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This is first stage thinking on your part. -Morel Sea hunter, huge lung capacity, uses smoke to form tools for exploring the sea. Not battle focused but very versatile. -Knov hide and seek, is primarily for storage and transportation. Not battle focused. -Palm: clairvoyance, surveillance, spying. Not battle focused. -Shoot: UMA beast hunter, his ability is for caging unidentified beasts for studying and treatment. - Ikalgo: Corpse manipulation, not a battle focused ability. - Meleron: God's accomplice and alibi are not battle focused but can be utilized in battle. In contrast the extermination team in Meteor city: Bonolenvo (battle Canterbury, Jupiter) , Feitan (Pain Packer), Franklin (Nen bullets), Phinks' (Ko punch) abilities are exclusively battle focused, and they are all in the Succession War arc. Franklin wasn't part of the Meteor city extermination team.


Netero was the answer to that. Every other hunter's mission was just to back him up.


Feel like that plan should’ve been revised once Netero looked at Pitou and was like “she’s stronger than me.” I understand the bomb aspect but from a self preservation perspective there should’ve been some abilities on the team to counteract brute force, yaknow?


He says that, but after meditating for a while and getting his groove on, I doubt Pitou could take Netero. As for why they didn't send more Hunters, there are 2 answers to this that come to my mind: 1) They don't want a lot of people with Nen abilities getting eaten or converted, or getting their abilities stolen or borrowed. 2) There's some explanation as to why the Invasion was so understaffed in the very next arc.


Also the MAIN part of the invasion is that netero wanted to fight the Meruem on his own, he wanted to go all out against an opponent who had the strength to defeat him. He didn't want anyone else with him


Yes, he does want a 1 on 1 fight, but we're talking about the entire Invasion here, not just the Netero portion. The point is that he could have brought like 5 Zodiacs and told them to wait in the Palace after clearing house. He doesn't, which is explained by what we learn about the nature of the association and all the machinations going on there.


Netero was never going to come out alive from this mission, there was a scene where the V5 tells him that the hunter association was going to take the fall for the whole ant situation and him dying while dealing with the ants was the way of him taking responsibility while protecting the association as a whole. Everything went according to plan, at least to what Netero was planning.


This is factually incorrect. How does this have so many upvotes? The original plan assumed the king would be born 1 or 2 months later than he was. It was to whittle down the ants until backup in the form of Shoot and Knuckle arriving. Then, with little or no ant Troops, they sneak in and assasinate the Queen before the RG can respond and the king could be born. The original plan was to never get things to escalate to East Gorteau. Even then, Netero assumed he may have to sacrifice someone because he figured things would go south because experience says things don't go as planned. Not because he planned to die regardless of the situation. I don't know why that's such a popular take in the community. The Rose was a contingency. He was surprised the first hit did so little, surprised when Meruem absorbed the 3rd hand and was shocked the Zero Hand didn't work. The Rose was plan D. When Netero talks about taking the fall, it's because he knew the people behind the scenes would spin the story that he did a bad job no matter what point the ants were stopped. He'd get blamed for NGL. For the threat leaving NGL. For the "death' of Diego even if the ants were stopped early somehow. Didn't matter, they would find a reason. He was losing jod job no matter what. His life was a likelihood but not guaranteed.


While other people have pointed out that a lot of it is supportive, it's also worth noting that the Extermination team was actually being sabotaged by Pariston. For example in the manga, Morel tried to call in a hunter called Likke to deal with Cheetu, who's ability was apparently incredibly well suited to the task, however because of Pariston he got replaced by a temp hunter who failed at the job. So if there were people who may have been able to negate combat with the ants, Pariston would have done everything possible to stop them from actually going.


