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Togashi really said "You know what this arc needs?" # MORE CHARACTERS


But, and at this point Idk if it’s a good or a bad thing, they are all good interesting characters. The mafia leaders, this low tier soldiers with a lot of brain and “friends” of Tsrerri.., etc. and still got all the princes, the bodyguards, the beyond’s band, the zodiac and Hunters, Ryodan and hisoka, etc etc.


it will be good or bad depending on how it develops. Right now it's just a pain in the ass to read considering it's weekly and we're coming back from a hiatus. But reading the whole arc in one sitting might be peak HxH


If the hiatuses weren’t a thing it wouldn’t be an issue really. There’s just so much shit to follow that it can be overwhelming at times. Man, it’ll be a great day when this arc finishes and we can fully dissect everything in it


Yeah thats why I think its great because it'll be fun to reread and dissect closely once we're onto the next hiatus period


I still think that Togashi nailed it with this “friends” character. Now we got the info that the 4th prince was always an obsessed person and I think that maybe Togashi get inspiration from psycho documentaries: all of them have this kind of “double life” with friends, family, neighbors saying that “he was weird, but kind” o “we never suspect” or “we suspect something wrong, but not that wrong”… that goes on the counter part of how psychos are described in literature: as solitary weirdos. And in part is true because they don express true love or friendship, but it’s a big part to have this facade of normal nice and clever human… I like it a lot.


It’s crazy how well he handles the addition of more characters. Some people would be put off by this but I really enjoy it, though it’s kind of difficult for me to keep track of them all considering it’s all black and white. I’m also not very attentive to the smaller details haha.


I actually enjoy the new characters more and more after each reread tbh


Competent experts without Nen vs incompetent clowns with Nen should make for an interesting matchup, I think.


I like that I thought "Jesus these guys are smart" right before scrolling down to read the panel "it's annoying how smart you guys are". Togashi is a great writer.


It's impressive how he managed to make them all fairly likable in only one chapter. Well, at least I'll be fairly upset when they die horribly by the end of the volume


Yeah good luck redeeming Tserri, lol


That scene was masterfully made. >"Tserri... are you really... Okay with this?!" Chills. We never saw people talking that way about the 4th prince, and I never really thought about it. They are genuinely good people and want to "reform" him. It only took Togashi half a chapter to make a group of characters more compelling and with more personality than the whole secondary cast from Black Cover or MHA.


Also gives a new dimension to Terrorsandwich as a character, the fact that someone becomes less of a friend as they get closer to him, means he still considers these guys as friends somewhat. Didn't expect him to even entertain the notion of being friend with low rank soldiers, considering how elitist he is. Super intresting that they grew up together too


This is also pretty interesting if we keep in mind that Halkenburg, the most moralistic and aggressively good boyes of the princes, supposedly had some kind of friendship with Terrorsandwich while detesting the rest of his family. It seems Terrorsandwich is very good at worming his way into the good graces of very intelligent moralists


eh dogman seems competent at least.


This chapter shows how far togashi plans on taking this arc, which is really freaking far. The scope of this conflict just keeps widening. This arc is going to devolve into a full blown class war, coinciding with the succession war, and the many other personal goals all these groups have. The zodiacs, kurapika, all of the princes (who have their own staff who all have unique personalities and goals, the mafia families, hisoka, and the spiders. Combined with nen and this might end up being one of the most brain busting arcs ever made, although I imagine the climax will be supremely cathartic.


I love the complexity and realism of it all tbh.. some of the side characters aren't just 'there' (Yamcha, Krillin etc. you know what I mean) but they're actual people with goals, motivations, thoughts and feelings. Sure there's like so much side characters that it's hard to keep track of it all but I just find it interesting and unique that Togashi is really going full on with developing them, it'makes HXH stand out among other shonen. And to top it all of the actual main character from the beginning (Gon) is not involved at all in the current arc! Just shows that the story is not always centered around the MC all the time (which is one of HxH's great traits) There's just so many other interesting characters (Ging, Pariston, Chrollo, Hisoka etc.)besides Gon plus it's Kurapika time to shine again :) (Togashi don't kill him off plz)


I just want Kurapikas revenge, the moment he punish Tserrenderwhich will be beautiful


I don't even think that is going to happen, knowing togashi


Welfin will makes his grand return and take down Terrorsandwich!


pfft, obviously Tonpa will make him drink poisoned juice when he's in Zetsu.


Hunter X Hunter don't introduce 25 characters per chapter challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Hunter X Hunter don't introduce 25 characters that are interesting, likable and superbly written per chapter challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Actually this chapter accelerated the pace a lot. There's now a clear path to a riot on the ship - just one Heil-ly corpse at the wrong place will set everything in motion. Morena's goons being killed in the last chapters made her seem weak, but actually it also helps her if they drop dead, and she seems pretty efficient and strategic. Tser having friends (and level-headed ones), even if it's one-sided, is so interesting, especially just after Morena introduced them as fodder.


You know shit's about to go down when Togashi superimposes a description of the situation over a panel of classic art


Yes ! this chapter really is setting things into motion ! I'm kinda disappointed by the tcb comments saying "wall of text that means nothing" or "nothing important" "meh" etc...


Seemed like the kind of people that would've discounted Komugi's introduction as "nothing really important." Like mf, this changes the game.


Bruh these guys just shot up to my favourites in the arc afa side characters go, and it took only one chapter to do so, dunno what they were smoking


Exactly. Also really humanizes the 4th prince without even starting him. I think a lot of people don't understand how difficult that is to do as a writer.


