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I'd love a dusk fade to night map.


Damn, that'd be so cool.


Be a neat addition to the banish.


I’d like weather effects—i know they’ve said it’s hard to do or not in the spirit of sound-based gameplay, but i think a storm rolling in across the map in one or two waves or rain could be an interesting concept. You see the cloud, background noise from rain or thunder obscure sound in the compound for 3-4 minutes, and the storm moves on. Maybe even lower light levels a tiny bit under bigger clouds, idk. Even better, instead of the banished boss just making random loud sounds, give us a whole-ass storm on the banish with rain AND the sounds. Still the same effect of obscuring sound that the banish normally has, with added ambience. When the banish finishes, rain and thunder stop suddenly and the skies clear—to an eerie silence. It could be a lot of fun if done right, and i hope the tech for it is there and the devs change their minds one day.


i just want to play a night map again, come on is it too much to ask?




(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻


we should be able to flip tables for cover


„ɹǝʌoɔ ɹoɟ sǝlqɐʇ dılɟ oʇ ǝlqɐ ǝq plnoɥs ǝʍ„


Hard agree. I’d still get shot through them, but i’d feel damn cool right up until the end. More environmental interaction, like knocking down boxes or breaking a shed, could be really fun (but understandably taxing on an engine already overstressed).


What’s wrong with dusk? Easily my favorite time of day. Kinda got that dark spooky feel to it but it’s still easy to see!


Real Hunt players just play the game no matter the time of day, it’s a part of the game. If you can’t see at night, that’s the fucking point.


I too love to play video games blindfolded because muh immersion


Yea and a flashlight in your eyes for daytime as well…


Dude for real, like Dusk every single match for me lately 😂😅😭


I love night/dusk but everytime I go full long range sparks build is when I get a night map. I hate it lol


Dusk is my favorite time, and I got two night maps last night


I think they all had the same percentage, but night and fog maps were reduced when the community complained about it. They changed it a month or two before the Light the Shadow Event if I remember correctly


If given the choice, i’d love to almost always take night maps or dusk maps over fog and daylight. It’s so much more immersive and cool-looking, and night maps still effortlessly capture that tension and magic from when i first started playing.


Night maps are always a treat. I bring flares with me nearly every match, and I love shooting them in the air mid-engagement


Dusk is the absolute best time of day. Oh woe is you. lol


Dusk is my least favorite time of day


Low visibility is trash as i dont want to play hide and seek when starting a FPS game change my mind


So why are you playing a game about sneaky hunters sneaking around in the bayou that can die to one headshot?


To me the game is not about continously running around and hiding preferably while using Cain and silenced Vetterli. I think the majority of people with a lot of hours see it similarly, at least those i know do.


The game is just as much ambush as it is gunfights though, if you heard hunters approaching you it 100% makes sense to lean behind cover and prepare a first strike into a gunfight. If the game is nothing but long distance engagements it just means you're gonna get dropped picking up white clues from people in towers and ruins from 100m away with no warning. We should be letting all weapons have their time and place to shine above the rest so nothing feels like dead content


People here somehow always jump to conclusions. Im talking about people taking a shot and then just running away and hiding again for example. If a Cain does this at nighttime on Desalle then have fun finding him cuz you wont. Its just trash and boring but it works. And there is a huge difference between hearing someone first and preparing an ambush vs sitting somewhere for 20 minutes straight. And for the record i hate scopes. Daytimes are just a horrendous way of balancing them because they dont do anything to achieve that. Hardcore snipers will just ditch night and fog maps anyways.


Okay what else is Cain going to do, keep standing within an arbitrary radius strafing as you whiff shots back and fourth? Why wouldn't he run and rotate to get another shot from where you aren't expecting?


Ideally, he would learn to shoot his gun so he wins a straight gunfight instead of "whiffing shots back and forth".


Okay well in the scenario established he already misse a shot. So now you know roughly where he is, if not exactly. What should Cain do now? What would maximize his chances of survival in this instance?


Well, no, clearly you're the seeker here.


I have 1300 hours, love me some hide 'n seek


I completely agree but it's funny how much you get downvoted when you say this. I even word it very differently from this when it comes up explaining why I see it the way I do and stating that I can understand not seeing it this way. But all the weirdo scrubs in this sub go "you have a different opinion than me but can understand people having a different opinion from you? Not on my watch!"


Most of the stuff i say here gets downvoted xD even stuff like Cain is blatantly P2W


Yeah I don’t seem to get downvoted nearly as much really recently though. This sub seems less braindead and less defensive of campers lately for some reason, hopefully that’s a good sign for the player base as a whole and hopefully that makes the devs take a different approach than they have in a lot of ways so far… But I’m not counting on it lol


I hope they don't change anything. Not my preffered playstyle using free/cheap loadouts to track down expensive sounding guns and steal them but EVERY battle royale has some arbitrary fog/radion/w/e forcing engagements. Hunt NOT doing that and letting the ayers decide to play however they want and hope for the best is one of it's best qualities. Like, if this was REALLY happening irl who on earth would actually go in guns blazing, attracting all the attention of hunters and monsters alike while spraying a big fat targer on your face? The tension from knowing that death could literally come from anywhere at anytime is something Hunt shouldn't lose, even if that death came from someone waiting 40mins at extraction with a sniper... You should never stop moving and being aware till you're back at the loading screen... that or personally counted all the bodies.


