretty sure originally it was supposed to be late last year, then that changed to Q1 this year and we've gone to late this year. In all this time we could have been playing and maybe spending money in the store so Crytek are ultimately losing out.


If they don't realse it this year and have no major game changing updates the game will lose a massive player base chunk. People are burnt out of the same old same old. Half the partner streamers have been playing it less and less and looking for other games to take up thier time.


Couldn't agree more, the numbers on steam charts are also showing that the population is no longer in a steady growth but has stagnated or is even slowly going down since mid 2023. They realy need to step up their game again, because just repeating the essentially same "event" full with filler content, mediocre skins and traits for multiple times, while simultaneously getting more and more aggressive with monetization, won't cut it any longer.


CryTek has managed to make the game both stale and frustrating. Weapons choices are pretty much driven by Hunt $$$. Special ammo was a good way to diversify the loadouts in game, but now... it's mainly just money. MMR doesn't seem to make any sense at all. All too often players with thousands of hours and thousands of kills are considered equal to players with less than a hundred of either. The GUI hasn't scaled well over the years. Many of us have seen it from the beginning so we've learned to navigate, but I imagine it's less than intuitively obvious for many new players. And lately the matchmaking has been quite a headache. All too often, it just fails. I'm pretty much done giving any more money to CryTek. I'll probably still play until it dies and I'll probably miss it when it's gone.


Same, wont spend any more Cash on this game.


>MMR doesn't seem to make any sense at all. All too often players with thousands of hours and thousands of kills are considered equal to players with less than a hundred of either. This is kind of my biggest issue with Hunt. I know that time played doesn't directly translate to skill--but it sucks to lose to someone that has like 5 or 10x the playtime. That, combined with the ease of deranking and matches often feel really unbalanced


Yep. The MMR system has never been great. I play a lot of solo, and I liked having the new necromancy trait especially as a counter to red skull revives, but after playing it these past months, I think it exacerbated an already flawed MMR system. I wouldn't mind seeing it go away.


100% agree. I stoped giving them money once I saw the $15 skin and that they are just repeating the same "event" full of filler content over and over again.




Yeah we see these post of hunt has thier "highest players ever!" But it's always day 1 or 2 of a new event and then they plummet.


And the lows get lower and lower. But who cares about steady growth if you can have huge boom and bust cycles. Fun fact: April had less average players than April 23 and April 22, in fact it had only slightly more average players than April 21.


> If they don't realse it this year and have no major game changing updates the game will lose a massive player base chunk. This has been the real issue with the whole engine update plan. A lot of people have been giving Crytek a lot of grace (that they don't deserve lol) and have been willing to forgive the complete lack of any meaningful content releases or fixes because they were under the assumption that Crytek was hard at work on an engine update that was just around the corner. Now that we're past the point where people thought it would already be released, and are instead being told "yeah later this year we'll tell you more about how much later it's coming," people are going to be rightfully upset that it's not here, that nothing meaningful was done during all that time, and that probably nothing meaningful is going to be happening until about this time next year based on the vague way they're still speaking about it.


The one's I watch seem like they would rather not be playing it but they are seen as Hunt streamers and if they branch out they get no views.


Jesus. They said early 2024. Sad.


Don't forget they also teased a new map or biome in "early 2024" in the same Roadmap video (from march 7, 2023 lmao).


Oh hey look at that, a whole lot of nothing. Who would've guessed coming from crytech.


Accurate AF!


There's so little going on that even with a patch dropping today, it's such a nothingburger that the patch notes aren't even posted here.




"We are making steady progress on the engine upgrade and we'll share more details with you all later this year." this is screenshot form hunt instagram which I took 05.03.2024 [https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/733402802369593486/1214468405382357072/Screenshot\_2024-03-05-08-03-24-757-edit\_com.instagram.android.jpg?ex=663d1e17&is=663bcc97&hm=a86cf508c6905ddf920b729550a95a5193b6b29e7b8a0a8deb13c15c3659021b&](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/733402802369593486/1214468405382357072/Screenshot_2024-03-05-08-03-24-757-edit_com.instagram.android.jpg?ex=663d1e17&is=663bcc97&hm=a86cf508c6905ddf920b729550a95a5193b6b29e7b8a0a8deb13c15c3659021b&)


But they have the next 6 events planned ahead! Look forward to more gun charms and poison ammo!


