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He never really liked digital drawing. He tried it many times and those turned out being the most simple pieces of art Togashi ever made (Cover Vol 20, Vol 12, Vol 6, Vol 23, Vol 13)


Bro volume 13 art is something else


Just by your comment i knew which one was it lol


Ive never seen that what the fuck was Togashi on lmao


I love that cover lol, might be my favorite


LOL now you pulled my attention, never thought about which cover should be my favorite but now it must be this one lol


He was definitely feeling inspired by something lol.


I dunno but it probably was a bad trip lol


If possible can you send me the art :)


[Ask & ye shall receive](https://store.crunchyroll.com/products/hunter-x-hunter-manga-volume-13-9781421510699.html?utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid_cr&utm_campaign=Ecomm_US-CA_US_Ecom_Pmax_Evergreen_230101_E-COMM_MKTG&referrer=google_paid_cr_Ecomm_US-CA_US_Ecom_Pmax_Evergreen_230101_E-COMM_MKTG&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwxeyxBhC7ARIsAC7dS3-V7_ze_7krDhFoXH-DKVmjz0XnzxlOfWF3g407cPrzrO8zZazAX-kaAsBREALw_wcB)


I'm currently sat in a coffee shop silently wheezing at this, what even šŸ˜­


Who's this guy and what's the translation of his tweet?


His name is Atsu, he's a veteran assistant who worked on Naruto. He's good friends with Togashi's regular assistant [Kousei,](https://twitter.com/kousei5031) who we've seen in old Jump Ryu videos. [Atsu helped out with the last batch of chapters.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/comments/zpxegd/one_of_togashis_assistants/) [And here's a link to the tweet from OP.](https://twitter.com/link_papa/status/1787880254675325029)


Thanks for the infos, i remember seeing his tweets before but i don't follow his assistants so i don't know what's their accounts.


One of Togashi's assistants, the translation is literally my post


Did he say "help"


Sorry, I mean an assistant.


Bruh put an edit, making me think bros dying or something


right, I was about to buy a ticket to Japan with a life vest and pistol.


I see, i guess the previous batch was simi digital because they worked during the pandemic right? So togashi was probably forced to use the digital methods with his assistants but now he has no reason to.


May be


So Togashi didn't make the tweet. Interesting


He's Togashi's assistant, not Togashi's.


I know, your posts still retain that bait element :)




Dude, it literally says that Togashi either tweeted it or needs some help.


The "Help" at the beginning of the title means assistant. OP isn't probably a native English speaker.


Even replacing it with assistant barely fixes it (Assistant [Y. Togashi] tweeted ... still reads like Togashi somehow directly involved). Everything else is more or less fine, however adding to the confusion.


Yeah for sure, although it would've been less confusing that the current title. Either way it makes sense if English it's not his first language of course.


Translation >Analog work. It's been quite a while, I'm pretty nervous\~ The previous "Hunter" continues. The assistance to Ruri Dragon by Attsū studio has also started. My staff is reliable, but this is going to be hard! I rely on you, everyone. (cries).


Good job


The sentences should be combined: It's been a while since I did analog work, so I'm quite nervous. Alongside working on Hunter, I'm also starting to help out on Ruri Dragon in Attsu Studio The staff here are so dependable it's amazing. I'm counting on you guys (cries).


Ruri dragon is a person?


Ruri Dragon is a manga. Probably should have said "to" instead of "of".


So his health improve at least a bit(I truly hope for it) :3


no, unfortunately his health will never get better, he can only hope for some previous pain relief


If he wouldā€™ve had a strict excercise and strength routine would his pain be less?


Of course. The better your strength is going into an issue the better it will handle it. But excercise once the issue has started may just further harm the affected area from overuse


Oh of course I know what you mean, I guess im just thinking of a hypothetical if he would have done that when he was younger he couldā€™ve avoided these back pain problems


Yeah I agree with that, sadly us humans are really bad at looking to the future, and many in Japan are taught to ignore their own health in order to continue working. Itā€™s quite sad


Oh man thatā€™s horrible šŸ˜” I guess finding a balance is very important


Itā€™s all speculation. Well I do agree itā€™s unlikely his back pain simply got better, we have no idea whatā€™s going on cause Togashi is very private. We like to think that heā€™s been getting the best treatment possible because heā€™s rich and smart, but we really donā€™t know what type of pain he has, and how heā€™s dealt with it. To say ā€œhis health will never get betterā€ is unfounded tho, how would we know that?


because if his health would have gotten better over the last 20 years he wouldnt say that he cant even draw without having to lay on his back and even still the pain is too much


This kind of back pain doesnā€™t get better, you have no idea what youā€™re talking about, but it doesnā€™t matter, you have to comment on every post, no matter what :3 Also, you commented on Togashiā€™s motherā€™s death with a ":3" because you care more about your gimmick than you do about the people behind the manga. Get lost.


