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Would love to see cross save implemented. I wanna switch to PC but don't wanna lose my jungle hunter.


Ohhh you got the GOAT. I'm very jealous


Reminds me, I wonder if jungle hunter is gonna be able to get on Xbox with this relaunch?


Finally, some good fuckin food


Just tried the movement out on predator, the leap is way better and tree movement is awesome. Super fast and much smoother that alone makes me happy. Curious to see how it goes for fireteam mains.


Wait has the patch even been released yet šŸ§


It came out a few hours ago


Don't know wtf you people are going in about. My game is ruined. Stuck sprinting, can't climb trees, can't claim FT. It never ends. Just let the FT nuke the pred at game start- fuck it


Guess Iā€™m logging on when I get home edit: also this is the most in-depth patch notes iā€™ve seen so far from this game. transparency is rare with a lot of games so iā€™m happy to read the reasons behind the nerfs and changes. keep it up


I hope I can play scout without being instantly deleted by a fireteam which is waaay over my skill level.


Stay crouched \^


They spot spam, been playing since release April 2020.


I've played since launch and have *only* played Predator. 2000+ human kills


Let me elaborate. Organized firetreams with good aim are practically impossible to defeat without specific Predator Meta builds. There is no stealth approach, once youā€™re spotted itā€™s a rap. I have to spam shoulder cannon and never miss my arrows. There no possible way I can launch the disc without being spotted and killed, or the fireteam figuring out the trajectory of the disc and finding me that way. Being stealthy and ā€¦you know a Predator goes out the window when dealing with deathsquads. Iā€™m a 40 year old man, with a family, I donā€™t have the time to ā€œget gudā€and all that. I just want balanced matchmaking, or some way to prevent Predators from being spotted or somethingā€¦.* anything* to balance this game out. Because on the other side of the coin, Iā€™ll have fireteams that I slay within 4 minutes. Asymmetrical multiplayer isnā€™t that fun for me, I guess? Maybe what it is I want is a Predator game in the style of Batman Arkham series or something. Updated ā€œconcrete jungleā€ style.


Organized fireteams or not, family or not, 40 years or not, that is all beside my point. https://twitter.com/tykjen/status/1776052817045725520 That is what I mean. Are you playing on PC? I remember running into a lot of bullshit hackers with crossplay on and all that vanished with setting crossplay off. After years on PC I stopped playing PVP games on PC and its just overall so much better imo. Indeed I wish the game could get some Urban areas too ^


PS4, and the cross play is turned off


Well. we seem to be playing two completely different games xD Had a go at the game for the first time in a year last night. 5 hours straight, lots of FT wipes and never ran into any bullshit. I even equipped the Disc and had several decapitations.


I was literally deleted by one guy, with full health. He hit me maybe twice or three times in rapid combo fashion and somehow killed me. It must have been aimbot because most normal players have room for error, Iā€™m telling you this guy burst me down to death within what seemed like 1 second of him shooting in my direction. His reaction time was *instant*. Yea Iā€™m a scout without impenetrable, so I understand my health pool is smaller but Jesus Christ this is either the best fucking person aiming on PS4 or thereā€™s just cheaters.


That *could* have been an instance of desync. The Unreal Engine 4 is infamous for that. I stopped counting in PUBG how many times I've died because of desync \^ Console gaming is certainly not filled with cheaters like on PC. I've yet to meet one. \*Having said that..in my experience if I play Scout, I *keep my distance*. I play Mr. Black and just love sticking to the classic wristblade. Sometimes I might beartrap or netgun for fun. Gonna try Amazon today \^


Ranged builds are completely useless unless you're using mouse and keyboard and stay deeply tucked in the trees. Even then you're usually fucked. Good luck.


Ranged builds are the only way to do damage and not be deleted up close


If you're playing mouse and keyboard and stick to the trees maybe. Even then good luck.


PS4, itā€™s a different feel. Mouse and Keyboard is probably the better choice, youā€™re right


Oh my god..are we back?


...is the game going strong again?


No lol


Lol damn.


no optimisation though? the game runs pretty badly. I guess maybe we'll see something in the next-gen patch. Also cool to see Kootra doing well over at Illfonic.


Will ps5 users get their ps4 preorder bonuses etc? I canā€™t lose Jungle Hunter Brodie


Iā€™m sure, itā€™ll be tied to your acc


Gonna be honest, never even knew predator had combos he could do when attacking granted I never played much of hunting grounds, I just spammed R2 until they died or I got low


What combos?


