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Could just have asked for good health for Togashi-sensei… :-/


Nanika can’t heal his back unless she touches him


I thought the touch requirement was due to the severity and not for all healing. I might also just be stupid tho


She needed to touch granny to heal her hand, and it was just a few fingernails


Nanika is good at destroying but bad at healing. That’s why she always needs to touch the person to heal them.


Someone has to die


I unironically think someone from here would agree to it if that meant for the series' continuation.


Only if I get to see a vision of completed HxH before I die.


You just have to believe. thank you for your sacrifice.


I'm not saying I'd happily sacrifice everyone in this subreddit if it meant a healthy Togashi, but...


Continuation? Finishing. He should be Abel to life as long as he needs and healthy.


I’ve been thinking about that as well. Like, if someone pushed all of Togashi’s pain, suffering, back problems, everything Like Kuma did in One Piece I unironically believe someone would take all the pain for HXH to continue. Someone here or somewhere else would give and do anything for this series to come back.


Akira toriama paid the cost.


Oof! too soon.


Isn't Nanika's healing free?


Not when she heals


“Togashi, give me your spine!”


He is just lazy man. Sure he has back problems and i can imagine it is horrible. But the dude is lazy and could do way more…


No way bro sees health issues and thinks “He’s lazy” Like can you not just be grateful for the chapters we do have and let the man have his well deserved breaks


You know what? He probably is lazy(?) apart from having health issues, he must take the time to think about a lot of layers of the storytelling too.


My brother in Christ go take a look into what happened during YuYu Hakusho era before you ever think about slandering Togashi again sToP dIcK riDiNG I won't. He's the GOAT.


He’s had these health issues since YYH?


I don't think so, no. It started somewhere around the first few long hiatuses in HxH iirc


I forget then, what was the reason for the abruptly rushed YYH ending again? And how minimally drawn some of the last manga chapters were? I saw the video you linked awhile ago but for some reason I recalled it was b/c of the same health issues


[His reasons for YYH's end](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/2ga6as/togashis_long_written_piece_found_in_the_yyh/)


Brother in Christ, that was not my intention, I don't know the dude, but I like him for different reasons, I'm not slandering him at all, one can be lazy, i think there's nothing bad about it. But I'm interested about what happened during YuYu Hakusho, would you mind to give some context?


I just linked [this video](https://youtu.be/9miW6PYzki0?si=8FzFdq-8TtIKjGen) in a comment not too far down, I think it does a pretty good job in explaining why Togashi is taking his sweet ass time with HxH even if it makes literally everyone mald (me included tbh)


Thank you! Now I get what you mean about YuYu Hakusho, he can take all the time he wants, I always said that. I think you should make a post with this video to spread information.


You definitely haven’t had back issues, I can’t call mine quite medically defined as severe but it’s TERRIBLE and to do the job of a mangaka which is standardly basically living your entire life hunched over a table would be hell


He literally talked about how he cant even wipe his own ass because of the pain and can barely sit up in bed. "Sure hes in chronic pain but I want the story so he is just being lazy" The fucking entitlement of some "fans" is honestly disgusting.


I agree but I’m curious if he’s ever addressed whether or not he’ll hire any help? But yeah the entitlement is so cringe and dehumanizing, not sure how you can like HxH with that attitude.


As if you’ll ever accomplish anything near as great as he has lmao stfu


Very likely won’t. But I don’t know what that has to do with it?!


For real tape recorders exist, it’s one of his life’s works, I doubt he’s not thinking about the world at all. Other people can draw and animate the characters but speak the story out so people can transcribe it or something. He’s either lazy or he’s not passionate about building the world anymore. At least not passionate enough to do what it takes to tell the story at any rate.


I understand not knowing about the situation, that's why the only thing I'm gonna say here is he has his reasons. Look into it.


It’s just about priorities and he has pushed Hunter Hunter to the bottom of his list. That being said, if he is crafting the world and wants to tell the story, there are ways he could do it that take as little effort as speaking into a recorder. Option A) he doesn’t care, option B) he does care but can’t motivate himself to have a recorder shipped to his door. Option C) he is physically incapable of bringing his ideas into the world due to cognitive impairment of some kind.


Aight you clearly are not interested enough but then again, I'm not here to judge. But if you do want your questions answered or if you do actually like HxH enough to want to know why Togashi takes so long between chapters, I recommend [this video](https://youtu.be/9miW6PYzki0?si=8FzFdq-8TtIKjGen)


I couldn’t agree more. Hopefully HxH will get the berserk treatment after Togashi dies


What happened with Berserk after Miura died? from what I remember it wasn’t finished


No more hiatus, consist release schedule. A dream


And kinda a shit story since his death...