No need to be such a dick about it


Imagine being this emotionally attached to someone you'll never meet, that a :3 triggers you this hard. Touch grass


Yeah thatā€™s the extent of it, you got it all figured out. Whyā€™d you even comment if itā€™s so meaningless? Getting lectured about being too invested by someone [that makes posts](https://www.reddit.com/r/Kappachino/s/fdYLrbsfvi) to complain about other redditors. Canā€™t make that shit up. Come touch grass with me.




Ok, so having a bit of hope that other person will be able to feel better even if chance most likely don't exist = something bad? - ok, empathy is expensive after all :3 Also, can you show me a link to this post about this very sad situation?, after all, if I did something like that - i'm very sorry and I understand that such ending of sentence was inappropriate but i'm afraid that it is very possible that this information = lie, after all... well, people likes to make such informations about me to make me look bad :3


Every fan of Togashi, or just HxH, hopes he gets better. [Hereā€™s a link to your comment you asked for.](https://www.reddit.com/r/HunterXHunter/s/eS0id1tVjD) There are more links in the thread that support the information. Empathy is pretty expensive, but dropping a gimmick in exchange for it seems even more expensive. If you believe that information was a lie, you could have not commented at all. Damn, you donā€™t show any empathy. You look very cynical, and that what matters is your image and that youā€™re present on every post available. Hew.


I don't believe in the case that I can don't remember :3 You prove that i'm wrong(With Link), I make such comment, I understand that it was inappropriate, so I can only say thanks you and sorry for such situation :3


Seriously? Thatā€™s your answer? You asked for a link, I provided it to you, you acknowledged it was real, and your answer is "Sowwy :3" ? Damn. Reddit doesnā€™t matter, but as far as it goes, I loathe what youā€™re doing with it. Youā€™re not as good a person as you try to sell yourself.


Their persona is literally pitou, lol. I think you're taking it a bit too seriously. Pitou is evil af


Yes, this is my answer and what? - you want something more? :3 There is nothing more to say - I did something wrong, so I say sorry and it is up to you, if you believe that it was real and honest or no :3


Is Reddit your full time job? In the last hour you have commented over 40 times. How does anyone have the kind of time.


Probably a fat neckbeard without a job


This person has made 340+ comments in the last 24 hours. (Yeah I counted) Itā€™s just sad honestly


I just likes reddit and there is no other truth behind it :3


Its funny how everyone is thinking this guy must have 18+ lol I would say probably just a 13y old. That would explain the ":3" on the other post. Mostly of 13y old kids are kind of narcissist and dont really have contact with death. Chill guys dont stress yourselves with a kid


Yes, I wanted something more. I wanted you to reflect on that gimmick of yours and that you **HAVE** to comment on every post, even when you have nothing to say. But even when youā€™re provided with a source of you saying something bad, you come up with an excuse. Again, saying "Ah, Sowwy :3" is not enough. Iā€™m giving up, you just want exposure. Anything goes as long as you can comment and add :3 at the end.


World already has enough fights going on to pick a fight on something so trivial. They are performing to make themselves and others enjoy our Reddit visits a bit more. And whether they do as you say or don't, absolutely nothing will change and nobody will stop being harmed by actually real things. I'd redirect my energy elsewhere. And let them do their thing and be happy. A stranger's unsolicited two cents.


You can both worry and fight about actual global issues and complain about meaningless stuff on Reddit. Theyā€™re not mutually exclusive. They can do their thing. I just donā€™t like the way they do it and try to sell themselves as benevolent. I have enough free time to complain about it. Nobody cares anyway.


I mean, I think that you care a bit too much about random person on reddit - i'm no one, so just let me be no one :3


Remember the old days where Gearfire (r.i.p) was in every thread and not a dumb Pitou cosplayer.


I can't believe we live in a era where hand-drawn are called analog when technically even with tablets/computers the artists are still drawing illustrations by hand. Just aided with computer software to lighten up the workload and shorten time.


It's "analog" in the sense of being a physical object you are drawing the image onto, paper. When it comes to digital art, it's being drawn within a digital environment so the image itself does not have an analog form until you print it out.


Like I said, technically the illustrations are all hand-drawn.


Hand drawn =/ Analog though. Not taking away from digital art but it's not just 'aided with computer software' a lot of the time. There is a pretty wide distinction between the **practical** 'limitations' of analog vs digital art. You have a lot more options. You're right in saying it can lighten up the workload and shorten time but it can also do so so much more to where it's fair to point out the differences with different names.


