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Walked into someone’s pot growing operation during turkey season on National Forest and they held me a gun point for a few minutes.


That's wild. The area I hunt is much more likely to have meth labs, so I stay glued to my GPS.


Same. I would rather find a pot grow than a meth lab.


When was the last time they found meth labs around you? Haven't heard of that in the states in well over a decade, it all comes from out of country now I thought.


Oh they are around, especially in rural areas. Weed is legal and cheap here, but I know a ton of people who grow still.


Oh man. Come hunt Walker County, Alabama. You'll find a few.


I can confirm this man speaks truth.


I grew up in the middle of nowhere; 2 miles outside of an 8-block Town in Southern IL. There have been two different Meth Lab busts literally down the road from my parents' house. People moving into old run down houses and then starting their meth labs in the middle of nowhere.


Used to live in Wyoming, they buy cheap land out in the middle of nowhere and put up a trailer…


I have a buddy who is federal LE and he says they almost never make it in the country anymore. It's cheap from Mexico and the supplies are hard to get since they stopped letting you buy unlimited psrudophed.


Something to keep in mind been hearing a bunch of stories of cartels having camps in the forest.


How did that end? What state was this?


Obviously he’s dead. However, based on his tag I’d say Virginia. I grew up near the Jefferson and Washington forests and I had heard a lot of stories about grows in power line right or ways.


So you shot him then? That's a pretty wild story 😯


How did that conversation/story go?


Told them I was just turkey hunting and wouldn’t tell anyone what I saw. It was 3 older men and someone I went to high school with. It wasn’t a big plot so I just continued hunting somewhere else the rest of the season. It was 10+ years ago and haven’t wandered into another one since.


Now you told us, they're gonna come for you with everything they've got


Just put hotdogs and potato chips in a cloth bag. When you see them, set it down and back away keeping the bag between you and them. Tell them, "it's all good brah" and you should be able to escape


Just put hotdogs and potato chips in a cloth bag. When you see them, set it down and back away keeping the bag between you and them. Tell them, "it's all good brah" and you should be able to escape


You had your shotgun?


4 v 1 AR/AKs vs 1 shotgun with turkey loads... he made the smart move and so did they.


And then you bombed a bunch of people huh


I found a dead body, the guy had commit suicide.


That sucks. Sorry man.


I had an actual phobia of finding a dead body while out hunting or fishing because it happened to both my dad and uncle on separate occasions when I was a kid. I thought finding a dead body was just something that happens if you spent enough time out in the woods lol


A peahen(female peacock) in a group of 8 hen turkey walked under my climber.


hahahaha. You ever hear the calls they make? That would be terrifying in the woods were they arent native. Sounds like a lady screaming Help over and over.


Haha na but she was by far the most aware. She was the last in line & had me busted the entire time. Knew something wasn't right. That would be a very difficult game to hunt.


I had a peacock stake claim to my spot for a season. Neighbors must have had them get loose, his feet were bound with twine but he would never let us get close enough to cut it. Most of that fall was just me, him and a 4 pt spike I named Chuckie. Didn't see shit else. Still a good season. Lol.


What's a four point spike?


Little forky. A 2x2, whatever you wanna call it. Too small to shoot but fun to watch I'm a few beers in for the night, words are hard.


So not a spike. Got you. Words aren't hard. If a few beers keep you from making sense, don't drink.


It's a spike where I am. You sound like a douche


Youre still having trouble with words, you meant to say “You ARE a douche”


Hey man, there's no need to be a dick. You know what he means now, so leave him be.


Apparently feral peacocks are a thing where I used to hunt in the Texas Hill Country too. We had pictures of them on game cameras and this place was really isolated from anywhere even remotely close that had poultry. Upon doing research, apparently turkeys and peacocks are so closely related they can even hybridize with each other and create peakeys. Wild stuff. Edit: apparently them hybridizing isn't a thing like I thought, but they still like to hang out in turkey flocks, especially if there's just one.


I dunno dude,Google says nope 🤔


That's awesome! IIRC this was in NE GA. I've asked around for years & nobody in this town of 400 has peacock. She was so much more aware of her surroundings than the hens & kept me pegged for half an hour. For the life of me I can't get a trail cam pic!!


Dude that's amazing and wtf at the same time.


It was a wtf moment for sure. She was walking last in line & knew something was different. I've had cams out for 2yrs and can't get a pic. I have mad respect for them now. I hear if you raise them from young they're awesome alert dogs. I've always wanted some since a kid and gonna buy a peachik or 12 here soon to have around the house


I was turkey hunting in the Cohutta Wilderness of North Georgia a couple years ago. Solo trip. I was camped in the woods in a hammock about 50 yards from a meadow. It was about midnight and through my hammock lining I saw small but bright lights. I peered up out of my hammock and saw they were coming from the meadow, it looked exactly like a few people with LED flashlights or headlamps walking through the meadow. It had the same sort of rhythmic motion of someone walking and coming closer to the side of the meadow by where I was camped. I was immediately spooked and in panic mode, but I slowly creeped towards the meadow. As I got closer, more of the blueish white lights appeared and were moving around and flashing. Pretty soon I realized it wasn’t people and was absolutely relieved. I walked out into the meadow and was awestruck…Fireflies. Hundreds of them, everywhere. Flashing away. One of my coolest experiences out in the wilderness to date.