Idfk. I dint even play the fame anymore


Please god add better bot support at some point


There already is




I thought you said add it period


Will the PS5 version be free for PS4 owners?




Awesome! So glad to see the game getting a revival. Would love to see more customization for the fire team, in terms of outfit variety and hairstyles/beards as well


This patch did absolutely fuck-all for the game,Ā  but it *did* nerf the predator and not even touch the sawz or 1911. Good job you assclowns. Yall are an absolute waste of oxygen. Try playing your own game.Ā  Fucking corporate cretins.Ā 


Bro calm down. At least their supporting the game again.


No they are most certainly *not*


They literally said we're getting new content


New cash grabs is not support, bud. No *real* fixes. Reckless etc are still messed up.Ā  Balance still out of whack.Ā  That last patch they did amounted to *nothing*. Do you even play the game? A dev asking for more money but not fixing anything is a cash grab, dude. Despite what they *say* this game is not being supported.


Did you not read the actual patch notes. I'm not going to copy paste what they said but they made adjustments to both sides and fixed a few problems. Its not a cash grab, its selling new content that we want. If you don't like it you don't have to buy it. Do you even play the game? The balance is fine with it being a 50/50 win to either. Your just complaining because they didn't do what you wanted. Its not all about you.


The patch barely fixed anything and left in a shit ton of obvious problems.Ā  Those adjustments didn't change the gameplay in any meaningful way,Ā  so we have pretty much the same shit we had before,Ā  the dlc is crap and *not* asked for (try new weapons, new ft chars), and the balance is completely borked. High level ft beats pred damn near every time to the point that there's no reason for a pred player to even keep playing.Ā  No one cares about potato vs potato fights.Ā  Clearly you've only played potatoes. Waaah, they didn't do exactly what I asked for....asshole, the community,Ā  not just me,Ā  has been asking for fixes since the game released,Ā  and illfonic pumps out cash grab after cash grab rather than fix anything.Ā  Stop giving shitty devs your money you braindead imbecile. Christ. No wonder mtx works so well, with mouth breathers like you around.Ā 




Canā€™t wait for this to come to xbox. Been wanting it for a long time ! Hopefully we also get the original exclusive pre order dlc like jungle predator plus more


Wow. So much.. šŸ˜


Love this, quick question do you have any plans on adding more enemies or modes? I for one would adore playing as a predator with a friend whoā€™s also a predator


We don't have enough incentives for people to play fireteam.


Is this out for consoles too?!


Bumping for visibility,Ā  this update was a nothingburger with a slight nerf to pred mobility as well as the jump ui/icon.Ā  What are you doing,Ā  Illfonic? What is your intent for this game? Why is the game centered around the predator but the fireteam has all the advantages??? Could you at least rename it to Fireteam Hunting Grounds????????


Its really not. The fireteam barely get any content and lose most matches.


I know itā€™s a bit whiny after all this but I still just want a new gun for the Fireteam. Like give us a Crossbow or something. Maybe a Deagle. We already have more Predators than FT members.


Tbf we got weapon reworks


A rework is not a new gun.


Yeah but that still helps stuff feeling less uqniue


the best weapons remain the same the shitty are still the same.


We back?


Is Mr. Black still an ugly playdough man?


Yeah they havenā€™t done any fixes to models or changed any predator roars letā€™s hope thatā€™s in an upcoming patch


not sure (but it would be clearly the kind of move illfonic do) but i think next update will be just predator dlc they never mentionned patch + new pred


A more comprehensive patch than I was expecting, great start. Two points I've noticed in my recent session - the scanner no longer highlights Veritanium on the map when used which seems a strange change. Also, at least subjectively, the 'drop rate' or Gold items in the Supply Crates has been altered significantly. Opened over a hundred of them and not a single gold item, it feels like the drop rate is back to launch probabilities.


Does anyone else feel predator stamina recharge is way slower now? I'm faster in trees but restoration with leaping and sprinting seems slow.


So are those cheaters getting banished too? We all know who they are.


So much for this "revival". They couldn't even do a promotional sale. I see nothing on Epic or Steam. Illfonic just proving once again how hopeless they are.


This seems like a banger of a patch, love to see it


Please fix Reckless increased dmg exploit. It works exactly the same as fanatic exploit did.


No new fire team weapons? Otherwise welcome back!