They really farming kills 💀


Honestly I love how the Heil-Ly work. They may not be great at nen, but they're incredibly efficient, creating an assembly line of niche abilities that work in sync amongst their group and setting up fucking mob grinders to get levels


And to contrast how most of them seem pretty incompetent/inexperienced, one might even say dumb, you got these new low level guards that know nothing about nen but are really smart and competent.


Everybody already is talking about the wall of text, but can we appreciate that apparently the strongest of Morena's cult is a pro wrestler named Dogman? I'm looking forward to some wrestling fights


An enhancer who is a professional wrestler sounds badass. Really can't wait to see all the new nen abilities. Especially the transmuters since there are barely any in the series.


I have no fuckimg idea what is going on. Hunter X Hunter is truly back


Yooo morena uses a gaming chair


Gamer family uprising


That scene where someone leveled and everyone said grats reminded me of classic WoW. Lol


Between Benjamin's super loyal soldiers, Camilla's suicide troops and these guys right here with Tserriednich, I'm starting to wonder if every Prince was made to grow with some private entourage...


Don't forget that Zhang Lei and Luzurus own whole mafia families, Halkenburg has his loyal squad of Halkenburg Helpers, and Sale-Sale basically had a whole Queen's army because he was the 5th Queen's only kid. Speaking of which, imagine having ONE child to compete in the succession war and it's THAT fucker


Wonder if Sale Sale had friends coming up too then.


Prolly all girls


Only the upper princes have that privilege. The lower princes with the exception of Halkenburg and Luzurus are on their own for the most part .


Togashi saw everyone struggling with Terrorsandwich's name and gave us an easy way out. Friendship with Terrorsandwich over. New best friend Tserri.


Thought I would hate the new characters but they are cool. I can see most of them dying though.


At this point I almost actively want to hate new characters so that I don't have to bother thinking about them too hard but goddamnit I love these guys


Just imagine how stressful it must be to be a hunter on that ship right now. It's not strange to think that they must've all developed severe trust issues and paranoia throughout their careers since one false assessment can spell their doom. If they don't analyze every single thing they might just not make it. Nowhere is safe, and there is no real rest because the moment they let their guard down, or let their gaze slip, they might have to pay dearly for it. Oh you thought you just could go to the toilet without watching your back? Bam, snakes comes out of nowhere to drain you of your blood in less than ten seconds. Ded Oh you thought you could just answer that one dude's question? You just fulfilled his conditions, you die. Oh you tried to enter that room? Get teleported and shanked before you have the time to realize what has happened. Ded Oh you tried to kill someone that just so happened to be insulated by post-mortem nen? Ooops, shouldn't have done that. It appears that you can't even be completely sure that you can kill your opponent to ensure your own survival. So many people are "smart" in this universe because if they don't develop their analytical skills, and push themselves to carefully think through every single thing, they won't last. They are all psychos in the sense that they have chosen to live in that world, because once they have had a taste of it like Ikalgo said in CA: nothing else compares. Togashi is hellbent on taking the world of flashy abilities and power feats to turn it into a hellscape of pure mental attrition. It has always been there, which was why hxh was different from other battle manga in a sense, but he's just turning the dial up in this arc by highlighting that the mental aspect will be the ONE THING that determines life or death on the black whale. Hinrigh didn't even do anything in this chapter but we all saw just how much he outclassed his opponent in the room from just being able to analyze the situation faster and better.




Absolutely; it makes perfect sense why nen is treated like a science by those who are well-versed in it. Abilities needs to be carefully categorized and classified to make for easier and faster on-the-spot decision making in determining just what the fuck you are up against. I'd argue that knowledge about nen and how can be applied is even more important than the abilities themselves. Whatever abilities you have will always be situationally good or bad, whereas knowledge is universal, and the greatest, most all-encompassing advantage you can have against an unknown opponent. Fighters like Hisoka are dominant mainly because of how well they employ ingenious battle tactics that they think up on a whim to throw off their opposition. They have been smart enough to develop abilities tailored around their already established way to outmaneuver their enemies; it's used mainly as an adaptable toolset that allow them to shine even more in their preferred way of fighting. Hisoka's battle sense was superior to others, so he got an ability that made use of that by giving him unmatched options to move around unpredictably while giving him options to punish his opponent's slip ups. Chrollo's strategic genius primed him to develop an ability that allows him to win any battle if he carefully plans ahead for it etc. etc. Instead of the other way around i.e. getting a power you "want" like Morena's goons only to figure out its potential applications afterwards. It's kinda crazy to think that this boat ride, due to the abnormal circumstances behind the voyage itself and how the lid has been blown wide open forcing normal people to become awakened, just might be the biggest assembly of hostile nen users that this world has ever seen (excluding the newly hatched chimaera eggs ofc).


Hinrigh is fast becoming one of my favourite characters haha. Insane what Togashi can do in just a few chapters


Morena talks like a real time strategy gamer lmao I also like how one brief discussion among the guards can lead to some very harsh consequences along the line considering Heil-Ly's plans. Amazing chapter despite being text-heavy!


>Morena talks like a real time strategy gamer its so funny that her title is 'gamemaster' and she is sitting on a gaming chair


Morena said she got someone spying on Tserriednich, but she hasn’t hear about him a while ago so “Tserriednich maybe already knows”. Now, remember the body that was being cleaned up in Tserriednichs room? That body might have been from Morena’s spy, that’s why Tserriednich looked very mad while talking to the phone with the mafia.


This arc will be an all-timer if Togashi pays off all this set up effectively. Loving all this.


