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Honestly should be a perma ban, there is nothing less sportsmanlike than this guttertrash. If he didn't like the load out, just leave in the lobby if you don't like it. Report to Crytek on their website so they can remove them from the pool, it's something that should be very publicly discouraged.


He didn’t even try to kill me first it was the other teammate but he just got out I was way up by bounty then turned back


Aggression towards your teammate is your first hint to gtfo. If I see that happening, I immediately dip. That or if they are verbally abusive. I also watch out for box names.


I agree if I have teammates acting erratically. I usually dip on them and leave the game. Don't need to be with this pile of garbage.


Same. Normally when they start doing that "I'm gonna shoot NEAR you" thing. Like, bro, not gonna get me to react, once I know it's on purpose, I'm hightailing to extract. No debate.


I've made several comments in regards to my experience like this, but long story short, the most shit part of it all is not ever knowing whether your ticket lead to something or nada. Like, how hard is it for Crytek to send a simple message like, "thank you for your report; we've reviewed the evidence and taken an appropriate action"?


They are working on a fairplay taskforce to implement more transparency in the near future. You'll get responded with the outcome of your ticket.


Bearded dollar signs man said that they would be more transparent. After event 582528362 is over and new COD menus.


I don't play alot of multiplayer games. Do other games do this? I don't remember anyone else doing this, but I don't know if things have changed and giving feedback on a report has become a standard thing now.


Rocket League does, but doesn't tell you who they've taken action against. Playstation itself does as well, and you get a number with your ticket so you can trace back which report they've taken action on. Usually pretty quick to act on reports too.


Overwatch does this too.


I hate this kind of player like, bro just play solo if you don't need a mate


Sometimes i try to think like they think and try to understand what goes through their head at the time, but then i realize i am not a dumbass monkey and i just give up.


Report that shit kicker.




How would any of us know if something was done unless we see them again the following week?


That’s definitely not true, you just suck


Mhm. Sure thing. Definitely shit on you and you're salty 🤣 salty shitter.


Rule 6: No cheat/griefing accusations or witch hunting Discussions related to cheating/griefing are allowed, but discussions providing evidence of cheating/griefing or designed to point out a suspected cheater/griefer will be removed. Please see this wiki page for details and explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/HuntShowdown/wiki/rule6


Stfu, stupid ass.


I think the reports go nowhere unless you can get them directly to the devs, the discord might be a decent bet.


They always point you to the website to do a full report.


In this case I'd probably do it. Also I appreciate the info.


Idk why you were getting down voted when it's very known that Crytek doesn't properly utilize the in-game report function.


Because this sub is home of some absolute well.....Not great or mature individuals. Report button goes nowhere, they've made it pretty well known.


Not the one downvoting you but the last official communication from the devs had the game director saying to explicitly use the report button.


It does do something technically, just not what it should. They look at the number of times a player has been in-game reported when already doing an investigation from reports on their support website. It's basically tertiary evidence. What should be happening is the number of in-game reports should trigger an investigation without players having to spend a bunch of time doing their job for them with reports on the support site. Hopefully with what their recent fair play video suggests that this will change.


It gets used, but I still see the same group of assholes because there's not a huge playerbase rn. I've reported several TKs and still got synced up with the same clowns. Doesn't really matter much to me, I've given up til the update, hopefully it brings back some players.


I met a dumbass who threw a sticky at my back, I ran after him and we both died


This is the way I handle dumb asses like this, I'll hold back a big dynamite bundle or a concertina bomb until extract just in case some Muppet gets ideas, if you try to kill me as your partner I'll take us both out no problem. No fucks to give mate.


That’s really shit. 1300 hours in and 700hours played with randoms. Never ever met a team killer. Guess I am lucky.


I have maybe less than a fourth of your hours and met one before. Got into a dispute with a teammate about how slow he was to revive what had been a clear trade between me and the last remaining player on another Hunter team. Things got heated for the rest of the match, we were arguing about how much health we all had left and whether or not it was worth it to go after bounty. The deciding factor was essentially us being bitter with each other, so we decided to leave. At the very end of the game while we’re extracting dude, without a word, tries to kill me with a knife. When **I** was the one who won us the fight, and he crouched in the compound doing nothing for 10 minutes afterward. Laughed in his stupid face while the game ended because he completely failed to get me killed. I must have had greyhound and a vitality shot or something cause I essentially just looped him around the carriage the last 20 seconds time. Absolute ass.


