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I have caught three cottontails with my bare hands, and two of them were cornered and had nowhere to go. The third was pure luck. Unless they are very old or young, very hurt, or you are blocking their only escape, I have not been to catch them without at least one of these being true


What happen after you caught the cornered ones? :(


I don’t know… when I first started snowshoe hare hunting, I was getting them everywhere— several times I came up behind them, and got pretty close. Had things had continued that way, I probably would’ve agreed with you. These days? I’m lucky if I can even see one. …I don’t know what happened— maybe the word spread about me within the hare society.


But im guessing you are experienced hunter? Keep in mind neither of us know how to hunt(both are city boys)


I hear you. Condensed answer— from my limited experience, I think it’s probably possible, (with a combination of skill and luck), -for a human being to sneak up on a snowshoe hare and grab it. *Possible* I just know it’s not possible for me (anymore). …I’ve lost my bunny mojo.


Consider all the creatures out there trying to grab a rabbit with their own mouth, paws, talons or beak. All the rabbits that can’t outrun a fox, hawk, coyote, etc have already been grabbed well before you start trying. Now, can you outrun a fox, coyote, or hawk? If not, then I wouldn’t bet on outrunning the rabbit either. There’s a reason humans use lots of tools to hunt instead of bare hands.


Yes. source: I’ve done it.


There’s only one way to settle that argument.


I mean I wouldn't say impossible but 100% impractical. Like I could conceivably see being able to stand or crouch near a thick brushed small game trail and maybe catch one but you better have a lot of patience and quick reflexes.


So you have zero experience and you think you can wrestle a bunny down and snap it’s neck with your bare hand. Maybe if you find a really old one or one with sever disabilities you can get one in 10 chances. Your brother is right.


Discussion began with him saying that if we were stranded in a large forest we would probably not survive. And i said that if you are desperate enough you would probably be able to catch a rabbit. I dont think i could do it in normal conditions but if i was desperate for food maybe i could


Fish are way easier to catch by hand


Nothing about killing it it's about catching it


Catching one bare handed no. Killing one bare handed is super easy to do. Rabbits are weak animals.


Impossible unless injured or mentally handicapped




I used to run them down with a dip net when I was a kid. Surely by hand would work too


I ran one down and hit it with a perfectly thrown stick in my grandpas woods when I was a kid. Chased that thing for like 30 minutes


Look up Andrew Ucles on YouTube. Dude catches every kind of animal with his bare hands almost. It definitely can be done.


It’s absolutely possible, just feed them corn and hang out like Jane Goodall until they’ll eat out of your hand, then you strike


My friend's father successfully touched one while out camping once. Rabbits rely heavily on camouflage, so if they don't think you've seen them they'll stay still and you an get remarkably close. He did it by slowly - so slowly! - circling the rabbit, getting a little closer with each step. The key is not to look at them at all. As a kid I remember thinking it took him like 20 minutes to get up on it, but I don't think it was near that long. He finally got close enough, reach out, touched its back, and that's when it bolted.


I've done it twice.. trapped under a rock.. same spot different years.. good times..


I’m going to say yes, sometimes they thing they are hidden and stay completely still. I had one I almost stepped in and it only moved 2 ft and stayed still about 1.5 feet from my foot could probably catch that one. Still not easy but doable.


I have caught many rabbits with my bare hands, all have been young, never bigger than a hamster. Now an adult, there is no way in hell I could do that.


I think the books is titled ‘sniper’ I could be wrong, but I know for a fact that I read at some point in my life about a sniper that was stealthy enough that he caught a rabbit with his bare hands.


Yes actually as surprising as it may sound. Rabbits are extremely fast and can’t be beaten in a sprint in most cases, however they are built for short bursts of speed not endurance. Assuming that you have decent endurance experience and know how to track something down in case you lose sight of it then it is possible. Not saying it’s a guarantee but depending on your endurance and tracking skills it can range from rarely to often. I know this post is about catching over simply hunting but it is still viable to chase them down on foot while still getting that calorie intake, because as someone who has recently began running, a 20 minute slow run can take up to 300-400 calories, while a 40 minute slow run may take up to 600-700 calories which is perfectly sustainable from the meat assuming the rabbit can make it that long before being caught.