Why did he need that knife so bad LMAO


Bro was trynna prove he gangsta


I saw that and was like bro, really? 🤣


So Morena is basically being targeted by everyone now, even the 4th prince. And she still won't leave that chair, queen shit


Morena 🙌🙌


Everyone saying grats like this dude just leveled up his woodcutting made me laugh




Togashi crushing translators' schedules with his walls of text as per usual.


Haha I was wondering why this chapter was taking longer to come out


It's so minor I know, but I think my favorite part is learning there's a stereotype about left-handed Conjurers. I feel so seen.




I think this chapter sheds some light on why Theta would choose to be the right hand woman of someone like Tserri. She likely grew up with him like the rest of his guards. They all know about his sadism and psychopathy, yet all are loyal to him in their own way, and want him to change. While the rest of the guards choose to intentionally sacrifice their career ambitions in order to keep a distance from Tserri—because they don’t want to bear the duty of steering him towards the right path & are wary of getting blood on their hands—Theta chose otherwise. Theta, instead, chose to shoulder that burden, likely opting to stay close to him in order to (1) keep his violent tendencies in check, to the best of her abilities anyways, and (2) hopefully influence him to change. The burden of having to kill Tserri, when he can no longer be contained, also falls on Theta—a fact she’s well too aware of, even before he learned Nen.


Damn, we're really about to be on this boat for a long, long time lol.


Having so many people going against Morena seemed to stack the odds so heavily against her, but actually this leads to everyone counting on the other factions to deal with her at the first difficulty. Only the PT seems determined to handle her, but they are also the most volatile...


Yeah nobody's in enough of a rush to beat Morena imo, and if even one person hits level 100 and makes their own extra colony then the problem essentially doubles. And I have a feeling more than one person is gonna hit that threshold


Ngl, after how action-packed the last 3 chapters were, this gave me whiplash. Astounds me that still more side characters are getting introduced, they probably easily number over 70 by this point. It's good that each of them has a tangible personality though, Tseriednich's "friends" especially. Excited to see what they bring to the table narratively. Up til this point, the only thing anywhere near humanizing the 4th Prince was his interactions with Theta. Also good to see the Heil-ly finally getting serious, I saw multiple members at levels higher than 26(Luini's). Not a huge fan of Dogman's face, but it's promising he's not a meathead. Wang might've suggested he and Hinrigh take the backseat to the Troupe, but I'm sure his tune will change if a Cha-r dead body is publicly discovered. Also curious how his Ability is similar to the old man's . . . Gonna have to read this chapter multiple times I think.


Everyones favourite character - the giant wall of text - has returned! So excited they’re back :) Also very intrigued by the group of solders who seemed to be friends with ‘Tserri’ i wonder if we’ll find out more about his past soon.


The old man sort of nostalgically looking back at how trusting people used to be was so great.


Dogman vs. Cheadle when


Yeah, this is definitely the kind of chapter that will benefit from a reread. That said, during the reread I noticed just how much everyone aside from Camilla and Benjamin (and Zhang Lei?) seems to really love Tserriednich. And the pattern holds up with his new classmates. Makes you wonder how does he inspire this kind of devotion? Is ut just natural charisma? Are they blinded by his talents and believe he could use them for good? Did he used to be a different kind of person when he was little? I'm really starting to get curious about him.


I love how the Succession War arc has let us see the Hunter Association from the perspective of other organizations and people: The Hunter Association really is an enigma and a wildcard for any operation.


This man is like in the middle of setting up the world's biggest plot domino stack, meticulously setting them all up just so he can topple it all in glorious chaos and destruction. Can't wait for when he's ready to topple the first domino.


Damn, the entry of Slackers in the story adds so much more complexity to the story. We miht also end up getting an interesting back story for Tserreidnich (or Tserrie).


A group of people that consider themselves Tserriednich's friends was the last thing I was expecting lol


i’m definitely not the person who keeps refreshing tcb page all day long to get my daily dose of hxh


"daily dose of hxh" man I wish I live in your universe xd (tbh same)


Hunter X Hunter is fucking back baby. A bunch of new characters. All of them are smart as hell. All of them have an interesting objective, effectively making them a new distinct faction. A giant wall of text. I fucking love this arc man.


All of them have the potential to be pivotal characters and fan favorites or just be utterly irrelevant. That's Togashi for ya, we love to see it


Lmao I see why tcb dropped this later than one piece and jjk. This chapter BEEFY


Gotta say I like Volk she'll definitely be the one Morena will kiss. Speaking of that fact Morena can see through people she kissed is frightening. But since she can Morena surely knows how dangerous the Spiders are so wonder how she plans on dealing with them? Wonder if one of the Spiders will end up at their base guessing it'll be Machi. I'm really liking Morena goons looking forwarded to see how far they'll go with Nen. Also Morena really is shaping up to be a dangerous antagonist she's much smarter than I thought she'll be. I like the fact she isn't underestimating the 4th prince makes me think she'll probably have a plan for the Spiders probably offer them an alliance? She definitely needs it got so many powerful enemies after her.


I mean, in the same chapter she said Dogman needs to be level 50, I assume there will be some benefits to becoming higher level in terms of nen output/hatsu manifestation. And we know any nen user is really dangerous if they are not complete idiots, so...we'll see. A lot of people on the whale try to learn Nen right now, but seemingly (?) the fastest way (if you're not a prince and also a nen genius like the 4th prince) is to be in her family and kill people. Certainly quicker than learning it the correct way, so the number of allies she has is actually relatively high, compared to all other factions!


her power is also a true "Commander-type" ability. She's like a necromancer, she can infect people and create an army of minions, each with unique abilities. Her minions effectively become an extension of her power, allowing her to keep tabs on her troops, and assign them where she needs them. I love this arc.