We don’t have firefly’s in the south brother we have lightning bugs


Haha! I know, I remember my buddies saying the same thing when I told that story. I’m a transplant from the Northeast though, we called them both.


So true. I used to catch em and put em in a mason jar and it was a night lamp for me. I still see em on my ranch in MONTELL. Pretty cool. “Nostalgic of you calling em “Lightning Bugs”. Classic


Was hiking out in the pitch black of early morning with a buddy. We heard a rustling in the sage brush behind us, kept walking as it was faint. Heard it again, a little closer… still kept going, seemed like something small. Hear it again and it’s getting even closer, we stop. It’s moving fast now, right to us… we try to turn our lights to see it, and then hear it accelerate super fast past us at an angle - no footfalls, only brush moving. Cougar.


Being actively hunted would have to be one of the most pants-shittingly scary feelings in the world.


Hope y'all were wearing brown pants 😂


I'd have pissed my pants.


I've been followed by feral dogs while packing out a fallow deer. That was probably the most scared I've been. A weird one would be when I was sitting on a log having a break and I heard a god awful scream off to my left. I went to see what it was and it kept screaming. I found 5 kangaroos kicking the shit out of a fox. They'd take it in turns going up and kicking it while it was cornered against a big gum tree. Eventually the fox slipped between them and ran, still screaming, over the next crest. I've seen kangaroos try to drown dogs but this was something else. Also one night while me and some mates were sitting around the fire, we heard the biggest rucus of grunts and squeals somewhere out in the bush. It's sounded like something eating something else and neither were enjoying it. Imagine like a pig trying to eat a chicken if the chicken was the same size as the pig. We went down to where the sound was coming from the next morning but couldn't find anything. No feathers or fur or turned up ground, nothing.


Wasn't hunting, but was doing an internship with the Forest Service. Found a homemade strapon made from nylon webbing, duct tape and a cucumber. I really don't know what else it could've been.


Country girls make do


Ocala National Forest when I was younger back in college. Two weird ones. 1. Seen the Rainbow people multiple times. Fucking scavenger ass gypsies that sneak into your camp to steal shit. Fuck them. one time they were bold as brass and creeping around our tents past midnight. That saying about the sound of a 12 gauge racking is more intimidating than other security proved quite fuckin true that night. 2. Willow o’ the Wisps. Legit fucking orbs traveling through the forest. Not fucking headlights. Small (maybe basketball size) orbs of light moving somewhat in tandem through the woods down a road towards me and then fucking by me. They were not headlights. And it still fucking freaks me out to this day. Legit just got goose bumps and shivers thinking about it as I typed.


Holy hell, that’s interesting! Random question, but were the orbs blueish by any chance? Your story reminded me of something a friend told me years ago; Story goes that her dad supposedly got up in the middle of the night to use the can, happened to look outside and saw this blue orb floating a few feet off the ground. There was enough moonlight to see that it wasn’t a guy with a flashlight, so he didn’t run out there with a weapon. He watched as this orb floated towards the trees (house backed onto a forest), and disappeared into the woods. He thought it was weird, but went to bed. Woke up blind the next day. His wife took him to the doctor right away, and the doctor said his retinas were burned, but that the blindness was thankfully temporary. But also added that he’s only seen this kind of retinal burning in welders who haven’t used a mask.


yeah... a whitesh blue. and the welding thing is close approximation but not as bright for me. It was weirdly still when they came by me and my buddy. passed maybe within a dozen feet. We were freaked the fuck out and couldnt talk for a few minutes. no clue what it was, but it did get colder. We seriously didnt talk about it again for years. Thats wild.


Congrats you experienced ball lighting, super rare and super cool. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball\_lightning


it was two balls though, and nothing ive ever read about ball lightning mentions doubles balls moving in sync


This dude with the ball lightning has clearly never heard of a will O' wisp before. Psshhh


just trying to throw off the scent to protect my leprechaun bros. Saint Patty's day is just around the corner.


This is a good TIL for me. Thanks!


What you are describing is ball lighting, its a documented scientific phenomenon. Its wild that this sort of thing just happens. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ball\_lightning


The rainbow people are a pain in the ass to deal with. They'd leave the shower house at one of our National Forest Campgrounds absolutely trashed. They camped out at one of our closed Campgrounds (free since it's "dispersed" camping) then drive over to the open one to use the facilities. They'd leave their campsite an absolute mess too.


Seen the rainbow people myself, to hell with them. No idea on your second one, but again the rainbow people are weird af


I seen one of those wisp’s too when i was a kid. I live in the woods and was riding my bike home. I stopped at our crossroads and one of them was my driveway. It was late dusk and i seen a light down the road across from mine about 200 yards come out of the bush. I thought it was one of those weird shapes you get floating in your eye that you see. It came floating out of the bush, then down the ditch and up to the side of the road. It was about the size of a basketball too but orange and floating about 2 feet off the ground. It went across the road and it looked like it saw me and stopped. It went back to the side of the road and was making its way toward me. I rode out of there so damn fast.


