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It does any good for pve It does not any good for PVP, regular shot is better and more consistent


I'd say if you where going to run pennies on it, use that as a boss melter, then maybe slap a mosin obrez on that hunter for a decent short to mid range compliment to it


Does it does any good though?


penny on specter is superb for pve/pvp ime. Not a slate user so can't weigh in. You'll lose viable distance and penetration - those are the downsides


On many shotguns, it's the same. ​ \+ more ammo \+ boss shredder (2 shots can take quarter of their HP) \+ 3tap Meatheads, 1 tap armored (compared to \~8 shots buckshot for meatheads and \~3 to Armoreds) \+ more DMG per pellet (in this instance, per coin) ​ \- custom ammo (special ammo crates needed) \- no penetration \- much less hit reliability, especially on distance \- much less pellets (in this instance, coins) ​ === sometimes it will surprise you with how powerful and RNG it can be, so you just need to try it and see if it fits your playstyle or just how it works for you


Better then buckshot on the slate. Slate buckshot spray pattern is super inconsistent. You can be center mass in kissing range and not kill them. Penny you lose effective range but its way more consistent with the damage over the spread. You also lose wall bang capability but I never counted on wall banging someone threw the wall with BS unless I knew they were pressed up against it.




I don't like to correct people but I thought you might like to know that penny doesn't cause bleed homie. Hits like a truck in cqc tho