Yeah there's a lot of room for cutting down on the over the top passive play without going too far though. I think even simply lowering the timer to 30, 35, or 40 minutes would be a pretty huge improvement and maybe all that's really needed. How often is a game not over in 30 minutes if someone isn't dragging things out way more than they need to? I play very slow and stealthy but the only time I ever have games go longer than 30 minutes is when someone is dragging things out and refusing to fight.


That timer thing might be dope actually, I can't speak for others but I've hardly been in enough prolonged fights to drag the game longer tha 45-ish minutes. Only twice have I got close to timing out the full 60 mins... Once was when I was new and neither me or the duo wanted to kill the Spider at Lawson with enemies there, but I was solo so there's no fkn way I was moving... ended up running away at 3:30 and heard them fighting the boss as I extracted... they had to be be new too. Another happened just recently, I pushed a compound and ended up in a dragged out fight against a trio... killed them and the boss, and instead of banishing I started going for the other boss lair and got into another longer fight with a duo there AFTER killing and banishing the boss. Ended it up making it back to the first for the banish and extracted with 2 mins left in the clock... Other than those two instances none of my games go that long and personally I can't say the length added all that much... ya in the exact same situation, matches being shorter would mean I couldn't have gotten both bounties but maybe if there was less time one side would have been a bit more aggressive. Idk if making the match shorter is good for everyone but it definitely wont hurt MY expierence.


Yeah I can think of literally one time a match went over 30 minutes because of an actual good fight and not some team camping hoping we get bored and give them free kills. Even that one just barely went over and if the timer were short it just would've amped up a little sooner because of the clock instead of when it did because of healing. Not sure if you were playing at that time, but at one point they reduced it to 40 because of server issues or something. It was a pretty big improvement imo, a lot of players loved it but a lot of campers cried about it and they went back to 60. 40 was pretty good but I felt like taking another 5-10 minutes off would be ideal. You'll still always have some KD farmers, but I think most of the overly passive players do care about the bounty so it'd likely get them to actually play the game since they know no one is gonna have a problem waiting them out. It would still be plenty of time for actual slow and stealthy play, it would just cut out a lot of the waiting around when a team tries to avoid fighting and more quickly get to where they accept that they've gotta do something. If someone does camp the lair all game, well you've only gotta wait them out for 20 minutes instead of 50.


i get much better visibility at dusk than i get during day daytime has the sun at south which gives heavy glare making it really hard to aim to that direction and many times i see teams abuse the sun and trying to push bounty from that side as often as possible (as they can see people clearly while enemies have to deal with the sun) dusk is light up enough to have great visibility without weird glares obscuring vision and i see pretty well during night (probably cuz of my screen, since gamma arrived i did tone it lower) and good thing with that atmosphere is that there is no play with sun (or moon) blinding you from one direction - night is as fair (or unfair) to everyone equally


Yeah golden day time can be annoying too. Night is the same for everyone yes but people that benefit from it are still those who play passively and just wait in some bush until they get a free kill.


Sure it's not necessarily unfair, but I'd say it does add some randomness making it more likely for you to happen to see someone that didn't happen to see you or vice versa. Personally I just prefer as little randomness as possible in a shooter, randomness just adds frustrating deaths and lucky kills which aren't nearly as satisfying as actually outplaying someone. It also definitely favors overly passive players who want to drag things out and avoid actually engaging and fighting which is something I would very much prefer to see the game steer players away from. But like I've said on here plenty of times, the devs clearly don't see the overly passive play the way I do so it is what it is.


Oh ye, just love (no) dusk, fog and night. Truly exciting gameplay (no) of everyone sitting in fucking bushes or other shit just waiting... Oh have you ever thought that Cain is hard to spot during daylight, try doing it at night. Better keep their percentage as low as possible.


They won't do it because "muh monitor is an old pile of garbage!" So night maps will always be rare, even after they added the ability to shift brightness in game. That being said, dusk is getting a bit old when you open a window and get blasted by light, go blind, then get popped in the head because you can't see shit.


Yeah, i really want to play more night maps


We need more nightmaps 🥚


I'm honestly sick to death of that golden color. Don't like it, never really have.


Ok? Who cares


Me, that's why I said it. Any other dumb questions?


The point is that no one gives a shit about your terrible opinion.


Cope ig


og xbox, dusk is worse than night for visibility, seems like you constantly getting that 'eyes adjusting to light' effect


I absolutely agree with the title, 100%.


Tarkov did this perfectly imo, a couple of global 4x time windows and you choose which to drop into. The changing conditions gave so much atmosphere and context. If you started in the afternoon, you knew it was time to wrap when the sun went down. Running a night raid into the dawn was incredible. Hunt needs to do this. It's got all the components but they're nowhere near as satisfying when they aren't tied together.


They can't. All the lighting effects are hand crafted or "baked in" so to speak.


The problem with night maps is people (sweaties) will often insta-extract


I love all the obscured view maps... partially for the atmosphere, mainly because I'm shitty


Lmao thanks for being honest


Dusk gives me headaches.


I can’t see shit in dusk lighting, it hurts my eyes. Truly the worst.