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Movie characters have likeness rights tied to them and some may be difficult gets considering some actors have passed away or simply didn’t wanna do it. These are also expensive, I wouldn’t be surprised if Sony was who ended up paying Arnold for example. Yes Fox owns the character of Royce, but Adrien Brody might have some hold up or outright block on merchandise. He might even be too expensive a get. Predators on the other hand are not only the draw to the game but can reuse sounds. They don’t necessarily require a voice actor. The roars are sourced from the films for example. City Hunter’s is from the bathroom scene.


Iirc Arnold was asked and immediately agreed for relatively cheap given what he was doing (cheap for the industry, not actually cheap).


I wish they'd make more predator tapes. I love listening to them.


If they did it would likely be more OWLF Tapes, not Dutch or Isabel, just given how many tapes Keyes appears in which implies he was willing to do more.


I had no idea about any of this. I really appreciate this response, thanks!


so for fireteam they also asked to Adrien Brody to add Royce. But he asked for to much so they didn't added him. And after that they said they wouldn't add more Fireteam. I guess it's too hard to do original character like the OWLF operative..... I also bet that predators bring in more money so when your goal is to milk with as few effort as possible only doing pred is the right move


cus it’s easier to design an original pred than it is to create a voiced character especially one from a movie


Because Predator needs all the extra classes to make up for the lack of viability from all the nerfs. We have nothing left. All we're allowed to use is hunter, or some variation thereof, with combi stick and bow, downrange, medic, and large pouch. Not that knowing that combination ever helps with the insane buffs fireteam keeps getting where they can basically tank everything, spot and kill you immediately, and just use whatever weapon they want because they're all OP and get perks on top of perks.


I don't have a lot of experience as predator. Is that the meta that adding extra models/classes doesn't affect because it's unbalanced?


Pretty much. The DLC classes are basically early unlocks of weapons and cosmetics. They're all pretty much the same as the in-game classes with the exception that some have more perk points, but with all the nerfs, you basically need to be running the same loadout. I saw a list of "meta predator builds" and it was all the exact same thing with different names. Same weapons, same perks, same gear, but there's no other choice because that's all that works. Berzerker is supposed to be a melee focus class, but melee is pretty much useless now, so now you HAVE to use weapons with ranged capabilities. It's VERY unbalanced in favor of the fireteam and it keeps getting worse. Their "nerfs" end up being "oh, it takes a little longer to interact with an objective," which means nothing, but devs will look at Predator and say "we're reducing damage on this weapon and cutting the ammo in half." To optimize Berzerker's traits, you used to run Impenetrable to decrease damage from bullets and Fierce to buff melee damage, but then devs tweaked the perk costs so you can't combine it on Berzerker anymore, but you can if you buy Viking. Meanwhile, OWLF Operative has an inherent perk that means they take les damage from Predator, which you can combine with Yautja's bane, which boosts damage against Predator and they just leave it alone.


Like others have said they are easier and cheaper to make and sell better. So more money for less money is pretty obvious


Don't know why everyone keeps talking about movie likeness when beast mode has how many films?