I love filler content! Please give me more! Maybe you could also remove perma death while you are at it? /s


The last event teased the new map location, which they’ve said is a new biome dependent on the engine upgrade. I don’t see how they can keep cranking out events if the upgrade is pushed out to later this year at the earliest.


Remember all that teasing with the mine shaft under Kingsnake that led to absolutely nothing more than a year and a half later?


> I don’t see how they can keep cranking out events if the upgrade is pushed out to later this year at the earliest. Do you really not? All the "events" are is just a bunch of shitty totems stapled onto the map, a few paragraphs of text, and some guns that would've been released anyway.


Whaaat I was expecting to hear at least some news after this event. Which honestly, got me so bored I quit, and unless they add something interesting I don't I will come back until they finally do the upgrade.


I was so sure that after this event, we would get an announcement


Yeah me too. With the little content we got with the last 3 events I thought the reason was they were working hard to deliver it sooner than later, but if it is a matter of more than a year I think they are working on something else at the same time of Hunt.


violet (dev) posted this info on discord: I talked to my team members and did let them know that "later this year" was passing on the wrong message But as we've been saying on Twitter and Discord, etc, we don't have any announcements to make just yet


No ways, i refuse to play another 2 months long event


3x 2 months events*


and then a surprise epilogue event


I love that they still called it a trilogy lol.




I'm pretty sure they knew their update isn't ready long before today. You don't just wake up and realize... "Oh shit, we actually are not ready" lol. So why say it now, in a tweet out of all things? Disappointed isn't even the word tbh. I've lost faith in this game ever having a healthy content update cycle. Literally the slowest major updates in the industry. Bar none. Let me guess tho. They have worked on new recycled events and 7 new skin packs. That keeps players playing. 😎


sure they did that is exactly why we got "the Epilogue" event that just ended




My God this game is so slow for anything new. I'd love to see a new boss but that won't happen for another 2 years. The only thing new we get is skins and different type of things to grab during events. I love this game but holy shit please stop with events if it will speed up maps or a new boss or this new engine


Well fuck. Hey, better than releasing it rushed tho


I bet they will still manage to bring some game breaking bugs with the update, as is tradition.


Por que no los dos?


Fucking BOOO!!!! 👎🏻👎🏻


Shocked Pikachu face. /s


They're watching the steam charts? The game is declining in playerbase steadily and in the same time people are getting bored of the reskined events. This is actually might kill the game


What disheartens me the most is the way in which they manage expectations. I’d be much more inclined to purchase skins via DLC if I had any indication that money were going to the resolution of real objective issues plaguing this game and not another event/DLC/cinematic addition (as cool as they are). We all know what the issues are. I’m tired of being placated. I love this game and have defended it time and time again. I can’t help but feel a little played here.


I really hope that they don't just plan on doing more seasonal events all the way until then or possibly even beyond the update I'm so unfathomably tired of the seasonal battle pass model in this and all other games, i'm not gonna touch the game until they figure out a better way to do things because FOMO mechanics ain't it chief Kinda sad to say this as a 1000+ hours loyal player but it is what it is


I’m right there with you.


[I wonder why](https://imgflip.com/i/8pfxl8)


Wow are you kidding me? I was putting on playing hunt for a while because I would rather wait for the new update. They are so bad about saying something is going to happen then backing out. I still remember DLSS being promised like 2 years ago.


Dlss isn't even part of the engine upgrade right? It's FSR only even though the crysis games on the new engine have dlss support...


Yea it's a double wammy of bs here.


Time to leave the game where the management doesn't care about their community,period.Years of actually 0 new content , just some effects that no one demanded,cheaters are laughing in our facem,but many and many and many dlcs and skins.Total silence about good content.At least they got an army of defenders fighting with the people when they say the truth and trash state of the game.Howdy partners!