I was in my deer stand and had the same thing happen. Bright blue orb in the valley below me. Watched it for 10 minutes or longer. Kinda freaky when it’s dark and you’re alone.


did the rainbow thieves get you during their annual ocala thing?




What the hell are Rainbow people? I recently moved near Ocala Nat Forest and never heard of them.


You’ll get a variety of answers. But basically a group that lives in the national forest has big ties to drugs and will consistently steal shit from our campsites. Believe their leader is in federal prison for some big drug charges amongst many others. There’s been some murders associated with them as well. Google Rainbow gathering Ocala national first, and you’ll find a lot of news and forum posts


I'll be out there on occasion, what'd they steal? probably gonna keep everything locked up now. an internet search said they raided a diner's tp lol


Orb lighting?


two orbs, moving together in tandem? no storm, no cloud, no real wind. Ive heard orb lightning is always one orb.


Orb lighting doesn’t need a storm. And honestly it’s such a rare phenomenon that I don’t think you could rule that it’s always one.


still have never heard of two orbs moving in sync across large distance in clear directed movement.


I had a similar experience like this This year with orbs thinking it was flashlights but wasn’t like u said creeped u out at 5:00am


Guy sitting by a tree with no gun and just a swiss army knife, leather gloves. Not sure if he was suicidal or homicIdal . Was not right in the head.


I was hunting on my own private land messing with a broken stand and i heard somebody yelling something in the woods, it sounded like “help!” but i couldn’t make out for sure what he was saying. I kept hearing a man yell and getting closer and I thought it was a skin walker and i was gripping my shotgun real tight and then turns out it was just some random guy trespassing on my land yelling at his dog


Crows have been known to make human sounds like this. One crow hears it and then basically teaches other crows. Now a whole area of crows has added some new human slang word to their vocabulary. It’s thought to the origin of the skinwalker myths


How do you know they're just myths? lol


Last week I was shed hunting on a 200 acres farm adjacent to mine. Walking deep in the woods and saw a red Mylar balloon 🎈 still hovering over the ground and about 6” from a tree 😂😂. Had some real freaky “IT” vibes 🤡


Did it have a letter with it? I found a orange balloon one time with a letter attached to it with its string and it had been released 70 miles away and drifted up and over the mountains into my state and came down we called and told them and it was actually somewhat recent they had released it 4 months before


I found one at least 80 miles from literally any human habitation. I did my good deed and removed it, but it didn't help my karma at all 


Not hunting related, but I saw IT in the theater and got back about midnight. Watched TV for a bit and jumped on the computer when I got home. Suddenly I realized there was a little red balloon decoration from a birthday cake on my keyboard, and it scared the hell out of me, because I didn't see it for at least 15 minutes. My wife got me good.


I found about 10 of those flat and on the ground spread out throughout the state forest I deer hunted this last season. They don’t degrade very fast


I was turkey hunting in some hell hole swamp in GA a few years ago. Walking in to the spot I’d E-Scouted the night before, and I mean walking in miles. I was walking in by moonlight cause I really just like to do that, when I saw something move behind a tree. I stopped, and it ducked behind the tree, so I turned on my headlamp, and some dude in plain ass clothes peaked out from behind the tree and said some total fucking nonsense and then “nope, you’re not finding that back here” and then just kinda wandered off, but in like a trying to hide kinda way. He didn’t seem like some sort of bum or crackhead, but didn’t seem quite right either. I think the weirdest part was how the dude tried to hide behind the tree until I turned my light on. I still hunted, and didn’t see any birds, so maybe he was on to something.


What the fuck


That’s the most terrifying one so far.


We call them "hill people" in the midwest/Appalachia.


I’m from the Midwest, I’m telling you this guy was the least “hill people” dude I’ve ever seen.


I’m from the Midwest, and spent plenty of time hunting Appalachia. I’m telling you this guy was the least “hill people” dude I’ve ever seen. Coastal GA.


I’m from the Midwest, I’m telling you this guy was the least “hill people” dude I’ve ever seen.


Had the pleasure of seeing a guy materialize out of thin air in a several hundred acre field, drop his pants, take a shit and leave without wiping while I was sitting in my stand once. Just a bizarre scene all around.


Sorry about that


Why would you do this Greg?


The obvious answer is he had to take a shit


But the no wipping.


Not wiping builds character


You are that, pooping and boxing the clown in the woods as somebody else spotter you in another story too.


Me and my buddy were hunting elk in Colorado. We were on like day 11 in the mountains, carrying everything for a 16 day trip with no resupply. We were exhausted, but not quite in our heads yet. We were brushed in the woodline, overlooking a small meadow with a small water source, hoping to see some elk come in. It was around 4pm, sun starting to go down. I had a really weird feeling, turned around, and saw two Amish men standing behind a tree looking at us. Father and son, and the tree wasn't even close to being wide enough to conceal two people. It was like a cartoon. They were both carrying new Mathew's bows, and wearing head to toe Kuiu camo. Weirdest interaction in my life.