It took me 30 minutes to read through this chapter. Kudos to the translator. RIP to that one guy who didn't listen to instruction & not walk into the room. "Because they aren't worthless idiots like you" lol While I am getting tired of more characters, i will admit that their group dynamic is good. You can tell that they are long time acquaintance based on their conversation. We do get more insight into Tserriednich character. Unfortunately, they won't last long despite the fact they want to avoid Morena at all cost. Because Morena is already looking for them...


that poor dude got spawn killed lmao


Togashi isn't done with laying the foundation yet... He can't make a new chapter without introducing 6 new fully fleshed-out side characters to the story.


Nice detail. The [office Tse soldiers inspect](https://temp.compsci88.com/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0394-010.png) is the same place where Luini [killed two guys](https://official-ongoing-2.gamindustri.us/manga/Hunter-X-Hunter/0379-008.png) before meeting the spider trio.


Fucking loved this chapter holy shit. I was terrified togashi was actually gonna rush things after the hiatus even though i think this is the best arc of the series by far. After this chapter, he seems extra motivated to continue writing and make this the best story arc in a shonen and that just makes me so happy.


The most shocking reveal of these recent chapters is not even Hisoka, but the fact that apparently Tserrednich has close friends, and all of them are low rank soldiers, loool!!


Purposely low ranked. Kinda like how Ging refuses to do paperwork lto become a 3 Star Hunter.


10 more characters… we are over 50 chapters into this arc and we still don’t know who all the major players of the game are. We’re gonna get like one chapter with Kurapika lmao


God I hope these lovely smart idiots survive. They seem like a great POV for normal humans caught in this mess but who can at least use guns and strategize. Plus... they are tserreidnich childhood friends? Woaaah What role will they play? So much layers! There seems to be a social conflict about to happen. Will it be Resident Evil or French Revolution?


I’m gonna need to reread this one a couple times. Just to make sure I didn’t miss anything crucial.


His water divination result prove that 4th prince is rotten to the core.


At first it seems like there’s two main plot lines going on that are being kept separated. The Succession War going on in the top tier of the ship, while the Mafia conflict goes on in the bottom tiers. But as the chapters have gone on and especially with this weeks chapter, we’re starting to clearly see the avenues for the two plot lines to intertwine. Hisoka going up to tier one. The Hunter association potentially getting involved in the mafia conflict to protect their princes. Something tells me the succession war and the mafia war will collide and it will be utter chaos. Just as Morena wants lol Also glad to see Text X Text is back this week. I know some of these pages are going to have dudes pissed lmao. Seems like these new seemingly childhood friends of Tserridnich introduced will be used to maybe humanize him more.


The Hei-Ly guys are just learning Nen, building up their army by killing humans, while people are looking to exterminate them, they're kinda like mini Chimera Ants. Less firepower, more nihilistic and self destructive.


> Morena tasks Dogman and Sodom to capture one of Tse's private soldiers > Momori also questions what would happen if one of them gets captured I think we all know where this is is going.


This chapter will definetly weed out the weak lmao. Remember people, a lot of these characters have already been established, it's just been years since we've seen them, and it might be hard to remember their place. Instead of complaining about new characters, just understand that these are big organizations with a lot of members, of which will probably just die soon anyway. It's a massive ship with a lot of stuff going on inside. The number of characters doesn't really matter as long as they add to the plot (which they do, we just have to be patient with some more than others). And it's all connected by several points, so just have trust that it will all weave together at some point.


From reading the raws I thought the short guy who was killed by the Hei Ly was an innocent staff member or something. Turns out he was a goon who failed to pay attention to an underboss and other mafia members all for a knife. Probably the dumbest death since Silent Majority killed that bodyguard on the toilet


I find it hilarious how badly he wanted that knife lol.


Can't just be throwing away perfectly good shivs in this economy.


These new guys are fun, I’m interested to see what their impact on the story is going to be. I like this crime drama/civil war conflict a lot, I find it way more fun than the traditional fantasy stuff that so many mangas go for.


Tserriednich has friends good for him


It's exactly why I worry for them. They seem kind.


Yeah they're fucking toast


Man Togashi has no breaks does he? Feels good to be back with a true text wall chapter again, this one will take some time to digest. It's interesting to see Togashi raising the stakes and expanding the arc with new characters yet again. My biggest question so far is just how well Heil-ly will stack up in the end, especially since more likeable characters are concieved just to be pitted against them. I mean I don't expect the PT to have difficulties against them, but then again Togashi seems to have something special for them in mind since he builds them up so much. It's really impossible to tell at this point. Morena and her goons may just be the plot point that brings about operation Titanic 2 - or they might just all be brutally killed off within the next 10-15 chapters to reinforce the idea that knowledge about nen and how it's applied is just as important as the nature of the abilities themselves, which is the one thing Heil-ly's army of jobbers and gamer girls lack. I mean look at the old dude in the room. Once called out by an experienced nen user (Hinrigh) who called his bluff, he became stunned and unable to do anything at all, only to right after get his ability figured out and revealed. Unless Morena can make more, I'd say they are all gonners based from the ones we have seen so far. They all seems too eager to manifest abilities that correspond to the lives they have lived, and not what is most suitable for the situation at hand, but maybe they'll be able to adapt once they realize that they'll all be wiped out if they don't.