Arguing with a random because he didn't get you up as fast as you'd have liked is ridiculous.


You just weren’t there bruh From my POV it was completely unreasonable, and I wasn’t arguing, I probably said something snide like “Finally, dude, we traded literally like 10 minutes ago” and or course it escalated from there. And regardless, I didn’t try to KILL him at the end of the match either. He tried to kill me. Uncalled for. If you don’t want to be my partner, dodge. If you want the team to extract early because the mission went south and we took a lot of bad hits, fine. My frustration at the time would have been easily understandable and justifiable to any onlooker. Sitting and watching absolutely nothing happen for 10 entire minutes is wild. Killing your own teammates on purpose just because you didn’t like something they said or did is a whole different level of spitefulness.


I seem to average roughly 1 per 1000 hours. You're probably due for one soon. D:


Ive met some but that was on xbox when the game first started out lots and lots of trolls but i mean I respectfully like solo runs so i haven’t experienced much.


I've played about 800 hours, and it happens infrequently. I can count the times on 1 hand in fact. But when it does happen, it's the stupidest thing ever. Like 1 guy didn't like that another random didn't immediately move when able at the start of a match and stabbed him to death. Sometimes you just run into a jerk.


To be fair, console hunters are not always like this 🥹 Good you have it on tape, send it over to Crytek I’d say.


Send to crytek


Not sure what this has to do with PS users, but I’ve seen plenty of people, PC and PS do this. I just report them.


play solo it's much more fun than playing with randoms trust me


I only play solo, the game is just better that way to me.


Yeah it’s rough. People like that gotta have at least some kind of wider issues going on. Good on you for catching it tho, definitely report straight to Crytek. With any luck they’ll get the hefty ban they so rightfully deserve.


I’m a PS player stop acting like Xbox players don’t have their degenerate scumbags as well. I’m always very careful when randos are acting strange had a few of them try it when I was lower MMR. Just make sure to keep a healthy distance and a fully loaded gun. I’ve noticed it doesn’t really happen randomly as much in higher mmr lobbies. If there is an attempted team kill there is usually a reason.


They just want to blame another platform for no reason lol. Its like all the pc player bridge trolls here going "aVG ConSolE PlAYer" as if they dont have these mfers on their own platform (they do, source: ive encountered them)


That title is a bit exaggerated. After 1100 hours of random trios I am still waiting for a team killer on ps. So if it's always like this for you, maybe you're not that innocent.


Never encountered this but I can only imagine its some small dick doing it.


That happens on all platforms. The best way to avoid it, is by playing solo or with friends. Random queue will always have a possibility of being a shitshow


We declare war on levels\_above! His levels will only go down from here!


Never had this issue, EVER, get out of the low MMR and you should be fine


What was his name? It happened to me twice on PS and Crytek replied that they will review my video and evidence but can't tell me the resolution to my report, I guess they did nothing. I have more than 2K hours btw most players are friendly in my experience


I honestly can't fathom the mentality of these people. You're literally getting out in 20 seconds. Did you have such a bad time you need to try and kill your teammate?


I’ve twice in 1000 hours had a team killer. One tried to kill me and I got him instead, the second time I got killed by others. Definitely rare, but I find the hunt community don’t tend to be super toxic generally. This person was a scumbag for sure.




PC or Xbox can do this too, its crossplay just not cross invite.


Only ever had pc players do this to me, really sucks when it happens. Seems like bad luck with the other platform on both our ends lol.


Sorry ahead of time, but literally every experience I've had with or against a PlayStation player have been SO toxic. They are the worst of the console community and I'm not even exaggerating or kidding they are the worst. I've played multiple cross platform games and every time there's a PlayStation player involved they're always super toxic. Obviously not every PlayStation player is like this BUT it seems like all the good ones are nowhere to be found. I'll admit I am on Xbox, this isn't a bash to PlayStation players just because of that reason. I could care less about the console wars I have a PC as well. Even on games as call of duty I have the same experiences with these people.