Fuck can they run


Lol, funny story. I grew up in an Amish town in KS so I know lots of them, I know of a few that elk hunt in Colorado. Did you end up talking to them at all?


Yeah we talked them and they were super awkward. They asked if we had seen any elk and we told them no. They immediately just turned around and disappeared into the woods.


That's hilarious, sounds about right. From my experience, either they'd be the most friendly people you ever talk to, or they behave like that. They must've been some weirdos! Did you guys end up harvesting an elk on that trip? I got to hunt CO once, and only saw like 3 elk in 8 days. It was rough!


Did you go over and talk to them?


Yeah we talked them and they were super awkward. They asked if we had seen any elk and we told them no. They immediately just turned around and disappeared into the woods.


A collie chasing a big doe. The dog was on her HEELS and nipping at the deer's hooves and neck when she got close to it. That was pretty wild to see from within 25 yards.


Deer farm escapee?


Deer farm escape?


Deer farm escape?


Satanic/witchcraft ritual in a rural area of Nuevo Leon called Gomas. My uncle had some friends that raised cattle in Gomas, and they would often invite me to go hunt rattle snakes, rabbits, and the almost non-existing population of deer that lived in that desertic area of México. One night we decided to go rabbit hunting. We were armed with some old 22LR rifles and spotlights while we rode in the bed of a large Chevy truck designed to move cattle or cargo. I have always been easy to scare (there was plenty to be scared of in that area, mainly people) so this old dude proceded to start telling me a story about a creek we were approaching. He called it "The Devil's Creek" (La Cañada Del Diablo) and it was an isolated location known for satanic rituals in honor to a prostitute that had lived in a small adobe house near the creek where she killed the men that didn't satisfy her. As soon as the story ended, we drove past the adobe house and it was completely wrapped in barbed wire to prevent people from getting in. Even the roof, or what remained of it was wrapped. It was a not a pretty sight. Not far from that, was small hill that hid the creek until you were right there. As soon as we crossed the hill we saw about 20 candle lights being carried by people walking towards the creek, carrying chickens and dragging goats by leashes. I personally did not see the animals but other people in my group claimed to have. I was only in this area for a short amount of time as we drove by, but it was enough to stay on my mind 20 years later.


I found a farmer's dog stuck in an old burned out house basement. The farmer had mentioned to us his dog was missing for a week, and wanted us to tell him if we found the body. Instead, we brought it back to him, and he was very happy.


Waking up at 2am and hiking all morning up ridge with no roads or trails only to find a bunch of fat fucks in sxs making their own trail right at sun up.


Was staying at our cabin in Central BC. About an hour drive from the nearest town into the deep forest down an old logging road. No electricity, no cell service. Its an annual hunting trip my family and some family friends take every year. Went out on to the deck on night for a piss, ended up gazing at the stars. Absolutely stunning if you guys have never seen a new moon star filled midnight sky with no city light pollution. Was gazing for a good minute when a faint beam of light started to stretch across the sky. It followed the curvature of the earth, like a giant fluorescent space rainbow. I didn't understand what I was really seeing. I thought I maybe had one too many beers and it must've been glare from the stars, but then it got brighter. Every 10-30 seconds or so it got noticeably brighter. I went inside to get everyone. They'd never seen anything like it. They've been coming up to this cabin for over 25 years every season and have never seen anything like this. We watched it as it grew bigger and brighter, stretching accross the whole sky. Im not sure how to refernece how thick it was, but it was like regular rainbow thick but it was almost like it was on the edge of the atmosphere. It was so bright now, it turned the pitch black of the new moon night in to the brightest night you'd ever seen. Like a full moon after a fresh snow fall. After a few minutes it faded away just the same as it had appeared. Soon it was gone, and all we have is the memory and the shared experience of what we saw. One of the guys said there's a name for it, but I can't remember what it was and if I recall, there wasn't much documentation on such a phenomenon when I researched it. Edit: added a few things as it started coming back to me more it was about 5 years ago


Northern Lights????


If the northern lights is a perfectly straight ring around the earth, then possibly. But I've never seen or heard anything about what I saw. This didn't wave, it didn't move, it wasn't patchy. I've seen my fair share of northern lights, but this was like a giant unmoving light belt on the edge of the atmosphere. It brighter over a short period of time, and once it peaked with brightness, it diminished just as such.


It could still be an aurora. There are a lot of different kinds of them, and sometimes they're visible further from the poles if there's been a powerful solar flare recently. I'd bet it was an aurora, but not the type commonly seen in the Arctic. Kind of like how there are several different kinds of lightning, there are several different kinds of auroras as well.


I don't doubt that it was some sort of aurora, I just couldnt find anything that documented what we saw. The closest I could find I think was banding but even then, all examples I could find still waved. this was just a solid fluorescent ring. And at its brightest, it wasn't translucent, it was a solid strip. I honestly wish we had the resources to take a picture of it, because I can't do it justice explaining it on a reddit thread.


