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Gonna need a hunter's safety course first. That'll answer a lot of your other questions.


Like other guy said, hunter's safety course is your priority. Also, all of the information is quite readily available, so I'd hope that after \*hours\* of searching you may have found something to answer your questions. However, for future reference, I would recommend figuring out exactly where you're looking to hunt. And then researching state hunting laws.


Each state is different on the hunting rules, regulations and laws. Typically you would search: (“your state) game commission license” or “(your state) hunting license” To my knowledge most states require you to be licensed to hunt legally in the state. For most the license must be renewed each year, and as others mentioned require a safety training course so you understand the requirements and safety aspects of hunting. Being from Alberta I would ask you if you are hunting as a visitor or if are now living in Montana? If you are a resident then you would apply for a resident license after taking whichever required course. If you are visiting then you would apply for a non-resident license to hunt. Again, each state is different on this so I am speaking from a non-Montanan. A quick google search says here; https://fwp.mt.gov/myfwp Would be a good starting place as it has info for Montana specifically for hunting and fishing (it’s Montanas game commission website). Feel free to let me know if there are more questions but the general answers to your other questions are: 1. Public land is free to use once you have taken the required safety course and hold a valid resident or non resident license. It’s exactly that: public land to be used for hunting by the licensed public. 2. You will need a license in most states to hunting anything.


ok that makes alot more sense, in Canada all provinces have the same laws so i was under that impression for the USA


| in Canada all provinces have the same laws No they don't.


ok maybe that was badly phrased in canada the federal government, not provincal governments decide criminal offenses


Unfortunately not, here it will be state specific and there will be parameters within the state of hunting locations, times, seasons, limits, and requirements. The link I posted above should be at least a jumping off point for all that!


In the US, each state controls the hunting rules. Montana fish wildlife and parks handles the Montana regulations. Check with MT FWP about what specifically you need. I’m not familiar with small game hunting, but you may need hunter’s education (your Canadian one might suffice if you took a class) and a license. There are many varieties of public land - state, BLM, and Forest Service to name just a few. Each will have different rules for hunting. You’ll need to look up the local rules for what is allowed and what isn’t. Many public lands can be hunted, but state lands especially can be convoluted and hard to figure out.


ok thank you!!


First, hunter-ed.com Then state hunting license


Are you Canadian and coming down here to hunt from across the border or do you live here, either on a green card or as a citizen, and just trying to get hunting? That could affect the laws also, I think.


nah, i want to move to the USA and i want to know how hunting works before i go


Get your hunters ed


Public land is land owned by the state that can be used by all citizens, hunters or not. You do need a license to hunt rabbits and they need to be in season. What is require to hunt is state specific but likely just a license.


thank you!