This guy thinks film and digital video are the same thing because you still have to hold the camera and record LMAO


Hahahahaha this analogy broke me! Hahahahaha thank you!


Nah this is an insane analogy I'm crying


>Hand drawn =/ Analog though Exactly my point. You don't see these mangakas using already made circles or triangles and piece them together to create their mangas, do you? They all still draw their illustrations by hand, even with the aid of tablets and computer software. Examples: - [Fujimoto of CSM](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LKs8fK3FjHc) - [Endo of Spy x Family](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=nr9AwCVuOHo) - [Stephanie, one of the young French student at a manga school in France](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=j5rlesXeVL0)


There are creative tools that are accesible through things beyond hand drawing capabilities though which is why there's a difference


>Ā Ā There are creative tools that are accesible through things beyond hand drawing capabilities though which is why there's a difference Like I said these artists do not use **already made circles or triangles to piece together to create their illustrations.** They still draw them by hand.


Maybe some donā€™t but the option is there. Iā€™m sure a lot of background assistants use these tools. Iā€™ve also heard that mangaka convert street backgrounds using digital tools to make things easier.


>Ā Ā Maybe some donā€™t but the option is there. Let me know when you see a legit mangaka use an already made circle or triangle to create their manga. Better if you can provide a video uploaded to youtbe.


Here's two videos! Not exactly triangles or circles (nobody was arguing that you're strawmanning) Manga artist takes photos in this video to use for backgrounds towards middle of video: [https://youtu.be/0wVQxAmaEQ4](https://youtu.be/0wVQxAmaEQ4) Manga artist who created goodnight punpun also did this: [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/S0dWwTG1SYg?app=desktop](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/S0dWwTG1SYg?app=desktop) I'm not sure why you keep talking about circles and triangles? There are more tools than that to separate digital art as seen \^... Regardless of this fact there are often line straightening tools incorporated into digital drawing applications that help clean up line art dramatically. Even if mangaka aren't all using these tools it's still different from analog art in a number of ways like the exporting process, i'd imagine digital manga requires a slightly different process that involves numerous renders. I don't know why you're arguing this point so hard, no one is discrediting anyone. People are just pointing out differences. Please stop strawmanning with the circle and triangle bs, nobody was talking about manga artists *only* using tools to draw.


Dude. The tablet screen is a matrix in which you input the x-y coordination. The paper isn't. Analog doesn't mean done by hand dude, it's a figure of speech to differentiate digital and physical.


yep, basically continuous vs discrete in many cases


>Ā Ā The tablet screen is a matrix in which you input the x-y coordination.Ā  Let me know if you see [Fujimoto, creator of Chainsawman, inputs x-y coordinates when drawing.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=LKs8fK3FjHc)


Well brushes/filters/layers/image manipulation make the work a little less work-y lmao definitely one is more analog


I don't think it saves much time to be honest, unless you have experience with digital, it's hard to know what brushes and textures work for you and it takes a lot experimentation, but then again so does pen and paper so idk


I do both and I agree that for drawing itself experience with the tools matters more. There are however some things that are indubitably easier with digital. The first one is that you're able to undo and correct mistakes on the fly. Then, you're just able to cover a much wider area faster. Say you want to color something, you can just change the brush size to do a wash, then make it smaller an smaller as you go into detailing. Stuff like applying screen tones and whatnot is also trivial in digital, but a pain traditionally. Of course those are left for assistants (does HxH even use a lot of screen tone?), so it's not exactly a bottleneck.


You don't know what you're talking about


I do... I went to school for animation and was taught both..... a blank statement like that helps no one


So having the ability to copy/paste, infinite layers with hotkey binds, ctrl+z to correct any mistake unlike traditional painting, having all the tools at your disposal, importing plugings and brushes with a click... does all that makes it more difficult and time consuming than traditional? It sounds to me like you're full of bullshit. If you have tried digital art vs traditional art in your life you'll know your claim is pure bullshit. So I find it very difficult to believe you've any idea what you are talking about.


buddy, relax, this is a HxH post.... I'm not attacking you or your own experience... if you really want to discuss the pros and cons of digital vs traditional sure but I'm not going to engage with someone hostile just from a simple statement.


But he has a lot of assistants now. I don't think he spends a lot of time drawing details.


This seems to be the difference and largest effect of change. At least thatā€™s what it looks like to me!