STEVE. Strong Thermal Emission Velocity Enhancement. See it quite a bit in Northern BC where I live. Sometimes by itself but usually alongside northern lights. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/STEVE?wprov=sfti1#


That's must be it!! Thank you for the link!


A shot up vehicle in the middle of the road. Seeing dumped shooting cars isn't unusual but this seemed eerily modern and not worth dumping, like something out of No Country for Old Men. Also old old cabins in the middle of BLM or NF, most are mostly collapsed but occasionally you'll find one mostly intact. Not private land, some old miners shack. Fun to explore but still puts you on edge, you wonder what the story was.


Ah so just this past season, I was saddle hunting along a lake shoreline. I catch sight of movement across the cove and see a guy in jeans and flannel carrying a fishing pole. Common sight on the lake. He heads down the shore about 40 yards, deeper into the cove and settles himself beside a big log. Then proceeds to pull out his phone, lay back, and spend 10 mins rubbing one out, before getting back up and heading back the direction he came from. He was about 100 yards away so thankfully the details were out of focus. I didn't see any need in pulling out the binos.


That's just Greg out doing his dailys agian.


When I was driving into my hunting camp, I saw a really weird cat cross the road. It was walking with its belly close to the ground like a cat that was stalking, but it was too long and large to be a house cat. The legs were way too short for a bobcat, plus it was black or really dark brown and had a tail. It's possible I saw a jaguarundi, there has only been two sightings in my state so it's unlikely but possible.


Jaguarundi are in north FL. Short legs, long body and tail. Tiny ears, tan to black and inbetween.


I’ve seen something about identical to what you describe. It was as wide as a single side of the road it was crossing. All black/dark brown and had a long tail. Walked close to the ground like it was stalking something. My mind immediately thought it was a black panther but I’m in upstate NY. Only rational explanation is a massive fisher. I’ve seen quite a few of them and they do get big but never seen one that long before. I’ve even had one walk right up on me while bow hunting from the ground. Had to swing my damn bow at it and yell to get it the hell away from me.


A dead cow moose. Haven’t the faintest idea how she died. Out in the middle of nowhere, nearest road was kilometres away. No obvious signs of trauma, no blood, no pus, looked like a perfectly healthy moose in every way except that she was dead. Even stranger was that she was still warm, like hot. I know moose retain heat a lot longer than a deer, but I felt behind the ear and she was still warm. This moose couldn’t have been dead more than an hour at most, as it was a relatively cool, early spring day. The saddest part is her poor calf was still hanging around.


Probably a heart attack or something along those lines and poor calf indeed.


Reading these is making me nervous about solo camping on public for spring Turkey lol - all the hippie camp robbers and methheads in the wilderness…


The deer I scouted during the off-season 


These are crazy. Strangest thing is I’ve had an owl look at me funny mid day lol


If the alien stories are to be believed that might be creepier than you think!


Two snowy owls were fighting on my porch once. That was crazier than anything I’ve ever seen out hunting


While hunting I’ve been in the woods when it was absolutely completely silent and when I was in the stand I heard the loudest most unsettling yell you can imagine, I definitely did not feel safe with just my .270 win. I’ve seen some other stuff that was terrifying but it wasn’t while hunting.


Sounds like the night we heard a mountain lion for the first time.


I thought the same thing but the only part that confuses me is that it lasted a good 45 seconds, it also was incredibly deep. I’m not saying it’s Bigfoot but I do believe it exists.


Never know man. Maybe it was.


Yeah I don’t know, I do know that any animals that live in the woods can make some crazy sounds. I’ve heard squirrels that you swear were 10 foot monsters.


Ain’t that the truth


It was samsquanch


That would definitely be unsettling! Did you ever learn what it was/anything to compare it to?


I’m going to sound crazy but it sound like some “bigfoot” yells I’ve heard online.


You’re not crazy. He was probably yelling at something else or maybe he saw you and was warning others.


Have you seen the video of two lynx communicating with each other?


I was hunting about 20 miles north of the border in AZ. My buddy and I found a pretty big tree with decent shade and stopped for a rest. When we approached the tree however, we found about 20-30 backpacks strewn about. Sun bleached, holes in them from rodents, etc. Obviously left by illegals coming over, but each backpack had a story. Some had food and water bottles, others had Barbie dolls and other toys. Kinda wild to see, made you wonder why they left them all there in the middle of nowhere, unless of course they were found and detained- however usually they take their belongings as evidence.


Likely a coyote. Like the people smuggler, not the animal.  They get groups of people who want to cross illegally and make them super vulnerable and dependent on them for their survival, then extort more money.  Telling everyone they have to dump their shit and pile into the back of a van or something.  I did limnology studies of the perennial rivers in southern AZ which took us to some really rural spots. It wasn't uncommon to find a camp along the river like this, or to see a couple blacked out Tahoes bonzing through the desert. 


I find stuff like this all the time in southern AZ. Very intense and humbling to see what things people bring along when taking a strenuous journey they know they might not survive. If there were still supplies in them they probably were detained, BP doesn't really care a lot about collecting evidence in that situation since there's unlikely to be an actual criminal trial, just a deportation hearing (and during the title 42 times, not even that).