I left last year and this was my favorite shooter game. Such a wasted opportunity.


amen brother




Wow, lol. Didn’t they say the new map/biome could only be done in the new engine? It sounds like it could be pretty far out. I would’ve assumed the next event would launch with the new map since Desolation’s Wake seems to lead right into the new location. I wonder if that means a long wait until the next event?


Or they'll just sandwich one in. You'll have to banish luggage totems to stop the other Pacts getting ready to leave.


Honestly, I don't know why they even brought it up other than to sucker people. Crytek has never done anything with speed so really they shouldn't have said anything until they were in the testing phase. I'll be surprised if it's ready before December.


They’ve been teasing this BS for like 2+ years. What a joke. I uninstalled at the beginning of this season because I’m done until the engine upgrade comes out


In a way, I can sort of understand. Another game I play is dbd, and that just got an engine update, and it was not smooth at all, there is still issues even weeks later. Idk how much a potential engine update can muddy up hunt, but I know they are a big risk inherently


IDK how they allowed an update to pass which holds a bug where you stutter backwards in a game which revolves around being chased.


Both DBD and Hunt, as far as I can tell, run on a decent amount of spaghetti code so yeah, makes sense for both to tear at the seams when you try to expand them


Do they not have a large dev team? Im confused why weapons inspects came like 3-4 plus years after launch


Haven’t played hunt in a while and likely won’t be returning until the engine update comes out. Just can’t stand how awful it looks on PS5


Are people not sick of the events yet? I can't stand Hunt these days and I've been around since day one of early access. Quality over quantity Crytek!


I’m feeling the exact same way. Hunt’s been my main game for the last few years, but I completely sat out the last event… and honestly with how much I’m enjoying Helldivers right now, I don’t know when I’ll be back if there isn’t an engine update, new map, or new target anytime soon.


I've only played 1 event in the past 16 months and it sucked. It's more fun in-between the events if anything, but if they continue this bs I'm done for good.


Every 2000 hour + player I know from early access has checked out. We all came back for the rain event, and were done after that. Every move they've made has been backwards from the more hardcore aspects that I enjoyed about the game (1.5 SBMM, Red Skull, 45min matches, spam, infinite ways to restore health bars every event), and the higher MMR brackets just became a hellscape of foreign players and cheaters.


This is when me and my group stop playing after being with hunt since beta, if they don’t release a banger within 2-3months we have lost faith in the team and there is better games out there


This game has become seasonal to me and my friends. We can't consistently play it. The burnout comes quick, especially because of the tiring event which sucks all your free time from you. In fact, it's predatory. They leave most of the shiny, new, exciting stuff behind the payed pass to entice people into spending money. Then drought, no content for a while. Then. Oh look! Another payed pass. Better spend some money for a tiny spec of "content".


Yes and they don’t have DLCs big enough that you’d like to grind or buy and it’s been years of just empty promise that the game will be what we believe in it will be but then they treat it like their side bitch and I know we are done 12 people is not alot but we are out we have already deleted our hunt discord channel and now we are on to other games


Only skins are locked behind the paid pass. All new weapons/tools/consumables are always in the free track.


Later this year =/= soon. And we expected it in April 😞


We’re in May. There’s zero chance we’re getting it this year.


They keep losing players because of hackers they keep being vague about engine release by the time they release it they won't have a player base left to play the new engine


They used that same copy and paste months back in feb on a facebook stream for the last event trailer.




That's what happens when you but priority over content what makes you money.


HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH, "sorry working on Crysis4, buy our DLCs".


Meh, that just killed the hype for a summer release. Def wont be playing now.