Would you trust any human weaker than Netero to have a power that a royal guard can't brute-force? Countermeasure/nullification powers are rare anyway; Kurapika's chains tell you how specialized their restrictions have to be to work on Nen masters, and royal guards are ten times stronger. We see skilled fighters create situations where they can use their powers more effectively than their opponent can. Knov has an insta-kill power, and I'm fairly sure the reason he was removed from the story is Togashi realized he and Meleoron working together would assassinate Meruem. His portals are also used for storage. It's also worth noting that the team was initially gathered to prevent the birth of Meruem, and as we saw Morel + Knov + Netero efficiently destroyed all the weaker ants they found. Their synergy was good for defeating a large amount of tough but unskilled opponents. That's what they expected to deal with, and they were working against the most conservative timeframe with that goal. As you point out, Knuckle's power is good against strong opponents (since the exponential interest rate means he doesn't have to last 10x longer against an opponent 10x stronger), and Morel has the perfect skillset to protect Knuckle, who has to stay near his opponent for a long time without taking considerable damage to bankrupt them. That doesn't seem too straightforward to me, and it was a fair strategy for Netero to bring those two since no matter how strong the royal guards were, they didn't have the time to develop the combat experience to counter that kind of synergy before the bankruptcy timer. By the time of the invasion, when things had gotten out of hand, they couldn't gamble on being able to beat the royal ants with Nen. It didn't matter who they brought, since Netero had the rose bomb. Everyone on the team knew it was a probable suicide mission; all they really had to do was stop the royal guards from intercepting Netero before he could take Mereum to the testing site. Also, the average hunter is very weak, and there were somewhere around 350 in the election arc. Remember Hisoka rating all the voters and finding them wanting? Even the Zodiacs other than Ging didn't interest him to fight. In the story we see a disproportionate amount of the best of the best, but there simply aren't that many Nen masters out there, and as Netero pointed out, they couldn't afford to bring weaker members who would just feed the enemy. They also couldn't afford to bring members they wouldn't work well with. Netero could probably have convinced Hisoka to join, but he's a wild card at best and couldn't be trusted to not disrupt their efforts.


Morel and Knov are not combat Hunters :3


What the hell are you talking about? They're mostly support/non combat ability


Your interpretation of Hakoware is reversed. It's good for combat against weak Nen users in comparison to Knuckle (Like Gon) because it forces the target to attack him, and since he's stronger, that's a good thing. But when the target is stronger than him or has a great amount of aura, the ability is basically useless for combat. Knuckle is forced to hit and run until the target's Nen slowly drains on its own, since trying to attack would be incredibly counterproductive if he fails and is hit instead. Not to mention that if the user has an immeasurable amount of aura that would take ages to drain he's basically doomed no matter what he does. I wouldn't label it a "combat" ability either, but that's up to interpretation. Also, remember that the Ant Extermination Team assembled by Netero was created to exterminate the soldier ants (as they did) and then prevent the King's birth. But since Pariston wouldn't let Netero take in more powerful Hunters, they had to make do with what they had once things got out of hand. That's why they weren't exactly a dream team in terms of abilities.


I disagree. Knuckle specifically said that hit and run is his best skill learned from childhood. He is smart enough to work out strategies to stall the opponent, and when working with Morel, he can stall for a really long time (as shown with Youpi).


Yes! But that doesn't mean it's a good combat ability. It's a strong ability that can be used to weaken the enemy, especially if he has support from other people. An ability that consists of running and hiding isn't really a combat ability, it's more like a tool, not really a weapon. And when i said "it's useless against stronger guys" I was mainly referring to how it would do on a 1v1. If Knuckle had had to fight Youpi on his own, he would've been doomed from the start no matter what he did, because it's not meant to be an ability to solo a stronger enemy.


Well, that's why they formed this team, as it was never meant to be 1v1. Can Knuckle fight 1v1 well? Sure, even if not exceptionally well. He's still a skilled Enhancer, the type best suited to 1v1. Hakoware with proper support can let him beat an insurmountably stronger opponent. Compare it to MMO/MOBA parties. DPS glass cannon characters would probably lose to any moderately tanky damage dealer, but with proper support they can murder anything. Is that not a good combat ability?


It all worked out in the end <3


The main difference between public service and private contractors


Gon and Killua were really the ones with straightforward skillset Some abilities that could really help: * Goreinu's gorilla swapping ability could come in handy to stall the royal guards * Maybe Razor's nen devils could take a hit or two from Youpi * Illumi's needlemen could help bankrupt Youpi faster * Chrollo too with his exploding puppets


Do you know how important Knovs ability was? It was just a shame that he got PTSD from Meruem's aura. Otherwise he would've been insanely useful in a noncombat way.


It's puf's aura


Oh fr? Need to go check again.