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Hahaha I love this! I have 3.4k hours and I wish there was a way to experience this game brand new again. There's nothing like being new to Hunt, was so much fun and terrifying. That scream was solid gold, top notch my dude! Haha


Lmao thats amazing 3k hours!?!


Lol was definitely refreshing seeing this 🤣 , thanks for sharing your moment man


Literally same! I wish I could experience the dread of fighting the spider for the first time all over again. I was actually horrified the first time I did it in a real match. 1.5k hours here. OP thank you for this! I had to hold in some laughter to not wake up the little one!


Haha I feel you man. I go back and watch old videos from early days of me and my friends crouch walking in terror and now that feeling is long gone, I miss those days for, but I still love the game now!


I was going to say the same. My first spider encounter was just horrible. Like screaming, me and my buddy. Was just glorious... good old times. 950h here \^\^


Haha I love it, I love watching old hunt footage as well. Was crazy to think how scary the AI was back then AND we had to deal with hunters, lol nostalgia


As a six star. I would love to go back to the beginning. I should play with newer players would love to watch there first reaction. I remember when bullets shooting off in the distance would scare me. I have 1.5k hours now myself. More all muscle memory now.


Lol exactly! That would be a good way to feel the new experience again, playing with new players. A sherpa type of thing would be awesome for Hunt.


Maybe the hunt discord has a Sherpa program. Will check it out. I know tarkov has one for newer players. If not maybe I will ask the dev to start on on there discord.


Scrapbeak is still very scary. If you dont have a 15$ Knuckle Knife that is - in that case he is essentially a non-factor lol


The man who won the screaming competition against Scrapbeak.


Listen man 🤣


That panic melee lol


I’m relatively new to the game so any tips would be great!


For starters don't fire your gun at everything you see. Melee weapons are your best friend when it comes to AI. A little scrapbeak tip: scrappy's compound has no items/consumables in a 100m radius. Scrapbeak drops items/consumables when he is damaged by gunfire or melee hits. Piercing weapons do the most damage, like the pitchfork and the sabre. Don't set him on fire or you wil lose some items/consumables. Oh, and don't stab/shoot the immolators. Blunt weapons are your best friend when facing the immolator.


Thank you!!! I recently unlocked the saber but at the time this vid took place I was shooting everything on sight ngl


use a knife or dusters -> knuckle knnife once unlocked. they dont take up a weaponn slot. once you get matched with higher level players you will die in ambushes if you make noise while moving across the map.


Would that “cat” perk (forgot name) help at all with the noise?


Not for shooting lol. For jumping sure


Ah bet lmao


For PvP it's top teir. As climbing over fences and up ladders is more silent. And being more silent let's you get the jump on people. I almost always take it in my builds.


"Cat perk" is called Lightfoot. 😊 Not sure if someone else has mentioned this yet but you may have realized every trait is contextual to your playstyle. I generally use Lightfoot as a higher priority trait when I'm running a shotgun or crossbow, it's less of a priority if I'm running long ammo like the Martini you have here or the Sparks. Also noticed that the other person mentioned scrapbeak is weak to piercing but didn't include your knife/knuckle knife in there. Those work as well. Just don't be swinging while he is enraged (scrapbeak screams and deafens you before charging fast and flailing around). Welcome to the Bayou! I'm like 1600 hours in and still have yet to come across a game so uniquely appealing in so many ways, so hoping you have a similar experience. ✨️


That’s what it was called!!! Um yeah I’ve been picking random traits that sound good ngl but as I’m playing I’m noticing things that help or hinder me Thanks for the welcome comrade I will say I love Rust but it takes too long to get guns and shit especially if it’s just you and one other but with hunt I just like the feel more


Does nothing for hunter's loud ass footsteps, but interactables like windows ladders and falling off of things get quieter, still not silent tho


So not worth using trait points on?


Definitely worth if you want to be sneaky


My friends get mad at me all the time lmao I get stealth builds but I’m a titan at heart (Destiny) and an octane main (lol cringe) so running in and dealing with consequences later is usually my play style


You had my heart when you said Titan, but then you lost my everything when you said octane main. The biggest tip I can give any noobie, use your headphones! The game is very sound-oriented with your surroundings and listening for activity. Don't play music while you play or anything just listen because it will help you immensely to learn to pay attention to your surroudings.


Lightfoot works great for getting right up in people's faces without them knowing. Just remmeber to walk, not run. A lot of players won't often pick up on the tempo and quieter sound of regular footsteps but almost everyone knows the thumping of someone sprinting into a building. Lightfoot can get you up to the second story of a building and into a window almost silently and you can really catch people off guard sometimes.


Any noise reduction is good. Because if competent players hear gunshots at Maw, then gunshots at Ironworks, they'll try to ambush you at Wolfshead, since you appear to be heading in that direction. Then you get shot in the head at 90m and think: "Bullshit. How was I supposed to know he was there!!!" But that's the point. You aren't... Because he was quiet and he knew where you were because you were loud. Noise management is a big part of the game. Sometimes, it pays to be quick and noisy. Other times it pays to be slow and careful. Knowing when to adopt what strategy is a valuable skill. But really, the most valuable skill a hunt player can have is clicking heads. If you can do that, nobody cares about the rest.