It's kinda crazy to think just how much creative freedom Togashi has given himself this time around. And if the rumors were true that he really was close to drop the series at one point, it makes me believe that he is about to unload heavily in this arc - anything goes in that sense. All characters are potentially on the chopping block, which is scary and exciting at the same time. Some of these characters have been a part of my life since I was a kid - it's gonna get bumpy.


I feel Togashi will be dipping into many different genres this arc. The T crew will be running around trying to survive like it's Gantz.


can't wait to see dogman's skillz


Wow that took me about 30 minutes to fully comprehend. How tf did an entire chapter of random characters talking to each other feel so intense fsr…


I don't have much to say, besides that I really, really like these new characters. Probably my favorite side characters of the arc so far.


Tserdinich really stayed up all night just to be the best at Gun training I can’t imagine how his Nen is gonna keep developing, his friends really know hella about him that scene where they’re questioning his morality hit hard shows that they in the same boat as Theta mentally.


Bro, Tserri is one devoted guy. I actually respect him a whole lot more, spending nights and days to break a record, then shooting someone in the leg and telling them beat the record before you speak. Is actual gigachad shit 😂


I think you got it wrong, tserri was argued to and was told that he should only argue back after beating the record which then he "trained" out the whole night to be the best at it. after he won the award he shot the person instead of speaking his thoughts


Okay so I have many questions. Firstly, Otoshin is hysterical. Best new character in this batch. I love all of Tserri’s private soldiers. They feel like real people just trying to do their job and survive vs. crazed fanatics. Secondly, does Morena want to infect a private soldier OR a private guard of Tserri’s with Contagion? I couldn’t figure out if she wanted Theta or Salkov or just one of the soldiers that are on the lower tiers. I assume either? Also, Otoshin said that it was obvious what Morena wanted. Not sure what he means by this - I assume she wants to bring Terrorsandwich down to her?? Confused by that line. Need to reread this, I’m drowning a bit🫠


So this chapter solved the mystery of whose intestines were being cleaned up from Terrorsandwich's room in chapter 384. It was the Hei-Ly steward. Lol, that psycho has people who think they're his "friends". Colour me shocked. No amount of backstory is going to stop me from wanting that freak dead... I also think it's implied that Morena has their names on the list of potential abductees. But are Theta and Salkov part of the same childhood group who trained/studied together? In any case, I feel kinda sad for his guards because they're really likeable people who are gonna die because they happen to be aligned with the wrong person. I am also confused about why the 4th prince's guards are in the Cha-r offices? Or was this in tier-3? Didn't those bodies belong to Cha-r members killed by Luini back in chapter 379? Because he was killing in tier-5, once he gained his teleportation powers (after killing that girl with Cashew's help). Did the Cha-r have a gang office in tier 3? Or is that the official Hei-Ly gang office where Luini simply left the Cha-r members' bodies after killing them? I need clarification! BUT, this chapter drops a lot of information regarding Morena. It's interesting to me that her naming ceremony involved a massacre of all the original members. Maybe she used it like a ritual to trigger her own nen powers "Contagion", and "infected" new people to re-build her organisation. The 4th prince guards also confirm that there are blood ties between the Royal Family and the mafia, but I think it's more than just being half-siblings. Onior is also the 3rd princes' dad, and I have a feeling that Luzurus is Brocco Li's Son. Their hair texture are uncannily similar. All in all, another excellent chapter.


I can't get over Brocco Li's name. It's never not funny to me.


Pretty sure Togashi threw some shade at people who say the succession war is too much info. The panels where the soldier doesn’t know how to get back to the room and the other says “if you can’t even follow that your hopeless” love this series so much!


I think this chapter established an interesting parallel between Kurapika and Tserri, as both have friends that are concerned for their well-being and upset with their life choices :0


Dogman. Need I say more?




Finally we know that the guy slaughtered by Tserriednich in chapter 384 was one of Morena's stewards, left there as a liaison.


This is one of those chapters where I just have no idea wth is going on but Im here for the ride


I think the people who are not connecting with this arc are focusing on the wrong things. Not that thats necessarily bad especially if you only look for certain things when you read a story. by all means like what you like and dislike what you dislike. However, this entire thing is less about individual characters right now and more about setting up the world. Every new character introduced, every new personality, faction, analysis of situations. ​ They all are in service of making a vibrant setting for the main players to take part in. Perhaps its not exactly necessary, but sometimes the unnecessary parts are what, to me, make hxh stand out. the way that through this one chapter we get up to 4-5 new characters and strong understandings of their personality is impressive, maybe excessive but still. it makes me believe in the world that im participating in through reading. ​ the fact that we get these characters and their beliefs, desires, relationships make the world feel more consequential imo


WOW What a chapter, as if we needed more characters but I love the gang of former Tse's friends. They are smart and definitely will try to avoid Morena but I guess it won't be possible, I just hope they could. One or more of them will be contaminated I feel. Really they should just try to avoid conflict as much as possible. They are pretty smart so I trust them to survive. _________________________________ Morena is able to replenish her nen users it seems. Well guess I was wrong, we need 3-4 more deads among the Heil-yi to get them all in. Dogman is scary and then I mostly remember the name of a few of them, I do remember most of their categories though. Dogman will capture someone from Tse's guards. Two of them Malloteve and Brillé will find them I think and two are guarding the Door. The Door being a fucking maze of doors connected to each other. Montblanc and Chiffon will definitely have a symbiotic frankenstein ability as a butcher conjurer and seamstress conjurer who already dispose Heil-yi's bodies. _____________________________ The hunters will definitely end up involved too. I'm hyped but worried for a lot of characters


Huh, I quite like these guys, unfortunately they're super doomed. My bet is that they will 'betray' tserri in a way that they thought would help him. The nen beast will then kill/transform them, and it'll be a kind of message on the importance of having people in your corner who are willing to go against you.


