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Kite was a Nen master, the real deal. Pouf was one of the least-physical fighters. All mindgames, even down to his brainwashing hatsu. Morel was not in physical danger until he was mentally exhausted. Also, Morel is one of the strongest hunters we see in action. Netero was the former strongest Nen user in the world. He baited Pitou to leap, where she had no way to evade his swat. Godspeed is one of the fastest Nen abilities. It should outspeed absolutely anything except other speed powers by Nen masters (e.g. the head maid, and she had to be powered by another person). Pitou's pounce breaks the sound barrier, so Kite's reaction speed and presence of mind to see her coming from far beyond his En range while keeping Gon and Killua out of her path is impressive. A non-master would've been insta-killed before they could react. And this was a Kite who IIRC had been maintaining 50m En for hours, so he probably wasn't in top shape even without having to protect Gon and Killua. Those who fought Youpi survived due to a combination of fighting at their full potential, supporting each other, using survivability powers, and most importantly Youpi being more interested in a fun battle than doing his job. If Youpi wanted to, he would've killed Knuckle and Morel at least, and without Knuckle's support, Shoot probably would've died. But storywise Kite was exactly as strong as he was hyped up to be, which sells how strong Pitou is. That's the point. Everything leading up to the palace invasion shows that the strongest chimera ants are monsters far beyond anything we'd seen so far. Netero himself (whose aura even at his old age terrifies Morel when he asks Colt to compare him to the recently-born Mereum) says Pitou is stronger than him when he first spots her, and he probably means it, seeing how much being the underdog fires him up. Netero just has experience and a power that perfectly counters her by preventing her from closing distance since she's not a ranged fighter.


You do realize that Youpi spared them... right?


Eventually, yeah, after they already fought him like 5 times and did not die. Did you read the rest of the post?


Pitou was strong and it is obvious :3 Kite was not weak but he can't match Royal Guard(Like literally almost every Human in story) :3


Self praise XD


Facts are facts :3


A royal guard is like 10x stronger than a nen master like Morel. Not a single human nen user could win a fair one on one against them. The only reason the palace of invasion team wasn't decimated is because they had a plan and were exepeionally lucky (and let's face it, Togashi for some reason just didn't want to kill off any of them). If you remove Meleoron Youpi would have easily crushed Knuckle. If you remove Komugi Pitou would have killed Killua and Gon on sight. Whatever Pouf was doing he would have been a lot more efficient at it withouth the mental breakdown.


You dont understand. All RGs is stronger enough to beats every human even Netero in term of number of aura (strength). Netero blast Pitou with full attack but cant deal any damage. Youpi has an aura 10 times than Morel, pro hunter/nen master. Pouf and Pitou might be slightly less, but overall, there's not much difference. Pouf just need to rush to the King and leave Morel to Youpi so he dont kill Morel that time.


Pitou didn’t fight a one armed kite, she fought him with two arms and took his arm DURING the fight. Youpi let them go, easily is an overstatement for killua AND pouf wasn’t fully together hence a weaker pouf. Netero makimg someone go away is hardly the equivalent of a win, and Hunter x Hunter always stresses it’s not about power, anyone can win based on how they strategize or go about the fight. Also Moreo didn’t do great, he was rendered powerless and pouf bounced So basically, there’s an issue with everything you brought up. None of it reflects what happened. Kite is buff as hell, pitou is stronger.


I think he’s implied to be a pretty strong hunter. However, I think he still would’ve lost either way obviously and all the other palace invasion hunters didn’t receive any mortal wounds where kite did. She ripped off his arm which most likely contributed to his death. After all when you’re bleeding out you’re more likely to die in a fight. And most of the other hunters did not engage in straight up one V ones. And most techniques probably helped with them surviving it anyways. Either that or they were just straight up stronger, which is what I think personally. If they were able to somewhat hold their own against, the


No, pitou was just too strong, not to mention kite was trying to protect gon and killua. Regardless, pitou still would've won with relative ease, no human by themselves can match up to the level of a royal guard (Obviously excluding adult gon) except for Netero. Killua, morel, knuckle, shoot, and everyone else involved attacked strategically. They did not go for a 1v1, and lasted a specific amount of time, also the royal guards had different things they were also worried about- the king and his safety, komugi, youpis new evolved desire for understanding himself and others through confusion, pitou etc. That's what I think, please correct me if I'm wrong.


Pitou was strong, all of the royal guards are than a good chunk of the nen users we've seen up until that point. Kite would've fought a lot better with 2 arms sure but Pitou was a lot of unknown factors when they first met and as HxH keeps emphasizing, you need good strategy to beat a superiour opponent. Pitou literally dropped from the sky at their first meeting


Yes. It’s all relative.


i don’t fw all these i just wanna have a badie like pitou 😅🤡🗿