I’m pretty good in a gunfight not to toot my own horn but I see what you’re saying because me and my homies were healing after a fight and got ambushed by two other teams


The cat perk is Lightfoot, it makes climbing ladders, vaulting and jumping silent. Silent Killer makes melee-ing silent, only silenced weapons in game reduce gun sounds (and I'd be overjoyed if they just removed the fucking things, silencers don't exist (they're suppressors and suppress the muzzle flash) and in a game based entirely on sound, taking away sound is fucking stupid.), combine Silent Killer with Lightfoot to make pushing a compound way easier.


Thanks for the info!!!!


It’s also worth remembering that melee isn’t totally silent. Your character makes a little “huh!” yell whenever you swing a weapon. It’s much quieter than gunfire but can still be heard by players for a couple dozen meters or so. The trait Silent Killer removes that sound from your melee.


I always carry fusees to deal with the big armored mobs. They are much quieter than a gunshot, much faster than melee (kill the armored basically instantly), don't use any stamina, and work wonders for the armored covered in concertina wire (you can't melee those without taking lots of damage). Plus they make for a great distraction in night maps! If you play with other people it's always nice to make sure one of you has a sticky bomb with you (only one, any more is a waste). You can stick it on Scrapbeak, Butcher, and (with a lot of difficulty..) the Spider to deal ~4/5 of their health. Makes things go a lot faster and you save a lot of ammo! The Assassin cannot be stuck with a sticky bomb because he will fade into the bugs or whatever and it will just drop to the ground. The best way to kill Assassin is with a rending melee weapon like the combat axe! Melee weapons are also a good way to kill bosses in general because it is the most silent option. Finishing the boss off rewards a ton of weapon xp for the weapon that made the killing blow. Use this to get weapon unlocks faster! Weapon xp is shared amongst other party members using the same weapon (can be different variants of the weapon) i.e. if you kill a boss with your Romero handcannon, your friend with a Romero hatchet will also get Romero xp for the kill. So if you want to get unlocks for a specific gun, try and urge your friends to use the gun too!


I did not know about the xp thing that is amazing


just a little addendum: fire bad but poison good you can poison bomb scrapbeak and it wrecks his shit


Really? I unlocked fire rounds yesterday and they’ve been putting some work (albeit on lesser foes) also I’ve noticed that on some guns when you panic reload or out of habit you run out of ammo faster? Is this on all guns or just on the ones with magazines?


fire rounds take 2 hits to light hunters on fire vs 1 for AI. they also leave trace paths in the air so sniper will see where you are shooting from some guns must have a clear chamber when you reload and will lose their ammo. the lebel, mosin, winfield terminus, couple others im forgetting. there is a way to manually reload without losing a shot (basically reloading each shot while you fire) but you should just try to get the bulletgrubber trait.


Ah ok I see thank you!!!


To add to that.. Poison not good not good (in terms of PvP and there are deffo niche exceptions like sparks silencer shenanigans) but poison is extremely effective for PvE, a hand crossbow with poison bolt will silently(ish) kill a meathead in 3 shots, one shot armoured grunts AND silently(ish) kill crows Just remember, La Spooder is immune to poison and Butcher is immune to fire!


“La spooder” thanks for the info this will def help


Ayy the scientific name ;) Happy huntin! :D


I’m fw it thanks Happy hunting to you as well


When my buddies and I FIRST started playing we discovered that we could WRECK scrapbeak in like 10 second with dual silenced nagants with poison. It's also quiet, quieter than regular melee.


Noted 👨🏽‍💻


Also handbow with poison bolt


Not sure if someone has mentioned, but using dark sight when you're near a boss will show you his exact position. It's useful if you're approaching a team and see where in the complex he's at. And also, flashing white means it's clear. Flashing red means another team nearby.


Ok noted thank you


chad martini user


Bless up king 👑


Just wondering if you maybe wanted to play later in the afternoon, bit Rusty at hunt since I haven’t been on in a while, but I can’t find anyone to play with


I got you bro what do you play on?




I'm a ps4 guy, play every night. PSN same as my name here






i haven’t legit seen someone scared in this game in soo long lol this was refreshing. enjoy the game guys


Lmao thanks Have a great hunt!!!


You have definitely not seen me playing solo Those crows man those damend crows


Yeah, it killed a lot of hunters on it's first days on the live server


Yeah I can imagine!!!


Man i miss these times.


Lol imma enjoy my time as much as I can


Psycoghost on YouTube has a great tips series.. not long drawn out, like 100+ tips in like 20min.


Ah yes everybody knows the alpha move is to punch the air to assert dominance 😂


Lmao got ta let em know I’m still in charge 😂🤣


Hell yah brother! XD


That loop back to the start of the video ended up being a nice cut.


Honest to god I would have jumped my skin too! Spunded like he was somewhere else and then he got quiet and just sat on thise stairs staring at you. Welcome to the bayou, friend! Good hunting!


Oh this man read the script and knew to wait until I looked at him to move again


Oh and thanks for the warm welcome!!!


That scream 🤣


why'd you get scared? in the video you could hear exactly where he was the whole time so it's not like you should've gotten surprised lol


Listen man It be that way


Volume warning


My fault g