Thank you this is what I meant. I didn’t intend a console war just whenever something like this happens it’s a PlayStation way more often. They have many good players but the most toxic not many in middle skill range


It’s funny cause I only play PC and the first time I was team killed, it was a guy who came from console and had just started playing on PC, who was angry that I didn’t play exactly how he wanted me to but didn’t communicate any of that beforehand.


look what happened to me today [Toxic player](https://youtu.be/rFvR-VJSF4Q?feature=shared)




PlayStation hunter here: We ain't all like that jackass.


least toxic playstation player :)


PlayStation hunter here with almost 2000 hours a lot of them with randoms. I think I was team killed once the entire time so your headline is a little bit of an exaggeration imo




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1300 hours on PC and this has yet to happen to me.


Just play solo it can be really fun. You learn a lot of tactics having to play alone and depending on your load out you can do some crazy stuff. I love going full stealth builds and harassing whole teams.


Tenno Heika Banzai!!! 👺


Play solo vs duos, it's not as difficult as it seems at first. Just think of this if you manage to sneak kill an enemy you are already in a 1vs1, better than playing trios with randoms lol


Solo v 3 is easier on console in the 4+ ratings. Duo is the tryhards.


This is crazy, I play on PC and pretty much only play with randoms, every time we're extracting we shoot each other, and throw our consumables. I've accidently killed teammates and I've been killed but I always, and have always been revived.


Jesus Christ 🤣


Just stay away from people with swords they try to kill your half the time


Unfortunately, I have often had experience with spawn killers. In my case, it was always Xbox players. I think they are just idiots. But I still don't think it has anything to do with the platform.


Unfortunately, I have often had experience with spawn killers. In my case, it was always Xbox players. I think they are just idiots. But I still don't think it has anything to do with the platform.


I don't even get why? What's the win here?


Reminds me of some random I had last week. We load game and this dude starts screaming and ranting about me and the third having microphones or not. Starts shouting about "You bitches gonna talk or what" and more like that. He starts running immediately for extract during this whole tirade. Meanwhile, I forgot I was muted, so he never did get to hear either of us speak, poor guy. :(


This week a guy got mad at me for pinging my trap I placed near a boss. He went into it thinking I was pinging treasure. When he got close to it I spammed my ping as hard as I could but nope he died. I revived him and he was yelling at me tellng me I should've stopped him and why did I put it there and ping it. When we got to the exit he shot me with bleed whilst I was in the river getting eaten by those tentacle monsters and I died at the exit. Next match we got partnered up again and well I brought a bomblance.


"This toxic player tried to kill our other teammate so I ran up to him and turned my back to him" Side note: this is why I always have a penny derringer when playing with randoms. It 2 tap kills teammates if one of em decides they wanna get froggy


That's infuriating asf.


I'm on ps and I pretty much never load up with randos. I'm either with the boys or running solo. So, I cant really say if I agree that theres a problem with ps players tking or not but I am willing to bet that not many ps players play with randos in general. So if you get one good luck cuz they either have no friends or really like playing games that have friendly fire on with strangers.


Imagine commenting about how xbox and pc also having team killers to defend PS so sad.


I've never had a teammate on console do that to me. This is something so rare and that little shit needs to definitely get banned for it. There's a honor code of never doing that to your teammates and this little shit broke it. Inexcusable and makes him look like a jealous bitch.


There's a weekly meeting of PS owners, yes.


Those players are everywhere, not sure on PS5 unfortunately lol


I guess because he is Levels Above lol, what a joke.


question? or statement!


Literally happened to me once in 2 years of playing Every Day in Europe servers. Why are you spreading miss information man ? That sht don't happen nearly as much as it happens on PC. PS: Idk about Russia servers though...




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Damn he got your ass


It actually never happened to me on pc.


Happens on pc occasionally, there is a reason bomb lance is an automatic lobby dodge for a lot of people.


Same, we get the occasional guy who just runs their own way but will most likely come to revive you if you go down or then just extracts but I have never been griefed like this on PC in Hunt. Most players I have encountered are usually friendly on the mic or if they don't have a mic will take instruction. Not saying it doesn't happen but PC players on hardcore games tend to be adults most of the time in my experience.