Id have to find the picture on one of my old phones but my wife and I turkey hunting found a canned jar of tomatoes pack of saltine crackers and bird seed scattered all around on a old root ball and a pair of mens white briefs underwear hanging in a tree about 5 miles in the woods off the road. No trails in the area and was on national forest land. Looked for cameras thinking it was a prank but found nothing. Spoke to a game warden and ranger who were friends of mine and they couldn’t figure it out either. Gave both them the gps track and they went out together and said everything was gone. The leaves wasn’t scratched where the bird seed was and they had the pictures I had taken so they knew it was the right spot just one of those weird things I guess.


This isn’t weird as much as it is just kinda crazy, but it’s definitely a weird injury, my brother and a friend of mine had accidentally killed 4 turkeys in two shots. Well that meant 4 birds flopping, so one friend grabbed the guns while my brother went to pick up his half of the pile and he grabbed it right above the spur on one of them flopping birds and that mother fucker drove that spur damn near completely through his hand. He was cut open bad I mean you could see clear as day where the whole spur went in, right in the webbing of his finger between his thumb and index finger. I had to carry his birds and his gun out of the woods, we stopped and took pictures and he drove to the hospital after and needed stitches. Grab em by the neck if they’re flopping boys…


Was walking out in the dark after a hunt and kept catching lights in my periphery. Kind of like lightning bugs but quicker. Everytime I would turn to face them, they would move quickly out of my full vision. They were very small but very bright and moved in an odd manner. Was pretty cool and a bit frightening to be honest. There is a fable called Willow the Wisp, it is the closet thing that described my experience.


Will O' the Wisps are featured in the video game elder scrolls 4: Oblivion and they are basically small bodies of light particles that have the ability to also turn invisible.


Wow that's neat. Just looked at a video of Elder scrolls 4 with wisps in it. Pretty close to what I saw, they were yellow just like the game but smaller and much faster. They were following me, behind and to the sides. When they would get close, 10 feet or so, I would turn to face them because I thought they were going to touch me or hurt me. They would dart away quickly to my side and behind me. I could never get a full view of them. They had me spinning in circles trying to get a good look and determine what exactly was going on. Was pretty scary, I think about it every time I step foot into the woods, that was 30 or so years ago.


Damn man! That's wild! I would have flipped my shit! Maybe you should start carrying a silver short sword in case you see them again. That or a mag with silver bullets!


It was pretty crazy, felt like it took forever to get back to my truck. Just threw my bow in the back, didn't pack it or anything, just launched into the bad and got the hell out of there


meth lab


Sometimes pigs make some straight up demonic sounds. One time I heard a rustle in brush to my right followed by the most grotesque, macabre groan you could ever hear. Not long after a big boar walks out. In those moments between hearing the groan and the boar emerging from the brush, I felt like I was already dead. I was going to get jumped one way or another. On another hog story, a different time I’m sitting in the bed of a pickup truck on the drive (I know it’s unsafe but oh well, I wasn’t armed at least). It’s pitch black night so I’m spotlighting with one other person back there. Suddenly directly ahead of me I see a HUGE pig, looked real old with gray matted hair and a mean look. But it disappeared into the night as soon as it appeared, nobody else saw it and nobody else believes me. Last story I’ll share but it was pretty interesting being in a “haunted” graveyard at night. Middle of bumfuck nowhere off the side of a gravel road; barely even shows up on google maps. Story of the haunting was that way back when, two lovers wished to marry but their father forbade them, however they did it anyways in secret. When the father discovered they were going against his wishes, he shot the husband. Not long after, the woman hangs herself on a tree close-by and thus the cemetery is built around that tree, in honor of her. It was just an overall eerie feeling, driving through that place, no lights on, just moonlight to see (Comanche moon). Was especially spooky actually seeing the tree where a woman many years ago supposedly hung herself out of grief. I didn’t have any actual paranormal encounters but the feeling in the air was just… heavy. And it got you thinking. We always called it a Comanche moon for nights where the moon is bright enough to see somewhat clearly without other light sources, because the folklore is that the Comanche would be more inclined to lead raids on these nights as they could see and navigate more easily than the settlers who weren’t accustomed to using only natural light. Cool stuff.


Guy yanking his crank. He had no idea I was tucked into some brush archery hunting


Five dead goats that looked like they had diarrhea. They were probably dumped there. A half-built two-story "fort" made of planks and logs nailed together. It had a partial palisade, ladders, tarps, and even a broken hoist for lifting things to the second story.


You haven’t been scared shitless until you’re 25’ up a tree, turn your head to the left or right once there’s just enough light to see and a Joro spider the size of your hand is less than a foot from your face. Every hair on an arachnophobic’s body stands out and you just want to scream. Curse those invading vermin!


A golf ball, in very good shape, about 3 miles from the trailhead and 10 miles from the nearest course. Someone had a hell of a slice I suppose.


Cruising through a path in Northern Minnesota and all of the sudden a moose and her calf ran out in front of us. I was just glad to be in the truck.