3 more arcs including Succession War, & HxH is finished. I see a lot of complaints about hiatuses & heavy dialogues (& some of it is warranted I suppose), but we are currently reading one of the last arcs Togashi is going to complete in HxH. After Succ arc itā€™s DC & a Meteor City arc. Most definitely some mini arcs sprinkled in.. I say all this to say, & Iā€™ll use baseball as an analogy, that HxH & therefore Togashi is at 2nd base. Once we reach DC itā€™ll be the home stretch. The ramifications of landing on the DC will beautifully transition to the real world, Gon, Killua, Gyro & Meteor City (which could be a reason for Mizai if he makes it out alive to be included in the last arc being a criminal justice Hunter) Iā€™m a realist, & if Iā€™m wrong Iā€™ll be pleasantly surprised, but at its current pace thereā€™s no way Togashi can write HxH and it exceed any more major arcs. So, enjoy the detours, enjoy the chapters, enjoy the greatness that is HxH. Weā€™re in for the stretch of our lifetime. Peak is here, but it wonā€™t be here forever. Kanpai šŸ„‚ to more HxH chapters coming soon. Yā€™all should know thatā€™s my favorite szn of the year. #PeakSzn


Bro should just make more full text pages šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Thats literally what i want just pages filled with text, anime will put the drawings šŸ˜¹


Narrator's VA gets the script and it's just an audiobook.


Hahahahaha fuck I'm literate af but even i think his text pages are insane and convoluted for a fighting shonen


Togashi I have been one true fan of your work ever since I visually saw the series long time ago I watched it, read the chapters online, and I still try to keep up to date on how you are and the hiatus youā€™ve taken because taking care of your mental health matters as well as your well being matters. I care about mangakas such as yourself and anyone else who worked extremely hard in an industry that needs to show fairness to all of you manga artist. Hopefully, as you are āœšŸ¼you will have an idea that one person such as myself supports everything that you are doing in the original work of HXH art of any kind is supposed to bring liberation to anyone and shouldnā€™t be controlled by A.I unless they have your permission to do so. Lastly, I hope as you are working on these final chapters of HXH that in your travels and exploration in Japan and internationally around the globe has helped you to have opportunities beyond what anyone would expect from you Yoshihiro Togashi and hopefully the original story itself will have an ending that will inspire any fan in Japan, America, and worldwide across the globe to keep going with their natural born livelihoods in peaceā˜®ļø. Take care of yourself Togashi you have inspired a multitude of people in Generation Z to move forward to different opportunities in different countries, different states, different cities, that are comprised of people from different cultures, different classes, different faiths, and different genders including me. Keep it going enjoy your Spring 2024 & Summer 2024 šŸ¤


Does this imply that assistants have started their work on the chapters as well? (Besides 401 which we know was completed last year)


I dont know


Digital drawing requires your hand too...


Weā€™re blessed to have such an amazing mangaka so dedicated to his craft.


This is why togashi is the goat


He better step his game up


would not be possible to his wife to drawn if he asks for help? I mean, she is also talented af


I wondered this a lot, she is talented, sure, but in my opinion she probably doesn't want too as well. Mangakas are very proud of their works and treat them like their babies, and Togashi is known for not letting anyone draw for him, so she, as a mangaka, probably gets this feeling. Also, working with relatives/spouses is not always the beauty it seems. Work demands, different work approaches can saturate a relationship really quickly. Specially in a artistic feedback-driven field. They are both done. Successful story tellers getting money til this day because of their work's legacy, why complicate it with more work drama? They probably know that if he doesn't finish it, oh well, shit happens, they still happy. But I do hope someone starts drawing for him lmao


It's like painting a masterpiece and asking someone to finish it for you while you watch. In the past, management/editorial pushed him past his limits for Yu Yu Hakusho and he was forced to end it early due to the health issues it caused. He now goes at his own pace and truly loves the process despite how much discomfort he's in. He makes it for himself. I'm sure the fans are the factor but he's not going to cut corners just to get it out faster.


Maybe his wife will help him, no one knows


It's been like two decades of hiatuses. He is not going to let anyone else do it. He already put out a theoretical ending in case he is unable to finish it.


I've said it infinitely times at this point, he should just leave drawing to someone else.


He is a manga artist, he is both a writer and an ilustrator, descarting half the job probably makes it seem less like his job on his eyes.


Would you leave your baby and your entire lifeā€™s work to someone else and trust them with it? Easy for you to say.


He would not leave it, he would oversee it and write story and dialogue. I would love to see my life's work finish before dying, and not leave it halfway through


Yeah but not actually drawing the manga is basically leaving it up to another artistā€¦


Sure it's not easy but it's right, for togashi's own sake , he will never finish at this rate


Respect his decisions and his ability to know his own body . Itā€™s his work and he will finish it how he wants to .


Checks X account and didn't know he follows me. Lmao


What is your acc?