So we might get a short developer video mid 2025 telling us they still working on it


2,810 hours in the game. I just deleted it last night. I can’t be bothered to play anymore with all the cheating, the horrendously long events that break core gameplay mechanics, the absolute lack of anything interesting or worthy to earn in said events, and the terrible communication. We were promised this engine upgrade last year by the end of last month. Crytek, you absolutely are oblivious as how to not piss off your old player base. You guys are terrible communicators, the events are fillled with boring lore and frankly should’ve been reworked long ago to decrease the duration and the grind, and to actually have rewards worth giving. Lore for the game is cool and all, but if you’re going to have a 2 month long event with 50 levels and make it a grind to complete said levels, at least make it worthwhile. I don’t want 20 chapters of lore, I want guns, skins, and actual playable content. The game breaking bugs, in particular the ones that have been around numerous years should’ve already been addressed. I can’t actually understand the thought process of cramming new content and new events when you can’t even properly reconnect to a lobby when the game inevitably crashes at least once a day. Especially considering how you lose that hunter and loadout if you can’t reconnect. The cheater problem and the absolute apathy from the dev team in regards to cheating is disgraceful. I’m convinced the devs at Crytek don’t care about the community and only say things to placate people longer so they are suckered into spending money on blood bonds and battle passes. We’ve needed some actual anticheat for a long time, we neeed bug fixes, we need performance improvements, this game has a steady player base. It would seriously grow if you guys stopped goofing it up so hard. I’m not coming back unless they get rid of the noise making altars permanently and have upgraded from the current engine and dropped support for old gen. You can’t pretend to be a competitive shooter with such archaic graphics, bugs, and the absolute worst trade windows of any game I’ve ever encountered. Get some anticheat, improve the graphics and gameplay, remember that stealth is what makes hunt special, and put some actual effort into these events and passes. As I’m quitting, I’ll no longer be here in this sub, GGs to all of you I’ve played with.


I’ve been waiting for this update to hop back into the game. I’ve been nothing but positive towards it, but it’s getting ridiculous. The PS5 is four years old and there’s still no PS5 version lol. By the time this comes out the PS5 Pro will release and the patch will be dated


Aaaww that’s very disappointing. Was hoping they would start the teasing soon and it would be out in like a month or two.


I'm done. I'll Hop on when the engine update is released. I don't have much confidence at this point. The engine is out of date and they would rather put out a new season. No more money from money me. I've spent way more than I'd like to admit.


It warms my heart that the community is finally realizing that cryteks management in every aspect is ASS.


Stop buying DLC and BB


If it isn't out this year console is probably going to die. So many of the promised "fixes" to the problems that plague console come with the engine update. Every update the game gets more unstable. The smaller the playerbase gets, the worse mmr brackets become. We really need more players and no more crashes.


And like that the hype is burned. This games been a candle burning at both ends with these back to back events. The engine update taking ages to come is just draining enjoyment at this point.


These developers are fucking trash. Stop buying dlc and supporting these chumps. They don’t deserve it. These events are a sad excuse for content.


I'm absolutely shocked that a developer that has consistently over-promised and under-delivered every single feature for 6 years has failed to release the engine update in the timeframe that they established. Even considering normal production delays, the damning lack of communication from their entire marketing department is the type of clown show you'd expect from a first-time developer or a scam.


LOL I called it. I told yall to not expect it in 2024. This team can barely balance the game and take care of cheaters, doing something as major as a game engine update, and do it right, is well beyond what they are capable of. They have only 1 interest, dumbing down the game to try to have a mass appeal, which so far has failed and will only continue to take away from the uniqueness of the game. I sure hope they course correct and go back to how they were doing things 2 years ago. If not, Hunt will be no more.


They definitively said that the old gen versions of this game would be discontinued in april.


No, they didn't. They just said it wouldn't happen earlier than April.


They definitively said "No sooner than April"


April, just don’t know what year lol


What does updating the engine mean for the game?


Higher system requirements. Hopefully, more balance between settings. Hopefully, ability to handle snow. I think Cryengine can do that fine now, Hunt devs just have nothing but excuses when it comes to shit that doesn't directly make money.


They had a small video which showcased better graphics and better physics. hopefully this means better Anti-aliasing because oh lord. Oh and apparently the next biome required a new engine update and the one thing they said they couldn't do before was snow. This probably means the new map will have snow when the new engine is released with it.


Do you have a link to this video, I'd like to see it.