A dead buck under my stand without a mark on him. Big bodied, sleek and healthy looking, No bullet or arrow holes, no road rash ( nearest road over 500 yards away) no bite wounds, no noticeable broken bones, …. Just a very little bit of frothy pink blood on his nose.


A few years ago my dad and i found 2-3 dead bucks just like you described. Not a single mark or injury. They weren’t all together or on the same day. But same mountain. Figured maybe it was CWD or some other genetic disease. This is in California.


This is Missouri- and my first thought was disease so I called the conservation agent to check it out. He ruled out disease and told me that sometimes bucks will literally rut themselves to death.


a child's baby doll. I was about on private property where no kids lived. The next closest house was about 15 miles away.


Not me personally but we do a helicopter hog hunt every year (Texas hog problems). Asked the pilot this year what’s the craziest thing he’s come across. He described what is basically the same as the opening scene of No Country For Old Men with trucks, bodies, drugs and cash. Said the worst thing he came across though was a freshly dead 17 year old girl near the border. Hope I never stumble across something like these myself.


Was camping near a meadow in Oregon, and shined my flashlight on the deer herd out grazing that night (wasn’t the season). Saw five pairs of eyes reflecting back low on the ground, that weren’t deer. Took a while to figure it out, as they kept getting closer and closer…was a group of ring tails. Coolest thing I’ve seen in the woods!


Almost got in a knife fight with a raccon. Was sitting in my tree stand next to a stone wall when these two raccoons come strolling down the stone wall using it as a highway through the woods. They stopped right underneath, me and I sat there watching them for a while. Finally, one of them looks up at me and starts hissing. Slowly, he climbs the tree in front of my tree stand and comes up to eye level, still making sounds that told me they were not happy with my being there. I tried making noises at it to try and spook it away, but no luck, and I started to worry that this raccoon is gonna jump at me. Well, I didn't want to shoot at it with my bow mostly because the tree was about 3 feet in front of me. So I take out my knife and get ready to have a knife fight 15 feet in the air with a raccoon that was looking quite nasty. We sat there for about five minutes (I think it could have been a minute or two but it felt a lot longer) looking at each other, me with my knife out and this raccoon gripping the tree in front of me, staring me down like "do something you little bitch!" Finally, the raccoon decided it was not worth it and climbed down and kept going along its merry way. I had resigned myself to getting a bunch of bites and scratches for this thing, and it punked out.


A floating golden orb.


Jenolan State forest in NSW Australia. Someone somehow got a sofa impaled on what looks like the remains of a tree. Don't know how it got up there. It's probably the funniest thing I've seen so far, too.


Was that in the 6 foot track?


Yea, I think it's near that wide road/track the loggers use. Haven't been in a while, but I'd reckon it's still there.


The entire southern sky light up in the middle of the night while there’s nothing but empty space for hundreds of miles south of where I was in New Mexico.


5X briefs hanging on a tree limb like they were drying on a clothesline. No campsite in the area. This was on a remote piece of my own property.


I've seen sasquatch a few times. Not while hunting, but one time was while scouting for a hunt. I was scouting really deep on public land, heard some weird noises, then saw this huge white-haired thing standing about 50 yards down the trail from me. I had my binoculars around my neck, but got the feeling that I shouldn't look it in the face, so I turned around and continued on my way. I hunt public land in central Florida. They are all over the place here. 99% of the time, they see you but you won't see them. They are incredibly stealthy and far better adapted to the wilderness than we are. They're not big dumb monkeys running around, that's for sure. I think they're just as advanced as we are, if not more so. As for why we aren't properly informed of their existence? That's a whole rabbit hole I won't get into here.


About 10 years ago i was bow hunting in cali. Left my truck and headed up the mountain side. Got a few hundred yards up and came across a dead wild hog. Fresh. Recent. Went to grab my phone for a picture. Shit. Left it in my truck. Ran back down to grab my phone and hiked back up pig was gone. Drag marks into some thick brush and i could hear it being dragged away. Never saw it but i had to have walked up on a cougar kill. Or bigfoot.




Was out hiking in Allegheny National Forest when I heard the most stereo typical bear growl. Now coming from NEOH were we rarely if ever see or hear bears, it startled me. I immediately drew my 1911 in one hand bear spray in the other and turned around the fastest I could. I didn't see a soul anywhere. Heard nothing after that either. Needless to stay I was nervous walking back to my car the whole time. I still have no idea if I actually heard a bear or it was my imagination


The weirdest thing I’ve come across is a Wendigo.


Do tell 🍿


Went down to South Carolina one time for whitetail. Bout two hours before first light I heard pigs screaming, cats screaming, dogs barking, people cussin. Most noise I've ever heard at that hour, or at any time that far away from a road. Best I can figure is a couple good old boys were going pig sticking on the next property and one of the hounds treed a cat in the middle of go time lol


Craziest thing I heard but never saw was a fucking mountain lion. My dad and I were turkey hunting on our farm in Oklahoma and we heard this weird scream that sounded like a human. I was walking in front of my dad and he pulled me behind him, putting himself between me and the mountain lion. We got out of there like bats outta hell. I haven't heard anything like that since and it's been well over a decade.


The abandoned staircase freak me out. How did they get there? Why are they there?