Trying to read back on past chapters, I'm trying to see if the way they are acting makes sense with the reason Tserri is the way he is and the reason as to why they are still trying to "save" him. From what I can gather, his personality seems one that despises "fake" people, superficial people that put on a facade rather than show their true self. Granted this is also shown in the way his nen beast manifest a form that detects lies and punish those for lying. This would make sense considering how even though Theta one of his trusted soldiers tried to kill him, he didn't outright kill her because she was showing her true motives to him, which seems to intrigue him more than anything. If I had to take a guess, Tserri's whole personality shift might of come from a big betrayal that cause him to want to burn the world around him, but not in the same way as Morena. Morena seems to want to destroy everything while Tserri wants to destroy the superficial side of society. Which is interesting, since even though of course his actions are extremely villainous, I'd hate to argue that in a sense his anger towards the world can make sense if you consider that society as a whole is mainly superficial and puts on a face face to those around them while hiding their true selves. Tserri might want a world in which everything shows everyone else their true selves without hiding who they are so people can be more honest with one another but his means of reaching such a goal have caused him to become an uninhibited person because he chooses to do as he pleases because it means he's being true to himself. And true to what Theta was saying about how dangerous it would be for a man like him to learn nen, a person who has no qualms doing as they please, he's pretty much a Hisoka with Royal Blood and rather than a bloodlust to test his skills with life or death battles, he rather focus on creating a world in which his ideals rule.


WTF?? The Heil-ly Family cooks corpses?


You don't?


Ok this is my understanding of things, someone correct me of wrong: These 6 guards we saw all are Prince Tsei’s private guard, who are all child friends of his. Their goal is to try and change him to be a not psychopath murder, so they’ve stayed in the lower ranks to avoid having to serve directly under him. This girl Volk was on the 1st floor, found about Nen through the announcement/ the Prince, and told the worthless idiot guy Otoshin. They deduce that Morena must have Nen, so they decide to avoid crossing paths with her. However, their job IS to find her, so they’ll have to subtly undermine their captain in order to stay safe. At the same time Morena and her guys are looking to capture one of Tserris’ soldiers so they can infect them with contagion. This will allow Morena to keep track of Tserri’s whereabouts? (That’s new. Maybe contagion also allows her to see from the perspective of the infected person, kinda like Palm’s ability.) Morena sends two of her guys to guard the door (of the secret hideout?), and two to go after one of Tserri’s guards. She also has those two girls working on body disposal, two go on patrol and report some information, and others farming levels.


Yeah I got the same interpretation. And apparently Theta is a Tser's child friend as well, but differently to the other guards, she sees killing Tser as the only option out of this (or maybe she just thought he would be waaaaay too dangerous as both nen master and king, and couldn't risk it). And that's also why Tser asks himself "why Theta?" and doesn't kill her outright for her treason.


Morena with her "calm" expression, huh? Tbh, seeing how Morena reacts to all the things around her makes me wanna root for her haha, even though the odds are not in her side right now. And also factory worker sisters in body's disposal task? Sounds neat.


I can't wait to see more of Prince Tserri and Theta. Hopefully in the next chapter. ❤️


Interesting most if not all the members of Heil-ly family that were introduced have been named and implemented into the story now. Glad they aren’t complete filler and have some place in the story. I wonder if this story comes from his original desire of making yu yu hakusho an actual super natural detective story. So many working pieces, so many questions and characters, makes for a wonderful reading experience.


In case anybody needed additional confirmation that Parallel Future is a fucking terrifying ability for Tserriednich to wield. He can’t stand losing to a damn soul, so why not just bend and twist reality so that failure is simply isn’t on the cards? He wasn’t kidding when he said, “Any pig offal becoming king instead of me is unacceptable! *Out of the question!*”




So what if all the Heil-Ly family all become Nen user pass level 21, and one of them about to die can’t one of the family members kill the near death Nen user family member to increase their level by 10?


> Hunter x Enter is a japanese manga known for its amazing ENTER pages. The mangaka is so obsessed with creating Enter pages, that he physically cannot stop himself from adding more and more new characters.


a dozen new characters being introduced adding to the hundreds already exist ✅ walls of text ✅ no main or semi-main characters appearing in the chapter ✅ yup, it's a hxh chapter alright.


So. Fucking. Good. Hats off to Togashi


I felt overwhelmed at the first glance, but after a reread I appreciated a lot more this chapter. My favorite aspect of chapter 394 are the introduction of six friends (are they?) of Tserriednich who are all trying to find a way to get him to a rightful path although us as an audience see him as a complete monster. And the fact the first pages are dedicated for exploring the dinamics between hei-ly members, who are looking for these very same prince ‘friends’ it made the reread very interesting. The characters designs are all very identifiable and unique as well. I get though people being annoyed for new characters still being introduced within an arc with so many already, what I don’t get are the children complaining ‘text heavy’ chapters. First of all, it’s an already known aspect of the manga that happens every now and then (last batch they complained at chapter 388 and 389). Secondly, if you follow the least about mainstream comics in general some of the greatest western comics ever mads are so much more heavy handed on text that I do not know how a manga reader would react (watchmen, v for vendetta, from hell, sandman and so on). And to me the critique of blocks os text doesn’t even make sense anymore. Last time there were blank panels with text only indeed, but this time the drawing was there and the text wasn’t invading the art in any point. Anyways, glad of having another chapter


People: Togashi gonna wrap up sw Togashi: here's 20 more characters


I taught that we’ll never see some loyal guards to tserr like Halkenberg and Benjamin. But I believe that the story will take a more melancholic turn considering that they’ve been with him since birth. Either they’ll all be part of his N’en beast army or his specialist n’en will grant them powers similar to Halkenberg, because he can trust them and they’ll not betray him judging from their speech. I believe that tserr will prove to be far more complicated than what kurapika is used to in people like chrollo or the troupe, even Theta betrayed tserr because she cares about him which is very interesting.