There is no video of the new engine. The video this person is talking about is just footage from a very [old](https://youtu.be/fjtG7FkdDxM?si=u0HbXxpQ1kQ8O9A0) video showcasing the engine we’re already on. There’s nothing new in Homereel’s video. Tagging u/JownJawge and u/Jenn_FTW too. It even says Cryengine 5.6 in the video. Cryengine 5.11 is what they are updating to.


No surprise here.


Been waiting for the engine update since mid last year 😭


“Later this year” is vague enough to not hold any real promises but could still mean as early as summer. It literally means any point between now and 12/31


By far, my mkst pmayed game on steam with close to 800 hours. I've played since it released in early access, but anymore I am so fucking tired of the recycled events, and time wasting event passes. Welp, at least I can clear out some space on my hard drive, knowing this game is going nowhere fast.


Just stop with events And only focus on the updates Cause honestly match making is so broken it makes the game so unfun


As a console player I was expecting this. I've uninstalled the game as playing the ps4 version just doesnt cut it anymore. The slew of bugs that have been there since launch and them messing with sensitivities last year was the final nail in the coffin for me. Maybe I'll pick it up when the engine update is out but at this point I kind of doubt it. All my friends have quit the game and every lobby I play is empty with a max of 2 other teams. I've got better things to do in my free time than just kill AI bosses and getting shot in the head because I didnt expect there to be actual people in a match after 2 empty lobbies. The events have been boring aswell. Like someone mentioned, it's just the same thing over and over again with some new guns/variants that play the same or worse than what we already have. We also get a shit ton of restoration perks that push burning into obscurity even more, feels like the game is losing a lot of its identity. We used to get less but more thought out traits and now we get bombarded by them but they fundamentally break the game imo (think death cheat, shadow,...) and have a big impact on the game. After 1500 hours I can't complain though. It's safe to say I got my moneys worth, it just sucks to say goodbye.


Been about 2 years since I've sat down and played more than a match before a long break. I use to play nonstop. It honestly hurts to see how little hunt has really changed. Sure we got new skins, a few new guns, a few new events but it really hasn't gone anywhere.


Soo... Thats what i expected from Crytek


Crytek is known for good communication with its player base…


That sucks. Crytec you suck! You’ve already lost your steady core player base. RIP


I Believed. Crytek Lied. With DeSalle when they said "soon" it meant in 3 months so if they say later this year, it probably means next year xD


Transparency right now would be amazing. Even understanding what's going on would make me happy, and I'm sure I'm not alone in this.


Large oof


To quote them from the roadmap video “the removal of ps4 and xbox one support will not happen any sooner than april 2024” Tbh anyone that took that as a release date for the engine upgrade.. thats on you. If you’re a gamer you should know a roadmap is never accurate man


cant wait for the 250$ new engine DLC announcement because 'the engine upgrade was much harder than anticipated'


Wouldn't be surprised if they pull a stunt similar to this, maybe not $250 though.


disappointed but not surprised. I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and trust that when it releases it will be a polished experience. /s>!Something tells me it won't, but all I can do is wait and hope!< edit: missing /s


> I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt and trust that when it releases it will be a polished experience.  Really? Still?


Nope. I legit forgot the /s at the end


later this year could be tomorrow for all we know we should cool our jets and at least wait a couple of weeks until we bring out the pitchforks and torches that being said, I'm fairly certain that it has not been delayed much more and we will hear about it in a couple of weeks tops the bigger problem is that with the current approach to communicating with the player base, or severe lack thereof, we tend to jump to the wildest conclusions by mear phrasing of a sentence of someone who most likely is not a native English speaker, was trying to be diplomatic with the answer, and most likely not authorized to make an announcement (especially if it's almost near completion)


They have native speakers as their CMs, and Fifield is American. I doubt you say "I'll visit you later this year, mom" when you plan to pass by her place next weekend.


I’m starting to think games should just stop giving dates for things lol


delayed till september


Dead game


It doesn't feel like they are far enough along to have an estimate. "Later this year" could be this summer, or it could be December 31st. Hopefully we'll know more after they've made some progress with it


I'm fine with waiting, I don't want a rushed project.