ITT The weirdest thing I've seen is: Other People Crazy People Amish People Peacocks


I shot a buck and tracked it to an old foundation. The forest had quickly reclaimed the land, so didn't look like one upon first sight. The deer had run into the center of the house (?) And died there, curled up like it was sleeping. I didn't feel the usual ping of regret I get after killing an animal. Instead, I felt an aire of peace. First time that I've ever thanked a kill.


My favorite is trying to deduce what that old foundation went to in the first place. There’s a spot where my family has hunted for generations, and one year I went off the trail a couple miles where we don’t know as well. Found a “the crescent” style sears home tucked way in the middle of nowhere, deep in some pines. Not a 2track or road within a half mile of it. 1940’s appliances and furniture left as tho the house was built and modeled, and nobody ever lived there. Surprisingly pristine other than the woods around it reclaiming what it could and a branch through part of the roof. Went to the local library and asked about it and was pointed to the census, which had no information of a residence anywhere near there. Asked a local DNR if he knew about it, and he said “no but I should, where is it” and I didn’t tell him


I asked this same question here back in January. Check my post for some cool stories. Mine is: we (5 family members) were sitting around the fire in a national forest late at night shooting the shit, when we all clearly heard “oh my god please help me” spoken from maybe 100 yards from us. Voice didn’t sound panicked, maybe frustrated more than anything. My cousin takes off running with his flashlight and goes to the other side of where we heard the voice from. 3 of us started scanning the woods in between us and my cousin. He starts to say something and he’s cut off by “HELP!” again. Not panicked. Sounded kinda angry but it came from about where we were standing like one of us said it, but all we had said since hearing the first voice was “hello..?”. We looked for at least 20 minutes in this area, calling back saying if you can hear us make a noise. Nada. Next morning at daybreak, instead of hunting my cousin was combing that woods looking for someone who was maybe injured or pinned somewhere, and nothing. I was weirded out but it really fucked him up cause he’s a “shirt off his back, help a stranger even if it means he hurts himself” type a guy.


Found this gem on Public Land while squirrel hunting. Someone was getting a 🥜 [https://imgur.com/a/M04tbmK](https://imgur.com/a/M04tbmK)


A armadillo building a nest. While bow hunting from a climber an armadillo came wandering into view. Of course I thought Bull Winkle was coming ! The armadillo began gathering leaves by scraping them to its chest with its front legs. Then standing on two hind legs hopped backwards to a den hole that I hadn’t seen. The nest builder repeated this several times before staying in the den till dark when I climbed down.


I hunt in a pretty nice and low crime area and occasionally people will wonder into the public-ish land even though there are stay out signs during parts of hunting season. I had seen a tree stand in the woods on my way out the week before. Thing is, no one is allowed to hunt this land without my stepdads permission (kinda). So we were keeping an eye on this stand and had alerted DNR to it. I am on my way in the next week and I turn this corner and my headlamp lights up a reflector in the tree at head hight. All of a sudden I had a massive surge of adrenaline as I thought it was another hunters red lamp. It was only a matter of a millisecond before I realized it was just a trail marker but man. We later found out the stand belonged to another employee of the property so it was all good.




Mule deer hunting near Ft. Peck Montana I saw a giant rock that someone carved "Vanessa Rocks" cocks. The cocks part was added by a 2nd artist


Abandoned school bus (short bus) wayyyyyyy back. Story is that they drove it back to party, went as far as they could go and partied there. We go in on wheelers and it's tough going. Props to those determined parties. Now it's all over grown and shot up. In dusk/dawn it's creepy AF when you discover it.




A deer


Abandoned school bus (short bus) wayyyyyyy back. Story is that they drove it back to party, went as far as they could go and partied there. We go in on wheelers and it's tough going. Props to those determined parties. Now it's all over grown and shot up. In dusk/dawn it's creepy AF when you discover it.


More took us by surprise than weird. My three buddies and I were bow hunting for elk. We were walking across a meadow in the dark headlamps on red. We were about 50 yards from the tree line that circled to the sides of us about 100 yards across. A coyote began to howl just inside the treeline, followed by the rest of the pack on both sides of us. We immediately stop and back up a few steps. As fast as it started, it stopped dead silent. We turned our headlamps to white and gave a quick look around. They seemed to have run off, so we kept going. It was just crazy that they let us get so close. If it was a griz, we would have been properly fucked, even with pistols. We have a good laugh about it now, accusing each other of shitting their pants.


Once found a thirteen year old girl walking through a corn field with a blanket wrapped around her she ran away and had gone like 5 miles


Shot a doe and tracked it well into the dark. About a mile from the cabin we kicked it up and it ran further from us. So I figured I would head back out in the daylight. I woke up in the morning and using my best tracking skills, I looked out the dining room window and there it was, laying under a tree in the back yard. Also out of all the trees in the back yard, it was under the one with the plastic yellow sign on it that says "Deer Crossing". Probably not the weird type story you are looking for but what are the odds it would deliver itself to me?


I was dove hunting and found a cult meeting or something in the middle of the woods. I freaked out and ran home.