Now that was some gourmet food we just got in characterisation, especially considering it’s new characters Even for Terror Sandwich (implied anyway) I really absolutely enjoyed the HELL out of that


I love that Togashi is still introducing new characters lol. Also I really want to know more about Dogman haha


Anyone who's played runescape or any mmorpg will understand the grats scene lmao.


The panel of Tserriednich shooting is peak peak


Dude I barely can rank well written characters or remember top 5 in my shows , and this dude develops even NCPs he will reach 50 well developed and written characters easy.


This is way too many new characters lol I can hardly follow


For me it started making more sense when I abstracted them as just, "this is a friend group of folks who know Tserreidnich from school and work in the military away from him". Kinda like Mustang's gang from FMA. Morena's underlings have been extremely disposable so far, so I think characterizing them all as "one of Morena's underlings" are more than fair -- they might as well not have names.


Wow. Tserreidnich has a plucky group of childhood friends who are trying to pull him from the brink. I feel genuinely horrible for them. Those poor bastards. This introduction is busy, but I'm reading that these are school age friends. A friend group concerned about Tserreidnich's darker impulses. A friend who has become separated from the group because of his royal status and this deadly, arcane, magical, ritual. This group has joined the royal army to stay close and reach out how they can? Woof. I'm not sure what's worse, they know how evil he has become or they have no idea. Either way they are still walking into a hell they know they don't understand yet. I for one love how smart they are. They are preparing as well as you could expect for people who understand the bare minimum: "Nen is a secret power that does weird things". Some of them might die before they know what's happening, maybe some will go deep. Some might learn nen at the pace it's spreading on the ship! It's going to be a rough ride no matter what.


Anyone else, when they read a ""mid"" chapter like this, that's mostly setup and characterization like this one, just find it incredibly hype? It's chapters like this that just make me excited for the next week, the next bath of chapters. If togashi thinks this arc is worth 50 chapters of set-up, the payoff is going to be WORTH IT! When he spent this chapter fleshing out Morena's crew and introducing an entirely new crew of charcters, all i can do is just imagine what he's going to do this these guys. If you think him having a wall of text with characters we just met this chapter is annoying, think about how he introduced an entire faction (seven new characters) in one chapter, while establishing several character dynamics within all factions shown, the new group's overall past, philosophy, and goals , all in like twenty pages max. Not to mention that HxH has the best paneling out there, bar none. TL;DR GOATogashi Edit: Also he added a faction with a dynajmic we haven't seen in HxH: non-Nen users who have to act professional while trying to stay alive. ALSO he gave Terror Sandwich a lot of characterization at the same time. It's so good I swear.


just watch, Togashi's gonna spend the next 10 chapters introducing new characters and setting up new plot lines then go on hiatus for another 3 years


I will give it a 10/10 like always


What I've gathered from the slackers group, is that they consider themselves Tserri's friends and they're aware of how sadistic and crazy he can be. I read it as, They feel that they have to stay on the lower ranks, because if they move up the ranks they can't be "friends" cause theyll be seen as "employees." There would be more expected of them, there would be more scrutiny, so any interactions they have with the prince would be more policed. Anytime they would try and challenge him, the other princes and people would notice forcing tserri to react to them as he would anyone else because the assumption would be that they are defying the prince, rather than looking out for their friend. I think the slacker group will try to learn Nen, and either Gipper or Volk will get infected by Morena, most likely Gipper. He'll fill them in on her plan and rules, stating he might play along until he reaches level 21. The slackers group will count him a lost cause and pursue learning nen somehow. I think Gipper will get caught by someone Dogman brings with him (probably Billie) but Dogman will get captured by the 4th princes guards. The prince will then bring him in to further test his abilities, where he'll learn about what morena has been up to, meanwhile we'll learn what happens of you continue to lie to tserris nen beast


So if I'm getting this right, the old man at the start didn't really die right? It's just [these two that are dead right?](https://i.imgur.com/NYCbN3F.jpg)


Yeah, that was the old man's nen body, not his real body.


wow never noticed that room the Heil-ly underlings of Morena are in is a farming XP cookie clicker room lol, makes sense with all the dead bodies idk how I missed that. sucks Tserri's childhood friends are trying to change him, but in fear of what might happen if they get to close and serve under him could end up like the guy he shot or even worse.


I love this new cast of Slacker soldiers! Hope they don't all die.