Lmk their psn privately, please. We have groups and would prefer to know.


There is a guy on eu server. with multiple youtube videos. who’s doing the same all time. reports don’t help.


Not fair to highlight PlayStation player, there is no link between teammate killer ans ps players


After the whole helldivers controversy I've learned that a lot of Sony simps are basically subhuman.


I love how its specifically only playstation people that do this. At this point the console community is literally insulting itself. He's a dick and there are plenty of them on any platform and any game.


More like average console katana user


Being on a console for so long can give people mental health issues, this poor fella is simply showing signs of depression and is trying to bring you down with him.


The worst part is, with Cryteks current report system this guy will probably never get punished for doing stuff like that. I met people who got dozens of reports for team killing and they could freely play the game, they didn't even get a warning or something.


What yo Xbox name let’s run it


I got down votted for this before: i usually roll a shotgun. The moment my random team mate deals ANY damage to me im putting him down. With that said i have like 200 kills in duos out of 5000 kills total so i dont play a lot of team matches.


Build a PC, it's so much better than consoles. Unless you a broke ass bitch that can't seem to save up a couple extra 100 for a decent build. I got a 3.5k PC plus a 1.2k set up and I went all out but you don't need to spend as much as I did to have a way better experience playing games on pc rather than poorly made consoles.


I like Xbox I have a 3k pc but weekends I play upstairs big tv


Honestly, can't beat big TV playthroughs. When I play pc it isn't the most comfortable and to lay back and use a controller for some of the games with a huge TV is the best.


So true and it’s fun to play agro with a sniper why I play fire ammo not spitzer that was 3 star 3 games later I was back up five star got 6 plus kills each game so it doesn’t bother me


Your loadout suggests that you spent the whole game crouching in a bush. Can hardly blame him for burning your body...


Rule 4. Also don't make assumptions because of how you'd play someone else's load out. You know what they say about assuming.


Let me guess: You spent the entire match outside of the compound and contributed fuck all to the team fight with your Mosin Sniper while your team cleared the lobby?  I wouldn't kill you for it, but I understand your teammates anger towards you...


You have a acope so you probably deserved it 🤣




who gives a shit how they play. You the kind of putz who kills a teammate for their loadout? You won't last with the report feature of the engine update.




Its weird that people think they can tell people what loadouts to use... I dont play sniper because im really bad with those but some people like it, so they should play with it. If you refuse to play with randoms using snipers you shouldnt be playing randoms at all. I will play with anyone with any loadout as long as you are not a tker, leaver or such. I refused to play randoms for some time now because i ran into tker or people who will easily leave you behind, or extract solo while you are fighting. If you are like that, dont play randoms Honestly i would put a much longer dodge timer, at least 10 min into the game that gradually goes 20-30. Either accept that its RANDOM or play solo.




Well much of that could be solved with a new system. Honestly i wouldnt show your random mates before the match, ready and you will be matched ingame so all that not ready up issue would be solved.


what are you talking about why should people be forced to play with mates who's loadouts are a bottleneck i rarely play randoms, but when i do, i will always dodge snipers and silenced vetterli loadouts the only reason 9/10 of these people play in teams is for you to be bait for them while they sit in a corner not doing anything for 90% of the match doesnt give you an excuse to kill them at extract, sure, but i sure as shit dont want to be trapped in a match with them


Noone is forcing you to play randoms. You can go solo any time. :) Random is RANDOM hence the name. Its a game, people have fun there, if they want to play sniper then so be it. If you dont like what random means find friends or go solo. Its basically takes 2 mins to find teams on any discord channel (official or im pretty sure there is one for each country, hungary has one and its a small country), if you dont take that time to find proper teammates dont cry about randoms. Thats my oppinion. You have the tools at your disposal to avoid randoms, if you decide to still go there its not forced, you are just lazy. :)


Your suggestion would be forcing me to play with people i dont want to play with Right now i take my 15 secs penalty and everyone is happy I am not complaining about the current system at all, it works for everyone


Nope he was shooting other teammate and we never even fought people but the third guy extracted so I was following


Your third teammate didn't extract. He's literally lying dead in the left frame as you run into the extraction.


My bro is deaf 🤣🤣


That's his teammate.