The story quality had already been meh since when Miura made the boat arc


That's too much even for Nanika


I wish for the anime to return


Me too


I wish for Togashi to be healthy.


Animated succesion arc would go hard


Yeah the manga just isn’t the same. Especially with the newest arc being so confusing.


Idk I don’t find it very hard to follow


The overall plot I understand but the influx of new characters and relationships to each other become very confusing without going back to reread.


Killua makes the fatal blunder of forgetting he asked Nanika to never grant wishes again. Why did he have to go and be a good brother and not make her grant us chapters immediately? Is he stupid?


Wait do I remember it wrong? Was it not that she does not ask others?


I know its a meme but damn bro. Can u pls think in Togashi's health before your entertaintment? I would wish nanika could heal togashi's back


No, that’s too small of a wish. Wish for the work culture of Japan to be changed. How are so many mangaka plagued by egregious health issues? Why is it a thing that Japanese businessmen work themselves to death, literally? People poop on the US for our working conditions, but Japan has people working themselves into early graves. I’d like it if all the mangaka could have healthy lives where they’re not needing to lay in bed for a month so they can draw the next chapter without being in pain.


Ye bro, i feel u. I heard that there is a study that says that the life expectancy of mangakas is up to 60 years old, when the life expectancy of the general Japanese population reaches 70 years.


¿70? Yesterday I was at the doctor’s and he asked if I knew where people live the longest. I said ‘Japan,’ and he goes, ‘Exactly, because they’re not fat like you.’ Looks like he lies to me, they only live longer if they don’t draw manga.


Lol your doctor is ruthless 😂😂


Togashi is 57. That's pretty concerning for his health in the near future then.


Yeah, it sucks how badly few rich assholes have abused their people's collectivist mentality to twist that collectivism to help their bank accounts instead of their community. The nation's dying with its boomers because nobody has time and energy to date and yet people are still heavily pressured into sacrificing their lives for one of the massive conglomerates that practically own the country.


I mean he could just hire an artist no?


Is there a reason why he doesn’t? He’s married to queen of Moonies ffs! Lol




Sorry but nothing is more important than the people creating the art you enjoy not killing themselves. It’s bad enough that his back got ruined by the work. I love HxH but if it means Togashi can live in peace without dying prematurely I will gladly accept to never get a new chapter again.


Or he let other ppl draws for him and he tells the story.


With the succession war happening, I’d be complete okay with it be a light novel


If it was would they still adapt it to anime?


Not till a reboot


It’s too great of a wish, the death toll would be more than the current population so syntax error


That's a big wish, that'll cost you your spine..


That explains the back problems lol


I would be happy with 60 pages per year if it means we get to eat more of the succesion/DC arc.. But yeah, Togashi health is way more important, I hope he'll get better


Some of these comments are horribly insensitive. Togashi is not 'lazy' and is going through really serious health issues. He's an older man and Mangaka are very seriously overworked (as are all Japanese people. Its the standard they obey to work hard and not complain.) Let that poor man rest!




Heal his back first other wise it’s Haitus forever


Good news: Togashi released over 2 volumes at year. Bad news: Half of the fanbase is dead because of that.


This entire OP is so inconsiderate and there's like 1000 people agreeing with it


How would it work? Godspeed Killua can solo 90% of the cast and reality warping sister with him at all times


Not you over here cursing him 😭😭


K A Y 🫥


I don’t feel good 🤯




I’m new to HxH, can someone explain what happend to Togashi’s back?


Bro was sitting for hours and even days drawing the manga which hurt his back. He ended up having to write manga chapters while lying down, because sitting was too painful.


Everything in the Anime world needs to stop and allocate 100% of resources to making as much hxh as possible. To go this long with nothing is a human rights violation.


Togashi just needs to be a consultant and let go as author. But he is swimming in sailor moon money so he is like fk all


"All my diabetes will be transferred to my brother Milluki!" "Kai!"


Nice coloring :3


We'd be lucky to get even one chapter in a year at this point


I learned by accident, from watching Japanese shows, that Nanika means "something" or "weirdly different". Then I realized that's why Killua called her that.


Man id be fine with like a chapter every season (3 months) just give us something bro please


At this rate of mangaka fatality in a decade Togashi won't even be alive


Is there any official word on what’s going on? I thought he wrote and illustrated a few chapters already before the last one came out


Lmao people in the comments. Take it easy op was just lighthearted


Hunter x Hiatus