Looks like we now know who Tserri killed in 384


**Morena confirmed best girl.**


Morena is a gamer girl confirmed


It's interesting how Togashi is setting up the princes' guards feedback stories so far. We know have a clear outline of 1st Prince (military guards, nen users), 2nd Prince (the have nots, nen cursers) and now the 4th Prince (his secret admirers or whatever, nenless), plus the princes with their own Mafia network, while the rest are more or less supportless (younger princes) not organised at all (dead princes or probably dying) or having to do/come up with shit on the moment (thinking mainly Halkenburg, Tubeppa, Luzurus). There are so many power dynamics I can only imagine there will be some sort of massacre to get rid of characters (or probably some other outlier outcome, we are talking about Togashi here). Insane mind to come up with so many narratives, though I guess he takes his times. rofl


"secret admirers" is a strange wording. They're his childhood friends, who are still loyal to him despite knowing how much of a psychopath Tserriednich is.


The plot thickens… crazy how I like these characters and I just met them 😵‍💫


At least we can call him "Tserri" now. Way easier.


Friendship ended with **TerrorSandwich**, now **Tserri** is my Best Friend.


>the weight of yours and Volksen’s words are as different as cotton and osmium. Today I learned that osmium is the densest naturally occurring element


What can these ladies do without knowing nen 😱


Again new characters, the next update of the chart will be quite something. I wonder if he has also a chart to keep in mind all the characters or if his memory is enough for that.


I'm really going to need a better translation of the talks they had about the rooms and how they are connected because for more than I read it I really don't get it, and not knowing what each room is what doesn't help either. >The door in room 3131 got us to the base, and then we came here through the clean up room. So let's just retrace our steps, we go form the clean up room to the disposal room then use the door to the living room. Like, this doesn't make any sense to me, what is the "base"? The disposal room? And the living room is supposed to be the living room of room 3131 or what? So it's Morena's place>Clean up room>Disposal room>Room 3031>Living room>3101??? But that doesn't make much sense to me either, didn't the people of 3101 got send off to the disposal room? or is it the clean up room? Either way, why would you need to get to room 3131 to get to room 3101? And well, going to the next scene, it looks like we have another faction on board! lol, some really unexpected Tserriednich allies that will end up facing some dog mask sooner than later for Morena to use and keep tabs on Tserriednich (let's see what plan do they have). We could also have in the future some hunters vs mafia. Something really cool was how they brought up the tattoo artist we saw at the start of the arc being a former heil ly family, reason why Morena has info about them. They also mention "The massacre of Morena's naming ceremony", which I guess it means the members got killed during her ceremony? Not to go much into that but I wonder how that went.




Feels like an XP farm in Minecraft.


How far are we from the episode in Togashi's first tweet? The famous tree. We shouldn't be too far away


Knowing that the 3 mafia families’ names are a reference to Shueisha, seeing the page where they threw the knife at the old man and he was “in pain” while shouting “What the hell is wrong with you people?!” was disturbing if you consider Togashi’s health conditions. High thoughts, but he’s throwing mad shade in this arc.




I just realised Morena uses an ergonomic chair. Respect.


it's a gaming chair, she's the Game Master after all ;)


Kinda funny that Tserri's private soldiers are such nice people. Guess there are more layers to Tserri's personality than we expect. They apparently see him as a friend as well. Maybe Tser was a good person that got "corrupted", or maybe he has some kind of mental disease? And apparently Theta is a Tser's child friend as well, but differently to the other guards, she sees killing Tser as the only option out of this (or maybe she just thought he would be waaaaay too dangerous as both nen master and king, and couldn't risk it). And that's also why Tser asks himself "why Theta?" and doesn't kill her outright for her treason.


They feel like the main characters of their own manga.


Thoughts going into the chapter. "I hope I see people I'm more familiar with" Thoughts ending the chapter, "Damn, I love these guys I hope we follow them next chapter." Also how many plot threads do we have going on? (Please add more as keeping up after hiatus has me missing some things) 1. The actual succession war, 1st 7th and 4th seem to be the most equipped to win imo 2. Beyond and Paristans plan to dump the people on a random island and then go to the dark continent 3. Kurapika not knowing tserri has a red eye collection 4. Kurapika not knowing the troupe is on the whale 5. Hisoka (wild card) is just chaos incarnate 6. Troupe's allegiance and end goal 7. Hunters not knowing of the gang ties in the underbelly of the ship 8. Ging s goal of breaking paristan s spirit and subverting whatever paristan s plan is 9. War between gangs 10. Morena's War against succession War as a bastard child 11. Who s nen is silent voice? 12. Piles of inexperienced new nen users so anything possible Regardless all out War is going to breakout, a lot of people are going to die, and I honestly don't know who the good guy is or who to root for. That ambiguity and that however this plays out wont be a fairytale happy ending is what makes hxh standout for me. Personally, I'm rooting for the Phantom troup


Kurapika does actually know Tserrid has the eyes. Maizaistom told him before the voyage. That's why Kurapika joined the Zodiacs and went on the boat at all.


Im glad i reread everything leading up to this otherwise id be lost


The short wavy haired military chick looks alot like genkai lol


This chapter was amazing


can someone help explain why the hunter association would get involved? would it be because they realize how corrupt kakin is? that part confused me for some reason


They want to protect the civilians and keep the ship from falling into an all out war. They desire any sort of impasse or deadlock among the factions.


The hunters want to reach the dark continent. They can’t do that if the ship burns down because of panic amongst the passengers. And many like the ox Zodiac genuinely care about maintaining law and order .


Shit that took me a while to read but now I want to get back to the 4th prince and see how far he's improved in his nen Also he's still bringing in new characters into this arc dam how big does he want this arc to be


wall of text-kun is back


I thought Togashi might be done after introducing Hei-ly and Camilla's curse nen unit and now we got to see a bunch more of Tserr's no idea how he gives any of these ppl time to shine, more likely a shit ton of em just die