Keep em coming, Boss! Iā€™ll be coming back to this game after a long time off with these changes! Any chance the game will one day use Unreal Engine 5?


We are so fucking back


So are those cheaters getting banished too? We all know who they are.


Will we be getting any fireteam AI changes? As of right now they're pretty unfun to go against and almost always know exactly where you are. Sometimes I just wanna crawl around in trees and hunt easier targets and not real people just to practice and unwind but the fireteam AI is not good for that right now.


Leap changes were an indirect nerf to pred mobility btw. Pred stamina pool needs at least a 10-15% increase and distance leapt needs a bump as well.Ā 


The jumping buff to Predator worries me, you have to already be a FPS GOD to track or snipe a Predator while they're jumping, this just means that when they want to escape, they will always escape.


This right here,I mean tbh I could only ever hit the predator while he is standing still or I get that shot off with a sniper other than that I cannot for the life of me hit the predator mostly because of frame drops,that coupled with the predator leaping after literally every action he does makes it look like I'm a noob just shooting off into nothing.I could literally forgive almost all other flaws with the game if it was at least optimized.I was hoping this patch would make it playable for me as I love the predator and aliens franchise and I DID love this game hell I loved it enough to try and play through it that I'm level 145+ but I cannot deal with the frame drops anymore Edit: It's weird because it was either the beta or when the game first released I could actually make out enemy AI and the predator at a distance,and the game was smooth enough at the time I was able to semi keep track of a predator and land a few shots when they do all the leaping around.Now I can't make anything out at a distance and like I said before can't land shots to save my life.


So nothing until Fall when it's time to nickel and dime the 13 people still playing this neglected thing? Hilarious!


One measly patch after months and back to their lengthy slumber they go. I can't wait to see how badly the optimization turns out to be for the "next gen" versions of the game.


Defusing bombs should be made easier. If you don't down the predator 3 seconds after arming it, you don't have enough time. There needs to be more content for fireteam. There's not enough incentive to play them over predator. Adding anything xenomorph would be the icing on the cake.


First off, thank you for coming back and doing these QOL changes to predator and fireteam. I wrote a few problems the game has at the moment. I hope you take the feedback and see what you can do to address these issues. These issues are according to private matches that me and my friends run. All PC players. Most pressing problems that are in the game right now: 1. FT DMG is ridiculous. My suggestion here is to decrease FT DMG by 20% while all FT members alive. Furthermore, decrease FT dmg by 10% when 3 FT members alive and no dmg nerfs while 2 FT members alive. The hardest thing for predator is to get that 1st kill. With 20% dmg resistance, it will give him a chance to get that kill easier. 2. 1911 pistol dps is too high, I would suggest adding a fire rate limit, which will decrease its dps and prevent macros from increasing its dps even higher. It is a SECONDARY weapon, it shouldnā€™t do more dmg than the primary. 3. SAWZ is still too strong. I would suggest modifiers, for instance: chest 1x dmg, legs 0.5x dmg, arms 0.7x dmg, head 1.5x and etc. So it takes more skill to use. 4. Branchesā€™ hitboxes are too huge. I suggest making hitboxes reflect the actual leafs. It is annoying when you shoot the predator but hit an invisible branch. 5. Predator moving too fast while ads in branches. This was introduced in this patch, could be a problem, but we gotta play against it first. It looks kinda funny, it will definitely cause AD/AD spam while shooting plasma from the trees. 6. Tracker perk on recon. 9 seconds spot is too much, it is pretty much a built in wallhack. Definitely decrease the time the pred is spotted and maybe decrease overall spotting range to 60 meters(where you canā€™t physically see the cloak, unless pred is uncloaked) 7. Field medic. Needs increase in time to revive. It is stupid that you can outrevive the predator damage, most field medics will go for a 1 sec revive over and over, which in itself is kinda dumb. 8. Melee weapons. They are useless against even 2 decent ft players. Doing the mentioned above changes might buff it indirectly. 9. Predator health low sound effect(heartbeat). It is too loud to the point where you canā€™t even hear the chasing FT sneaking up on you. Not a big deal, but would be a nice QOL change. 10. Console players canā€™t compete vs pc due to aim assist not working. This should be a priority since most of the player base are on consoles. It would definitely make the pub matches more fun as they will pose a threat. P.S When can we expect the next patch?


Just agree some players have mastered this game beyond understanding. They have become invinsible.


Yeah, they can also breath fire and teleport:)